Showing 1-1000 of 7084 (Edit, Save, CSV, Feed) | Show Next 1000 Entries » |
ID# | Date | Updated | Type | Status | Sev | Version | OS | CPU | Summary |
116718 | 2024-11-20 4:01 | 2024-11-20 4:04 | Connector / NET | Closed (88 days) | S1 | Any | Any | NullReferenceException in MySQLMigrationsSqlGenerator with RenameColumnOperation | |
109732 | 2023-01-22 18:48 | 2023-04-14 18:18 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (723 days) | S1 | MacOS (Ventura 13.1) | x86 (6-Core Intel Core i5, 3.3 GHz) | Workbench crashes with SIGILL on MacOS Ventura 13.1 on doing simple SELECT | |
109782 | 2023-01-26 1:35 | 2023-01-28 13:06 | MySQL Server | Unsupported (750 days) | S2 | Any | Any | mysql@5.7 cannot start on m2 Mac | |
110428 | 2023-03-20 3:02 | 2023-03-20 12:45 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (699 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Workbench closed while runing select query | |
110640 | 2023-04-09 3:26 | 2023-04-14 11:59 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (674 days) | S3 | Windows | x86 | 无法使用 mysqlMySQL 5.7 命令行客户端 | |
111697 | 2023-07-08 10:24 | 2023-11-06 13:30 | Connector / J | Unsupported (587 days) | S2 | Any | Any | MySQL Java Driver is not able to connect to MariaDB after upgrading to 11.x.x | |
112175 | 2023-08-24 13:32 | 2023-08-24 13:40 | MySQL Server: General | Analyzing (542 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Contribution: [performance optimization] | |
112775 | 2023-10-19 14:17 | 2024-01-26 8:42 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (433 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Contribution: Rondb 475 contribute | |
113855 | 2024-02-01 17:17 | 2024-02-02 12:24 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (380 days) | S3 | Any | Any | ERD Diagram buttons | |
114254 | 2024-03-07 6:42 | 2024-05-13 13:40 | MySQL Operator | Can't repeat (279 days) | S2 | Linux | x86 | /fail-counter: Read-only file system | |
114833 | 2024-05-01 9:38 | 2024-07-10 13:27 | Connector / J | Duplicate (221 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Issue with JSON via JDBC | |
90723 | 2018-05-02 21:48 | 2018-05-02 22:17 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2482 days) | S3 | Any | Any (6.3) | I was refreshing the MySQL DB created for me as part of my School Class | |
90936 | 2018-05-18 19:26 | 2018-05-18 20:23 | MySQL Server: Windows | Unsupported (2466 days) | S2 | Windows (Running windows 10 on mac) | Any | Getting error when trying to start mysql from XAMPP control panel | |
91177 | 2018-06-07 13:44 | 2018-10-21 20:45 | MySQL Server | No Feedback (2416 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | System.Data.Entity.Core.ProviderIncompatibleException | |
91299 | 2018-06-18 12:09 | 2018-06-18 16:56 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (2435 days) | S3 | Windows | x86 | createStatement() method gaves me a NullPointerException | |
91891 | 2018-08-03 14:02 | 2023-04-13 11:33 | MySQL Workbench | Verified (2289 days) | S2 | Windows (10 Pro) | Any | Workbench 8.0.12 no longer allows LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE | |
92561 | 2018-09-25 13:22 | 2020-05-08 1:00 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (1746 days) | S2 | Windows (7) | x86 | Entity framework: Generation of Index does not work when Windows is in Swedish | |
92880 | 2018-10-22 14:15 | 2018-11-07 9:23 | MySQL Server: mysqlpump Command-line Client | Not a Bug (2293 days) | S3 | Linux | Any | the character problem for mysqldump when deal the `mysql`.`event`'s name column | |
94945 | 2019-04-08 19:59 | 2019-04-08 20:34 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2141 days) | S2 | Windows (10) | Any | Workbench does not open | |
95048 | 2019-04-18 6:05 | 2019-05-14 21:02 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2105 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem | |
95053 | 2019-04-18 12:20 | 2019-04-18 14:02 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Not a Bug (2131 days) | S3 | Any | Any | why not use the 62nd of shard in fil_system? | |
95322 | 2019-05-09 20:25 | 2019-06-11 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (2078 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | MySQL Workbench clears system PATH variable | |
95559 | 2019-05-29 11:41 | 2019-11-14 17:14 | MySQL Server: Data Dictionary | Closed (1921 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Possible to change lower_case_table_names from 5.7 to 8.0 | |
95679 | 2019-06-07 6:50 | 2019-06-07 14:35 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2081 days) | S3 | MacOS | Any | Error in Starting MySQL on Mac | |
96213 | 2019-07-16 6:01 | 2019-11-26 5:14 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | No Feedback (1991 days) | S3 | Any | Any | group replication auto_increment_offset is not accurate | |
75667 | 2015-01-28 12:31 | 2015-04-06 23:29 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (3664 days) | S3 | Any | Any | On import tablespace, there is missing dictionary unlock call on OOM | |
75712 | 2015-02-01 9:42 | 2015-02-01 19:13 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (3668 days) | S1 | Linux (Fedora 21) | Any | Does not available for Fedora 21, F20 version does not run correctly | |
75817 | 2015-02-07 5:55 | 2019-07-09 17:17 | MySQL Server: Tests | Won't fix (2049 days) | S3 | Any | Any | ssl-big test is too slow for debug build with yassl | |
76606 | 2015-04-07 8:22 | 2015-04-07 10:09 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (3603 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Bug in foreign key system | |
76953 | 2015-05-06 12:31 | 2018-06-06 15:02 | Tests: Server | Verified (2447 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Many IPv6-specific tests fail due to missing IPv6 support | |
77638 | 2015-07-07 12:32 | 2017-04-19 18:48 | Connector / NET Documentation | Closed (2860 days) | S3 | Windows (Visual Studio 2013) | Any | Missing instructions on how to setup a project to use MySQL | |
78919 | 2015-10-22 8:55 | 2015-10-22 12:05 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (3405 days) | S3 | Windows (Windows 2012 R2) | Any | connectivity problem of mysql in windows service on sytem start in windows 2012 | |
79702 | 2015-12-18 12:13 | 2016-01-31 1:00 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | No Feedback (3305 days) | S2 | Ubuntu (14.04) | Any | Node 1: Forced node shutdown completed. Caused by error 6050: 'WatchDog terminat | |
79855 | 2016-01-05 17:57 | 2018-10-21 20:45 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (3164 days) | S2 | Windows (64-bit) | Any | Intermittent Object reference not set to an instance of an object on MySql.Data | |
85150 | 2017-02-23 13:06 | 2017-02-23 14:51 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Not a Bug (2915 days) | S5 | Any | Any | MYSQL Performance Issue in CLOUD | |
85448 | 2017-03-14 14:00 | 2017-11-19 1:00 | MySQL Server: General | No Feedback (2647 days) | S2 | Windows (Server 2008) | Any | MYSQLD.exe keeps crashing | |
85809 | 2017-04-05 12:43 | 2017-04-10 13:59 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (2871 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Set default symbol visibility to hidden | |
87169 | 2017-07-23 9:32 | 2017-07-26 12:39 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2762 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Request to enhance documentation deleted by webmaster | |
87358 | 2017-08-09 13:28 | 2017-10-05 16:47 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (2691 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Ambiguous include paths | |
87638 | 2017-09-01 9:38 | 2017-09-03 15:27 | Connector / NET Documentation | Closed (2723 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | missing ; in .net file-based certificate example ... | |
87993 | 2017-10-05 14:06 | 2017-10-28 22:39 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (2668 days) | S1 | Windows (10) | Any | Command '[u'net', 'start', 'N49']' returned non-zero exit status 2 | |
88010 | 2017-10-06 13:56 | 2017-10-30 1:04 | MySQL Cluster: plugin | Verified (2668 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | Unable to add new node under existing cluster from different machine | |
88227 | 2017-10-25 17:22 | 2018-02-17 2:50 | Connector / J | Closed (2556 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Connector/J 5.1.44 cannot be used against MySQL 5.7.20 without warnings | |
88598 | 2017-11-22 5:18 | 2017-12-05 9:48 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (2630 days) | S3 | Any | Any | "The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Try it again." but no CAPTCHA | |
89292 | 2018-01-17 18:50 | 2018-01-17 21:01 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (2587 days) | S1 | MacOS | Any | mysql panel refuses to load on new Mac OS high Sierra 10.13.2 | |
89616 | 2018-02-11 1:53 | 2018-02-14 18:03 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2559 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Incorrect permitted value dynamically-loaded for var thread_handling | |
89855 | 2018-02-28 17:06 | 2022-08-10 20:30 | Connector / NET | Closed (921 days) | S2 | Windows (Windows 10) | x86 | MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore 6.10.6 throws exceptions with EF Core 2.1 | |
89856 | 2018-02-28 17:26 | 2022-08-10 18:42 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (921 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Do not add docs directory in MySQL Connector/NET NuGet package | |
105274 | 2021-10-20 7:22 | 2021-11-05 19:32 | MySQL Package Repos | Closed (1199 days) | S3 | Ubuntu | x86 | No apt repo for Ubuntu 21.10 (code name impish) | |
105955 | 2021-12-22 6:28 | 2024-08-14 9:20 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (1152 days) | S2 | Any | Any | MySQL Year 2038 Y2K38 | |
106464 | 2022-02-15 14:31 | 2022-02-17 15:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Not a Bug (1095 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Docs indicate creating config files in /usr/sbin/ | |
106647 | 2022-03-06 6:00 | 2022-03-08 20:55 | MySQL Server: DML | Not a Bug (1076 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Confusing behaviors of type conversion | |
106915 | 2022-04-05 14:39 | 2022-05-06 1:00 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | No Feedback (1018 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Not sure what this means? | |
106991 | 2022-04-12 16:37 | 2022-09-20 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (881 days) | S1 | CentOS (version 7 ) | x86 (4.18.8-305.12.1.el8 4.x86_64) | mysql-workbench fails to start | |
107206 | 2022-05-04 7:02 | 2024-01-16 8:44 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (460 days) | S1 | Ubuntu (23.10) | Any | MySQL Workbench removed from Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) repositories | |
108002 | 2022-07-27 10:06 | 2024-01-23 11:17 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (935 days) | S2 | Ubuntu (20.04) | x86 | MySQL fails to start with an assertion | |
108377 | 2022-09-05 4:07 | 2022-09-05 11:59 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (895 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | My SQL Rows | |
108411 | 2022-09-07 12:26 | 2022-09-08 13:15 | Shell AdminAPI InnoDB Cluster / ReplicaSet | Can't repeat (892 days) | S3 | Any | Any | cluster instance status reports clone information during distributed recovery | |
108602 | 2022-09-24 0:28 | 2022-09-26 10:29 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (874 days) | S3 | Any | Any | SQL workbench problem | |
108735 | 2022-10-11 10:18 | 2022-11-12 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (828 days) | S3 | Any | Any | MYSQL Workbench has encountered a problem | |
108960 | 2022-11-01 20:22 | 2022-11-02 14:10 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (837 days) | S3 | Ubuntu | Any | Copying mysql databases from /var/lib/mysql_old won't let mysql-server to start | |
109141 | 2022-11-18 18:41 | 2024-10-11 7:57 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (671 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Insert of data into a table results in System.ArgumentException | |
109413 | 2022-12-16 13:51 | 2022-12-16 14:23 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (793 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Allow ignoring replication key errors for MEMORY engine tables only | |
109636 | 2023-01-15 12:28 | 2024-03-12 15:26 | MySQL Server: Windows | Can't repeat (756 days) | S1 | Windows (10) | Any | MySQL Installer seeks and is denied access to D:\System Volume Information | |
80993 | 2016-04-07 8:58 | 2016-06-14 8:14 | MySQL Package Repos | Closed (3169 days) | S3 | Debian (stretch/testing) | Any | Weak digest algorithm reported by apt update | |
81833 | 2016-06-13 13:13 | 2016-06-23 14:59 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (3160 days) | S3 | Linux | Any | Wrong info about MeCab parser plugin | |
81952 | 2016-06-21 11:45 | 2016-06-21 21:14 | MySQL Cluster: NDB API | Not a Bug (3162 days) | S1 | Ubuntu (Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS) | Any | cluster hangs in start phase 2 | |
82163 | 2016-07-08 9:39 | 2016-11-26 18:55 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (3118 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Enable the GNU gold linker | |
82730 | 2016-08-25 17:44 | 2017-10-29 23:41 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2667 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Documentation clarification on time zone support | |
83210 | 2016-09-29 15:12 | 2022-08-10 17:25 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (921 days) | S3 | Any | Any | ColumnAttribute on Poco classes is ignored in EntityFrameworkCore | |
96872 | 2019-09-13 23:43 | 2019-11-18 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (1918 days) | S1 | MacOS (10.14.6) | x86 | MySQLWorkbench app fails in OSX Mojave Python conflict | |
97839 | 2019-12-02 2:30 | 2019-12-04 13:11 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Not a Bug (1901 days) | S3 | Any | Any | CREATE TABLE fails with key_block_size=2 and O_DIRECT | |
97934 | 2019-12-09 22:55 | 2021-06-02 17:15 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Closed (1355 days) | S5 | Windows | Any | UI delay in mysql.visualstudio.dll MySqlQuickInfoController.OnTextViewMouseHover | |
98298 | 2020-01-20 12:44 | 2020-01-20 13:49 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Can't repeat (1854 days) | S1 | Windows (10) | Any | Input string was not correct format | |
98774 | 2020-02-28 10:14 | 2020-08-16 1:00 | Connector / ODBC | No Feedback (1646 days) | S3 | Windows (Windows 8.1) | Other (X64) | Installation of ODBC Connector failed | |
100147 | 2020-07-07 20:51 | 2020-07-07 21:24 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Not a Bug (1685 days) | S3 | Any | Any | MySQL 5.7.30 to 8.0.19 in-place upgrade fails for set innodb_data_file_path | |
100188 | 2020-07-12 2:22 | 2020-07-12 16:20 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (1680 days) | S2 | Any (ubuntu server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)) | x86 | Cannot install mysql on ubuntu server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) | |
100768 | 2020-09-08 11:40 | 2020-09-08 18:57 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (1622 days) | S2 | CentOS (version 8) | Any | MySQL Server 8 is crashed and rebooted automatically with a long semaphore wait | |
102236 | 2021-01-12 17:35 | 2021-06-03 12:02 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (1354 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | Unable to generate model Entity Framework 6 with MySQL | |
102262 | 2021-01-16 14:20 | 2021-01-20 12:51 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (1489 days) | S1 | MacOS (Catalina) | x86 (2,3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7) | mySQL fails to start | |
102364 | 2021-01-25 10:02 | 2023-04-07 12:24 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (1403 days) | S3 | MacOS (Big Sur 11.1) | x86 | MySQL Workbench 8.0.23 unable to start due to wrong system python paths | |
71728 | 2014-02-15 3:30 | 2014-03-28 18:47 | MySQL Workbench: Migration | Duplicate (4019 days) | S1 | Windows (8.1 64-bit) | Any | Data Migration Failure: VARCHAR(-1) | |
72567 | 2014-05-08 11:01 | 2015-09-09 9:53 | Connector / NET | Closed (3498 days) | S5 | Any | Any | 123 456 | |
72913 | 2014-06-08 16:29 | 2014-06-08 16:54 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (3906 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Mysql stored procedure exception | |
73073 | 2014-06-22 0:40 | 2014-07-30 14:45 | MySQL Package Repos | Closed (3854 days) | S3 | Any | Any | update to community-server fails if mariadb-galera-server already installed | |
73395 | 2014-07-25 13:44 | 2016-02-28 1:00 | MySQL Workbench: Migration | No Feedback (3277 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Error durin migrate from SQL Server to mysql | |
73912 | 2014-09-14 5:50 | 2014-09-14 19:10 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (3808 days) | S2 | Windows (Windows Server 2008 R2) | Any | Fatal error encountered during data read | |
74027 | 2014-09-23 1:53 | 2014-10-24 1:00 | MySQL Server: Errors | No Feedback (3769 days) | S3 | Any | Any | tried to rename relationship and system reported bug | |
74464 | 2014-10-20 19:55 | 2015-03-24 23:19 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (3688 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Manual for binlog crash recovery outdated | |
75476 | 2015-01-10 2:51 | 2015-01-10 6:02 | MySQL Websites | Not a Bug (3690 days) | S1 | Windows (8.1) | Any | I am not able to download MYSQL on Windows 8 64-bit processor | |
63285 | 2011-11-16 13:46 | 2011-11-16 18:41 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4841 days) | S3 | Any | Any | System.UnauthorizedAccessException | |
63367 | 2011-11-21 19:05 | 2011-11-21 19:24 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4836 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | "MySQL has encountered a problem" on Workbench startup | |
63368 | 2011-11-21 19:09 | 2011-12-08 3:34 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (4819 days) | S3 | Any | Any | case sensitivity in P_S | |
63566 | 2011-12-03 18:17 | 2011-12-03 18:25 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4824 days) | S3 | Any | Any | See Decription | |
63567 | 2011-12-03 19:12 | 2011-12-03 19:31 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4824 days) | S3 | Windows (7) | Any | program will not open again after shutdown | |
63666 | 2011-12-08 12:23 | 2011-12-08 12:38 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4819 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 5.2.35\db_ut | |
63683 | 2011-12-08 20:40 | 2011-12-09 4:53 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4818 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | Workbench will not start | |
63691 | 2011-12-09 7:05 | 2011-12-09 7:21 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4818 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Message = 对路径“C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 5.2.35\db_utils.pyc”的访问被 | |
63763 | 2011-12-15 18:49 | 2019-12-25 11:13 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1880 days) | S3 | Any | Any | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | |
63779 | 2011-12-17 5:22 | 2011-12-17 8:48 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4810 days) | S3 | Windows (7 x64) | Any | WorkBench Doesnt Start | |
63957 | 2012-01-07 16:41 | 2012-01-07 17:04 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Unsupported (4789 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Trying touse the MySQL Migration Toolkit version 1.1.4 rc but an error appers | |
64839 | 2012-04-02 8:32 | 2012-04-02 10:55 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4703 days) | S1 | Windows (7) | Any | MY SQL Workbench 5.2.36 CE | |
64999 | 2012-04-16 21:05 | 2013-05-14 22:53 | Connector / NET | Closed (4296 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Syntax error when running an existing routine in a code first scenario | |
65248 | 2012-05-08 22:44 | 2012-05-10 16:59 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (4665 days) | S3 | Any | Any | mysql_upgrade mislead. errors / mysqlcheck 'You can't use locks with log table.' | |
65380 | 2012-05-21 10:24 | 2012-05-21 10:56 | MySQL Server: Backup | Not a Bug (4654 days) | S2 | Other (windows 7) | Any | when i restore a backup the system gives an error | |
56002 | 2010-08-16 9:00 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5178 days) | S2 | Windows (7) | Any | Connector/.Net GetUserId throws InvalidCast Exception | |
56526 | 2010-09-03 6:34 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5273 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Manual wrong on lower_case_file_system | |
56694 | 2010-09-09 15:28 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server | Verified (5263 days) | S3 | Any | Any | mysql.server + large amounts of memory = cannot allocate error | |
56768 | 2010-09-14 9:58 | 2014-01-22 17:12 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (4043 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Miscellaneous clarifications in replication documentation | |
57082 | 2010-09-28 23:47 | 2012-11-07 16:32 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Can't repeat (4484 days) | S3 | Any | Any | make all system() calls perfect in mysqlbackup(innobackupC) | |
57163 | 2010-10-01 11:09 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5184 days) | S3 | Any | Any | is outdated | |
57193 | 2010-10-02 5:24 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Websites: MySQLForge | Can't repeat (5250 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Can't login to mySQL Forge | |
57455 | 2010-10-14 15:38 | 2010-10-14 16:16 | MySQL Server: Errors | Not a Bug (5239 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resourc | |
57610 | 2010-10-20 21:21 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5193 days) | S1 | Other | Any | After click on "Create EER Model From Existing Database", this error comes. Not | |
57674 | 2010-10-23 0:44 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (5225 days) | S3 | Windows (W7) | Any | Aufruf eines Scripts von 135 MB (142.553.428 Bytes) | |
57809 | 2010-10-28 13:37 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (5137 days) | S3 | Any | Any | MySQL Enterprise Server Installation MySQL database port | |
57906 | 2010-11-01 19:35 | 2012-04-09 22:37 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (4696 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Error in Applying an Incremental Backup to a Full Backup | |
58039 | 2010-11-08 0:12 | 2011-06-09 22:07 | Connector / NET | Closed (5001 days) | S3 | Any | Any | .Net Connector 6.3.5 not compiling | |
58496 | 2010-11-25 15:05 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5148 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Default value of plugin_dir is different on Windows | |
58528 | 2010-11-26 20:03 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Server: Logging | Duplicate (5196 days) | S3 | Linux | Any | Stack tracer errorneously reports the query pointer as invalid | |
58831 | 2010-12-09 3:30 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Tests: Server | Closed (5172 days) | S3 | Any | Any | large_tests.alter_table crashes the server | |
58902 | 2010-12-13 14:48 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5148 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Can not "save as" without gettuing error message: System.OutOfMemory Exception | |
59272 | 2011-01-04 9:33 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Websites: | Verified | S3 | Any | Any | The header of each bug report doesn't show in which version the was pushed | |
59447 | 2011-01-12 14:54 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (5118 days) | S3 | Windows (windows XP) | Any | error come as Attempted to read or write protected memory. | |
59642 | 2011-01-20 20:27 | 2011-03-01 0:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5102 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | weird bug | |
59784 | 2011-01-27 20:39 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (5134 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Creating new server instance | |
59920 | 2011-02-03 13:54 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (5125 days) | S3 | Any | Any | multi threaded ordered index build is only enabled on 1 node from ndb_restore | |
68571 | 2013-03-05 9:08 | 2014-06-24 15:36 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Verified (4008 days) | S3 | Windows (Win7 SP1) | Any | False positive for 32-binary check on win64 | |
68582 | 2013-03-06 0:18 | 2013-03-06 19:30 | MySQL Websites: | Not a Bug (4365 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Cannot find "" in the category field while raising a bug | |
68592 | 2013-03-07 9:05 | 2013-08-01 16:47 | MySQL Websites: | Not a Bug (4217 days) | S3 | Any | Any | 'only your bugs' is ignored in search | |
68962 | 2013-04-15 12:23 | 2013-04-22 17:54 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (4318 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Inaccurate description of innodb_undo_tablespaces in the manual | |
69589 | 2013-06-26 15:54 | 2013-07-12 0:12 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4237 days) | S3 | Any | Any | MySQL Workbench Bug Report not working | |
70752 | 2013-10-28 16:11 | 2016-03-18 10:30 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (4128 days) | S3 | Windows (Windows Server 2008 R2) | Any | Installation of mysql-connector-odbc-5.2.6-winx64.msi failed on Windows 2008 R2 | |
70827 | 2013-11-05 21:36 | 2013-12-06 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (4091 days) | S2 | Any | Any | System.OutOfMemory Exception thrown loading large sql script | |
70831 | 2013-11-06 9:59 | 2013-12-07 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (4090 days) | S3 | Any | Any | System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException was unhandled | |
71030 | 2013-11-28 11:24 | 2013-11-28 13:38 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (4098 days) | S2 | Linux (Centos 6 64 bit) | Any | Server halt. | |
71269 | 2014-01-02 2:10 | 2014-01-07 5:34 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (4058 days) | S1 | Any | Any | "The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Try it again." but no CAPTCHA | |
60788 | 2011-04-07 7:10 | 2013-08-25 20:45 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Duplicate (4444 days) | S3 | Any | Any | InnoDB crashes with an assertion failure when receiving a signal on pwrite() | |
60805 | 2011-04-08 11:31 | 2011-04-08 12:37 | Tests: Server | Can't repeat (5063 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Practice purpose | |
60943 | 2011-04-21 9:18 | 2011-04-21 10:30 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (5050 days) | S3 | Any | Any | ndbmtd can't start with 32 nodes | |
62033 | 2011-07-29 21:57 | 2011-08-01 18:52 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4948 days) | S2 | Windows (Windows 7 (64 bit)) | Any | Can't connect to 64 bit ODBC connection from SSRS 2005 | |
62044 | 2011-08-01 9:40 | 2011-10-02 23:00 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (4886 days) | S3 | Any | Any | problem when trying delete more numbers rows at once | |
62352 | 2011-09-05 14:26 | 2011-10-05 23:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (4883 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | cannot conect to mysql remotely | |
62517 | 2011-09-23 16:28 | 2011-10-23 23:00 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (4865 days) | S3 | Any | Any | cancelled a query in progress, edited sql, restarted query, WB barfed. | |
62773 | 2011-10-17 15:27 | 2011-10-17 16:13 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4871 days) | S2 | Any | Any | cannot work on MYsql workbench | |
63052 | 2011-10-31 23:47 | 2011-11-01 4:52 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4856 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Workbench doesn't want to start after upgrade | |
63155 | 2011-11-08 19:12 | 2011-12-09 7:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (4819 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | Closed MySQL and now will not let me reopen workbench | |
63165 | 2011-11-09 17:59 | 2011-12-10 7:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (4818 days) | S2 | Other (windows 7) | Any | can't open workbench | |
63182 | 2011-11-10 11:23 | 2011-11-10 15:04 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4847 days) | S5 | Windows | Any | Error message when trying to access the workbench | |
66806 | 2012-09-13 12:08 | 2013-07-11 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (4239 days) | S3 | Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) | Any | Cannot close WB after SSH tunnel times out | |
66966 | 2012-09-26 2:45 | 2012-09-26 8:23 | MySQL Server: Locking | Not a Bug (4526 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | System crashing due to display drivers malfunctioning | |
26928 | 2007-03-07 18:17 | 2007-03-11 18:49 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (6552 days) | S2 | Linux (Debian sarge) | Any | New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace! | |
28383 | 2007-05-11 19:23 | 2007-05-11 21:52 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (6491 days) | S1 | Linux (Debian) | Any | A table named 'div' | |
28552 | 2007-05-21 8:41 | 2007-06-21 8:52 | MySQL Server: Compiling | No Feedback (6450 days) | S1 | Linux (Redhat 9) | Any | Mysql compiling with yassl | |
28751 | 2007-05-29 15:42 | 2007-06-11 20:36 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (6460 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Lots of memory locked in memory causes high kswapd | |
28830 | 2007-06-01 10:26 | 2007-08-09 13:27 | MySQL Server: Tests | Closed (6401 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Test case log_state fails on VMWare Windows clone due to loaded system | |
28853 | 2007-06-03 1:29 | 2019-08-13 11:04 | MySQL Server: Charsets | Closed (6463 days) | S3 | Any | Any | MySQL must replace non-supported characters with reverse question mark | |
28899 | 2007-06-05 14:55 | 2007-06-11 21:08 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (6460 days) | S3 | Any | Any | not possible to set separate watchdog timeout at startup | |
28966 | 2007-06-08 6:33 | 2007-07-11 15:24 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web | Closed (6430 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Confusing message if just filled Network credentials are incorrect | |
29301 | 2007-06-22 13:48 | 2007-06-25 19:40 | MySQL Server: Installing | Duplicate (6446 days) | S2 | MacOS | Any | mysql osx version not working with osx 10.5 leopard | |
29626 | 2007-07-08 16:13 | 2007-07-08 16:34 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Duplicate (6433 days) | S2 | Any | Any | --with-tcp-port does not change the default port that mysqld runs as | |
30900 | 2007-09-07 15:13 | 2007-11-13 17:28 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (6305 days) | S1 | FreeBSD | Any | SQLGetData() returns no row content | |
31138 | 2007-09-21 18:52 | 2007-12-14 16:39 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6274 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Option & Variable Reference errors | |
31192 | 2007-09-25 20:15 | 2008-03-01 12:28 | Connector / J | Closed (6196 days) | S3 | Other | Any | Encoding Issue retrieving serverVersion in MysqlIO in the method doHandshake | |
12700 | 2005-08-21 9:03 | 2005-08-22 19:14 | MySQL Server | Closed (7118 days) | S3 | Any | Bug system filter - " only" does not work | ||
12984 | 2005-09-05 9:08 | 2005-09-30 8:39 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Closed (7079 days) | S3 | bsd53 | Any | mysqltest.test: different output from "exec NonExistsinfComamdn" | |
13932 | 2005-10-11 15:13 | 2005-10-11 15:23 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (7068 days) | S3 | Any | developer web page possible incorrect wording | ||
15166 | 2005-11-23 0:39 | 2006-02-14 3:15 | MySQL Server | Closed (6942 days) | S2 | Any | Wrong update [was: select/update] permissions required to execute triggers | ||
16667 | 2006-01-20 11:22 | 2006-01-20 12:29 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (6967 days) | S2 | Windows (win xp) | Any | i tried to connect using jdbc/j connector 3.1.12 for my sql 5x | |
16698 | 2006-01-21 10:41 | 2006-01-26 20:57 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6961 days) | S3 | Any (any) | Any | "<" missed in xref at "14.2.4. InnoDB Startup Options and System Variables" | |
364 | 2003-05-03 6:24 | 2003-05-03 12:22 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (7960 days) | S1 | Any | "Closed" state make bugs history non-existent | ||
981 | 2003-08-02 9:30 | 2005-01-25 18:16 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Closed (7327 days) | S1 | Linux (Linux) | Any | .mysql_history is lost if mysql clinent exit when out of space | |
1516 | 2003-10-10 7:08 | 2003-10-11 13:34 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (7799 days) | S3 | Windows (Win95) | Any | Require 16-bit ODBC Driver for MySQL | |
3122 | 2004-03-09 13:28 | 2004-03-12 14:52 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (7646 days) | S3 | Any | FAQ says to download too many files to build MySQLadministrator | ||
3977 | 2004-06-03 2:39 | 2004-08-27 2:50 | MySQL Server | Closed (7478 days) | S3 | Windows (win2000 server) | Any | Mysql 4.0.20a For Win | |
4027 | 2004-06-06 21:26 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7469 days) | S1 | Windows (Windows Server 2003) | Any | ByteFX.Data.dll: Item has already been added | |
4121 | 2004-06-13 16:36 | 2004-07-16 13:31 | MySQL Server | No Feedback (7520 days) | S2 | Windows (Win Xp Pro) | Any | Frezzes | |
4209 | 2004-06-18 16:56 | 2004-07-16 0:20 | MySQL Websites: | Not a Bug (7520 days) | S3 | Any | Some bugs do not happen -- they simply are | ||
4244 | 2004-06-22 7:59 | 2004-10-22 20:51 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7422 days) | S2 | Windows (windows xp) | Any | + mysql + | |
4386 | 2004-07-02 20:41 | 2004-07-07 18:02 | Connector / NET | Closed (7529 days) | S2 | Any | Inserted data doesn't update properly | ||
4407 | 2004-07-05 9:18 | 2004-07-06 17:52 | MySQL Server | Closed (7530 days) | S2 | Any | mysql-4.1.3 assertion in | ||
8537 | 2005-02-16 10:13 | 2005-02-18 20:38 | Connector / J | Closed (7303 days) | S3 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Bad support for Cp1250 server charset | |
8881 | 2005-03-02 11:18 | 2005-03-02 14:45 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (7291 days) | S2 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Can not instal Query Browser | |
8953 | 2005-03-04 18:37 | 2005-05-28 14:28 | MySQL Websites: | Not a Bug (7204 days) | S3 | Any | Cannot add comments to closed bugs | ||
9185 | 2005-03-15 5:12 | 2005-03-15 10:14 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7278 days) | S2 | Windows (windows) | Any | security settings | |
9224 | 2005-03-16 16:08 | 2005-09-22 6:42 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7087 days) | S3 | Any | 5.0.3 crashes after 39710 open cursors are reached | ||
9396 | 2005-03-25 1:40 | 2005-03-25 6:12 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7268 days) | S2 | Any | Currency symbol for GBP - £ - does not work | ||
10046 | 2005-04-20 22:29 | 2005-04-20 22:40 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7242 days) | S3 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Error using version | |
10457 | 2005-05-09 6:42 | 2006-01-05 7:36 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (6982 days) | S3 | Any | is alias for | ||
11375 | 2005-06-16 10:57 | 2020-11-22 20:45 | MySQL Server: Documentation | No Feedback (7002 days) | S2 | Any | Unbalanced data for number of nodes not on the form 2 ** n | ||
11830 | 2005-07-09 6:35 | 2005-09-20 10:18 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7089 days) | S3 | Any | Export Result to XML: Error in DTD | ||
12025 | 2005-07-19 4:24 | 2005-08-25 7:12 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7115 days) | S3 | Windows (win2000) | Any | sum(a*b) | |
23623 | 2006-10-25 12:11 | 2007-03-28 19:22 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6535 days) | S2 | Any | Server - Error starting OSX on new install due to libawt errors (br 1789) | ||
23650 | 2006-10-25 21:54 | 2012-09-13 8:08 | MySQL Visual Studio Plugin | Can't repeat (6682 days) | S1 | Windows (Windwos XP SP2) | Any | Visual Studio Plug-in Tables do not open, missing table. | |
24464 | 2006-11-21 10:47 | 2006-11-24 14:44 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (6659 days) | S1 | Any | MySQL does not install on 64bit windows system | ||
24813 | 2006-12-05 4:25 | 2010-10-11 23:00 | MySQL Workbench Preview | No Feedback (5242 days) | S3 | Any | Any | MySQLWorkbench.exe - Application Error | |
25009 | 2006-12-12 14:33 | 2007-02-22 14:10 | Connector / J | Closed (6569 days) | S3 | Any | ResultSet is from UPDATE. No Data | ||
25254 | 2006-12-23 8:45 | 2006-12-26 22:00 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (6627 days) | S3 | PHP | Any | Cant re-open a non-repo bug | |
26195 | 2007-02-08 20:45 | 2007-02-09 16:24 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6582 days) | S3 | Any | Any | multi_range_count not documented | |
26566 | 2007-02-22 13:18 | 2012-04-28 10:33 | MySQL Websites: | Won't fix (4677 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Can't add tags to a bug report without also adding a comment | |
26574 | 2007-02-22 17:12 | 2007-10-22 12:27 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Unsupported (6327 days) | S1 | Windows (windows 98 SE) | Any | The mysql server don't start with the mysqld --standalone | |
26656 | 2007-02-27 0:01 | 2007-02-27 1:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web | Can't repeat (6564 days) | S2 | Any | testing with live multiple network contract's account is broken | ||
4642 | 2004-07-20 6:49 | 2004-12-20 23:59 | Connector / J | Closed (7363 days) | S1 | Linux (Debian Linux) | Any | Invalid value (JDBC) after possible server timeout. Prepared statements. | |
4909 | 2004-08-05 11:17 | 2004-08-05 15:38 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (7500 days) | S1 | Any | Scan update/delete fails after system restart | ||
5621 | 2004-09-16 22:52 | 2004-09-28 9:08 | Connector / NET | Closed (7446 days) | S3 | Any | MySqlParameterCollection.Add(null) exception message error. | ||
6121 | 2004-10-15 19:26 | 2004-10-15 20:26 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Not a Bug (7429 days) | S2 | Any | Can not create table in InnoDB mode by default | ||
6736 | 2004-11-21 2:53 | 2004-11-21 3:55 | MySQL Server: Installing | Duplicate (7392 days) | S2 | Any | Installation of mysql-essential binaries fails to start service | ||
7466 | 2004-12-21 21:11 | 2004-12-22 5:25 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (7361 days) | S3 | Any | Creating bit fields of size 0 causes system failure | ||
7689 | 2005-01-05 18:23 | 2005-01-06 15:27 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (7346 days) | S3 | Any | possible exploit in mysql bug system | ||
8352 | 2005-02-07 9:14 | 2005-02-07 10:53 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (7314 days) | S1 | Any | localhost "Lost connection" 2013 Error | ||
17251 | 2006-02-09 0:03 | 2006-02-09 9:44 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (6947 days) | S1 | Windows (Win Xp HE) | Any | IB#32 | |
18230 | 2006-03-14 15:56 | 2006-03-14 16:00 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (6914 days) | S3 | Any | Bug Reporting System Bug - Dropdown Category | ||
18870 | 2006-04-06 23:00 | 2012-09-13 7:44 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (6885 days) | S3 | Windows (windows NT) | Any | Unable to connect if the database is named XXX9test | |
20037 | 2006-05-24 8:54 | 2007-08-07 19:43 | MySQL Server: Tests | Closed (6403 days) | S3 | Windows (windows) | Any | mysqltest requires cygwin on windows(part 1, new mysqltest commands) | |
20482 | 2006-06-15 14:44 | 2006-07-06 22:38 | MySQL Server: Views | Closed (6800 days) | S1 | Any | failure on Create join view with sources views/tables in different schemas | ||
21558 | 2006-08-10 5:50 | 2006-08-16 12:42 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6759 days) | S3 | Any | Manual clarification ( does not appear to be consistent) | ||
21650 | 2006-08-15 7:52 | 2006-09-01 8:01 | MySQL Server: Tests | Closed (6743 days) | S3 | Any | not_embedded_server fails --with-ndbcluster | ||
21863 | 2006-08-28 9:36 | 2007-03-13 14:13 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6550 days) | S3 | Any | Occational "File not found" during REDO execution | ||
52456 | 2010-03-30 2:09 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5406 days) | S3 | Any | Any | crashed | |
52567 | 2010-04-03 2:43 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5403 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Connecting to remote host | |
52687 | 2010-04-08 12:04 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Closed (5294 days) | S2 | Any | Any | typo in CREATE NEW SERVER INSTANCE PROFILE | |
52714 | 2010-04-09 9:23 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5397 days) | S2 | Any | Any | No connect | |
52749 | 2010-04-11 20:02 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (5290 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | i was creating / saving an .mwb file .. and then i navigated to another tab | |
52763 | 2010-04-12 11:30 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | No Feedback (5394 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | crashed workbench after clicking table object | |
52992 | 2010-04-20 16:07 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5384 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | ArgumentOutOfRangeException | |
53125 | 2010-04-23 19:13 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5358 days) | S3 | Any | Any | problem opening new local instance | |
53180 | 2010-04-26 23:21 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | No Feedback (5379 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Tried to backup a DB from MySQL Workbench and got error | |
53293 | 2010-04-29 16:44 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (5377 days) | S3 | Any | Any | While leaving the workbench open deleted a record, then in the work bench query | |
53404 | 2010-05-04 12:22 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (5371 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | OutOfMemoryException | |
53437 | 2010-05-05 15:22 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (5332 days) | S3 | Any | Any | @@session.sql_bin_log support in substatements is incorrect | |
53532 | 2010-05-10 8:24 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Tools: Random Query Generator | Verified | S3 | Any | Any | RQG: internal mysqldump commands fail if mysqldump is not in PATH | |
53731 | 2010-05-18 7:26 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Closed (5382 days) | S3 | Linux | Any | Saving script is not taking file name the user want | |
53841 | 2010-05-20 8:39 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (5340 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Bug Database doesn't recognize feedback | |
54269 | 2010-06-06 19:57 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server | No Feedback (5338 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Memory Errors | |
54345 | 2010-06-08 16:44 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (5337 days) | S1 | Windows | Any | this is too complicated and will result in less bug reporting | |
54859 | 2010-06-28 9:12 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (5347 days) | S3 | Any | Any | >2 replica: Hanging if 1 node can not be restored using REDO log during SR | |
55298 | 2010-07-15 18:24 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | No Feedback (5295 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Error in workbench | |
55406 | 2010-07-20 16:22 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | No Feedback (5294 days) | S2 | Windows (XP) | Any | Attempted to read or write protected memory. | |
55643 | 2010-07-30 3:36 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: General | No Feedback (5284 days) | S3 | Windows (Vista Bus) | Any | Open it up and got this error | |
43888 | 2009-03-26 16:00 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (5799 days) | S2 | Any | Any | ndbrequire fail in DBDIH during other node failures | |
43990 | 2009-03-31 16:44 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / NET | Closed (5795 days) | S2 | Any | Any | NumberOfRestrictions named NumberOfRestriction | |
44176 | 2009-04-09 5:22 | 2009-08-12 17:27 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Not a Bug (5667 days) | S3 | Any | Any | InnoDB Should Not Update Log Files When innodb_force_recovery=6 | |
45982 | 2009-07-06 20:33 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5696 days) | S3 | Any | Any | thread_handling documentation poor | |
46320 | 2009-07-21 11:59 | 2014-03-13 13:37 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Won't fix (5485 days) | S3 | Any | Any | CPCD: checking if processes are running is fragile, and depending on scheduling | |
46502 | 2009-07-31 21:13 | 2009-09-01 2:08 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (5647 days) | S1 | Windows (Vista 64x) | Any | Mysql Query Browser Could not fetch stored procedures | |
46774 | 2009-08-18 5:52 | 2021-05-02 20:45 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | No Feedback (5629 days) | S1 | MacOS | Any | No message slogan found (please report a bug if you get this error code) Error: | |
46831 | 2009-08-20 12:46 | 2012-09-13 9:17 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (5659 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | error when installing net connector 6.0.4 with msi | |
32187 | 2007-11-08 14:57 | 2007-12-03 8:08 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (6285 days) | S2 | Any (Tested un Windows XP and Ubuntu 7.10) | Any | Memory leak related with MySql connector and Mono | |
32267 | 2007-11-12 7:14 | 2008-03-08 2:00 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6189 days) | S3 | Any | Any | multi_range_count variable not available in 6.0? | |
32511 | 2007-11-20 9:42 | 2008-02-29 16:29 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (6197 days) | S1 | Linux (openSUSE 10.3) | Any | agent fails to start on openSUSE 10.3 x86-64 (possibly due to segfault) | |
32674 | 2007-11-23 17:48 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Tools: Pushbuild | Closed (5912 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Pushbuild test failure xref does not report all failures | |
32756 | 2007-11-27 8:44 | 2015-03-15 20:45 | MySQL Server: Replication | Duplicate (5996 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Starting and stopping the slave in a loop can lose rows | |
32822 | 2007-11-28 16:53 | 2008-01-01 7:34 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (6256 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | Creating a Foreign Key Crashes Workbench | |
33580 | 2007-12-29 10:48 | 2007-12-29 16:49 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (6259 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Bugs system does not accept file attachments | |
33582 | 2007-12-29 11:38 | 2007-12-29 16:50 | MySQL Websites: | Closed (6259 days) | S3 | Any | Any | bugs system does not send notification emails | |
34031 | 2008-01-24 12:18 | 2008-05-06 16:07 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6130 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Cryptic/Incorrect description regarding identifier case-sensitivity | |
35575 | 2008-03-26 15:01 | 2008-03-26 18:50 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6171 days) | S3 | Any | Any | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit not actually a dynamic variable | |
41230 | 2008-12-04 14:50 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5913 days) | S5 | Any | Any | incorrect link in docs | |
51303 | 2010-02-19 1:34 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Windows | Can't repeat (5476 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Crash when clicking on server administration | |
51435 | 2010-02-23 22:14 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5443 days) | S1 | Windows (windows 7) | Any | external componet has thrown an exception | |
51461 | 2010-02-24 15:17 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (5467 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Erroromessage | |
51485 | 2010-02-25 7:24 | 2016-07-28 17:52 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3125 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Can't start node at DBDICT | |
51529 | 2010-02-25 22:17 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5442 days) | S2 | Windows (XP) | Any | Fatal Error | |
51556 | 2010-02-26 15:00 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Duplicate (5469 days) | S2 | Windows (XP) | Any | Server Administrattion | |
51619 | 2010-03-01 19:40 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5434 days) | S2 | Any | Any | WorkBench | |
51623 | 2010-03-01 23:27 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Parser | Can't repeat (5465 days) | S3 | Windows (7) | Any | error | |
51628 | 2010-03-02 8:32 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5434 days) | S3 | Any | Any | any bag | |
51633 | 2010-03-02 10:09 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Closed (5464 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Exception = System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException | |
51695 | 2010-03-03 15:18 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | No Feedback (5433 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Forward Enginnering (design to SQL script) Unexpected Error when it was finished | |
51707 | 2010-03-04 1:16 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Duplicate (5459 days) | S3 | Any | Any | was working in sql editor to edit sql scripts | |
51800 | 2010-03-06 23:25 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Duplicate (5458 days) | S2 | Windows (xp 32bit) | Any | cannot open manage import/export | |
51805 | 2010-03-07 8:17 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5429 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | I wished to upload VFP data base | |
51814 | 2010-03-07 23:23 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5459 days) | S3 | Any | Any | exception thrown while creatiing the foriegn key constraints | |
51822 | 2010-03-08 9:27 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Tests | Closed (5457 days) | S3 | Any | Any | sys_vars.archive_aio_basic requires have_archive | |
51937 | 2010-03-11 0:10 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5456 days) | S3 | Any | Any | idon know | |
51943 | 2010-03-11 7:56 | 2018-04-27 12:15 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Not a Bug (2487 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | the error ocurr when i try tu run an scriptds | |
51986 | 2010-03-12 11:42 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5424 days) | S3 | Any | Any | MySQL workbench bug | |
51999 | 2010-03-12 14:11 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (5455 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Can't open Server Administration | |
52024 | 2010-03-13 1:26 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5438 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Exception = System.ObjectDisposedException | |
52027 | 2010-03-13 10:43 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Closed (5364 days) | S3 | Windows (7) | Any | SSH connection with public key trows unexcepted error | |
52040 | 2010-03-14 1:10 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5420 days) | S3 | Any | Any | No clue why I got this.. i think this will help thus doing it | |
52069 | 2010-03-15 16:08 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Duplicate (5452 days) | S1 | Windows (xp sp3) | Any | Mysql workbench 5.2 | |
52075 | 2010-03-15 17:51 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Duplicate (5452 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | Error on administrator tool | |
52083 | 2010-03-16 8:59 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5420 days) | S3 | Windows (7) | Any | Error while inserting 1000 records to table using workbench | |
52104 | 2010-03-16 16:50 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Duplicate (5451 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Error when clicking on Server Administration | |
52191 | 2010-03-18 18:17 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5418 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Workbench told me to file this | |
52192 | 2010-03-18 19:16 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Duplicate (5449 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | Unable to use Import/Export | |
52238 | 2010-03-19 23:21 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Duplicate (5422 days) | S3 | Any | Any | problem with protected memory | |
52286 | 2010-03-22 22:00 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Duplicate (5444 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Memory exception - cannot allocate enough memory on a .sql file load | |
52324 | 2010-03-24 8:46 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5412 days) | S1 | Any | Any | On delete files | |
52452 | 2010-03-29 20:31 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (5437 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Can't manage users | |
36543 | 2008-05-06 17:48 | 2008-05-06 18:00 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Not a Bug (6130 days) | S3 | Any | Any | table_open_cache has no description | |
36864 | 2008-05-21 22:45 | 2008-05-22 2:48 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6114 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Out of date URL for Windows error codes | |
37254 | 2008-06-06 20:20 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6005 days) | S3 | Any | Any | DSN-less connection prompting within application cannot lookup driver entry | |
37378 | 2008-06-12 17:56 | 2008-06-17 17:29 | MySQL Websites: MySQLForge | Closed (6088 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Error creating a local account on login | |
37874 | 2008-07-04 14:02 | 2008-07-11 20:07 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (6064 days) | S3 | Any | Any | description of @@group_concat_max_len lacks unit specification (bytes vs chars) | |
37886 | 2008-07-04 17:21 | 2008-07-04 18:36 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Not a Bug (6071 days) | S3 | Any | Any | mailing list often refuses me, wihtout proper reasons | |
39532 | 2008-09-19 7:54 | 2008-09-22 8:27 | MySQL Server: Installing | Not a Bug (5991 days) | S2 | Linux | Any | Trying to upgrade the version of mysql to 5.0.51a there is conflict between two. | |
47937 | 2009-10-09 9:11 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: General | Verified (5609 days) | S5 | Any | Any | Appending to fields using CONCAT gets very slow | |
47939 | 2009-10-09 9:25 | 2010-03-08 1:18 | MySQL Server: Backup | Closed (5459 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Backup: MyISAM backup driver can wait in unlock() method which is wrong. | |
48363 | 2009-10-28 8:29 | 2010-08-30 7:53 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (5590 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | using Resultset.moveToInsertRow() in JDBC with mysql | |
48499 | 2009-11-03 12:15 | 2021-05-02 20:45 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Duplicate (5584 days) | S3 | Any | Any | ndb_config --xml --configinfo: mark shm*, sci* as unsupported | |
48921 | 2009-11-19 21:17 | 2016-02-25 12:24 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5548 days) | S3 | Any | Any | ndb_optimized_node_selection no longer boolean | |
48932 | 2009-11-20 8:59 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Tools: Random Query Generator | Verified | S3 | Any | Any | Performance problem with gendata / | |
49095 | 2009-11-25 11:48 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5452 days) | S1 | Linux (Ubuntu) | Any | not able to set up a new server instance | |
49766 | 2009-12-17 11:11 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (5479 days) | S1 | Any | Any | my.cnf configuration hanging, erroring, ... | |
49792 | 2009-12-18 0:52 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5333 days) | S3 | Any | Any | innodb_file_format_check: default and allowed values? | |
50178 | 2010-01-08 10:29 | 2023-02-12 20:45 | MySQL Server: Backup | Duplicate (5515 days) | S3 | Any | Any | rpl_backup_multi fails on PB2 with various symptoms | |
50531 | 2010-01-22 7:39 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5504 days) | S3 | Any | Any | LockPagesInMainMemory documentation note not correct | |
50730 | 2010-01-29 13:38 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Windows | No Feedback (5467 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Could not connect to target: errror calling Wbadmin.openAdministrator | |
50763 | 2010-01-31 0:32 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (5441 days) | S3 | Windows (Vista 32bit) | Any | edit table date | |
50817 | 2010-02-02 9:22 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Duplicate (5459 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | System.AccessViolationException | |
50827 | 2010-02-02 10:49 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (5491 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Suddenly appear this error on change view mode | |
50838 | 2010-02-02 14:25 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | No Feedback (5465 days) | S3 | Windows (XP) | Any | Error when create FK | |
50901 | 2010-02-04 7:47 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5463 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Unexpected Error | |
50943 | 2010-02-05 12:57 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | No Feedback (5462 days) | S3 | Any (Error when Restoring from dump) | Any | System.NullReferenceException | |
50962 | 2010-02-06 11:26 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (5461 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | cant query my sql backups | |
51090 | 2010-02-11 12:05 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (5464 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Dependency gnome-keyring-1 | |
51117 | 2010-02-11 18:42 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Duplicate (5459 days) | S2 | Windows (Win7 64-bit) | Any | AccessViolationException | |
51162 | 2010-02-13 11:56 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5452 days) | S3 | Any | Any | error | |
51173 | 2010-02-14 19:53 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (5449 days) | S3 | Any | Any | unexpected crash | |
51189 | 2010-02-15 13:32 | 2018-06-24 20:45 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | No Feedback (5449 days) | S1 | Windows (XP) | Any | attempted to write protected memory | |
103894 | 2021-06-02 15:05 | 2022-09-06 10:07 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Can't repeat (1325 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (10.0.19042 Build 19042) | x86 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2112 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)) | MySQL for Visual Studio fails to load on Microsoft Visual Studio |
30104 | 2007-07-27 17:45 | 2007-08-08 8:53 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6402 days) | S1 | 5.0.41 | Linux | Any | Root can't connect (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost') |
55449 | 2010-07-21 16:40 | 2010-07-22 6:08 | MySQL Server: General | Not a Bug (5324 days) | S3 | 5.0.86-enterprise-nt | Windows (2008) | Any | multi-backslashes in "LIKE" clause not work and WHERE... LIKE is case-sensitive |
64172 | 2012-01-30 19:24 | 2012-03-01 1:00 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | No Feedback (4736 days) | S3 | 5.1.41 | Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) | Any | Mysql crashed once with an “Assertion failure" rem0rec.c line 337 |
64690 | 2012-03-19 11:41 | 2012-03-23 9:31 | MySQL Server: General | Not a Bug (4713 days) | S3 | 5.1.61-0+squeeze1-log | Linux (Debian 6.0.4) | Any | non-reproducible occasional crashes |
69372 | 2013-06-01 0:12 | 2013-06-04 11:21 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (4275 days) | S3 | 5.2.47 revision 10398 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Bug Report Error |
86425 | 2017-05-23 10:17 | 2018-07-24 8:57 | Connector / J | Duplicate (2712 days) | S3 | 5.7.17 | Red Hat (4.1.12-61.1.25.el7uek.x86_64) | Any | JDBC connection problem after change to DST |
81434 | 2016-05-16 12:50 | 2016-08-28 1:00 | MySQL Workbench: Migration | No Feedback (3095 days) | S3 | | Windows | Any | MySQLWorkbench migration from MS SQL to My SQL hangs on one DB |
95462 | 2019-05-21 18:42 | 2023-02-06 18:59 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Not a Bug (2033 days) | S3 | 8.0.16 | Any | Any | Data comparison broke in MySQL 8.0.16 |
109925 | 2023-02-03 15:18 | 2023-02-07 1:00 | MySQL Workbench | Duplicate (740 days) | S3 | 8.0.32.CE (1) | MacOS | Any | MySQL crashes when I run any type of query |
112849 | 2023-10-27 4:09 | 2023-10-27 5:51 | MySQL Server: Logging | Duplicate (478 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 | Any | Any | When tls_version is empty, warnings in error log should be removed |
113615 | 2024-01-11 8:22 | 2024-01-11 12:22 | MySQL Workbench | Unsupported (402 days) | S3 | 8.0.34-1.fc38 | Linux (Fedora release 39 Thirty Nine x86_64) | x86 | Save and autosave not working |
112789 | 2023-10-21 0:54 | 2023-10-23 4:26 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Duplicate (482 days) | S2 | 8.0.34.CE | MacOS (14.0) | ARM (M1) | Workbench diagrams crashes on every version on MacOs Sonoma |
104035 | 2021-06-16 10:50 | 2021-06-16 20:28 | MySQL Server: DML | Verified (1341 days) | S3 | 8.0/5.7 | Ubuntu (20) | Any | Strict SQLMode not honored in SP's based on DB charset |
80521 | 2016-02-26 3:44 | 2016-04-04 9:54 | MySQL Server: DDL | Can't repeat (3240 days) | S2 | mysql 5.7.11 | Any (Centos 6.6) | Any | I can't create a big talbe in new mysql5.7.11 |
8469 | 2005-02-12 6:15 | 2005-02-12 8:39 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (7309 days) | S3 | mysql-4.1.9-max (Official MySQL-max bin | Linux (Debian 3.0) | Any | Cannot get past ./configure of mysql source |
63915 | 2012-01-04 3:15 | 2018-11-27 1:35 | MySQL Cluster: Disk Data | Can't repeat (2273 days) | S3 | mysql-5.1.56 ndb-7.1.15 | Solaris (10) | Any | Got System error 'node killed' when alter tablespace to add datafile |
67883 | 2012-12-12 12:30 | 2017-03-12 20:45 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | No Feedback (4382 days) | S2 | mysql-5.5.27 ndb-7.2.8 | Linux (Debian 6.0) | Any | Invalid LCP (Ndbd file system inconsistency error) |
37859 | 2008-07-04 8:39 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Server | Duplicate (6033 days) | S1 | Ver 6.0.6-alpha-debug | Linux (suse-linux on x86_64, | Any | system test stopped with a crash of mysqld. |
72784 | 2014-05-28 13:23 | 2016-02-25 14:05 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Not a Bug (3279 days) | S2 | -7.3.5-1.el6.x86_64 | Linux (CentOS release 6.5 - kernel | Any | Internal program error (failed ndbrequire) During Rolling Restart |
2060 | 2003-12-09 10:58 | 2005-10-11 8:36 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7068 days) | S3 | ? | HP/UX (HP-UX) | Any | Fixes for HP-UX 10.20 compile |
42085 | 2009-01-13 15:01 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (5840 days) | S1 | .5.0.29 | Windows (XP, version 2002, SP3, ) | Any | Workbench .29 crashes afer File->Export->Forward Engineer SQL CREATE script |
51309 | 2010-02-19 8:46 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (5448 days) | S1 | .Net Connector | Windows | Any | pooling=false; gives Object Reference is not set to an instance of an object |
80707 | 2016-03-11 16:16 | 2017-04-05 16:29 | Connector / NET | Verified (3261 days) | S2 | .Net Connector 6.9.8 | Any | Any | Problem with Microsoft EF 6 and MySql - null reference on SqlGenerator |
76267 | 2015-03-11 20:23 | 2015-03-13 0:14 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Duplicate (3628 days) | S1 | (mysql-apt-config_0.3.4-1ubuntu14.10_all | Linux (Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64 Bit) | Any | The Linux Mint 17.1 installer fails on |
26885 | 2007-03-06 17:20 | 2007-03-06 18:00 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6557 days) | S3 | [ S: 5.0.27 ][ C: 5.1.11 ][A: 1.2.10 ] | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Setting up MySQL. copying old DBs: some missing tables? ("table doesn't exist") |
19699 | 2006-05-10 21:43 | 2006-05-10 22:05 | MySQL Server: Logging | Duplicate (6857 days) | S3 | * | Any (*) | Any | Cannot enable/disable general query log or slow query log at runtime |
16012 | 2005-12-27 11:12 | 2005-12-30 11:24 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (6988 days) | S2 | * | Linux (linux) | Any | the system database can be delete easily |
10030 | 2005-04-20 13:27 | 2013-10-06 20:45 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | No Feedback (7204 days) | S2 | * | Any (*) | Any | 8014 signal lost - send buffer full |
50226 | 2010-01-11 11:19 | 2023-10-25 16:52 | MySQL Cluster: Replication | Verified (5508 days) | S3 | * | Any | Any | Logfile names in ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index stored as latin1? |
45154 | 2009-05-28 12:09 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Cluster: Disk Data | Closed (5742 days) | S3 | * | Any | Any | Incorrect handling of create/drop with different #partitions in DD-tables |
43156 | 2009-02-24 16:45 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (5785 days) | S3 | * | Any | Any | Incorrectly handled node-recovery during system restart, can lead to failure |
35241 | 2008-03-12 9:14 | 2008-05-31 10:38 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (6105 days) | S3 | < telco.6.3 | Any | Any | Out of REDO log due to incorrectly handled stopped node |
25966 | 2007-01-31 7:03 | 2007-03-16 17:52 | MySQL Server: Locking | Closed (6547 days) | S1 | <=5.0.36, 5.1 | Windows (windows, linux) | Any | 2MB per second endless memory consumption after LOCK TABLE ... WRITE |
53071 | 2010-04-22 16:34 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server | No Feedback (5330 days) | S1 | > 5.0.51a(5.0.90, 5.1.45) | Linux (CentOS 5, Ubuntu 9.10) | Any | MySQL crashes with various errors when executing CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT |
52239 | 2010-03-20 5:26 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (5445 days) | S3 | >= 5.1 | Any | Any | Wrong datatype specified for log_output in docs |
62254 | 2011-08-24 21:16 | 2013-11-11 17:27 | MySQL Server: Security: Privileges | Closed (4115 days) | S3 | >= 5.1.53 | Any | Any | mysql_install_db still creates users with case sensitive hostname |
62014 | 2011-07-28 9:47 | 2017-01-06 18:58 | MySQL Server: Archive storage engine | Closed (2963 days) | S3 | >= 5.5 | Any | Any | No build rules for archive_reader and archive_test with CMake |
106282 | 2022-01-25 16:40 | 2022-01-27 5:06 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1117 days) | S3 | >= 8 | Windows (10) | x86 (128 GB RAM, 14 Cores / 28 Threads) | MySQL Workbench >= 8.0 crashed at startup |
29286 | 2007-06-21 21:02 | 2007-11-21 8:38 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | No Feedback (6297 days) | S3 | >=4.1 | Linux | Any | Problems with index when using concat function for joining |
12623 | 2005-08-17 13:50 | 2005-08-19 1:09 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7121 days) | S1 | >4.1.10 | Linux (LINUX 9.0) | Any | MYSQL CRASH AND HANG THE MACHINE WHILE RUNNING THIS QUERY |
74405 | 2014-10-15 15:19 | 2015-02-05 13:27 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (3664 days) | S3 | >5.6.8 | Windows (probably any) | Any | docs page on optimizer switch seems not to be up to date. |
34445 | 2008-02-10 12:03 | 2008-03-10 17:09 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (6187 days) | S3 | >6.3.8 | Any | Any | Incorrectly dimensioned pool, could cause cluster-failure when doing +3 to |
76174 | 2015-03-05 14:31 | 2015-10-12 15:32 | MySQL Package Repos | Duplicate (3628 days) | S3 | 0.3.3-1ubuntu14.04 | Linux (Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS) | Any | mysql-apt-config hangs on upgrade (5.7 release) |
78600 | 2015-09-28 9:44 | 2015-12-11 15:22 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | No Feedback (3355 days) | S1 | 0.5.0-dmr | Ubuntu (14.04) | Any | Compiling group replication plugin will fail because of boost_1_58_0 package |
78627 | 2015-09-29 16:45 | 2015-10-08 4:50 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Not a Bug (3419 days) | S1 | 0.5.0-dmr | CentOS (6.4) | Any | Segmentation fault after running START GROUP_REPLICATION on Oracle Linux 6 |
30304 | 2007-08-08 13:28 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Proxy | No Feedback (5904 days) | S2 | 0.6 | Any | Any | Proxy loses connection |
47501 | 2009-09-22 2:23 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Proxy: Install/Config | Closed (5488 days) | S5 | 0.6.0, 0.8.0 | Other | Any | don't set the database read only |
53688 | 2010-05-17 4:16 | 2012-05-18 19:36 | MySQL Proxy | No Feedback (5323 days) | S1 | 0.6.1 | Linux | Any | Data of resultset some times is error when many client access simultaneity |
39628 | 2008-09-24 13:32 | 2008-09-24 19:59 | MySQL Proxy: Core | Duplicate (5989 days) | S3 | 0.6.1 | Linux | Any | Debian Etch backports - failover does not work |
35295 | 2008-03-14 15:09 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Proxy: Core | Closed (5870 days) | S1 | 0.6.1 | Any | Any | Proxy fails to skip unreachable backend |
36387 | 2008-04-29 1:56 | 2008-05-13 9:26 | MySQL Proxy: Core | Duplicate (6123 days) | S2 | 0.6.1 | Linux (Debian Etch) | Any | Proxy fail-over bug |
39272 | 2008-09-05 11:18 | 2008-09-05 19:55 | MySQL Proxy | Duplicate (6008 days) | S1 | 0.6.1 | Linux (Debian Lenny) | Any | Mysql Proxy does not invalidate backend servers |
22478 | 2006-09-19 15:10 | 2006-11-10 11:27 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6673 days) | S3 | 0.6.17 - 0.7.13 | multiple, except Windows | Any | Agent unInstall incomplete (empty dirs 'log' and 'run' remains) (br 1515) |
23034 | 2006-10-05 23:05 | 2006-11-03 18:40 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6680 days) | S3 | 0.6.31 | Any | Bitrock Installer: Merlin Agent ini file has log-file commented out | |
34793 | 2008-02-24 20:17 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Proxy: Core | Closed (5662 days) | S1 | 0.61 & Trunk r369 | Linux (2.6.23-gentoo-r8) | Any | Failover/Balancing packet error |
41849 | 2009-01-04 6:39 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Proxy | Closed (5737 days) | S1 | 0.7.0 r511 | Any | Any | MySQL-Proxy crashes when closing a connection |
36216 | 2008-04-19 18:50 | 2008-05-15 3:08 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (6121 days) | S3 | 0.7.0r488 | MacOS | Any | Agent configfile reader gets confused by OS X's ".DS_Store" file |
45294 | 2009-06-03 10:44 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Proxy | Duplicate (5683 days) | S1 | 0.7.1 | Solaris | Any | Connection is lost with 'reading initial communication packet' error. |
23698 | 2006-10-26 23:50 | 2006-11-13 22:09 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6670 days) | S2 | 0.7.17 | Any (all) | Any | server inst - don't use mysqladmin in "ctl" script (br 1826) |
48619 | 2009-11-09 4:23 | 2009-11-25 15:52 | MySQL Proxy: Install/Config | Not a Bug (5562 days) | S2 | 0.7.2 | Linux (Ubuntu 9.0.4) | Any | Incorrect error message when running configure for MySQL Proxy 0.7.2 (glib-2.0) |
23939 | 2006-11-03 13:06 | 2006-11-13 15:20 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6670 days) | S1 | 0.7.20 - 0.7.22 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | agent unInst on Windows removes user created files without warning (BR ????) |
24305 | 2006-11-14 16:27 | 2007-05-30 14:02 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server | Closed (6472 days) | S3 | 0.7.37 | Windows (Windows / Linux) | Any | Bulk INSERT statements shows up as a single INSERT in database activity |
4666 | 2004-07-21 3:30 | 2004-08-06 16:14 | Connector / NET | Closed (7499 days) | S2 | | Windows (Win XP Pro) | Any | MySqlDataAdapter.Update does not update Database |
4071 | 2004-06-09 7:47 | 2004-07-07 18:26 | Connector / NET | Closed (7529 days) | S1 | | Windows (Windows XP SP1) | Any | MySqlConnection class causes an Overflow / Argument exception |
39873 | 2008-10-06 9:15 | 2011-07-06 9:47 | Connectors: NDB/Bindings | No Feedback (5814 days) | S1 | 0.70 | Linux (2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux) | Any | Performing a simple scan read causes a segmentation fault |
4520 | 2004-07-12 16:47 | 2004-07-12 17:05 | Connector / NET | Closed (7524 days) | S1 | 0.76 | Any (any) | Any | time fields overflow using bytefx .net mysql driver |
4662 | 2004-07-21 0:17 | 2004-07-26 22:29 | Connector / NET | Closed (7510 days) | S2 | 0.76 | Windows (WinXP) | Any | SHOW CREATE TABLE command always fails |
75142 | 2014-12-08 15:45 | 2018-03-08 23:38 | MySQL Proxy | Closed (2537 days) | S1 | 0.8.1 | Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 / Ubuntu 14.04) | Any | "MySQL 5.6"+"MySQL Proxy"+"MySQL Workbench": Bad handshake |
58409 | 2010-11-23 5:29 | 2015-01-09 10:23 | MySQL Proxy | Closed (3691 days) | S1 | 0.8.1 | Linux | Any | (critical) network-backend.c:163: time went backwards |
66630 | 2012-08-31 6:39 | 2012-11-06 1:00 | MySQL Proxy | No Feedback (4486 days) | S1 | 0.8.3 | Windows (Windows 7 64 bit) | Any | MySQL proxy - 0-8-3 does not work in Windows 7 (64 bit) |
83128 | 2016-09-23 11:04 | 2017-01-24 14:35 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2945 days) | S3 | 0.9.0-labs | Linux | Any | Group Replication depends on resolvable hostnames without domain |
1554 | 2003-10-15 2:58 | 2004-06-01 0:31 | MySQLCC | Closed (7565 days) | S2 | 0.9.3 | Windows (windows 2000 pro) | Any | character set latin5 error |
1910 | 2003-11-21 12:59 | 2003-12-08 16:28 | MySQLCC | Closed (7741 days) | S1 | 0.9.3 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Application crashes when I attempt to connect to a remote server |
1198 | 2003-09-04 12:53 | 2003-09-04 17:54 | MySQLCC | Closed (7836 days) | S3 | 0.9.3 beta | Windows (windows xp) | Any | mysql control center limits to 1000 records |
1613 | 2003-10-20 20:33 | 2024-10-27 20:45 | MySQLCC | No Feedback (7728 days) | S1 | 0.9.3 beta | Windows (W2K 5.0.2195 SP 4) | Any | Control Center abend on W2K |
1745 | 2003-11-03 21:03 | 2003-12-08 16:26 | MySQLCC | Closed (7741 days) | S1 | 0.9.3-beta | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | MySQLCC crashes on on server connect |
4282 | 2004-06-25 6:45 | 2004-07-29 0:42 | MySQLCC | Won't fix (7507 days) | S2 | 0.9.4-beta | Windows (Windows 2000 Professional) | Any | Scrollbar position changes causes system crash |
1314 | 2003-09-16 18:11 | 2003-12-08 16:11 | MySQLCC | Closed (7741 days) | S2 | 0.93 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | Window Gone in XP Pro after Crash |
76161 | 2015-03-05 4:15 | 2015-03-18 9:47 | MySQL Package Repos | Duplicate (3635 days) | S1 | 0331 | Linux (Linux machine 3.16.0-31-generic #41~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 11 19:30:13 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x8) | Any | Apt-config not work |
52272 | 2010-03-22 11:58 | 2010-03-22 14:50 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (5445 days) | S1 | 1 | Linux (out of memory error) | Any | Unable to execute SQL (Out of memory (Needed XXXXXXX bytes)) |
10345 | 2005-05-03 18:19 | 2005-06-16 8:58 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7185 days) | S1 | 1 0 4 | Any | Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime'. | |
5647 | 2004-09-19 0:07 | 2004-09-28 20:02 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (7446 days) | S1 | 1-0-0 Beta | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | Retrieving integer fields on VB.Net |
20123 | 2006-05-29 11:04 | 2006-06-30 16:39 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (6806 days) | S3 | 1.0 | Windows (windows 2000) | Any | #1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swed |
2112 | 2003-12-14 10:15 | 2003-12-14 10:19 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (7735 days) | S1 | 1.0 | Linux (Linux Slack 8.1) | Any | 031211 21:49:11 InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation. |
5469 | 2004-09-08 13:22 | 2004-09-08 15:50 | Connector / NET | Closed (7466 days) | S2 | 1.0 beta | Windows (win 2000 server) | Any | Setting DbType throws NullReferenceException |
6001 | 2004-10-09 22:34 | 2004-12-10 20:21 | Connector / NET | Closed (7373 days) | S3 | 1.0 Beta 1 | Windows (XP Pro) | Any | System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow causes probs |
5842 | 2004-10-01 9:04 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (7440 days) | S1 | 1.0.0 | Windows (Windows 2000 SP4) | Any | Query results are wrong after first null field (System.DBNull) |
5897 | 2004-10-05 8:08 | 2004-10-13 14:35 | Connector / NET | Closed (7431 days) | S2 | 1.0.0 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | missing Reference in DbType setter |
24185 | 2006-11-10 13:08 | 2007-04-13 13:06 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6519 days) | S3 | 1.0.0 | Linux (RedHat ES4) | Any | MaAS embedded MySQL server has problems starting on AMD X86_64 RedHat ES4 |
24522 | 2006-11-22 20:54 | 2007-02-21 17:05 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web | Closed (6570 days) | S2 | 1.0.0 | Any (all) | Any | Graph Thumbnails Not Changing with Server Change |
25039 | 2006-12-13 12:28 | 2007-05-04 14:13 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (6498 days) | S2 | 1.0.0 - | Solaris (Sol[8|9|10] SPARC64) | Any | Memory stats not collected properly on Solaris 8/9/10 SPARC 64 |
5841 | 2004-10-01 8:56 | 2004-10-13 17:30 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (7431 days) | S2 | 1.0.0 & MySQL 5.0.0 | Windows (Windows 2000 SP4) | Any | Stored Procedure not found |
5799 | 2004-09-29 11:19 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (7430 days) | S1 | 1.0.0 beta | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | Field values caching previous NULL state when using MySqlDataReader.Read |
27012 | 2007-03-09 20:20 | 2009-08-08 11:33 | MySQL GUI Common | No Feedback (5671 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows XP SP2 Pro) | Any | MySQL System Tray does not detect instance change without restart |
46341 | 2009-07-23 7:08 | 2009-10-20 6:24 | MySQL GUI Common | Won't fix (5598 days) | S3 | | Windows (SP3) | Any | Tray icon must have a transparent background |
6036 | 2004-10-11 19:30 | 2004-10-13 16:25 | Connector / NET | Closed (7431 days) | S2 | | Windows (WinXP Pro) | Any | System.OverflowException when using YEAR datatype |
5509 | 2004-09-10 3:16 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (7458 days) | S1 | | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Parameter.DbDType = DbType.X Null Reference Exception |
6323 | 2004-10-29 15:14 | 2004-11-09 22:26 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7404 days) | S1 | | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | MySqlDataReader.GetBytes + .getChars throws Exception |
6634 | 2004-11-15 12:17 | 2020-03-31 23:01 | Connector / NET | Closed (7373 days) | S2 | | Windows (Windows ?? (2003 - Web Host)) | Any | An Open Connection has been Closed by the Host System |
8359 | 2005-02-07 22:04 | 2005-02-14 17:11 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7307 days) | S2 | | Windows (Win 2000 Server) | Any | External Exception C000001D when opening Catalogs |
2802 | 2004-02-15 5:37 | 2004-04-12 2:08 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7615 days) | S3 | 1.0.1.alpha | Windows (w2k 5.0) | Any | Debug? |
32147 | 2007-11-06 16:49 | 2007-11-10 18:42 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (6308 days) | S3 | | Windows | Any | Text fields are returned as system.byte[] |
33682 | 2008-01-03 23:16 | 2008-07-08 14:09 | Connector / NET | Closed (6067 days) | S1 | 1.0.10+ | Linux | Any | Patch: Semaphore class is Windows only preventing mono from using connector |
5485 | 2004-09-08 23:00 | 2004-09-13 8:36 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7461 days) | S3 | 1.0.12 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Capitalization error in MySQL System tray Monitor |
5543 | 2004-09-13 13:16 | 2004-09-21 16:14 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7453 days) | S2 | 1.0.12 | Windows (WinXP SP1) | Any | High CPU Load |
5578 | 2004-09-14 20:00 | 2004-09-16 16:39 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7458 days) | S3 | 1.0.12 | Windows (Windows XP (SP1)) | Any | System Tray Monitor has no name in the notification area |
5635 | 2004-09-17 19:55 | 2004-09-20 12:46 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7454 days) | S3 | 1.0.12 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | 'Add a Group' option does nothing is variable tabs of health section |
5708 | 2004-09-22 22:09 | 2004-11-04 14:27 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7409 days) | S2 | 1.0.12 | Windows (Windows xp sp2) | Any | problems with the backup scheduling |
6183 | 2004-10-20 18:12 | 2004-12-03 16:51 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7380 days) | S2 | 1.0.13 | Windows (Win 2000) | Any | global privileges not showing on servers > 4.1.4 |
6425 | 2004-11-04 8:44 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7318 days) | S3 | 1.0.13 | Windows (Windows Server 2003) | Any | MySQL Administrator demaging MySQL service entry |
6431 | 2004-11-04 13:36 | 2005-06-13 8:29 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7188 days) | S2 | 1.0.13 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Administrator consumes huge amounts of system resources |
12731 | 2005-08-22 18:58 | 2005-08-26 18:37 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (7114 days) | S3 | 1.0.13 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Scheduling BackUp |
7017 | 2004-12-05 8:20 | 2005-01-07 20:10 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7345 days) | S2 | 1.0.14 | Windows (Windows 2000 Pro) | Any | Host Machine hangs... |
8220 | 2005-01-31 21:46 | 2005-02-03 8:16 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7318 days) | S2 | 1.0.14 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Crashes when type in for localhost IP at "Connect to Server" Dialog |
7182 | 2004-12-10 20:46 | 2004-12-11 11:33 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7372 days) | S3 | 1.0.16 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | MySQL System Tray Monitor notifacation bubble wont go away |
7272 | 2004-12-14 15:26 | 2024-10-27 20:45 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (7368 days) | S3 | 1.0.17 | Windows (Win XP) | Any | Nothing happens when Analyzing a Backup File |
7453 | 2004-12-21 11:31 | 2014-03-13 13:33 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (7347 days) | S3 | 1.0.18 | Windows (Windows (XP SP2)) | Any | Multiple servers in Administrator not correctly supported |
13885 | 2005-10-10 0:40 | 2005-11-21 18:06 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Can't repeat (7027 days) | S2 | 1.0.18 RC | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | The schema could not be reverse engineered (error: 0). |
7959 | 2005-01-17 15:06 | 2005-04-15 22:33 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (7247 days) | S3 | 1.0.19 | Conectiva Linux | Any | Foreign key add Button locked |
2846 | 2004-02-17 15:19 | 2004-02-18 9:01 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7669 days) | S3 | 1.0.1a | Linux (Redhat 9) | Any | Start/Stop service on linux distribution does nothing at all |
2824 | 2004-02-16 6:22 | 2014-03-13 13:41 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (3993 days) | S3 | 1.0.1a ALPHA | Windows (WinXP) | Any | Replication status is empty on slave |
2902 | 2004-02-20 3:32 | 2004-05-11 14:13 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7586 days) | S3 | 1.0.1a ALPHA | Windows (Windows XP SP1) | Any | Opens IE by default, ignoring system preferences. |
2939 | 2004-02-24 11:14 | 2004-02-25 2:09 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (7662 days) | S3 | 1.0.1a ALPHA | Windows (Win 2k) | Any | server_id value not changed in Health Section |
7108 | 2004-12-08 16:39 | 2004-12-10 20:05 | Connector / NET | Closed (7373 days) | S1 | 1.0.2 | Windows (Windows Server 2003) | Any | Apparent problem with connection pooling |
42346 | 2009-01-26 12:51 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: InnoDB Plugin storage engine | Closed (5862 days) | S3 | 1.0.2 | Windows (Vista 64-bit) | Any | InnoDB Pluging 1.0.2 Warning Messages on Windows at start-up |
11152 | 2005-06-08 0:53 | 2005-07-08 5:17 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (7163 days) | S1 | 1.0.2 Alpha | MacOS (Mac OS X Tiger (10.4)) | Any | Crashed while browsing |
13242 | 2005-09-15 23:24 | 2006-04-12 9:34 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6885 days) | S2 | 1.0.2 and 1.0.5 | Windows (win2k) | Any | Fails to start |
26054 | 2007-02-03 21:06 | 2017-12-23 10:48 | MySQL Visual Studio Plugin | Not a Bug (6487 days) | S3 | 1.0.2 and 1.1 | Windows (Windows XP Professional) | Any | Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime using Microsoft Visua |
7206 | 2004-12-12 19:23 | 2004-12-16 18:43 | Connector / NET | Closed (7367 days) | S1 | 1.0.2 gamma | Windows (Windows XP Profesional SP2) | Any | Error whit more than one resultset |
11149 | 2005-06-07 23:39 | 2005-06-15 17:36 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7186 days) | S1 | 1.0.2-alpha | MacOS (Mac OS 10.3.9) | Any | No connection possible, unknown sys var sql_mode (1193) |
11156 | 2005-06-08 5:53 | 2005-06-14 5:02 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7187 days) | S1 | 1.0.2-alpha | MacOS (OS X 10.3.9 (Panther)) | Any | Crash on query |
7132 | 2004-12-09 15:26 | 2005-01-31 21:19 | Connector / NET | Closed (7321 days) | S2 | 1.0.2-gamma | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Inserting DateTime causes System.InvalidCastException to be thrown |
7198 | 2004-12-11 18:50 | 2004-12-16 18:41 | Connector / NET | Closed (7367 days) | S1 | | Windows (Windows XP / Server 2003) | Any | Prepared command not woking properly. |
15175 | 2005-11-23 6:23 | 2005-12-05 21:08 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (7013 days) | S3 | 1.0.20 | Windows (Windows XP (sp2)) | Any | Fails to run the migration toolkin on Windows System |
14595 | 2005-11-02 23:03 | 2005-12-05 13:38 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (7013 days) | S3 | 1.0.20-rc | Windows (Win XP) | Any | Migration report confirms data transfer however tables are empty |
14640 | 2005-11-04 13:28 | 2005-11-24 13:31 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (7024 days) | S1 | 1.0.20-rc | Windows (winXP) | Any | unique indexes aren't handles correctly |
11260 | 2005-06-11 12:15 | 2005-06-15 5:48 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7186 days) | S1 | 1.0.21 | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.3.9) | Any | Connection failure - Unknown system variable 'sql_mode' (code 1193) |
11265 | 2005-06-12 5:22 | 2005-07-13 9:57 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7158 days) | S1 | 1.0.21 | MacOS (OS X Server 10.3.9) | Any | Can't connect to local MySQL: unknown system variable 'sql_mode' |
11452 | 2005-06-20 10:25 | 2005-07-08 11:18 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7163 days) | S3 | 1.0.21 | Windows (Windows Server 2003) | Any | Service Control and Startup Variables sections works only for first instance |
11732 | 2005-07-04 23:18 | 2005-07-08 0:54 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (7163 days) | S3 | 1.0.21 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Incorrect server shown on server status/startup variable/server logs pages |
11420 | 2005-06-17 19:59 | 2005-07-23 8:24 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7148 days) | S3 | 1.0.22 | Windows (Windows XP SP 2) | Any | Health graph relative values formulas do not produce correct values |
11489 | 2005-06-21 19:32 | 2005-07-25 15:45 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7146 days) | S1 | 1.0.22 | MacOS (OS X 10.4.1) | Any | Crashes in restore while parsing a backup file |
14201 | 2005-10-21 9:04 | 2006-01-06 23:40 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (6981 days) | S3 | 1.0.22 | Linux (linux) | Any | can start or stop Mysql Server |
12332 | 2005-08-03 5:58 | 2005-08-17 10:52 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7123 days) | S2 | 1.0.22a | Linux (Linux) | Any | Error assigning user privileges |
3178 | 2004-03-15 11:36 | 2004-06-21 14:20 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7545 days) | S1 | 1.0.2b | Windows (Windows XP Pro & Win2ksp4) | Any | Won't start and giving an error message |
3538 | 2004-04-22 10:50 | 2004-04-30 21:30 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7597 days) | S1 | 1.0.2b-alpha | Linux (Red Hat Linux 9) | Any | Application terminates when in the "Catalogs" section of mysql-administrator |
7246 | 2004-12-13 22:43 | 2005-01-05 20:06 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7347 days) | S2 | 1.0.3 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Connection Pooling Problem |
7534 | 2004-12-25 15:33 | 2005-01-05 18:27 | Connector / NET | Closed (7347 days) | S2 | 1.0.3 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Empty DateTime in database creates unhandled exception |
7641 | 2005-01-03 17:19 | 2012-09-13 7:30 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7037 days) | S2 | 1.0.3 | Windows (Windows/Mono) | Any | Database query fails on Mono with exception in PreparedStatement:Execute |
7951 | 2005-01-17 4:31 | 2005-06-01 3:26 | Connector / NET | Closed (7200 days) | S3 | 1.0.3 | Windows (Win/XP) | Any | Error reading a timestamp column |
8024 | 2005-01-19 22:21 | 2011-12-15 16:39 | Connector / NET | Closed (4812 days) | S1 | 1.0.3 | Windows (XP SP2) | Any | Thread terminated during query |
67617 | 2012-11-16 17:38 | 2013-05-24 5:27 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL Notifier | Closed (4286 days) | S3 | 1.0.3 | Windows (win7x64 Home Premium) | Any | MySQL Notifier autofilter not auto finding running services |
3509 | 2004-04-19 20:00 | 2004-06-02 15:26 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7564 days) | S2 | 1.0.3 Alpha | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Mysqladministrator add new users-adding new users w/pw not working w/client |
8743 | 2005-02-23 19:14 | 2005-02-24 5:09 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7297 days) | S1 | 1.0.3 alpha | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.3.8) | Any | Cannot connect to MySQL on localhost |
7345 | 2004-12-16 8:39 | 2004-12-16 18:29 | Connector / NET | Closed (7367 days) | S1 | 1.0.3 gamma | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | MySqlAdapter.Fill method throws Error message : Non-negative number required |
8714 | 2005-02-22 22:48 | 2005-02-23 17:39 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7298 days) | S1 | 1.0.3-alpha | MacOS (Mac OS X) | Any | Crash after logging in to server |
3949 | 2004-06-01 15:29 | 2004-06-09 23:46 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (7557 days) | S3 | 1.0.3-alpha | Linux (Linux) | Any | Cannot compile mysql-administrator under Fedora Core 1 |
7692 | 2005-01-05 19:23 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7309 days) | S3 | | Linux (linux) | Any | System.FormatException in Connector .Net |
7731 | 2005-01-07 15:29 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (7340 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | MySqlConnection.Connection = null generates a NullReferenceException |
8292 | 2005-02-03 15:57 | 2006-01-27 15:42 | Connector / NET | Closed (6960 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | GROUP BY / WITH ROLLUP with DataSet causes System.Data.ConstraintException |
8544 | 2005-02-16 14:17 | 2005-02-16 17:31 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (7305 days) | S1 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | MySQLConnectorAdapter gives exception on reading 0 timestmp field |
8724 | 2005-02-23 11:01 | 2005-08-30 4:24 | Connector / NET | Closed (7110 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows XP SP2 German) | Any | NullReferenceException in Designer |
8819 | 2005-02-26 7:30 | 2005-02-28 0:13 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (7293 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | MySqlConnection.CreateCommand bug |
8909 | 2005-03-02 22:27 | 2005-08-23 18:29 | Connector / NET | Closed (7117 days) | S1 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows XP/2003) | Any | Error with native driver Close() after MySQL unexpected restart |
8929 | 2005-03-03 19:51 | 2005-03-10 20:36 | Connector / NET | Closed (7283 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Timestamp values with a date > 10/29/9997 cause problems |
9365 | 2005-03-23 18:12 | 2005-03-23 19:26 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7270 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (windows XP sp 2) | Any | typical install gives errors |
9739 | 2005-04-08 0:32 | 2005-05-17 7:52 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7215 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows) | Any | Need to explicitly handle MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL from mysql |
9859 | 2005-04-12 21:41 | 2005-06-23 8:46 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7178 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Win XP2 Pro SP2) | Any | Error occured during saving a large file into database |
10637 | 2005-05-14 3:49 | 2005-06-25 18:45 | Connector / NET | Closed (7176 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows 2K/2003) | Any | Fail connect to specified MySql Hosts |
10782 | 2005-05-20 23:03 | 2005-05-22 9:30 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7210 days) | S1 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | MySqlDataAdapter crashes with a date field set to 0000-00-00 |
10928 | 2005-05-27 20:06 | 2005-07-03 7:09 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7168 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | Windows (MS Windows XP Pro) | Any | MySqlConnection works with VS C# 2003 .NET 1.1, failed with Mono 1.1.7 |
11294 | 2005-06-13 16:58 | 2005-07-18 21:52 | Connector / NET | Closed (7153 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | m$ windows xp | Any | Wrong data type getting values from grouping functions on integers with mysql-5 |
11593 | 2005-06-27 20:27 | 2005-06-30 15:14 | Connector / NET | Closed (7171 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | Windows (ms windows xp) | Any | Wrong data type getting values from grouping functions on ints with mysql-5.0.7 |
11873 | 2005-07-12 4:00 | 2005-07-12 21:28 | Connector / NET | Closed (7159 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (XP) | Any | Invalid timestamp in query produces incorrect reader exception |
11928 | 2005-07-13 23:33 | 2005-07-14 2:10 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (7157 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows XP Home) | Any | Overflow exception when using MySql.DbType.Byte in Parameter |
12628 | 2005-08-17 17:55 | 2005-08-18 20:56 | Connector / NET | Closed (7122 days) | S2 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Win XP) | Any | off by one on random selection of multiple hosts/ip addresses |
12771 | 2005-08-24 0:11 | 2005-08-30 4:18 | Connector / NET | Closed (7110 days) | S1 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows) | Any | Connector/Net can't connect to MySQL 4.1.14-nt |
12835 | 2005-08-26 16:20 | 2005-09-23 15:44 | Connector / NET | Closed (7086 days) | S3 | 1.0.5 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | 1.0.5 won't install on system with 1.0.4 installed |
13276 | 2005-09-16 18:15 | 2005-09-23 15:38 | Connector / NET | Closed (7086 days) | S3 | 1.0.5 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Exception on serialize after inserting null value |
8258 | 2005-02-02 9:26 | 2005-02-02 10:33 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (7319 days) | S1 | 1.0.5 | Windows (Win2K SP4) | Any | Query Browser crashed and doesn't startup |
8900 | 2005-03-02 19:38 | 2005-03-02 21:37 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7291 days) | S1 | 1.0.5 alpha | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.3.8) | Any | Application quits after conneciton to database |
17968 | 2006-03-06 14:56 | 2006-03-06 15:32 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6922 days) | S3 | 1.0.5 beta | Windows (Win2K w/ SP4) | Any | Drop-down in table edit does not drop down |
18257 | 2006-03-15 16:32 | 2006-04-24 10:44 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Closed (6873 days) | S2 | 1.0.5 beta | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | .mwb will not open |
19254 | 2006-04-21 10:38 | 2006-05-25 15:57 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6842 days) | S3 | 1.0.5 beta | Windows (Win XP SP2) | Any | print dialog problems, may not be a bug but usability issue) |
5009 | 2004-08-12 1:50 | 2004-09-02 16:50 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7472 days) | S3 | 1.0.5-alpha | Linux (RH9) | Any | crash due to gconf lock failure |
13028 | 2005-09-07 3:05 | 2012-09-13 7:34 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7037 days) | S1 | | Windows (win2000) | Any | can't get charsets |
4238 | 2004-06-21 22:47 | 2004-07-06 17:41 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7530 days) | S2 | 1.0.5B | Windows (Windows ME) | Any | Windows ME missing NetApiBufferFree export in NETAPI32.DLL |
4300 | 2004-06-27 2:50 | 2004-06-29 19:20 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (7537 days) | S2 | 1.0.5beta | Windows (WinXP/Pro) | Any | MySqlAdministrator munches passwords ? |
14040 | 2005-10-14 21:16 | 2005-10-17 14:06 | Connector / NET | Closed (7062 days) | S1 | 1.0.6 | Windows (Win XP SP2) | Any | Error when using .Net connector with MySQL 4.1.14 |
14675 | 2005-11-05 23:21 | 2005-11-15 18:34 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (7033 days) | S2 | 1.0.6 | Windows (WinXP) | Any | problems calling MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(), cannot socket connect |
14691 | 2005-11-07 7:53 | 2012-09-13 9:59 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7001 days) | S2 | 1.0.6 | Windows (WinXPPro and RH9 Mono) | Any | GetSchema does not use IsUnsigned so Parameter types are never set to unsigned |
14790 | 2005-11-09 15:39 | 2006-09-20 22:37 | Connector / NET | Closed (6724 days) | S1 | 1.0.6 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | Transaction problem after trying to store BLOB data > max_allowed_packet |
14917 | 2005-11-14 11:02 | 2024-10-27 20:45 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (7003 days) | S1 | 1.0.6 | Windows (Win2k) | Any | Can't open connection |
19284 | 2006-04-22 23:13 | 2006-05-09 8:39 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Closed (6858 days) | S2 | 1.0.6 | Windows (WinXP SP2) | Any | Display problem on VIA graphics chip |
54088 | 2010-05-30 13:18 | 2010-05-31 20:09 | MySQL Server: InnoDB Plugin storage engine | Not a Bug (5375 days) | S2 | 1.0.6 | Windows (VISTA64) | Any | unknown variable 'default-character-set=latin1' |
4576 | 2004-07-16 16:06 | 2004-07-16 19:09 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7520 days) | S2 | 1.0.6 Beta Win | Windows (Windows NT 2000) | Any | MySQL Backup Scheduler failer with Windows 2000 |
4632 | 2004-07-19 18:51 | 2004-07-20 13:28 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7516 days) | S1 | 1.0.6 betra | Windows (win98se) | Any | Missing exports in NetAPI |
19431 | 2006-04-29 2:03 | 2006-05-02 16:24 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6865 days) | S1 | 1.0.6-beta | Windows (WinXP Home/PC) | Any | Displays black where the work area should be |
9366 | 2005-03-23 18:33 | 2005-04-20 16:10 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7242 days) | S2 | 1.0.6-beta | MacOS (OS X 10.3.8) | Any | Connecting to MySQL 3.x database fails to display error |
8986 | 2005-03-06 0:22 | 2008-04-09 8:11 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6157 days) | S2 | 1.0.6beta | MacOS (OS X) | Any | MySQL Administrator doesn't accurate report system variables |
19854 | 2006-05-16 14:37 | 2006-05-25 15:15 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6842 days) | S1 | 1.0.6beta1 | MacOS (Mac OS X (Intel)) | Any | Crashes very frequently; can't create a table |
19178 | 2006-04-18 21:34 | 2012-09-13 10:03 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (6758 days) | S1 | 1.0.7 | Windows (Windows 2003/IIS) | Any | ASP.NET Lockup under moderate load with 1.0.7. Resource contention? |
20826 | 2006-07-03 16:51 | 2006-09-26 19:28 | Connector / NET | Closed (6718 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | MySqlConnection.State does not report closed connection |
21274 | 2006-07-25 13:55 | 2012-09-13 7:56 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (6768 days) | S1 | 1.0.7 | Windows (Windows 2000/XP/2003) | Any | Cannot connect to WAN database on a windows service application |
21402 | 2006-08-01 18:51 | 2012-09-13 10:08 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (6767 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | System.Net.Sockets.SocketException |
29679 | 2007-07-10 6:16 | 2012-09-13 10:53 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (6397 days) | S1 | 1.0.7 | Any | Any | Socket Connection error is occurring. |
15488 | 2005-12-05 13:57 | 2012-09-13 7:35 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (6982 days) | S1 | 1.0.7 | Linux (Linux (FC 4)) | Any | MySqlException: Operation on non-blocking socket would block |
15564 | 2005-12-07 22:51 | 2012-09-13 7:36 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (6973 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 | Linux (Gentoo Linux) | Any | "Connection unexpectedly terminated" using DateTime column |
16189 | 2006-01-04 15:09 | 2024-10-27 20:45 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (6944 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | MySqlConversionException while processing datetime field in year 2006 |
17029 | 2006-02-02 1:18 | 2007-05-15 9:55 | Connector / NET | Closed (6487 days) | S1 | 1.0.7 | Windows (Windows XP Home) | Any | A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately |
22452 | 2006-09-18 20:17 | 2006-10-16 17:17 | Connector / NET | Closed (6698 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Parameter 'ın' is not defined |
22543 | 2006-09-21 9:51 | 2006-11-22 11:08 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (6661 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 | Linux (Linux) | Any | DATE_FORMAT error in Connector Net 1.0.7/mono |
16763 | 2006-01-25 1:22 | 2017-12-23 10:38 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (6705 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 and 5.0.1 | Windows (Windows XP Home) | Any | Hangs or Connection unexpectedly terminated on read operation (not thread-safe) |
4699 | 2004-07-22 16:56 | 2004-07-22 19:35 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (7514 days) | S3 | 1.0.7 beta | Windows (MS Windows 2000 Professional) | Any | Number of SQL queries not shown in transactions |
18391 | 2006-03-21 14:19 | 2006-10-16 17:33 | Connector / NET | Closed (6698 days) | S3 | 1.0.7 for .NET 1.1 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Better error handling for the .NET class "MySqlCommand" needed. |
5576 | 2004-09-14 18:56 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (7382 days) | S1 | 1.0.7-beta | Windows (Win XP / SP2) | Any | Japanese characters in query area make Query Browser crash |
17291 | 2006-02-09 21:55 | 2012-09-13 10:19 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (6813 days) | S1 | | Windows (windows server 2003) | Any | System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an ob |
18721 | 2006-04-03 1:30 | 2006-04-04 22:25 | Connector / NET | Closed (6893 days) | S2 | | .NET & MySQL Linux | Any | Socket Error |
17106 | 2006-02-03 20:22 | 2006-06-04 4:11 | Connector / NET | Closed (6832 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows 2003 Server) | Any | MySql.Data.MySqlClient.CharSetMap.GetEncoding thread synchronization issue |
4790 | 2004-07-28 16:21 | 2004-07-28 17:37 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7508 days) | S3 | 1.0.8 | Windows (Win2K) | Any | Error in about box! ;-) |
23749 | 2006-10-29 12:28 | 2006-11-06 17:46 | Connector / NET | Closed (6677 days) | S1 | 1.0.8 RC | Windows (WinXP SP2) | Any | VarChar field size over 255 causes a System.OverflowException |
23758 | 2006-10-29 23:31 | 2006-11-06 14:11 | Connector / NET | Closed (6677 days) | S2 | 1.0.8-RC | Windows (Windows 2003) | Any | Unable to connect to any server - IPv6 related |
4910 | 2004-08-05 14:04 | 2004-08-10 15:10 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7495 days) | S1 | 1.0.9 | Windows (WinXP SP1) | Any | Administrator crash with variable descriptions |
27754 | 2007-04-11 12:33 | 2012-09-13 10:40 | Connector / NET | No Feedback (6479 days) | S3 | 1.0.9 | Windows (XP and vista) | Any | nested transaction with 1.0.9 connector .NEt |
19574 | 2006-05-06 3:26 | 2006-05-07 19:07 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Duplicate (6860 days) | S3 | 1.01 and 1.06 | Windows (XP Pro SP2 P4-512) | Any | MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem and needs to close |
12688 | 2005-08-19 19:31 | 2005-08-30 21:17 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Can't repeat (7110 days) | S3 | 1.013 | Windows (Windows XP Professional) | Any | Error with Access escape sequence |
3027 | 2004-03-01 16:56 | 2004-03-06 10:11 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (7652 days) | S3 | 1.01a | Linux (Redhat Fedora Core 1) | Any | MySQL Administrator --Selecting "Server Logs" causes program to exit. |
3320 | 2004-03-29 1:28 | 2004-03-30 17:25 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7628 days) | S3 | 1.02b-alpha | Linux (Suse Linux 8.2) | Any | MySQLAdministrator crashes when starting backup with it |
9619 | 2005-04-04 18:20 | 2006-10-29 4:28 | Connector / NET | Closed (6685 days) | S2 | 1.04 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Cannot update row using DbDataAdapter when row contains an invalid date |
8823 | 2005-02-26 21:56 | 2005-03-04 20:39 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7289 days) | S3 | 1.05-alpha | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.3.8) | Any | MySQL Administrator - crash 8 sec after connect using return to accept pwd |
20160 | 2006-05-31 0:32 | 2006-05-31 20:06 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6836 days) | S3 | 1.06 | Windows (win32) | Any | duplicate foreign key names |
17814 | 2006-03-01 2:41 | 2012-09-13 10:21 | Connector / NET | Closed (6832 days) | S3 | 1.07 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | Stored procedure fails unless DbType set explicitly |
17022 | 2006-02-01 20:56 | 2006-02-08 3:01 | Connector / NET | Duplicate (6948 days) | S2 | 1.07 | Windows (Win XP) | Any | Problems converting "blank" dates (0000-00-00 00:00:00) |
14078 | 2005-10-17 17:03 | 2005-10-26 22:19 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7053 days) | S1 | 1.1 | MacOS (mac osx 10.4.2) | Any | Crash when trying to log in |
21683 | 2006-08-16 23:35 | 2006-08-17 6:42 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Can't repeat (6758 days) | S1 | 1.1 | Windows (Win XP) | Any | MySQL Workbench causes system crash on Win XP |
27567 | 2007-04-01 1:06 | 2007-04-01 8:01 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Duplicate (6531 days) | S1 | 1.1 | Windows (Windows XP Pro sp2) | Any | Entry Point Not Found |
22522 | 2006-09-20 15:20 | 2006-09-20 17:11 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Can't repeat (6724 days) | S1 | 1.1 | Any | Workbench loading error | |
22658 | 2006-09-25 9:45 | 2006-11-22 11:16 | MySQL Workbench Preview | No Feedback (6661 days) | S1 | 1.1 | Linux (Ubuntu Linux 64 bit) | Any | MySql Workbench:Ubuntu 64 bit:Unable to locate theme engine in module_path |
26621 | 2007-02-25 18:37 | 2007-03-12 19:21 | MySQL Visual Studio Plugin | Not a Bug (6551 days) | S3 | 1.1 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | The MySQLDataAdapter change the type of a MySQL bit to a System.UInt64 |
21907 | 2006-08-29 19:28 | 2006-12-21 21:33 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6632 days) | S1 | 1.1 (5.0-r8) | Linux (Linux (Gentoo on x86)) | Any | X Window System error 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'. |
26873 | 2007-03-06 13:51 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | No Feedback (6512 days) | S3 | 1.1 r4876 | MacOS (OS X 1.4.8 (Intel)) | Any | MNMAS Installation on OS X does not set correct permissions |
12179 | 2005-07-26 15:30 | 2005-07-27 6:09 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (7144 days) | S2 | 1.1.0 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Error on start: loading Options file |
56809 | 2010-09-15 20:55 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / C++ | Won't fix (5267 days) | S3 | 1.1.0 | Linux (Centos 5) | Any | Connector/C++ 1.1.0 links libstdc++ |
12051 | 2005-07-20 12:00 | 2005-08-04 8:06 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7136 days) | S3 | 1.1.0 rc | Windows (WindowsXP SP2) | Any | Access violation |
12563 | 2005-08-13 2:31 | 2005-08-13 11:16 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (7127 days) | S3 | 1.1.0 rc | Windows (XP) | Any | Cannot assign privileges to new users |
25750 | 2007-01-22 12:01 | 2007-01-23 13:04 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6599 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | server install does not set the Tomcat service to 'automatic' |
25824 | 2007-01-24 12:56 | 2007-02-15 14:46 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server | Closed (6576 days) | S2 | | Linux (RHEL4 (all?)) | Any | Setting the log purge setting truncates all logs after 1 day |
26244 | 2007-02-10 0:02 | 2007-02-21 14:29 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6570 days) | S1 | | MacOS (OSX x86) | Any | Agent installation fails on OSX x86 |
26581 | 2007-02-22 23:32 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (5575 days) | S3 | - | Linux (Linux) | Any | server update doesn't return control when finished, but system is up and running |
28380 | 2007-05-11 14:59 | 2007-11-22 20:12 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6296 days) | S2 | | FreeBSD (FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE #0) | Any | MySQL Agent install fails on FreeBSD 6.2 |
12312 | 2005-08-02 3:13 | 2005-09-12 17:24 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (7097 days) | S1 | 1.1.0rc | Windows (Win XP Pro SP2) | Any | crash on schedule backup at libmysqladmin.dll at 00005921 |
13098 | 2005-09-09 23:17 | 2024-10-27 20:45 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (7066 days) | S3 | 1.1.1 - 1.1.14 | Windows (Windows 2000 Server) | Any | QB Query Edit textbox corrupt display in Terminal Services |
13531 | 2005-09-27 17:57 | 2005-10-14 14:19 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7065 days) | S3 | 1.1.1 rc | Windows (Windows 2000/2003) | Any | MySQL System Tray Monitor shows persistent tooltip |
11977 | 2005-07-15 22:39 | 2005-09-21 20:26 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7088 days) | S3 | 1.1.1-beta | MacOS (Mac OSX 10.4.2) | Any | Crash with simple select query that returns <10000 rows |
12015 | 2005-07-18 18:38 | 2005-09-20 4:37 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7089 days) | S3 | 1.1.1-beta (OS X release) | MacOS (OS X) | Any | Crashes on "clear messages" |
6739 | 2004-11-21 16:40 | 2014-03-13 13:33 | MySQL Query Browser | Won't fix (7383 days) | S1 | 1.1.1-gamma-win-noinstall | Windows (WinXP SP1) | Any | Access violation at startup |
6990 | 2004-12-03 15:19 | 2004-12-06 12:44 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7377 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows XP - SP1) | Any | Inline help causes query edit box to become uneditable |
29608 | 2007-07-06 22:24 | 2024-02-04 20:45 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web | No Feedback (6401 days) | S2 | | Any | Any | MySql version not updated in dashboard main screen view |
30948 | 2007-09-11 9:17 | 2007-10-12 16:26 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (6337 days) | S1 | | IBM AIX | Any | agent installation fails due to libraries not found |
22569 | 2006-09-21 21:46 | 2006-09-22 16:10 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6722 days) | S1 | 1.1.10-2.fc5 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Seg. fault w/ 'User Adm..', 'Server Conn..', 'Cata...' on |
27820 | 2007-04-14 2:08 | 2007-04-14 12:35 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (6518 days) | S1 | 1.1.11 | Windows (Windows 2000 SP4) | Any | MTK BLOB 4MB Limit - MSSQL > MySQL |
27887 | 2007-04-17 15:33 | 2014-07-21 10:23 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Can't repeat (6402 days) | S1 | 1.1.11 | Windows (VISA 64) | Any | Migration Toolkit Does not recognise Java |
11273 | 2005-06-12 15:37 | 2005-06-15 14:57 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7186 days) | S1 | 1.1.11 | Linux (SUSE 9.3) | Any | shared librarys |
42931 | 2009-02-17 13:06 | 2013-04-16 7:19 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4324 days) | S2 | 1.1.12 | Windows (5.1 2600) | Any | cannot migrate from MS Access database |
37420 | 2008-06-16 3:04 | 2013-10-04 19:52 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Unsupported (4153 days) | S1 | 1.1.12 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Fails to start because JRE 5 update 8 is not installed. But it is installed |
32660 | 2007-11-23 14:42 | 2008-10-21 15:48 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Duplicate (5962 days) | S2 | 1.1.12 | Windows | Any | MySQL Migration Toolkit hangs when Fetch PK from Oracle |
34475 | 2008-02-11 22:26 | 2008-03-12 4:17 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | No Feedback (6185 days) | S2 | 1.1.12 | Windows (2000) | Any | Trying to migrate using mysql migration tool reverse engineering failed |
36697 | 2008-05-13 18:27 | 2008-05-13 19:06 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (6123 days) | S1 | 1.1.12 / 2.0.12 (GRT) | Windows | Any | MySQL Migration Toolkit / GRT wont start on Windows XP (JRE 1.6.0_06) |
12239 | 2005-07-28 13:26 | 2005-09-09 8:41 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7100 days) | S3 | 1.1.13 | Windows (XP Pro (SP2)) | Any | Unknown column in 'field list' (1054) |
12341 | 2005-08-03 9:26 | 2005-08-23 11:24 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7117 days) | S3 | 1.1.13 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Access Denied when accessing Query Browser |
12846 | 2005-08-29 16:57 | 2005-09-27 16:07 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7082 days) | S2 | 1.1.14 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | MySQL Query Browser access violation |
13389 | 2005-09-21 21:40 | 2014-03-13 13:34 | MySQL Query Browser | Won't fix (7074 days) | S2 | 1.1.14 | Windows (WinXP) | Any | Sidebar causes out-of-memory (system crash) by loading column data |
13715 | 2005-10-03 13:48 | 2005-10-13 9:31 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7066 days) | S2 | 1.1.14 | Windows (windows xp) | Any | forced foreground color without forced background color |
73540 | 2014-08-11 22:21 | 2018-02-28 20:35 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL Notifier | Closed (2588 days) | S3 | 1.1.16 | Windows (8.1) | Any | High Severity Error: Root element is missing |
14557 | 2005-11-02 1:12 | 2006-05-16 21:02 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6851 days) | S2 | 1.1.17 | Linux (SuSE 10.0 Kernel 2.6) | Any | Install Fails: Failed Dependencies: |
15078 | 2005-11-20 8:47 | 2005-11-20 11:43 | MySQL Query Browser | Duplicate (7028 days) | S1 | 1.1.17 | Windows (Windows Server 2003 SP1) | Any | When you open Query Browser it hangs and CPU usage climbs up to 99% |
15424 | 2005-12-02 8:01 | 2006-01-10 12:38 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (6977 days) | S1 | 1.1.17 | Linux (Fedora Core 4) | Any | Segmentation fault |
43947 | 2009-03-30 1:20 | 2009-04-02 7:11 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Not a Bug (5799 days) | S3 | 1.1.17 | Windows | Any | Java Loader Does Not Initialize |
45542 | 2009-06-17 0:32 | 2009-06-24 18:05 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Not a Bug (5716 days) | S2 | 1.1.17 | Windows (XP SP2) | Any | Cannot connect to MS SQL |
16933 | 2006-01-31 13:18 | 2006-01-31 21:31 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (6956 days) | S1 | 1.1.18 | Linux (Fedora Core Rawhide) | Any | segmentation fault with latest glib |
20997 | 2006-07-12 11:34 | 2012-09-13 7:52 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6787 days) | S1 | 1.1.18 | Linux (Linux) | Any | ./mysql-query-browser: line 20: 11570 Segmentation fault $PRG-bin |
21046 | 2006-07-13 20:24 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (6713 days) | S2 | 1.1.18 | Linux (Slackware Linux 10.2) | Any | mysql query broswer compilation issues |
13283 | 2005-09-16 20:35 | 2005-09-20 20:01 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7089 days) | S2 | 1.1.1beta | MacOS (OSX 10.4) | Any | switching schemas for query crashes app |
13793 | 2005-10-06 7:20 | 2005-10-26 22:14 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7053 days) | S3 | 1.1.2 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Wrong version number (PACKAGE_VERSION clash with libsigc++) |
7006 | 2004-12-04 13:04 | 2004-12-15 12:41 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7368 days) | S3 | 1.1.2 | Windows (Windows XP PRO SP2) | Any | Query Browser installation problem on Windows XP |
7075 | 2004-12-07 13:43 | 2004-12-07 15:20 | MySQL Query Browser | Duplicate (7376 days) | S3 | 1.1.2 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Update fails |
7916 | 2005-01-14 21:08 | 2005-02-19 20:54 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (7302 days) | S3 | 1.1.2 | Windows (Windows XP Pro sp1) | Any | Failed to insert Chinese Character into a table from query browser |
7149 | 2004-12-09 21:24 | 2004-12-10 18:05 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7373 days) | S2 | 1.1.2-1 | Linux (linux suse 9.1) | Any | no results shown in resultset |
21891 | 2006-08-29 4:49 | 2006-09-07 10:09 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6737 days) | S3 | 1.1.20 | Linux (Linux/Slackware) | Any | mysql-administrator fails with nonlocal XServer |
21001 | 2006-07-12 13:33 | 2006-11-20 20:51 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6663 days) | S1 | 1.1.20 | Windows (Windows Server 2003 IA64 SP1) | Any | Hang with "Access violation..." in status string |
82262 | 2016-07-18 8:37 | 2016-07-18 9:53 | MySQL Server | Unsupported (3135 days) | S1 | 1.1.20 | Windows (Win 7) | Any | Access Violation at Address 0081535A in module "libmysqlx". Read of Address 0000 |
13923 | 2005-10-11 12:07 | 2005-10-18 8:56 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7061 days) | S3 | 1.1.3 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Backup of back slash character |
22495 | 2006-09-19 20:50 | 2007-02-13 21:26 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6578 days) | S1 | 1.1.3 alpha | Linux (Linux Kubuntu 6.06) | Any | X-Server Crash Opening Workbench |
7568 | 2004-12-29 9:34 | 2005-04-15 1:48 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7247 days) | S3 | 1.1.4 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | Error when viewing contents of table without default schema |
23797 | 2006-10-31 9:31 | 2006-10-31 16:46 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6683 days) | S3 | 1.1.4 alpha | Windows (Windows) | Any | Copy Sql to ClipBoard in context menu |
23836 | 2006-11-01 13:29 | 2006-11-01 13:50 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Won't fix (6682 days) | S2 | 1.1.4 alpha/1.1.5 | Windows (Windows xp) | Any | Create Mysql Table in context menu |
23152 | 2006-10-10 19:46 | 2024-09-15 20:45 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | No Feedback (6673 days) | S2 | 1.1.4 rc | 32bit XP Pro | Any | Launching MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1.4 rc |
23185 | 2006-10-11 18:09 | 2006-11-15 9:51 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (6668 days) | S3 | 1.1.4 rc | Any | Unable to find MySQLMigrationToolKit.chm | |
23226 | 2006-10-12 19:21 | 2006-11-15 9:54 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (6668 days) | S3 | 1.1.4 rc | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Minor typo in MySQL Migration Toolkit welcome page error message |
24093 | 2006-11-08 16:50 | 2006-11-15 9:51 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (6668 days) | S3 | 1.1.4 rc | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Help file has incorrect name |
7832 | 2005-01-12 10:49 | 2005-06-08 15:45 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (7193 days) | S3 | 1.1.4, 1.1.5 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Query Browser 1.1.4, 1.1.5 won't start. Eat memory. |
23617 | 2006-10-25 7:44 | 2006-11-22 23:37 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Closed (6661 days) | S1 | 1.1.4alpha | Kubuntu edgy | Any | mysql-workbench-bin' received an X Window System error |
7985 | 2005-01-18 12:18 | 2005-01-19 21:02 | MySQL Query Browser | Won't fix (7333 days) | S3 | 1.1.5 | Windows (Windows NT 4.0 sp6a) | Any | Cannot launch QB on WinNT 4.0 sp6a (InternetGetConnectedState Not Found) |
8192 | 2005-01-29 9:24 | 2005-01-31 17:30 | MySQL Query Browser | Duplicate (7321 days) | S1 | 1.1.5 | Windows (windows xp sp2) | Any | Was working fine, but one day refused to open. |
15099 | 2005-11-21 14:13 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (6765 days) | S1 | 1.1.5 | Windows (Windows XP Professional) | Any | Unknown column 'Create_view_priv' in 'field list' (1054) |
16031 | 2005-12-28 5:46 | 2006-05-03 3:17 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6864 days) | S2 | 1.1.6 | Linux (linux) | Any | the root account of the mysql database system can be deleted easily |
8952 | 2005-03-04 18:35 | 2005-03-07 19:04 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (7286 days) | S2 | 1.1.6 | Linux (Linux/Debian) | Any | Segfault executing "SELECT 1" |
9094 | 2005-03-10 13:30 | 2005-05-15 5:14 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (7217 days) | S2 | 1.1.6 | Windows (Winxp and linux) | Any | Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COE |
9138 | 2005-03-11 23:44 | 2005-03-11 23:54 | MySQL Query Browser | Duplicate (7282 days) | S3 | 1.1.6 | Windows (winxp and linux) | Any | #9094: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general |
30179 | 2007-08-01 14:48 | 2007-09-03 4:30 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6376 days) | S5 | 1.1.6 | Windows (XP Professional) | Any | Library Error Number 3 |
77655 | 2015-07-08 11:24 | 2016-02-04 16:32 | Connector / C++ | Closed (3379 days) | S3 | 1.1.6 | Any | Any | CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS are populated with server flags instead of the system ones. |
80536 | 2016-02-26 21:01 | 2016-03-01 5:06 | Connector / C++ | Closed (3274 days) | S2 | 1.1.7 | Ubuntu (15.04) | Any | cmake problem with 5.6.x mysql_config and -fno-rtti |
87079 | 2017-07-14 23:35 | 2019-08-14 16:14 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL Notifier | Closed (2013 days) | S1 | 1.1.7 | Windows (Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393) | Any | High Severity Error on MySQL Notifier - Unhandled ExceptionMethod not found |
90416 | 2018-04-12 22:28 | 2018-04-13 0:15 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL Notifier | Duplicate (2501 days) | S1 | 1.1.7 | Windows (10 17133.1) | Any (x64) | MySql Notifier 1.1.7 High Severity Error |
14776 | 2005-11-08 23:51 | 2006-05-23 16:48 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6844 days) | S1 | 1.1.7-1 | Linux (Fedora Core 4) | Any | Seg Fault Occurs |
25441 | 2007-01-05 18:18 | 2007-01-15 17:11 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (6607 days) | S2 | 1.1.8 | Windows (Ms Windows) | Any | Fails on detection of JRE with jdk1.6.0 |
92062 | 2018-08-17 15:51 | 2018-08-23 15:09 | Connector / C++ | Can't repeat (2369 days) | S3 | 1.1.8-8.1 | SUSE (Leap 42.3) | Any | sql::ResultSet::getDouble truncates decimal places on system with de_DE locale |
17434 | 2006-02-15 20:36 | 2006-04-19 11:28 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6878 days) | S1 | 1.1.8, 1.1.4 | Windows (Windows XP, 2000) | Any | restore fail when backup sql contain \' |
17938 | 2006-03-05 14:17 | 2006-03-11 14:29 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6917 days) | S1 | 1.1.9 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | accented characters not restored properly |
19032 | 2006-04-12 7:17 | 2006-07-20 12:48 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (6786 days) | S3 | 1.1.9 | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | GUI font size is far too small |
38336 | 2008-07-24 8:20 | 2009-05-14 11:05 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Unsupported (5757 days) | S2 | 1.1.9 | IBM AIX | Any | The list of schema names could not be retrieved (error: 0) |
26319 | 2007-02-13 13:10 | 2007-04-30 9:21 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Closed (6502 days) | S2 | 1.1.9/1.1.10 | Any (Server 2003 Enterprise Edition) | Any | The connection to the target database could not be established (error: 0). |
112994 | 2023-11-07 17:42 | 2024-07-15 5:02 | Shell VSCode Extension | Analyzing (216 days) | S1 | 1.15.1 | Linux (Linux Mint 20.3) | x86 | Cannot create connection with mysql shell extension |
33542 | 2007-12-27 19:04 | 2008-01-02 17:07 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Documentation | Closed (6255 days) | S3 | 1.2.0 | Any | Any | Correction to docs re: Service Manager automatic startup on Unix |
32277 | 2007-11-12 11:58 | 2008-02-29 16:26 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (6197 days) | S3 | | Linux ( | Any | PCI message-signed-interrupts cause /proc/stat buffer overflows in agent |
33652 | 2008-01-03 14:51 | 2008-01-08 15:24 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Duplicate (6249 days) | S2 | | Any (FC4, reported on Solaris) | Any | Install does not configure the enterprise manager to start automatically |
35781 | 2008-04-02 23:42 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Verified (5904 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | Security advisors give improper advice for correcting users permissions. |
73389 | 2014-07-25 11:38 | 2014-08-06 21:38 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Closed (3847 days) | S2 | 1.2.1 | Windows (7 Pro 64 bits) | Any | MySQL com. incl. MySQL for Excel 1.2.1:Exception of HRESULT: 0x800A03EC |
74286 | 2014-10-09 0:58 | 2014-10-22 21:45 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Closed (3779 days) | S2 | 1.2.1 | Any | Any | Upgrading MySQL for Excel fails for all versions since 1.2.1 |
32170 | 2007-11-07 19:40 | 2007-11-26 16:25 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6292 days) | S1 | | MacOS (10.5) | Any | Mac OS X 10.5 installer hangs when required field not entered |
35648 | 2008-03-28 14:26 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5878 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | Agent should set it's own wait_timeout |
26860 | 2007-03-06 8:27 | 2009-01-29 9:44 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5862 days) | S2 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Ma in 'Config.-service Mode' yields Access Violation, selecting other service |
26864 | 2007-03-06 9:28 | 2009-05-12 12:51 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (5759 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | MA in 'Configure-service Mode' allows illegal characters as service name |
26866 | 2007-03-06 9:49 | 2009-10-15 8:25 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (5603 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | MA in 'Configure-service Mode' 'Startvariablen' tabs not localized to German |
26880 | 2007-03-06 16:03 | 2009-05-14 12:46 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (5757 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Again two different lists of storage engines to select from |
26912 | 2007-03-07 10:14 | 2009-01-29 12:54 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5862 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Strange characters (#13#10) in Stop Service confirmation dialog |
26919 | 2007-03-07 12:49 | 2007-09-24 11:49 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6355 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Access violations calling Query Browser on a table from within Ma |
26957 | 2007-03-08 10:51 | 2009-01-29 12:47 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5862 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Name for Index not automatically quoted in SQL statement yielded by apply change |
26999 | 2007-03-09 14:20 | 2009-05-19 13:01 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5752 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (Windows XP SP2 Pro) | Any | Access violation when adding a redundant instance |
27045 | 2007-03-12 12:37 | 2009-05-26 13:03 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (5745 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Wrong field selected when setting key length for index filed. |
27052 | 2007-03-12 16:27 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (5862 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Access violation after confirmed 'delete table column' but before Appply Changes |
27071 | 2007-03-13 9:22 | 2014-03-13 13:35 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (6550 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Some column name changes not possible to do in one step |
27089 | 2007-03-13 14:50 | 2009-01-29 13:05 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5862 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Closing 'create view' dialog with window handle or Alt-F4 opens MySQL Editor |
27120 | 2007-03-14 8:42 | 2009-05-26 13:03 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (5745 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP, Mac OS X) | Any | MySQL Table Editor accepts questionable value for 'Auto Increment' field |
27557 | 2007-03-30 23:22 | 2007-04-30 6:58 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (6502 days) | S2 | 1.2.10 | Any | we can't recover more than 252,983 records | |
27703 | 2007-04-08 3:41 | 2009-05-26 13:02 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (5745 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows | Any | table editor has same problem that catalogs had |
104515 | 2021-08-02 23:00 | 2022-08-02 15:35 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Verified (1291 days) | S1 | 1.2.10 | Windows | ARM | Configuration Update Tool Fails |
26896 | 2007-03-07 4:50 | 2007-03-07 5:38 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (6556 days) | S1 | 1.2.10ga | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.4.8) | Any | MySQL Administrator crashes when attempting to create a new schema |
27996 | 2007-04-21 0:55 | 2015-03-15 20:45 | MySQL Server | No Feedback (6463 days) | S3 | 1.2.11 | Windows (XP SP2) | Any | Error: Cannot fetch table information |
23746 | 2006-10-28 17:11 | 2009-02-06 9:57 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5854 days) | S3 | 1.2.11 | Windows (Windows Vista, XP SP2) | Any | MySQL System Tray Monitor can not start/stop mysql service in Vista OS |
26911 | 2007-03-07 10:00 | 2009-02-05 10:36 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5855 days) | S3 | 1.2.11, 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Need more specific wording in delete confirmation dialog for backup project. |
28528 | 2007-05-18 17:54 | 2007-06-22 7:30 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6449 days) | S3 | 1.2.12 | Windows (XP Home) | Any | MySQL Administrator reports different number of rows then MySQL QueryBrowser |
28930 | 2007-06-06 18:45 | 2009-02-16 11:00 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (5844 days) | S2 | 1.2.12 | Windows (2000 Pro) | Any | consistant memory leak when executing simple query |
30108 | 2007-07-27 23:26 | 2009-10-15 11:39 | MySQL Query Browser | Won't fix (5603 days) | S2 | 1.2.12 | Windows | Any | Query Browser incorrectly reporting out of memory errors |
37113 | 2008-05-31 0:39 | 2009-05-26 13:09 | MySQL Query Browser | Unsupported (5745 days) | S3 | 1.2.12 | MacOS (10.5.2) | Any | Unable to connect using socket when host = localhost |
37603 | 2008-06-24 9:42 | 2008-08-31 22:59 | MySQL Administrator | No Feedback (6013 days) | S3 | 1.2.12 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Restore of a backup-sql file fails |
38763 | 2008-08-13 9:01 | 2009-07-08 11:41 | MySQL GUI Common | Won't fix (5702 days) | S3 | 1.2.12 | Windows (XP) | Any | Fixed font size with Windows system large fonts |
42399 | 2009-01-28 0:09 | 2009-02-11 10:59 | MySQL Administrator | Won't fix (5849 days) | S2 | 1.2.12 | Windows | Any | Mysql Admin conflict with hMailServerMySQL |
31402 | 2007-10-04 17:23 | 2009-10-20 6:26 | MySQL GUI Common | Won't fix (5598 days) | S3 | 1.2.12 | Windows (Vista x32) | Any | MySQL System Tray Monitor - incorrect detection of servers' status |
32104 | 2007-11-05 12:42 | 2007-11-13 9:06 | MySQL Query Browser | Not a Bug (6305 days) | S3 | 1.2.12 | MacOS | Any | Cmd+A does not work in SQL query editor |
32132 | 2007-11-06 0:06 | 2009-04-28 12:54 | MySQL Administrator | Unsupported (5773 days) | S3 | 1.2.12 | MacOS (Darwin 8.10.3) | Any | Memory leak in MySQL Administrator |
51532 | 2010-02-26 2:10 | 2010-03-27 0:00 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (5441 days) | S3 | 1.2.17 | Windows (Vista Business) | Any | Query Browser result area empty |
49755 | 2009-12-17 2:27 | 2009-12-17 21:54 | MySQL Query Browser | Unsupported (5540 days) | S2 | 1.2.17 | Windows (7 Pro 32 Bit) | Any | Access violation error prevents program from working |
46835 | 2009-08-20 14:46 | 2009-09-04 22:38 | MySQL GUI Common | Won't fix (5644 days) | S3 | 1.2.17 | Windows (XP, but probably all) | Any | Desktop/Menu icons missing for Administrator & Query Browser |
104400 | 2021-07-23 17:40 | 2021-07-23 18:23 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (1304 days) | S3 | 1.2.17 | Windows (server 2016 standard) | Other | Mensaje: this section is only available when connected to localhost |
75273 | 2014-12-19 8:59 | 2018-08-21 16:28 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Closed (2371 days) | S3 | 1.2.3 | Windows (8.1 Pro x64) | Any | mysql winform wizard crash |
22987 | 2006-10-04 16:42 | 2006-10-09 8:23 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (6705 days) | S1 | 1.2.3 beta | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | typing - at start of line causes infinite loop |
22157 | 2006-09-09 6:46 | 2006-09-16 12:53 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6728 days) | S3 | 1.2.3 rc | Windows (Windows 2003) | Any | ft_min_word_len = 1 in my.ini, but MyISAM Paramaters tab shows = 4 |
22816 | 2006-09-29 9:14 | 2006-10-06 15:08 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6708 days) | S1 | 1.2.3 RC/1.2.4RC | Windows (XP) | Any | Actions in 'Stored Procedure' tab causes server to go down with error |
22358 | 2006-09-14 16:34 | 2006-09-20 12:44 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6724 days) | S1 | 1.2.3rc | Linux (Linux) | Any | Administrator segfaults due to "bad widgets" |
23744 | 2006-10-28 16:00 | 2006-11-20 15:26 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6663 days) | S5 | 1.2.4 beta | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | MySql Query Browser looses selected Schema or DB |
23325 | 2006-10-16 8:47 | 2006-10-19 14:03 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6695 days) | S3 | 1.2.4 RC | Windows (XP) | Any | Administrator exception; Can not set value for system variable tx_isolation |
23326 | 2006-10-16 8:54 | 2006-10-23 8:30 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6691 days) | S3 | 1.2.4 RC | Windows (XP) | Any | Can not display/read full description text for system variable |
23047 | 2006-10-06 12:01 | 2006-12-21 13:36 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (6632 days) | S2 | 1.2.4beta | MacOS (Mac OS 10.4.8 PPC) | Any | Crash when expanding table list |
23063 | 2006-10-06 22:43 | 2006-12-21 13:38 | MySQL Query Browser | No Feedback (6632 days) | S1 | 1.2.4Beta | MacOS (Mac OSX 10.4.8) | Any | MySQL Query Browser crash |
22990 | 2006-10-04 17:37 | 2006-10-10 14:19 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6704 days) | S1 | 1.2.4rc | Linux (Linux) | Any | Crash when discarding new user changes |
23930 | 2006-11-03 10:15 | 2006-11-13 11:08 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6670 days) | S3 | 1.2.5 RC | Windows (XP) | Any | Can not set numeric system variables |
24171 | 2006-11-10 8:30 | 2006-11-10 10:59 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6673 days) | S3 | 1.2.5 RC | Windows (XP) | Any | Primary key indicator,yellow key, no longer displayed ? |
24209 | 2006-11-11 1:14 | 2006-12-05 11:46 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6648 days) | S3 | 1.2.5beta | Linux (SuSE 10.0 (x86)) | Any | Query text area loses focus whenever a query is executed |
24142 | 2006-11-09 13:10 | 2006-11-09 14:23 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (6674 days) | S2 | 1.2.5rc | Windows (WinXP Pro) | Any | Schema Tables Catalalogs - "Rows" column completely random value |
24823 | 2006-12-05 14:47 | 2006-12-05 16:12 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6648 days) | S3 | 1.2.6 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Cannot restart service using MySQL Administrator |
22545 | 2006-09-21 12:58 | 2007-01-05 14:35 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6617 days) | S3 | 1.2.6 rc | Windows (Windows XP Professional x64 Edition) | Any | Window messed up when maximizing |
24790 | 2006-12-04 9:40 | 2006-12-04 14:33 | MySQL Administrator | Duplicate (6649 days) | S2 | 1.2.6 RC | Windows (XP) | Any | Administrator exception --> Can not create view or stored procedure. |
88570 | 2017-11-21 1:34 | 2018-02-21 22:34 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Closed (2552 days) | S1 | 1.2.7 | Windows (10) | Any | VS2017 MySQL Web Configuration Tool Error: MySQL.ConnectorInstaller |
25108 | 2006-12-16 9:45 | 2007-01-09 11:51 | MySQL Administrator | Not a Bug (6613 days) | S2 | 1.2.8 | Windows (windows xp home (italian)) | Any | Backup a remote db fails |
25266 | 2006-12-24 16:53 | 2007-01-17 15:55 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6605 days) | S3 | 1.2.8 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Behaviour changed doing 'Apply Changes' in MySQL Table Editor |
25268 | 2006-12-25 10:04 | 2007-01-17 16:46 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6605 days) | S3 | 1.2.8 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Field type change from INTEGER to INTEGER(n) not possible |
25236 | 2006-12-21 15:36 | 2007-01-22 12:30 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6600 days) | S3 | 1.2.8 beta | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Trap when executed as another (priviledged) user |
26519 | 2007-02-21 11:08 | 2007-02-26 11:33 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6565 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | Inconsisten wording in confirm dialogs for removing tables/view/procs |
26530 | 2007-02-21 15:39 | 2007-02-26 8:48 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6565 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | Index Column Length dialog accepts negativ Integers |
26569 | 2007-02-22 14:47 | 2007-04-30 12:04 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6502 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | Comment for field > 255 characters --> Server Messages; Warning unknow error |
26572 | 2007-02-22 16:16 | 2007-02-23 16:43 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6568 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | Error in editing sql view defintion, destroys original definiton |
26589 | 2007-02-23 10:47 | 2007-02-26 11:16 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6565 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | Two different lists of storage engines to select from |
26596 | 2007-02-23 15:21 | 2007-02-26 11:00 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6565 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | German button labels clipped in Serverinformation tab |
26629 | 2007-02-26 9:45 | 2007-02-26 11:16 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6565 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | Right mouse button menue for user accounts not localized to German |
26631 | 2007-02-26 11:44 | 2007-04-30 9:55 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6502 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (XP) | Any | Access Violation when field name length >= 280 characters |
26729 | 2007-02-28 19:46 | 2009-02-04 16:21 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (5856 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | acces violation with "choose option file" (startup variables) when no file exist |
26764 | 2007-03-01 19:12 | 2007-04-30 9:31 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (6502 days) | S3 | 1.2.9/1.2.10 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | access violation, clicking "named pipe" |
26179 | 2007-02-08 6:23 | 2007-03-12 10:02 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6551 days) | S1 | 1.2.9RC | Linux (linux) | Any | Crash on typing command with /* in it. |
44278 | 2009-04-15 3:26 | 2014-07-02 11:56 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Patch pending (5675 days) | S2 | 1.23, 5.1, 6.0 bzr | Linux (RHEL4) | Any | mysqlhotcopy unable to backup schema with a hyphen in its name |
25775 | 2007-01-23 9:29 | 2007-04-24 14:44 | MySQL Query Browser | Closed (6508 days) | S2 | 1.29rc (and earlier) | Linux (linux (SuSE 10.1)) | Any | Core dump every time I try to edit a table |
32618 | 2007-11-22 11:51 | 2008-02-29 16:16 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6197 days) | S3 | | Linux (x86_64) | Any | agent and server install x86_64 does not show message for wrong option |
35761 | 2008-04-02 5:33 | 2008-05-15 3:03 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (6121 days) | S3 | | Solaris (SunOS butch 5.9 Generic_118558-09 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2) | Any | Enterprise Monitor Service Agent fails to install on Solaris 9 with LANG=ja |
35149 | 2008-03-07 16:19 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Can't repeat (5270 days) | S3 |, | Windows (Server 2008 Enterprise) | Any | agent reports "Windows Server 2008 Enterprise" as "MS Windows Vista (Win32 6.0) |
7552 | 2004-12-28 6:34 | 2004-12-30 14:35 | Eventum | Closed (7353 days) | S2 | 1.3.1 | Any (All) | Any | Eventum Cross Site Scripting (XSS) |
76517 | 2015-03-28 10:27 | 2015-10-26 20:20 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Closed (3401 days) | S2 | 1.3.4 | Windows (7) | Any | Column mapping not saving/loading correctly (among other issues) |
77472 | 2015-06-24 11:24 | 2015-09-30 22:27 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Can't repeat (3427 days) | S3 | 1.3.4 | Windows (10) | Any | Failing to Commit Changes |
78419 | 2015-09-12 22:10 | 2015-10-20 12:24 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Duplicate (3407 days) | S1 | 1.3.4 | Windows (Professional) | Any | Excel shows the MySQL plugin as COM add-in and there is nothing in the data tab. |
79197 | 2015-11-10 0:56 | 2016-05-19 17:32 | MySQL Utilities | Can't repeat (3386 days) | S2 | 1.3.5-2 | Ubuntu | Any | mysqldbcopy fails with HY000 |
80139 | 2016-01-25 12:18 | 2019-01-08 12:00 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Closed (2844 days) | S1 | 1.3.6 | Windows (Windows 10 Pro) | Any | Import is interrupted due to date/time value |
82064 | 2016-06-30 6:02 | 2016-06-30 6:37 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Duplicate (3153 days) | S2 | 1.3.6 | Windows (7 64bit) | Any | Date format error on SQL syntax |
84049 | 2016-12-04 11:55 | 2017-05-05 19:20 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Closed (2844 days) | S3 | 1.3.6 | Windows | Any | MySQL for Excel and comma separator in currency |
72181 | 2014-04-01 9:54 | 2014-09-05 5:21 | MySQL Utilities | Closed (3817 days) | S2 | 1.3.6, 1.4.2 | Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) | Any | mysqldbcompare crashes with python error |
94719 | 2019-03-20 13:23 | 2019-03-23 2:09 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Duplicate (2157 days) | S2 | 1.3.7 | Windows (8) | x86 | "Error copying table data" on using "Import MySQL data" button |
99698 | 2020-05-26 19:30 | 2020-09-21 18:12 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Won't fix (1724 days) | S3 | 1.3.8 | Windows (Windows 10 Pro for Workstation 64bit) | Any | MySQL for Excel plugin shows me error |
102226 | 2021-01-12 4:42 | 2021-01-12 8:57 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Verified (1496 days) | S1 | 1.3.8 | Windows | x86 | Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table. |
38129 | 2008-07-15 10:13 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5715 days) | S2 | 1.3.x | Any (Vista 32) | Any | agent floods its log with "executing regex for innodb ... failed" |
30156 | 2007-07-31 20:56 | 2007-08-07 3:41 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Closed (6403 days) | S3 | 1.4 | Any | Any | table cache not optimal advisor - incorrect information on details tab |
441 | 2003-05-17 8:38 | 2003-06-11 17:58 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Closed (7921 days) | S3 | 1.4 | Windows (Windows) | Any | WinMySQLAdmin |
72432 | 2014-04-23 14:46 | 2023-02-12 20:45 | MySQL Fabric | Duplicate (3687 days) | S3 | 1.4.0 | Any | Any | "MYSQLFABRIC MANAGE SETUP" RESULTS IN A LOST CONNECTION ERROR |
72191 | 2014-04-01 17:54 | 2014-04-01 22:09 | MySQL Fabric | Can't repeat (3974 days) | S3 | 1.4.1-1 | Linux | Any | mysqlfabric help does not work as documented |
78198 | 2015-08-25 3:43 | 2016-05-12 18:12 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Closed (3202 days) | S2 | | Windows | Any | No x64 Upgrade for Connector/Net, MySQL Documentation, & Samples and Examples |
79059 | 2015-11-01 15:26 | 2015-11-06 7:10 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Verified (3390 days) | S3 | | Windows (Win 7 x64) | Any | MySQL installer installs Python 3.4 x64 Connector into wrong directory. |
73366 | 2014-07-23 13:23 | 2014-09-05 5:18 | MySQL Utilities | Closed (3817 days) | S1 | 1.4.3 | Linux (CentOS 6.5) | Any | mysqlserverclone does not detect full disk error in Linux |
97264 | 2019-10-16 20:29 | 2019-10-17 7:56 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (1949 days) | S3 | 1.4.30 | Windows (Server 2008 R2) | x86 | MySQL for Windows: Installer fails when selecting No to upgrading Installer |
99484 | 2020-05-08 8:39 | 2022-10-26 22:28 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Won't fix (844 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows 10 Enterprise, German) | Any | MySQL Installer cannot create a scheduled task to check for updates |
74465 | 2014-10-20 20:40 | 2016-05-29 1:00 | MySQL Utilities | No Feedback (3186 days) | S1 | 1.4.4 | Windows (6.1) | Any | Attempt to Sync Slave with Master -- sets Master ServerID to same as slave. |
13649 | 2005-09-30 11:50 | 2005-10-03 15:04 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (7076 days) | S2 | 1.5 | Windows (Windows 2003 Server) | Any | Cannot execute more than one query with a single connection |
77442 | 2015-06-23 1:54 | 2015-06-30 23:42 | MySQL Utilities | Closed (3519 days) | S3 | 1.5, 1.5.4 | Any | Any | Modify(or add) policy --value=QUERIES sample for mysqlauditadmin |
74547 | 2014-10-24 11:33 | 2015-06-22 13:14 | MySQL Utilities | Verified (3527 days) | S3 | 1.5.2, 1.6.0-1 | Any | Any | mysqlserverinfo tries to access error log on the client instead of on the serve |
76777 | 2015-04-21 15:07 | 2015-06-16 22:52 | MySQL Utilities | Closed (3533 days) | S1 | 1.5.4 | Any (CentOS 7) | Any | mysqlfrm user permissions issue |
80210 | 2016-01-31 19:57 | 2016-02-01 8:00 | MySQL Utilities | Verified (3303 days) | S2 | 1.5.6 | CentOS | Any | Unable to use mysqldbexport: "Error: Missing gtid_executed system variable" |
80446 | 2016-02-19 16:11 | 2016-08-15 1:00 | MySQL Utilities | No Feedback (3108 days) | S1 | 1.5.6 | Red Hat (7.1) | Any | mysqlfailover process crash with mysql 5.7 simple failover |
81558 | 2016-05-24 4:56 | 2017-07-06 19:20 | MySQL Fabric | Won't fix (3190 days) | S2 | 1.5.6 | Any | Any | prune_log event doesn't use any index |
82218 | 2016-07-13 18:57 | 2016-11-22 8:19 | MySQL Utilities | Can't repeat (3008 days) | S2 | 1.5.6 | CentOS | Any | mysqlreplicate hangs while executing SHOW GRANTS for 'snuffles'@'host' |
82351 | 2016-07-26 23:04 | 2016-07-27 0:59 | MySQL Utilities | Duplicate (3126 days) | S3 | 1.5.6 | MacOS (MySQL Utilities fails installation) | Any | My SQL Utility Installation Fails |
109403 | 2022-12-16 8:44 | 2023-10-01 1:00 | Shell VSCode Extension | No Feedback (505 days) | S2 | 1.6.0 | Linux | x86 | MySQL Shell vscode extension doesn't work on Pop!_OS |
80189 | 2016-01-28 15:06 | 2016-02-02 19:02 | MySQL Utilities | Closed (3302 days) | S2 | 1.6.2 | Any | Any | mysqlfailover and mysqlrpladmin do not work with MySQL57 |
80200 | 2016-01-29 15:33 | 2016-02-02 19:03 | MySQL Utilities | Closed (3302 days) | S2 | 1.6.2 | Any | Any | msyqldbcopy does not work with MySQL 5.7 |
81997 | 2016-06-24 10:19 | 2016-09-16 5:28 | MySQL Utilities | Duplicate (3075 days) | S3 | 1.6.3 | Any | Any | mysqlfailover args passed to --exec-after script don't match the docs |
83065 | 2016-09-20 22:01 | 2016-09-20 23:14 | MySQL Utilities | Duplicate (3071 days) | S3 | 1.6.4 | MacOS (10.11.6) | Any | MYSQL Utilies 1.6.4 Fails to install on OSX 10.11.6 |
89340 | 2018-01-22 9:46 | 2018-01-23 9:29 | MySQL Utilities | Verified (2581 days) | S3 | 1.6.5-1debian8 | Debian | Any | mysqlfrm cannot use a login-path named 'client' to connect to the server |
23050 | 2006-10-06 13:45 | 2006-10-26 1:45 | Eventum | Closed (6688 days) | S3 | 1.7.1 | Linux (Debian Linux) | Any | Eventum page crashes after showing all issues |
23127 | 2006-10-10 9:41 | 2006-10-10 14:23 | Eventum | Duplicate (6704 days) | S3 | 1.7.1 | Any | encoding does not supported in outgoing emails | |
19902 | 2006-05-18 8:49 | 2013-07-09 8:32 | Eventum | Closed (4240 days) | S3 | 1.7.1 | Linux (Debian Linux) | Any | Notification when issue created by system |
19941 | 2006-05-19 13:05 | 2006-05-22 12:23 | Eventum | Closed (6845 days) | S3 | 1.7.1 | Linux (Debian Linux) | Any | leaving emails on server/blocked messages |
5442 | 2004-09-07 8:20 | 2004-11-09 17:19 | MySQL++ | Won't fix (7404 days) | S2 | 1.7.15 | Linux (Linux) | Any | MySQL++ not 64-bit ready? |
56434 | 2010-09-01 2:12 | 2010-11-04 2:15 | MySQL Server: Backup | Closed (5218 days) | S1 | 1.7.2 | Windows | Any | innobackup c fails in windows during ibbackup precheck. |
1352 | 2003-09-19 13:12 | 2020-04-29 12:34 | MySQL++ | Closed (7738 days) | S3 | 1.7.9 | Solaris (Solaris) | Any | sparc / gcc 2.95.2 compile error |
110199 | 2023-02-24 0:05 | 2023-02-27 12:36 | Shell VSCode Extension | Duplicate (720 days) | S3 | 1.8.0 | Linux (Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS) | x86 (HP 82A5) | Cannot connect to database |
27847 | 2007-04-16 11:30 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (5680 days) | S3 | 1.x, 2.0, 2.1 | HP/UX | Any | agent uninstall incomplete on HP (the uninstall file remains on the system) |
8056 | 2005-01-20 19:49 | 2005-05-30 9:18 | MySQL Administrator | Closed (7202 days) | S3 | 10.0.19 | Conectiva Linux 10 | Any | Edit Table Data pop up does not appears |
89940 | 2018-03-07 6:50 | 2018-03-07 8:55 | MySQL Server | Unsupported (2538 days) | S3 | 10.1.30-MariaDB | Windows (Win10) | Other (x64) | Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly. |
30130 | 2007-07-30 20:48 | 2007-08-30 21:02 | MySQL Server: Installing | No Feedback (6380 days) | S2 | 10.4 | MacOS | Any | Failed Installation of MySQL on Mac OS X |
62629 | 2011-10-05 5:41 | 2011-11-06 0:00 | MySQL Workbench | No Feedback (4852 days) | S3 | 10.6.1 | Any | Any | bug you required me to send in |
75058 | 2014-12-01 11:24 | 2014-12-03 14:39 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Duplicate (3728 days) | S1 | 12312 build 2280 (32 bit) | Windows (Windows 8.1) | Any | Mysql workbenc |
112658 | 2023-10-08 11:27 | 2024-03-11 15:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Duplicate (496 days) | S1 | 14 | MacOS (Sonoma) | Any | Workbench diagrams crashes on every version on MacOs Sonoma |
45207 | 2009-05-30 17:31 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Closed (5737 days) | S2 | 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a, for debian-linux | Linux (Debian Lenny) | Any | reading initial communication packet |
96421 | 2019-08-04 14:33 | 2019-08-05 7:25 | MySQL Server: Installing | Not a Bug (2022 days) | S1 | 14.14 | Linux (mint sylvia cinnamon) | x86 (64 bit) | Download MySql but cannot run it due to USER & PASSWORD are unknown |
77136 | 2015-05-22 17:49 | 2015-07-23 5:01 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (3496 days) | S3 | 14.14 Distrib 5.6.24, for Win64 (x86_64) | Windows (7, pro, 64-bit, SP1) | Any | System.NullReferenceException in MySQLInstallerConsole.exe during auto update |
63759 | 2011-12-15 12:51 | 2012-03-09 19:07 | Connector / NET | Not a Bug (4727 days) | S1 | 2 | Other (monotouch , ios & android) | Any | MySql.Data.dll conflict System.XML 2.0 on other frameworks like monotouch |
36302 | 2008-04-23 17:58 | 2008-07-07 13:34 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (6068 days) | S3 | 2.0 | Any | Any | Filesystem Type not defined |
40722 | 2008-11-13 23:08 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Closed (5920 days) | S3 | 2.0 | Any | Any | Key Buffer Size May Not Be Optimal For System RAM needs tweaking |
44602 | 2009-05-01 12:38 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Closed (5630 days) | S3 | 2.0 , | Any | Any | Table Cache Not Optimal rule does not account for renamed table_cache variable |
38722 | 2008-08-11 15:22 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server | Closed (6031 days) | S2 | | MacOS (10.5.4) | Any | mysqld showing connected when it is not |
40381 | 2008-10-28 21:30 | 2015-11-09 16:18 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Won't fix (3387 days) | S2 | | Any | Any | Synchronization across namespace/type classes causes some advisors to fail |
40907 | 2008-11-20 21:46 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5627 days) | S3 | | Solaris | Any | ZFS file systems do not show up in the dashboard Meta Info |
41376 | 2008-12-10 21:56 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | No Feedback (5726 days) | S1 | | Linux (FC6) | Any | Agent reporting large inventories can use too much memory esp. on old platforms |
42044 | 2009-01-12 10:54 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5863 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | agent msqld connect failure should be critical log level |
30799 | 2007-09-04 16:07 | 2007-12-22 17:58 | Eventum | No Feedback (6266 days) | S1 | 2.0.1 | Linux (Suse 10.1) | Any | Segfault after login |
78836 | 2015-10-14 21:12 | 2016-02-25 12:24 | MySQL Router | Closed (3293 days) | S3 | 2.0.2 | Any | Any | Router should provide meaningful error when no backends available |
80260 | 2016-02-04 6:08 | 2018-01-05 3:12 | MySQL Router | Closed (2599 days) | S2 | 2.0.2,2.1.4 | Linux | Any | MySQL Router is down with more than 1000 concurrent connections |
78425 | 2015-09-14 3:09 | 2022-05-06 15:19 | Connector / Python | Closed (1017 days) | S3 | 2.0.4-1debian7.6 | Debian (7) | Any | Fail to install mysql-connector-python if python2.6 is missing |
77776 | 2015-07-18 19:19 | 2015-07-20 10:00 | Connector / Python | Verified (3499 days) | S3 | 2.0.4, 1.1.6, 2.1.3 | Any | Any | Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' not shown if packet >= 4M |
42663 | 2009-02-06 19:10 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Closed (5836 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | Table Cache rules do not work in 5.1 (table_cache -> table_open_cache) |
44157 | 2009-04-08 16:08 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (5749 days) | S2 | 2.0.5 | MacOS | Any | Service Manager on Mac picks up extension libraries instead of ours |
47042 | 2009-09-01 14:43 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5519 days) | S2 | 2.0.5 | MacOS (snow leopard) | Any | agent fails to start up after snow leopard upgrade |
43373 | 2009-03-04 15:08 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5512 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | Wrong variable used on quan.lua, using val instead of inj.query_time |
45079 | 2009-05-25 20:04 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5512 days) | S3 |, 2.1.0 | FreeBSD (7) | Any | agent on FreeBSD7 does not show IP address in Meta Info on dashboard |
48120 | 2009-10-16 16:06 | 2015-01-09 10:35 | MySQL Proxy | Closed (3691 days) | S3 | 2.0.x, 2.1.x | Any (doesn't affect windows ) | Any | proxy doesn't increase the hard limit when max-open-files is used |
49386 | 2009-12-03 1:29 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Duplicate (5483 days) | S3 | 2.1 | Any | Any | Enterprise Dashboard 2.0 to 2.1 gets certificate errors |
21408 | 2006-08-02 1:47 | 2006-08-02 11:32 | MySQL++ | Closed (6773 days) | S3 | 2.1 | all windows | Any | mysql++ 2.1,very bad memory holl |
76350 | 2015-03-17 13:03 | 2017-03-24 15:42 | Connector / Python | Closed (2886 days) | S2 | 2.1.1 | Linux | Any | C Extension fails to compile if mysql_config return more than one include dir |
50806 | 2010-02-01 21:53 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5442 days) | S1 | | Any | Any | Proxy does not forward queries if clock set back after mysqld is down |
53090 | 2010-04-22 22:39 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (5361 days) | S3 |, 2.2 | Any | Any | When mysqld is hung, agent does not report a problem |
80238 | 2016-02-02 15:27 | 2016-02-05 14:52 | Connector / Python | Duplicate (3299 days) | S2 | 2.1.3 | MacOS | Any | Large queries fail with error "mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError: 2055" |
88667 | 2017-11-27 17:21 | 2018-01-09 20:48 | MySQL Router | Closed (2595 days) | S2 | 2.1.4 | Linux | Any | mysqlrouter creates socket accessible only to mysqlrouter user |
87121 | 2017-07-19 14:42 | 2021-03-22 12:32 | Connector / Python | Closed (2481 days) | S2 | 2.1.5 | Any | Any | Unable to connect to a MySQL server using TLSv1.2 |
52846 | 2010-04-15 1:45 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing | Closed (5382 days) | S2 | | Windows (7) | Any | Uninstall services fails with error / Uninstall fails if services were removed |
116265 | 2024-09-28 21:46 | 2024-09-30 10:17 | Shell AdminAPI InnoDB Cluster / ReplicaSet | Closed (139 days) | S3 | 2.2.1 | Ubuntu | x86 | Cant install helm chart with innodb-cluster |
56992 | 2010-09-24 1:06 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Documentation | Closed (5133 days) | S2 | 2.2.3 | Any | Any | SNMP Trap settings are unclear between main settings and advisor level |
54932 | 2010-07-01 11:48 | 2015-01-09 14:45 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Won't fix (3691 days) | S3 | 2.2.3 | IBM AIX | Any | wrong "Excessive Memory Usage" alerts on AIX |
57587 | 2010-10-19 23:16 | 2024-11-24 20:45 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Verified (5234 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | Rule Advice in Event popup is not translated when locale=JA |
47675 | 2009-09-28 14:29 | 2012-05-25 6:18 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Closed (4650 days) | S3 | 2.2+ | Any | Any | extra connection for FEDERATED tables with MEM |
57976 | 2010-11-04 12:14 | 2018-12-09 20:45 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server | Verified (5218 days) | S3 | 2.3.0 | Any | Any | Advisor export does not handle names with / in them properly |
58949 | 2010-12-15 18:27 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web | Won't fix (5143 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | DTD resolution during MOS response XML parsing can fail |
60991 | 2011-04-28 10:58 | 2011-05-24 17:05 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Closed (5017 days) | S3 | 2.3.3 | Any | Any | Key Buffer Size advice for Windows is wrong |
3732 | 2004-05-12 22:51 | 2004-05-27 7:57 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7570 days) | S3 | 2.50.39/3.51.07 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | ODBC Administrator in XP Professional |
7225 | 2004-12-13 3:47 | 2004-12-13 14:50 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Can't repeat (7370 days) | S1 | 2003 | Windows (Windows) | Any | Net Tracking System |
14664 | 2005-11-05 0:01 | 2005-12-05 10:30 | Connectors: DBD::mysql ( Perl ) | No Feedback (7013 days) | S5 | 2005 11 05 | Windows (Windows XP SP2 Corporate) | Any | [Link System] |
14644 | 2005-11-04 14:36 | 2005-11-04 14:54 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (7044 days) | S3 | 2005-11-04 14:30:00 UTC | Any | Customizable feeds on don't work | |
70728 | 2013-10-25 20:34 | 2014-03-04 11:14 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Documentation | Closed (4002 days) | S3 | 3.0 | Any | Any | InnoDB Buffer Pool Usage Graph doc does not reflect actual behavior |
74725 | 2014-11-07 8:20 | 2015-02-04 17:24 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Verified (3665 days) | S3 | 3.0.14 | Solaris (Solaris 10 10/08) | Any | NumberFormatException in RadeoxFormatNumberMacro |
4639 | 2004-07-20 3:32 | 2004-07-20 3:53 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (7516 days) | S2 | 3.0.14 | Windows (Windows xp) | Any | cannot connect to mysql |
5031 | 2004-08-13 12:59 | 2004-08-13 22:56 | Connector / J | Won't fix (7492 days) | S3 | 3.0.14-production | Windows (Windows) | Any | Unknown system variable 'character_set_results' |
5473 | 2004-09-08 14:14 | 2014-03-31 7:46 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3975 days) | S2 | 3.0.15 | Windows (windows XP) | Any | Possible bug in MySQL driver Out of memory |
71594 | 2014-02-05 12:04 | 2014-02-26 10:42 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web | Verified (4008 days) | S3 | | Any | Any | Subject and some other data is not formatted correctly |
71718 | 2014-02-14 11:21 | 2014-03-03 12:41 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules | Closed (4003 days) | S3 | 3.0.6 | Any | Any | No advisor config for NFS filesystems |
145 | 2003-03-11 14:33 | 2003-04-22 10:47 | Connector / J | Closed (7971 days) | S2 | 3.0.6 | NA | Any | ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName bug for fieldtype CHAR |
722 | 2003-06-25 11:52 | 2003-06-25 12:07 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (7907 days) | S2 | 3.0.8 | Linux (Linux 2.4) | Any | executeUpdate attempts to execute on wrong host |
1387 | 2003-09-23 20:54 | 2003-09-26 7:21 | Connector / J | Closed (7814 days) | S2 | 3.0.8 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Connector/J SingleByteCharsetConverter Bug |
53297 | 2010-04-29 20:57 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Unsupported (5115 days) | S3 | 3.1 | Any | Any | innobackup timeout while waiting to get readlock |
9812 | 2005-04-11 11:30 | 2005-04-11 14:53 | Connector / J | Closed (7251 days) | S2 | 3.1 - 3.2 | MacOS (Mac OS X) | Any | Memory leak in closing statement |
3883 | 2004-05-25 22:26 | 2004-05-25 22:52 | Connector / J | Duplicate (7572 days) | S1 | 3.1-nightly-20040524 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Mysql Connector/J (3.1.1-alpha) Compression doesn't work - connection resets |
54656 | 2010-06-21 8:37 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (5191 days) | S1 | 3.1, 3.5 | Windows | Any | ibbackup.exe/zlib1.dll has dependencies on non-existing MSVCR90.DLL |
18740 | 2006-04-03 14:42 | 2006-04-05 20:14 | Connector / J | Closed (6892 days) | S3 | 3.1, 5.0 | NA | Any | SQLException or SQLWarning contains only last error / warning when there are mu |
2692 | 2004-02-09 12:40 | 2004-02-25 0:45 | Connector / J | Closed (7662 days) | S2 | 3.1.1 | Windows (Win98) | Any | PreparedStatement binding malfunction |
3334 | 2004-03-30 5:04 | 2014-03-28 13:52 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3978 days) | S2 | 3.1.1-alpha | Windows (WinXP) | Any | Different behavior of complex query when execute by different method |
25379 | 2007-01-03 6:16 | 2007-02-22 11:19 | Connector / J | Closed (6569 days) | S3 | 3.1.10 | Any (ANY) | Any | INOUT parameters add extra delimiters for the char ' (single quote) |
13261 | 2005-09-16 11:35 | 2005-09-23 7:42 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (7086 days) | S3 | 3.1.10 | Windows (Windows XP Professional) | Any | zeroDateTimeBehavior property seems to be ignored |
14180 | 2005-10-20 13:44 | 2005-11-15 13:58 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (7033 days) | S3 | 3.1.10 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | max_allowed_packet set for session ignored (for PreparedStatement) |
16848 | 2006-01-27 18:09 | 2006-02-02 16:31 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (6954 days) | S3 | 3.1.10 | Linux (Linux JDK1.4.2) | Any | Hang in SocketRead |
11563 | 2005-06-25 11:05 | 2005-06-27 12:24 | Connector / J | Won't fix (7174 days) | S3 | 3.1.10 | Windows (w2k) | Any | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
11629 | 2005-06-29 6:20 | 2005-07-07 19:53 | Connector / J | Closed (7164 days) | S3 | 3.1.10 | Any (Any) | Any | Prints '!'s to System.out for UTF-8 charsets |
12229 | 2005-07-27 21:00 | 2005-10-17 19:43 | Connector / J | Closed (7062 days) | S2 | 3.1.10 | Any (*) | Any | executeQuery() hangs when using explainSlowQueries |
12357 | 2005-08-03 20:11 | 2005-08-03 21:42 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (7137 days) | S2 | 3.1.10 | Windows (Windows/Linux) | Any | autoReconnect ineffective during failure in Statement.executeQuery |
11718 | 2005-07-04 8:31 | 2005-08-29 21:48 | MySQL Server | Closed (7111 days) | S2 | 3.1.10, 4.1.12, 5.0.7 | Any | ResultSet.getObject() returns incorrect object class with ORDER BY clause | |
15065 | 2005-11-19 9:22 | 2005-11-23 5:15 | Connector / J | Closed (7025 days) | S3 | 3.1.11 | Windows (WinXP) | Any | The usage advisor sometimes reports a referenced column as unreferenced |
15901 | 2005-12-21 3:16 | 2013-11-21 7:22 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (4105 days) | S2 | 3.1.11 | Linux (Red Hat Linux) | Any | ResultSet can't reflect the update of mysql server. |
15627 | 2005-12-09 10:52 | 2005-12-20 20:41 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Not a Bug (6998 days) | S3 | 3.1.12 | Windows (MS Server 2003) | Any | DatabaseMetaData getImportedKeysnot returning RESTRICT |
16841 | 2006-01-27 14:07 | 2006-03-10 20:28 | Connector / J | Closed (6918 days) | S2 | 3.1.12 | Linux (Linux Mandrake 9.2) | Any | Updateable ResultSet does not always return correctly the last insert id |
17099 | 2006-02-03 13:07 | 2014-03-31 9:38 | Connector / J | Closed (6918 days) | S3 | 3.1.12 | Linux (Linux Mandrake 9.2) | Any | NullPointerException at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.getGeneratedKeys() |
18880 | 2006-04-07 9:02 | 2006-07-26 18:17 | Connector / J | Closed (6780 days) | S2 | 3.1.12 | Linux (Linux Ubuntu) | Any | Resultset.getFloatFromString does not work for Float min or max value |
27431 | 2007-03-26 6:27 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / J | Closed (5632 days) | S2 | 3.1.12 | Linux (Linux FC5) | Any | ResultSet.deleteRow() - incorrect behaviour |
68437 | 2013-02-20 2:18 | 2014-02-27 7:05 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4007 days) | S2 | 3.1.14 | Linux (2.6.18-128.el5) | Any | Result set return previous result after one time out exception |
4122 | 2004-06-13 17:49 | 2004-06-23 21:37 | Connector / J | Duplicate (7543 days) | S1 | 3.1.2 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | update fails |
4691 | 2004-07-22 9:04 | 2004-08-03 4:12 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (7502 days) | S3 | 3.1.3-beta | Solaris (Solaris 8 (SPARC)) | Any | SQLException: on Solaris |
8504 | 2005-02-14 18:40 | 2005-02-14 19:33 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (7307 days) | S1 | 3.1.6 | Windows (windows 2000 professional) | Any | Transaction in mysql-connector-java-3.1.6 |
8957 | 2005-03-04 21:23 | 2014-03-28 11:26 | Connector / J | Closed (3978 days) | S1 | 3.1.6-7 | Windows (Win2Kserver) | Any | MySQL service crash without errors |
10310 | 2005-05-02 11:45 | 2005-05-06 21:09 | Connector / J | Closed (7226 days) | S3 | 3.1.7 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | CallableStatement doesn't support calling functions |
9976 | 2005-04-18 15:47 | 2014-03-31 9:17 | Connector / J | Closed (3975 days) | S1 | 3.1.8 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Unable to instantiate logger class 'com.mysql.jdbc.log.Log4JLogger' |
17617 | 2006-02-21 15:27 | 2014-03-31 11:00 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3975 days) | S2 | 3.1.8 | Windows (WINDOWS) | Any | Change of time cause connection error |
11540 | 2005-06-24 4:29 | 2005-06-24 20:00 | Connector / J | Closed (7177 days) | S3 | 3.1.8a | Windows (Windows2000 sp4) | Any | Incorrect year conversion in setDate(..) for system that use B.E. year |
76279 | 2015-03-12 8:41 | 2015-10-28 9:15 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Duplicate (3399 days) | S3 | 3.11.0 | Any | Any | Unclear warning about version variable |
120 | 2003-03-04 10:00 | 2019-04-08 13:42 | MySQL Server | Closed (8020 days) | S1 | 3.23 | Any (64-bit) | Any | SHOW VARS crach on 64-bit CPU |
1169 | 2003-08-31 9:16 | 2003-10-06 19:26 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (7804 days) | S1 | 3.23.33 | BSDi 4.3 | Any | .NET crashes when I use ODBC Connector 3.51.06 |
3574 | 2004-04-27 6:18 | 2004-04-27 11:47 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (7600 days) | S2 | 3.23.49 (debian stable) | Linux (Linux 2.4.24 i686 debian) | Any | optimize table causes indexfile file-size corruption |
479 | 2003-05-22 15:06 | 2003-06-30 7:34 | MySQL Server | Closed (7902 days) | S2 | 3.23.52 | Linux (RedHat 6.2) | Any | ERROR 1105: Unknown error with ORDER BY on query that should return empty set |
4185 | 2004-06-17 14:23 | 2004-09-15 16:09 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (7459 days) | S3 | 3.23.52 | Linux (Linux 8) | Any | SQLException: Communication link failure - on remote machine |
617 | 2003-06-06 18:27 | 2003-06-09 5:41 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (7923 days) | S2 | 3.23.52, 4.0.12 | Linux (Linux/Redhat 8.0) | Any | Queries mysteriously seem to stop using an Index / slow performance |
1208 | 2003-09-05 19:58 | 2004-08-13 15:49 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Won't fix (7492 days) | S2 | 3.23.53 | Linux (redhat 7.2) | Any | bigint precision problem |
2433 | 2004-01-16 23:23 | 2004-01-17 11:36 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7701 days) | S1 | 3.23.53 | Any | MYSQL database crash after every 3 month | |
2444 | 2004-01-19 8:11 | 2004-01-22 10:49 | MySQL Server: ISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (7696 days) | S2 | 3.23.53a | Linux (Red Hat 7.2) | Any | .MYD and .MYI tables deleted (not truncated) on disk-full condition |
99 | 2003-02-26 4:06 | 2003-07-14 6:49 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7888 days) | S3 | 3.23.54 | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.2.4) | Any | % does not match the mysql host in mysql.user table |
4837 | 2004-07-31 11:08 | 2004-08-03 4:27 | Connector / J | Not a Bug (7502 days) | S2 | 3.23.54 | Linux (RedHat Linux) | Any | Not able to access the mysql database on linux system from an JSP application |
135 | 2003-03-09 8:48 | 2003-03-11 14:03 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (8013 days) | S3 | 3.23.55 | Linux (Debian GNU/Linux) | Any | perror manpage formatting bug |
308 | 2003-04-18 15:22 | 2003-04-22 10:28 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7971 days) | S2 | 3.23.56 | Linux (slackware 8) | Any | mysql 3.23.56 segfaults under slackware source install |
818 | 2003-07-09 5:34 | 2004-01-28 9:58 | MySQL Server | Closed (7690 days) | S3 | 3.23.57 | Linux (Linux, SunOS) | Any | Compile static libmysqlclient position independent |
1985 | 2003-11-29 15:59 | 2004-01-01 14:20 | MySQL Server | No Feedback (7717 days) | S1 | 3.23.58 | Linux (RH 9) | Any | server |
3222 | 2004-03-18 6:01 | 2004-03-19 0:35 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (7639 days) | S3 | 3.23.58 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | ALTER TABLE test CHANGE id ... AUTO_INCREMENT tries to change id's values |
8491 | 2005-02-13 22:10 | 2022-09-04 20:45 | Connector / J | Duplicate (3975 days) | S1 | 3.23.58 | Linux (Linux Fedora 2) | Any | "Table 'rsa.Vote' doesn't exist" w/ CONCUR_UPDATEABLE |
16885 | 2006-01-29 22:53 | 2006-02-09 13:15 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (6947 days) | S5 | 3.23.58 | Linux (Linux - Fedora Core 2) | Any | MySQL 3.23.58 under Fedora fails to support multi-processors... |
5518 | 2004-09-10 16:20 | 2004-12-14 17:44 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Closed (7369 days) | S2 | 3.23.58-1.73 | Linux (Linux) | Any | MyISAM table becomes corrupted on system quota exceeding |
1499 | 2003-10-07 11:04 | 2004-01-30 22:00 | MySQL Server | Closed (7688 days) | S3 | 3.23.x 4.0.x | FreeBSD (FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE) | Any | INSERT/UPDATE into decimal field rounding problem |
54723 | 2010-06-23 8:30 | 2015-06-11 19:00 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (3789 days) | S3 | 3.5 | Any | Any | MEB: table name to file name translation not done |
59394 | 2011-01-10 13:39 | 2011-04-20 11:34 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (5051 days) | S3 | 3.5.1 | Any | Any | ibbackup can't handle different absolute paths in innodb_data_file_path |
6543 | 2004-11-10 10:35 | 2005-10-09 11:15 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7070 days) | S2 | 3.5.10 | Windows (Windows 2000 sp4) | Any | Problems detected using this release |
57335 | 2010-10-08 6:35 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (5133 days) | S3 | 3.5.2 | Any | Any | abnormal termination of the backup process could leave the global lock active |
57824 | 2010-10-28 21:34 | 2011-08-11 20:46 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (4938 days) | S2 | 3.5.2 | Any | Any | On windows, mysqlbackup fails when path to my.cnf contains spaces |
57825 | 2010-10-28 21:35 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Duplicate (5225 days) | S2 | 3.5.2 | Any | Any | mysqlbackup not creating ibbackup_export_variables.txt |
58734 | 2010-12-04 22:05 | 2011-04-27 17:28 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (5044 days) | S3 | 3.5.2 | Any | Any | Incremental backup with per-table tablespaces failing on Windows |
12019 | 2005-07-18 19:42 | 2006-02-14 2:42 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6942 days) | S3 | 3.5(11) | Windows (XP) | Any | Unable to create DSN Files |
9307 | 2005-03-21 7:01 | 2005-03-22 14:15 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (7271 days) | S3 | 3.51 | Any | Can't enable tracing | |
1186 | 2003-09-03 1:02 | 2004-01-29 12:58 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (7689 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (win95b) | Any | mysqld-opt 4.0.14 Assertion failure when using myodbc 3.51 |
3084 | 2004-03-06 11:00 | 2013-05-31 8:03 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4279 days) | S3 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows) | Any | vb-mysql application generates a serious error in Windows |
3727 | 2004-05-12 15:30 | 2004-07-28 22:31 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (7508 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Any (any) | Any | Connection string not working with MySQL 4.1 and ODBC 3.57.06 |
24932 | 2006-12-09 10:42 | 2013-05-30 6:52 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S1 | 3.51 | Windows (XP Pro) | Any | System.AccessViolationException OdbcException (0x80131937) |
25325 | 2006-12-29 6:50 | 2006-12-29 7:47 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6624 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows server 2003) | Any | Data source name not found and no default driver specified |
6893 | 2004-11-30 11:59 | 2013-05-30 12:05 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows 2000 Server) | Any | [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect |
7160 | 2004-12-10 9:58 | 2004-12-12 22:41 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7371 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (XP Pro) | Any | ODBC link via ACCESS XP. |
7758 | 2005-01-10 8:57 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (6481 days) | S3 | 3.51 | Windows (WinXP Sp2) | Any | MS Query crashes when creating query with System/User DSN |
7789 | 2005-01-11 0:44 | 2005-01-11 6:13 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (7341 days) | S3 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Long User Name Gets Truncated |
18731 | 2006-04-03 9:36 | 2008-01-10 18:49 | Connector / ODBC | Won't fix (6247 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Win 2000 / 2003) | Any | Simply Chinese Character Display as "?????" |
20308 | 2006-06-07 5:36 | 2006-06-14 12:04 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6822 days) | S1 | 3.51 | Windows (XP / Windows 2000) | Any | ExecuteReader returns unknown sql type when sum() is used in select |
13096 | 2005-09-09 21:01 | 2005-09-14 17:59 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7095 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Error connecting to ODBC 3.51 from Excel 97 |
13314 | 2005-09-19 6:31 | 2007-07-27 14:25 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6414 days) | S3 | 3.51 | Windows (Win XP) | Any | when creating a new system DSN fails to show list of databases |
14936 | 2005-11-15 6:10 | 2008-05-30 19:18 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (6106 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | MyODBC driver does not appear in Admin if FileMaker 7/8 Installed |
17016 | 2006-02-01 16:51 | 2008-01-09 23:08 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6248 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows) | Any | I find some problem in MySQL (bugs) - 'update' command in C++ |
40564 | 2008-11-06 21:03 | 2008-11-18 20:07 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (5934 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Linux (RH ES 4.7) | Any | Setup DSN in odbc-connector-3.51 error |
41923 | 2009-01-07 12:54 | 2009-01-07 18:28 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (5884 days) | S1 | 3.51 | Windows (x64) | Any | Unable to install "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver" on win2003 |
15788 | 2005-12-15 19:04 | 2005-12-16 15:48 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (7002 days) | S2 | 3.51, 5.0 | Windows (Windows 2000 SP4) | Any | There is possible to edit 2 different DSN same time |
38443 | 2008-07-29 22:23 | 2008-08-06 9:01 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6038 days) | S1 | 3.51.04 | Windows (Server 2008 x64) | Any | MyODBC Adding a System DSN, Configuration 32bit, on a 64bit OS |
1183 | 2003-09-02 15:37 | 2003-10-07 13:46 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (7803 days) | S1 | 3.51.06 | Windows (Win2000) | Any | MyODBC + ADO/ASP = Memory Leak (setlocale?) |
1292 | 2003-09-15 21:03 | 2003-10-30 10:09 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7780 days) | S2 | 3.51.06 | Windows (Windows 2000 Server) | Any | Problems writing VARCHAR or reading TEXT |
1602 | 2003-10-19 20:15 | 2015-08-04 19:12 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7514 days) | S1 | 3.51.06 | Windows (Windows NT4) | Any | Could not load the setup or translator library |
1947 | 2003-11-25 6:51 | 2013-05-30 8:31 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S1 | 3.51.06 | Windows (MS Terminal Server 2003) | Any | MyODBC 3.51 setup fails on MS Terminal Server 2003 |
2707 | 2004-02-11 10:41 | 2004-02-14 11:54 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (7673 days) | S1 | 3.51.06 | Linux (linux) | Any | MyODBC not ready for MySQL 4.X |
6141 | 2004-10-18 13:06 | 2004-10-18 14:17 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (7426 days) | S1 | 3.51.06 | Windows (Windows 2003) | Any | Can't create a DSN with MyODBC on Windows 2003 |
6665 | 2004-11-16 13:01 | 2013-05-30 12:14 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S2 | 3.51.06 | Solaris (solaris 8) | Any | deadlock between odbc functions and transaction handling |
8393 | 2005-02-09 14:18 | 2005-02-09 16:26 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (7312 days) | S2 | 3.51.06 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Lost connection to MySQL server during query |
1637 | 2003-10-23 10:42 | 2003-10-24 11:48 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (7786 days) | S3 | 3.51.06 and earlier | Windows (XP Prof SP1) | Any | ODBC Driver slow on WindowsXP |
3795 | 2004-05-17 10:38 | 2013-05-29 13:29 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4281 days) | S2 | 3.51.07 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | foreign keys are not returned if using a file dsn |
3798 | 2004-05-17 13:09 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (7522 days) | S3 | 3.51.07 | Windows (WindowsXP) | Any | rules for foreign keys are always reported as "no action" |
11042 | 2005-06-02 15:52 | 2013-05-28 10:52 | Connector / ODBC | Unsupported (4282 days) | S1 | 3.51.07 | IBM AIX (AIX5.1) | Any | How to get Myodbc driver (shared library) on AIX5.1 |
25155 | 2006-12-18 21:09 | 2007-03-15 20:54 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6548 days) | S1 | 3.51.07-ibm-aix5.1 | IBM AIX (AIX 5.2) | Any | from MyODBC-3.51.07-ibm-aix5.1.0.0-powerpc.tar doesn't work |
3809 | 2004-05-18 11:19 | 2007-09-11 18:09 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (6368 days) | S2 | 3.51.07, 3.51.17 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | all fields are reported as not updatable |
6336 | 2004-10-30 14:46 | 2004-10-30 15:53 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (7414 days) | S2 | 3.51.10 | Windows (WinXP) | Any | VVB6 / ODBC 3.51 converts TIME columns wrong |
7859 | 2005-01-13 3:35 | 2006-07-24 10:30 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6782 days) | S1 | 3.51.10 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Logon Failed. HY000:Could not lookup setup library. |
7877 | 2005-01-13 15:45 | 2005-02-13 20:28 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (7308 days) | S3 | 3.51.10 | Windows (windows 98,2000,2003,xp) | Any | Fatal error ("Katastrofalny błąd" in polish) |
7784 | 2005-01-10 21:00 | 2013-05-30 12:18 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S3 | 3.51.10-2 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Error when using ADODB open command (with VB) |
7987 | 2005-01-18 13:20 | 2007-07-26 0:37 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6415 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows) | Any | ODBC System DSN does not work - see the lengthy thread on the Forum |
10017 | 2005-04-19 22:13 | 2005-04-19 22:42 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7243 days) | S2 | 3.51.11 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Can't connect in Excel 2000 via MSQuery |
13199 | 2005-09-14 19:45 | 2005-09-21 23:08 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7088 days) | S3 | 3.51.11 + 3.51.12-beta | Client: WinXP w/SP2 | Any | Linked mysql tables in access with file DSN |
10334 | 2005-05-03 13:54 | 2007-07-26 0:26 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6415 days) | S1 | 3.51.11 and 3.51.10 | Windows (win32) | Any | sqldriverconnect fails with a system (global) dsn |
8206 | 2005-01-31 3:09 | 2005-02-05 16:39 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (7316 days) | S3 | 3.51.11-1 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Data provider failed while executing a provider command |
8100 | 2005-01-24 3:57 | 2005-08-12 9:15 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (7128 days) | S1 | 3.51.11-2 | Windows (Windows) | Any | SQLForeignKeys returns bad results |
12578 | 2005-08-15 8:50 | 2005-08-31 16:45 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7109 days) | S1 | 3.51.11-2 | Windows (Windows) | Any | linked 5.0.11-views fail with Access 97 SR2 |
26149 | 2007-02-07 14:45 | 2012-09-13 8:15 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (6579 days) | S2 | 3.51.11-2 | Any (All) | Any | Problem with AVG() function |
10628 | 2005-05-13 16:57 | 2012-05-18 20:19 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (6491 days) | S3 | 3.51.11-2 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Visual Basic 6 with MyODBC clears buffered text and blob field contents |
10080 | 2005-04-22 0:20 | 2013-05-30 13:03 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S1 | | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | ODBC connector does not return datetime or timestamp fields |
17177 | 2006-02-07 5:57 | 2013-06-17 7:41 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4262 days) | S1 | | Windows (WIN2K SP4) | Any | Enormous consuming of virtual memory executing LOCAL INFILE |
11801 | 2005-07-08 0:09 | 2013-05-30 7:44 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S2 | | Windows (windows XP-2K / MSAccess 200x) | Any | the system don't remember the user name |
14724 | 2005-11-07 22:54 | 2008-02-22 19:33 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6204 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows Server 2003) | Any | Unable to create connection in Visual Studio C# Data Adapter Wizard |
14838 | 2005-11-10 16:15 | 2005-11-11 12:46 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7037 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Mysql |
14976 | 2005-11-16 11:12 | 2005-11-16 16:56 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7032 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (XP Pro SP 2) | Any | ODBC DSN hangs when disconnecting |
15042 | 2005-11-18 4:35 | 2013-05-29 6:19 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4281 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.1.13-nt] Table ‘’ doesn’t exist |
15082 | 2005-11-20 14:28 | 2013-05-28 12:55 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4282 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | TADOConnection and ODBC 3.51.12 raise E_FAIL |
15713 | 2005-12-13 15:10 | 2007-06-12 1:05 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6459 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 | Any | Any | null pointer when use the table qualifier in SQLColumns() |
16259 | 2006-01-06 18:01 | 2007-03-08 1:30 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (6555 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | IBM AIX (AIX 5.2, 64-bit) | Any | SQLGetData, SQLBindCol, SQLBindParameter make assumptions about buffer sizes |
16778 | 2006-01-25 13:04 | 2007-02-05 18:23 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6586 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows 2003 Server) | Any | ODBC connect is not possible |
23428 | 2006-10-18 15:21 | 2012-09-13 8:06 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (4539 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Problem in adding and configuring a File DSN |
23581 | 2006-10-24 11:27 | 2006-10-25 4:41 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (6689 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows 2003 Server Standard) | Any | myODBC in Blue Dragon |
24744 | 2006-12-01 6:16 | 2012-09-13 8:10 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (6617 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Win XP SP2) | Any | Cannot connect to "Server Name" error 10055 |
24857 | 2006-12-06 16:57 | 2008-02-01 12:09 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6225 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Any | Any | unable to connect to mysql 5.0.27 |
25157 | 2006-12-18 22:01 | 2007-03-15 21:49 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6548 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows (All)) | Any | destination path for .zip (no installer) MyODBC incorrectly set. |
25634 | 2007-01-15 18:29 | 2007-01-17 9:49 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6605 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Problem to print reports with Crystal Reports XI |
25675 | 2007-01-17 10:12 | 2007-01-19 8:31 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6603 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Windows (windows 2003 server) | Any | An unhandled exception has occurred. |
25854 | 2007-01-25 18:09 | 2012-09-13 10:39 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6557 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Win 2000 SP4) | Any | Weird errors with Access 2000 linking to Mysql (myodbc) |
17324 | 2006-02-11 14:48 | 2007-10-01 14:38 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6348 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 | Windows (windows XP SP2) | Any | myodbc testing connection while setting DSN |
17342 | 2006-02-13 15:40 | 2006-02-14 11:12 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (6942 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 | Windows (XP pro) | Any | Executing an count(*) from PowerBuilder 11.5 running in WXP does not run. |
19740 | 2006-05-11 20:24 | 2007-06-12 10:26 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6459 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows) | Any | MyODBC3.DLL 3.51.12 10/15/2005 identifies itself as |
14264 | 2005-10-24 16:37 | 2013-05-29 11:23 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4281 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 & 5.0.15 | Windows (Windows 2003) | Any | Error Log: Performance Data |
23163 | 2006-10-11 5:57 | 2013-05-29 12:11 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4281 days) | S2 | 3.51.12, 3.51.13 | Windows (windows xp) | Any | My ODBC will NOT connect in windows xp |
16685 | 2006-01-20 20:22 | 2006-01-23 12:14 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6964 days) | S2 | | Windows (Win XP Pro) | Any | ERROR [HYT00] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server |
18110 | 2006-03-09 15:22 | 2006-03-28 21:18 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6900 days) | S2 | | Windows (XP) | Any | utf8 VARCHAR fields mis-linked as MEMO fields |
26024 | 2007-02-01 18:38 | 2007-02-22 11:03 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6569 days) | S2 | 3.51.13r146 | Linux (RedHat Linux x64) | Any | improper casting for 64-bit |
27315 | 2007-03-21 3:18 | 2007-07-20 11:49 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6421 days) | S1 | 3.51.14 | Windows (Windows Vista\XP SP2) | Any | Configure\Remove User\System DSN causes crash |
27432 | 2007-03-26 6:47 | 2012-09-13 8:18 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6536 days) | S3 | 3.51.14 | Windows (Windows XP ) | Any | Is this ODBC error |
27667 | 2007-04-05 14:44 | 2012-09-13 8:22 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (6517 days) | S1 | 3.51.14 | Windows (Vista Business) | Any | Crash the application using MyODBC 3.51.14 in Vista |
28662 | 2007-05-24 21:35 | 2007-07-20 11:37 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6421 days) | S2 | 3.51.14 | Windows (XP sp2) | Any | MyODBC 3/Access When linking a table using a DSN mysql system tables are shown |
28334 | 2007-05-09 15:23 | 2007-09-03 13:45 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6376 days) | S2 | 3.51.15 | Windows (XP Pro 2002, SP2) | Any | myODBC 3.51.15 caused MS Query / Excel behaviour to break |
29078 | 2007-06-13 16:22 | 2013-05-28 8:35 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4282 days) | S2 | 3.51.15 | Windows (Windows server 2003) | Any | Crash while using ODBCAdapter.FillSchema |
28425 | 2007-05-14 20:09 | 2007-12-17 16:52 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6271 days) | S1 | 3.51.15 win32 | Windows (SP2 with Office 2007 ) | Any | Access 2007 crashes when prompted for user name and password |
29964 | 2007-07-22 19:53 | 2007-07-26 14:26 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6415 days) | S2 | 3.51.17 | MacOS | Any | Registering as sudo on Mac OS X 10.4 registers in "User", not "System" |
30060 | 2007-07-26 4:00 | 2013-05-30 6:48 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (4280 days) | S2 | 3.51.17 | Windows (Windows 2000, Windows XP) | Any | SQLFreeHandle error, the program die |
30272 | 2007-08-07 11:01 | 2007-09-06 9:52 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6373 days) | S2 | 3.51.17 | Any | Any | Excel import failed! |
30344 | 2007-08-09 20:18 | 2012-09-13 10:57 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (5176 days) | S3 | 3.51.18,3.51.19,3.51.20 | Windows (XP and 2003 Server) | Any | Headers |
31189 | 2007-09-25 18:19 | 2007-10-08 10:37 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6341 days) | S1 | 3.51.20-winx64 | Windows | Any | Could not load the setup or translator library |
31495 | 2007-10-09 23:07 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (5179 days) | S2 | 3.51.20, 3.51.25, 5.1.4 | MacOS (10.4.10) | Any | Attempt to create System DSN results in User DSN on Mac OS X |
31220 | 2007-09-27 0:22 | 2008-03-14 18:41 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (6183 days) | S2 | 3.51.20r750 | Linux (Ubuntu Feisty, up-to-date) | Any | SQLFetch or SQLFetchScroll returns negative data length using SQL_C_WCHAR |
21133 | 2006-07-19 5:20 | 2012-09-13 7:54 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6255 days) | S3 | 3.51.22 | Windows (WinXP) | Any | ERROR ON BATCH UPDATES |
39530 | 2008-09-19 7:17 | 2008-10-19 14:22 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | No Feedback (5964 days) | S2 | 3.51.22 | Windows (sp3) | Any | Migrate database from SQL Server to MYSQL |
36820 | 2008-05-20 16:05 | 2008-05-22 21:06 | Connector / ODBC | Duplicate (6114 days) | S2 | 3.51.25 | MacOS | Any | MyODBC Driver on Mac OS X not able to create 'System' DSN |
40590 | 2008-11-08 15:12 | 2008-11-09 19:34 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (5943 days) | S3 | 3.51.26 | Windows | Any | Cannot create DSN on Windows Vista platform |
56564 | 2010-09-05 7:40 | 2011-09-27 12:23 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (4891 days) | S1 | 3.51.26 | Linux (CentOS & Ubuntu) | Any | MySQL ODBC Connector for Linux - Memory Leaks on SQLExecDirect |
43430 | 2009-03-05 18:40 | 2010-08-24 11:33 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (5826 days) | S3 | 3.51.27 | Linux (RHEL4u6) | Any | Connector/ODBC for linux rewrites private odbc.ini file |
48179 | 2009-10-20 10:02 | 2009-10-21 8:11 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (5597 days) | S1 | 3.51.27 | Windows | Any | Getting cryptical results when using driver 3.51.27 and select right(id, 5) ... |
46388 | 2009-07-26 12:47 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (5471 days) | S3 | 3.51.27 | Windows | Any | VB.NET get "longblob" data, the return value is "System.String" |
69041 | 2013-04-23 13:42 | 2013-04-30 10:12 | Connector / ODBC | Not a Bug (4310 days) | S2 | 3.51.30 | Windows | Any | Driver sends "set @@sql_select_limit=1" when executing SELECT |
4303 | 2004-06-27 14:52 | 2004-10-26 17:27 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (7418 days) | S3 | 3.51.8 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Filemaker Pro & MyODBC installation conflict |
66766 | 2012-09-11 12:19 | 2013-02-28 16:13 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Closed (4371 days) | S2 | 3.8.1 | Any (MS Windows, Linux) | Any | Can't make incremental backup with only-innodb-with-frm |
71516 | 2014-01-29 21:37 | 2015-01-09 16:23 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Unsupported (3691 days) | S2 | 3.9.0, 3.10.0 | Windows | Any | MEB backup run with concurrent DDL can cause problems on windows source server. |
8345 | 2005-02-06 20:51 | 2005-02-06 21:57 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7315 days) | S1 | 3.x to 4.1.8 | Windows (Windows) | Any | bad startup - not responding |
14154 | 2005-10-19 21:52 | 2005-11-17 21:45 | MySQL Server | Not a Bug (7031 days) | S2 | 323 | FreeBSD (FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE) | Any | can't start mysqld |
37368 | 2008-06-12 14:07 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Eventum | Won't fix (5160 days) | S1 | 3603 | Any | Any | Database Error at First Access to Database |
20698 | 2006-06-26 14:11 | 2006-07-27 17:03 | MySQL Server | No Feedback (6779 days) | S3 | 4 and 5 | Linux (Debian Sarge) | Any | mysql_config --libs output is wrong for static mysql packages |
19006 | 2006-04-11 13:16 | 2006-07-13 3:45 | MySQL Server | Closed (6793 days) | S3 | 4.0 | Any | 4.0 valgrind problems |
Showing 1-1000 of 7084 (Edit, Save, CSV, Feed) | Show Next 1000 Entries » |