Bug #23650 | Visual Studio Plug-in Tables do not open, missing table. | ||
Submitted: | 25 Oct 2006 21:54 | Modified: | 1 Nov 2006 1:34 |
Reporter: | Jim Arthur | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Visual Studio Plugin | Severity: | S1 (Critical) |
Version: | OS: | Windows (Windwos XP SP2) | |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[25 Oct 2006 21:54]
Jim Arthur
[26 Oct 2006 11:38]
Tonci Grgin
SS from VS-1
Attachment: 23650-1.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 11.14 KiB.
[26 Oct 2006 11:50]
Tonci Grgin
SS from VS-2
Attachment: 23650-2.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 17.25 KiB.
[26 Oct 2006 11:54]
Tonci Grgin
Hi Jim and thanks for your problem report. As you can see, from attached images, I am unable to repeat it. Environment: MySQL server 5.0.27BK and 5.0.24BK on win XP Pro SP2 localhost Latest GA of c/NET and VS plugin MS VS 2005 pro NET framework 2.0 Did you follow install instructions, especially for c/NET? Plugin doesn't work on VS express edition.
[29 Oct 2006 23:05]
Jim Arthur
Ok, let's revise the issue slightly -- I am running 8 or 9 databases on my development system. It appears the live version of judephp has a table named src.cache.cah. This table "does not exist" on my local machine although it exists in the list of tables shown in visual studio. I use Navicat as my GUI interface for working with the db's. The table shows, but when I attempt to view it or delete it, I get an error notice stating that the table does not exist and cannot be deleted. Skip this for a moment. I have set up an entire new site and a new database to review how your interface works. I am able to make the database connection and view all tables in this db. However, at the point that I attempt to graphically add a connection using a gridview and the graphical process of connecting to the DB, I get an error message that a different db in my MySql has a table listed that is mssing and will not allow me to continue in the use of the wizards. I am at "Configure Data Source - SqlDataSource 1" "Dave Connection String to Application Configuration File", the wizard lists the name of the connection and asks "Do you want to save the connection string in the application file?" Hitting next produces the error (no 1146). Why would this produce an error when the supposed missing table exists in a different database? Why can I see a table in my table list that cannot be deleted because it does not exist? Am I making sense?
[30 Oct 2006 17:13]
Tonci Grgin
Jim, I can't repeat this behavior without using judephp, so it seems to me you should ask them how to overcome this problem. If you have any idea on how to repeat this without 3rd party SW I'm willing to retest.
[30 Oct 2006 19:03]
Jim Arthur
Can you explain basic operating question? When I look in data files via Windows explorer, each table has an .frm file, a .myd file and a .myi file. However, the table that is declared as "missing" has only a .frm file. The other two files are missing. I assume this means something. What does it mean? What would happen if I delete the .frm file manually? I still do not understand why the visual studio tool throws the error when trying to view one database when the error occurs in a different database, but maybe this is a querk of the tool. I would appreciate understanding the difference in the file types. Thanks
[31 Oct 2006 7:42]
Tonci Grgin
Jim, please read the following manual section: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/myisam-storage-engine.html As for why is VS breaking, I presume you do not have rights to heap table your tool created.
[1 Nov 2006 1:34]
Jim Arthur
Thanks for the link -- for your informaiton, it appears that if any database in the MySql engine has a bad table, ie a .frm file without an expected .myd and .myi files, this breaks the visual studio tool. I modified the mysql data tables by removing all of the bad tables using windows explorer. Once the bad tables were removed from unrelated databases, I was able to connect to the db using the vs tool. To my mind this seems like a bug since one shold not have to worry about the db's except for the one involved in the project.
[7 Dec 2006 17:45]
Reggie Burnett
Jim While I was also unable to reproduce the issue of having a bad table in db1, adding a connection in Server Explorer to db2, and having that fail. However, if I have a bad table in db1 and my connection is to db1, then when I try to expand the tables node, I get an error that it can't find the table that is bad and it refuses to show me the other tables. This problem has been fixed in 1.0.2 (the upcoming GA release of the plugin). Reggie