Bug #112658 Workbench diagrams crashes on every version on MacOs Sonoma
Submitted: 8 Oct 2023 11:27 Modified: 9 Oct 2023 7:36
Reporter: Ayala Borba Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:14 OS:MacOS (Sonoma)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Oct 2023 11:27] Ayala Borba
I use MySQLWorkbench for database designing, and after the update to Sonoma, it didn't work again! When I try to open a ERR diagram, the application crashes!

Process: MySQLWorkbench [16227]
Path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/MacOS/MySQLWorkbench
Identifier: com.oracle.workbench.MySQLWorkbench
Version: 8.0.34.CE (1)
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2023-09-27 16:02:58.7760 -0700
OS Version: macOS 14.0 (23A344)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 917FA2A1-A944-D99A-7ED2-276EFA5A0C75

Sleep/Wake UUID: 755F53BB-09AB-492C-9830-50A4444F0E8E

Time Awake Since Boot: 10000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 1376 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000000000e0
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x00000000000000e0

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process: exc handler [16227]

VM Region Info: 0xe0 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4339941152
__TEXT 102ae4000-102b38000 [ 336K] r-x/r-x SM=COW ...ySQLWorkbench

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libmforms.dylib 0x1047ac098 mforms::ToolBar::find_item(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&) + 28
1 libmforms.dylib 0x1047ac344 mforms::ToolBar::get_item_checked(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&) + 12
2 WBExtras 0x1035b7a50 -[WBSidebarPanel splitViewDidResizeSubviews:] + 360
4 CoreFoundation 0x1885689a8 ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 88
5 CoreFoundation 0x1885688f0 _CFXRegistrationPost + 440
6 CoreFoundation 0x1884a3434 _CFXNotificationPost + 764
7 Foundation 0x189594c74 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 88
8 AppKit 0x18c475354 -[NSSplitView _sendDidResizeNotificationsIfNecessary] + 256
9 AppKit 0x18c47415c -[NSSplitView _restoreFromAutosaveName] + 236
10 AppKit 0x18bda15d4 -[NSSplitView setAutosaveName:] + 96
11 MySQLWorkbench 0x102b1caa0 -[WBModelOverviewPanel init] + 556
12 MySQLWorkbench 0x102b1b6d8 -[MainWindowController(MainWindowControllerModel) handleModelCreated] + 28
13 MySQLWorkbench 0x102aef730 -[MainWindowController refreshGUI:argument1:argument2:] + 376
14 MySQLWorkbench 0x102afbd8c windowRefreshGui(wb::RefreshType, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, void*, MainWindowController*) + 28
15 libwbprivate.be.dylib 0x105615040 std::__1::function<void (wb::RefreshType, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>, void*)>::operator()(wb::RefreshType, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>, void*) const + 48
16 libwbprivate.be.dylib 0x105614e24 wb::WBContext::flush_idle_tasks(bool) + 288
17 MySQLWorkbench 0x102afd4f4 -[WBMainController flushIdleTasks:] + 68
18 Foundation 0x1896977bc __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 296
20 CoreFoundation 0x1884defb8 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 532
21 CoreFoundation 0x1884de5e8 __CFRunLoopRun + 776
22 CoreFoundation 0x1884ddc2c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608
23 HIToolbox 0x192a36448 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
24 HIToolbox 0x192a36284 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 648
25 HIToolbox 0x192a35fdc _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 76
26 AppKit 0x18bcb8f90 _DPSNextEvent + 660
27 AppKit 0x18c48cb94 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 716
28 AppKit 0x18bcac43c -[NSApplication run] + 476
29 AppKit 0x18bc83708 NSApplicationMain + 880
30 dyld 0x188089058 start + 2224

How to repeat:
Creating a new model or accessing an existing one.
[9 Oct 2023 7:36] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Ayala,

Thank you for the bug report.
Imho this is duplicate of Bug #112440, please see Bug #112440.

Ashwini Patil
[11 Dec 2023 10:42] Tim Kwan
I am unable to open a query editor on MySQL workbench for MacOS Sonama.

There is an error that says unsupported server. Incompatible/nonstandard server version or connection protocol detected (8.2.0).

A connection to this database can be established but some MySQL Workbench features may not work properly since the database is not fully compatible with the supported versions of MySQL.

MySQL Workbench is developed and tested for MySQL Server versions 5.6, 5.7 and 8.0

The workbench then crashes when i do something like "Reverse engineer". the error is MySQLWorkbench quit unexpectedly.

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process:               MySQLWorkbench [6639]
Path:                  /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/MacOS/MySQLWorkbench
Identifier:            com.oracle.workbench.MySQLWorkbench
Version:               8.0.31.CE (1)
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2023-12-11 18:40:31.6342 +0800
OS Version:            macOS 14.1.2 (23B92)
Report Version:        12
Bridge OS Version:     8.1 (21P1069)
Anonymous UUID:        4639FD5E-1B1C-52FC-BCFD-05C3116D10ED

Time Awake Since Boot: 7300 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000000000e0
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x00000000000000e0

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process:   exc handler [6639]

VM Region Info: 0xe0 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 140737488006944
      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      shared memory            7ffffffab000-7ffffffac000 [    4K] r-x/r-x SM=SHM  

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
--------REPORT TOO LONG----------------------
[15 Feb 13:58] Tim Meehle
I can execute a query one time successfully. When I run a different query, workbench will crash with the following error:
This started crashing after upgrading to MacOS Sonoma 14.3 on my Macbook Pro

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process:               MySQLWorkbench [56578]
Path:                  /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/MacOS/MySQLWorkbench
Identifier:            com.oracle.workbench.MySQLWorkbench
Version:               8.0.29.CE (1)
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2024-02-15 08:55:54.1896 -0500
OS Version:            macOS 14.3 (23D56)
Report Version:        12
Bridge OS Version:     8.3 (21P3049)
Anonymous UUID:        73DE5D9B-1525-959E-0E14-91F5D1FF657F

Sleep/Wake UUID:       F24F1819-195F-4B25-A6E3-E1C4D28D3070

Time Awake Since Boot: 720000 seconds
Time Since Wake:       1661 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       UNKNOWN_0xD at 0x0000000000000000
Exception Codes:       0x000000000000000d, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process:   exc handler [56578]

VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 4317057024
      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      __TEXT                      101511000-101561000    [  320K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  ...ySQLWorkbench

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libcairo.2.dylib              	       0x1024aaf47 _cairo_surface_release_source_image + 7
1   libcairo.2.dylib              	       0x1024d0939 DataProviderReleaseCallback + 25
2   CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d270ea1 data_release_info + 31
3   CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d22b18b data_provider_finalize + 66
4   CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d1f3e74 data_provider_retain_count + 74
5   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8178d3c56 _CFRelease + 495
6   CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d2505b9 image_finalize + 103
7   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8178d3b80 _CFRelease + 281
8   CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d294025 CG::DisplayListResourceImage::~DisplayListResourceImage() + 23
9   CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d293ffa CG::DisplayListResourceImage::~DisplayListResourceImage() + 14
10  CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d74bbd1 std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>::~shared_ptr[abi:v160006]() + 49
11  CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d743f97 std::__1::__tree<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>, CG::CompareResourceImage, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>>>::destroy(std::__1::__tree_node<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>, void*>*) + 47
12  CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d743f8e std::__1::__tree<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>, CG::CompareResourceImage, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>>>::destroy(std::__1::__tree_node<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>, void*>*) + 38
13  CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d743f82 std::__1::__tree<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>, CG::CompareResourceImage, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>>>::destroy(std::__1::__tree_node<std::__1::shared_ptr<CG::DisplayListResourceImage>, void*>*) + 26
14  CoreGraphics                  	    0x7ff81d293ee5 CG::DisplayList::~DisplayList() + 301
15  CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8178d3b80 _CFRelease + 281
16  libswiftCore.dylib            	    0x7ff827cd328b swift_arrayDestroy + 59
17  libswiftCore.dylib            	    0x7ff827a82951 _DictionaryStorage.deinit + 193
18  libswiftCore.dylib            	    0x7ff827a82a89 _DictionaryStorage.__deallocating_deinit + 9
19  libswiftCore.dylib            	    0x7ff827ce0780 _swift_release_dealloc + 16
20  libswiftCore.dylib            	    0x7ff827ce126b bool swift::RefCounts<swift::RefCountBitsT<(swift::RefCountInlinedness)1>>::doDecrementSlow<(swift::PerformDeinit)1>(swift::RefCountBitsT<(swift::RefCountInlinedness)1>, unsigned int) + 123
21  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff81736a9e9 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 83
22  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff817363dbc objc_destructInstance + 96
23  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff817363d57 _objc_rootDealloc + 62
24  QuartzCore                    	    0x7ff81fd2e586 -[CALayer dealloc] + 135
25  QuartzCore                    	    0x7ff81fcf5365 CA::Transaction::commit() + 1565
26  AppKit                        	    0x7ff81af7433d __62+[CATransaction(NSCATransaction) NS_setFlushesWithDisplayLink]_block_invoke + 285
27  AppKit                        	    0x7ff81ba5b529 ___NSRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler_block_invoke + 41
28  CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8178094f6 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
29  CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff81780941a __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 493
30  CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff81780899c __CFRunLoopRun + 850
31  CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff817808082 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557
32  HIToolbox                     	    0x7ff8220fa9d9 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
33  HIToolbox                     	    0x7ff8220fa616 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 201
34  HIToolbox                     	    0x7ff8220fa531 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 66
35  AppKit                        	    0x7ff81ae18c39 _DPSNextEvent + 880
36  AppKit                        	    0x7ff81b722804 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1304
37  AppKit                        	    0x7ff81ae0a1b2 -[NSApplication run] + 603
38  AppKit                        	    0x7ff81adde1c1 NSApplicationMain + 816
39  dyld                          	    0x7ff8173a3386 start + 1942
[11 Mar 15:44] Charles Cash
Sonoma 14.4 crashes on New Model diagrams or model import. 

I tried using earlier MySQLWorkbench versions 8.0.34,8.0.30, and 8.0.24, with no luck running the Workbench designer (New Model) feature.

Mac OS Ventura 13.5.2 with MySQL Workbench 8.0.30 works fully with the designer.

!Workbench 8.0.36 is working now with Sonoma 14.4 and the designer feature.