Bug #7959 Foreign key add Button locked
Submitted: 17 Jan 2005 15:06 Modified: 15 Apr 2005 22:33
Reporter: Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.19 OS:Conectiva Linux
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Jan 2005 15:06] Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
I am trying to access the Foreign key tab on MySQL Table Editor I can see the options but they are all locked.

I can't even start the process.

I am using the KDE and even on the WindowMaker (that is much more faster) it occours too.

Pleas tell me why it heppens.

My best regards
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
System Analyst

How to repeat:
Foreign key add Button locked
[19 Jan 2005 22:35] MySQL Verification Team
Verified on Slackware. Thank you for the bug report.
[15 Apr 2005 22:33] Alfredo Kojima
The Foreign Key options in the table editor only get enabled when you're editing a InnoDB table. You need to click on the "Table Options" tab and then select "InnoDB". That should allow you to create foreign keys.