Bug #38763 Fixed font size with Windows system large fonts
Submitted: 13 Aug 2008 9:01 Modified: 8 Jul 2009 11:41
Reporter: Giovanni Formentini Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL GUI Common Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.2.12 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: dpi, fixed font size, large fonts, scaling, small fonts

[13 Aug 2008 9:01] Giovanni Formentini
This is a common bug I'm finding in many applications... since my laptop has a 15" screen and a default resolution of 1680x1050 I had to switch to "large fonts" (Control Panel / Screen / Settings / Advanced / DPI Settings - I set this to 130 dpi). With this settings the fonts are far more readable, but there's a number of apps (including all MySQL GUI Tools) that still use fixed fonts (seems 8px to me). It's very difficult for me to use this apps, the labels are too damn small!
Please, can you do something to scale the fonts properly?

How to repeat:
Just set the Windows fonts dpi to a value higher than 96.
[13 Aug 2008 11:57] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[13 Aug 2008 14:59] Giovanni Formentini
An acceptable workaround is to increase the font size in the program option (MySQL QB). The interface now is (partially) scaled. Anyway many things (right panel, button captions, all dialog windows) are still small.
[8 Jul 2009 11:41] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report. We are on the way to implement full functionality of MySQL GUI Tools into MySQL Workbench. We won't add this feature request anymore.

More informations about MySQL Workbench you will find here:
