Bug #33652 Install does not configure the enterprise manager to start automatically
Submitted: 3 Jan 2008 14:51 Modified: 8 Jan 2008 15:24
Reporter: Lee Stigile Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Any (FC4, reported on Solaris)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Jan 2008 14:51] Lee Stigile
After installing the MySQL Enterprise Monitor on a FC4 system, the service manager is not configured to automatically start on re-boot.  I installed with root privileges.  A Solaris user reported the same issue on their system.

The documentation implies that it should start automatically if installed by a "privileged" user:
"If you installed the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager as an unprivileged user, the application will not restart automatically on reboot. To do this make a call to mysqlnet-workctl.sh start from your start-up script."

How to repeat:
Install the MySQL Enterprise Monitor and check the startup script.
[3 Jan 2008 14:59] Peter Lavin
The docs were wrong. See:
Bug#33542 [Com,Ver->Csd]: Correction to docs re: Service Manager automatic startup on U
[8 Jan 2008 15:24] Valeriy Kravchuk
I think this is, essentially, a duplicate of a known bug #31676.