Bug #8352 localhost "Lost connection" 2013 Error
Submitted: 7 Feb 2005 9:14 Modified: 7 Feb 2005 10:53
Reporter: Maxim Voronko Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Feb 2005 9:14] Maxim Voronko
Installed MySQL Server 5.0.2-alpha-win runs as service.
Installations of the MySQLcc, MyODBC driver 3.51.10-2 and administrator 1.0.12 win were OK.
While connecting to the remote MySQL Server on the FreeBSD system gives no errors at all trying to open any table frob database or to edit it results in error 2013 with the diagnostics "Lost connection to MySQL server during query". The server immediatly shuts down. It can be restarted after this fron the administrator tool OK, but no access to localhost can be made.

How to repeat:
System Windows XP Profeccional.
Install MySQL Server 5.0.2-alpha-win from the downloaded installation.
While installation point out, that you can use TCP/IP connection to connect to it, not only named pipe.
Install MySQLcc 0.9.4 win32 from the downloaded installation.
Install administrator 1.0.12 from downloaded installation.
Try to access to the MySQL database using root user and password, created for this user during intallation.
Try to open any table for editing or just vewing.

I tried this operation on two different computers - the result is the same.

Suggested fix:
No suggestions to fix it now.
[7 Feb 2005 10:53] MySQL Verification Team
Duplicate for #6950