Bug #135 perror manpage formatting bug
Submitted: 9 Mar 2003 8:48 Modified: 11 Mar 2003 14:03
Reporter: Christian Hammers (Silver Quality Contributor) (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.23.55 OS:Linux (Debian GNU/Linux)
Assigned to: Lenz Grimmer CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Mar 2003 8:48] Christian Hammers
Small formatting error, makes apropos/whatis useless on perror(1).
(First try with this bug tracking system..)

How to repeat:
apropos perror

Suggested fix:
# 2003-03-07, ch@debian.org, http://bugs.debian.org/183940
--- /tmp/perror.1       2003-03-09 17:11:12.000000000 +0100
+++ man/perror.1        2003-03-09 17:27:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
-.TH perror 1 "19 December 2000" "MySQL 3.23" "MySQL databse"
+.TH perror 1 "19 December 2000" "MySQL 3.23" "MySQL database"
-.BR perror
-can be used to display a description for a system error code, or an MyISAM/ISAM table handler error code. The error messages are mostly system dependent. 
+perror \- describes a system or MySQL error code.
-.B perror
-.RB [ \-? | \-\-help ]
-.RB [ \-I | \-\-info ]
-.RB [ \-s | \-\-silent ]
-.RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ]
-.RB [ \-V | \-\-version ]
+Can be used to display a description for a system error code, or an MyISAM/ISAM table handler error code. 
+The error messages are mostly system dependent.
 .BR  \-? | \-\-help    
 Displays this help and exits.
[11 Mar 2003 14:03] Lenz Grimmer
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been fixed in the latest
development tree for that product. You can find more information about
accessing our development trees at 

Thanks for the patch - this will be fixed for 3.23.56