Bug #95462 Data comparison broke in MySQL 8.0.16
Submitted: 21 May 2019 18:42 Modified: 25 Jul 2019 11:07
Reporter: Raman Haran Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: 8.0.16 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

[21 May 2019 18:42] Raman Haran
We recently upgraded our system to 8.0.16 community server edition from 8.0.11. After we upgraded the following query broke

select @@version , from_unixtime(1360863880706/1000)>= '';

8.0.11  	1

In 8.016 we are getting the following error

SQL Error [1525][HY000] : Incorrect DATETIME value ''

Please help

How to repeat:
We recently upgraded our system to 8.0.16 community server edition from 8.0.11. After we upgraded the following query broke

select @@version , from_unixtime(1360863880706/1000)>= '';

8.0.11  	1

In 8.016 we are getting the following error

SQL Error [1525][HY000] : Incorrect DATETIME value ''

Please help
[22 May 2019 5:49] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Raman,

Thank you for the report and test case.

[25 Jul 2019 11:07] Erlend Dahl
This is intended behaviour, see

Bug#93513 Unexpected behaviour for date comparison with constant strings
[4 Jun 2020 19:58] Miguel Juarez
Upgraded our DB to 8 from 5.7

WHERE/IF sentences as the following should still be allowed to run:

WHERE IF(''='', true, datecolumn <= '')

The new version should at least have a setting to allow older queries to run.
Is there such a setting? ALLOW_INVALID_DATES does not seem to help.
[6 Feb 2023 18:59] Zhaozhi Gao
I don't believe the specific case of comparing date/time to '' empty string is the same as the broader scenario described in these report: (i.e. comparing date time to quoted string literal or out of range dates)

On the server ZERO_DATE is ALLOWED, MySql server has no trouble converting '' string to a date (non-NULL value returned by STR_TO_DATE)
SELECT STR_TO_DATE('','%Y-%m-%d')

If the STR_TO_DATE function does NOT return NULL, then the system should not throw an error if we 'ALLOW_INVALID_DATES' and DON'T have [NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE]. 

Clearly the conversion of '' (empty string) resulted in a valid '0000-00-00' date in system where the correct sql mode is set. There is no reason to break this backward compatibility.