Bug #116265 Cant install helm chart with innodb-cluster
Submitted: 28 Sep 21:46 Modified: 30 Sep 10:17
Reporter: Piotr G Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Shell AdminAPI InnoDB Cluster / ReplicaSet Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:2.2.1 OS:Ubuntu
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:x86

[28 Sep 21:46] Piotr G
Container initmysql in pod innodb-cluster raise error when try to create localroot user. 

Cant install innodb-cluster with helm chart. Sidecar container during create user raise error. Cant install and run innodb cluster

# Logs from innodb-cluster-0 initmysql container
Warning: Unable to load '/usr/share/zoneinfo/zone1970.tab' as time zone. Skipping it.
[Entrypoint] GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD: %+EL4z53_P#jz#8?vlz,f?x8Rq9r7Q6V

[Entrypoint] running /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/initdb-localroot.sql
ERROR 1524 (HY000) at line 3: Plugin 'auth_socket' is not loaded

2024-09-28T21:38:42.790139Z 12 [System] [MY-013172] [Server] Received SHUTDOWN from user root. Shutting down mysqld (Version: 9.0.1).
2024-09-28T21:38:44.021780Z 0 [System] [MY-010910] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete (mysqld 9.0.1)  MySQL Community Server - GPL.
2024-09-28T21:38:44.021798Z 0 [System] [MY-015016] [Server] MySQL Server - end.
[Entrypoint] Server shut down

[Entrypoint] MySQL init process done. Ready for start up.

[Entrypoint] MYSQL_INITIALIZE_ONLY is set, exiting without starting MySQL... 

# Logs from container sidecar:
│ [2024-09-28 21:40:40,100] sidecar              [INFO    ] MySQL Operator/sidecar_main.py=2.2.1 timestamp=2024-07 │
│ -18T16:52:09 kopf=1.35.4 uid=27                                                                                  │
│ [2024-09-28 21:40:40,116] sidecar              [INFO    ] My pod is innodb-cluster-0 in default                  │
│ [2024-09-28 21:40:40,116] sidecar              [INFO    ] Bootstrapping                                          │
│ [2024-09-28 21:40:40,118] sidecar              [CRITICAL] Unexpected MySQL error during connection: MySQL Error  │
│ (1045): Shell.connect: Access denied for user 'localroot'@'localhost' (using password: NO)                       │
│ Exception happened in entrypoint sidecar. The message is: MySQL Error (1045): Shell.connect: Access denied for u │
│ ser 'localroot'@'localhost' (using password: NO)    

# Logs from mysql-operator
[2024-09-28 21:40:51,727] kopf.objects         [WARNING ] Patching failed with inconsistencies: (('remove', ('status', 'kopf'), {'progress': {'on_pod_create': {'started': '2024-09-28T21:38:20.756294', 'stopped': None, 'delayed': '2024-09-28T21:41:21.684107', 'purpose': 'create', 'retries': 6, 'success': False, 'failure': False, 'message': 'Sidecar of innodb-cluster-2 is not yet configured', 'subrefs': None}}}, None),)
[2024-09-28 21:40:51,797] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
on_pod_create: pod=innodb-cluster-1 ContainersReady=False Ready=False gate[configured]=None
[2024-09-28 21:40:51,808] kopf.objects         [ERROR   ] Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of innodb-cluster-1 is not yet configured
[2024-09-28 21:40:51,840] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
[2024-09-28 21:40:51,857] kopf.objects         [WARNING ] Patching failed with inconsistencies: (('remove', ('status', 'kopf'), {'progress': {'on_pod_create': {'started': '2024-09-28T21:38:20.768728', 'stopped': None, 'delayed': '2024-09-28T21:41:21.808934', 'purpose': 'create', 'retries': 6, 'success': False, 'failure': False, 'message': 'Sidecar of innodb-cluster-1 is not yet configured', 'subrefs': None}}}, None),)
[2024-09-28 21:40:51,858] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
[2024-09-28 21:40:51,974] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.

How to repeat:
k8s kind cluster (cluster in docker)


kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
name: innodb
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker

# Create cluster
kind create cluster --config ./kind.yaml

# Install operator
helm install my-mysql-operator mysql-operator/mysql-operator \
   --namespace mysql-operator --create-namespace

# Create cluster
# in case the namespace doesn't exist, please pass --create-namespace
helm install innodb-cluster mysql-operator/mysql-innodbcluster -n default \
    --version 2.2.1 \
    --set tls.useSelfSigned=true \
    -f ./values.yaml

  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    enabled: false

    user: root
    password: root
    host: "%"

  useSelfSigned: false
#  caSecretName:
#  serverCertAndPKsecretName:
#  routerCertAndPKsecretName: # our use router.certAndPKsecretName

#serverVersion: 8.0.31
serverInstances: 3
routerInstances: 2 # or use router.instances
baseServerId: 1000
[28 Sep 21:47] Piotr G
Update helm chart version
[28 Sep 22:42] Piotr G
I think that it have to add 
  initdb-localroot.sql: |
    set sql_log_bin=0;
    INSTALL PLUGIN auth_socket SONAME 'auth_socket.so';
    # Create socket authenticated localroot@localhost account
    CREATE USER localroot@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH auth_socket AS 'mysql';
    GRANT ALL ON *.* TO localroot@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION;
    GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO localroot@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION;
    # Drop the default account created by the docker image
    DROP USER IF EXISTS healthchecker@localhost;
    # Create account for liveness probe
    CREATE USER mysqlhealthchecker@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH auth_socket AS 'mysql';
    set sql_log_bin=1;
[29 Sep 10:03] Piotr G
After fix auth_socket.so now I received other error. Innodb cluster not create cluster and not create mysqlrouter:

Logs from mysql operator:
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,020] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] on_pod_create: cluster create time None
on_pod_create: first pod created
on_pod_created: probing cluster
on_pod_created: pod=my-mysql-innodbcluster-0 primary=None cluster_state=ClusterDiagStatus.INITIALIZING
Time to create the cluster
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,206] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] cluster probe: status=ClusterDiagStatus.INITIALIZING online=[]
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,209] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Creating cluster at my-mysql-innodbcluster-0
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,210] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Using PASSWORD GR authentication
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,332] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] server_id=1 server_uuid=657096f4-7e49-11ef-8c03-c295e64b59d5  report_host=None  gtid_executed=None  gtid_purged=None
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,335] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] CREATE CLUSTER: seed=my-mysql-innodbcluster-0, options={'gtidSetIsComplete': True, 'manualStartOnBoot': True, 'memberSslMode': 'REQUIRED', 'exitStateAction': 'ABORT_SERVER'}
A new InnoDB Cluster will be created on instance 'my-mysql-innodbcluster-0:3306'.

Validating instance configuration at my-mysql-innodbcluster-0.my-mysql-innodbcluster-instances.default.svc.cluster.local:3306...

This instance reports its own address as my-mysql-innodbcluster-0:3306

NOTE: Some configuration options need to be fixed:


| Variable                 | Current Value | Required Value | Note                                             |+--------------------------+---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
Some variables need to be changed, but cannot be done dynamically on the server.
NOTE: Please use the dba.configure_instance() command to repair these issues.

ERROR: Instance must be configured and validated with dba.check_instance_configuration() and dba.configure_instance() before it can be used in an InnoDB cluster.
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,479] kopf.objects         [ERROR   ] Handler 'on_pod_create' failed with an exception. Will retry.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mysqlsh/python-packages/kopf/_core/actions/execution.py", line 279, in execute_handler_once
    result = await invoke_handler(
  File "/usr/lib/mysqlsh/python-packages/kopf/_core/actions/execution.py", line 374, in invoke_handler
    result = await invocation.invoke(
  File "/usr/lib/mysqlsh/python-packages/kopf/_core/actions/invocation.py", line 139, in invoke
    await asyncio.shield(future)  # slightly expensive: creates tasks
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/mysqlsh/python-packages/mysqloperator/controller/innodbcluster/operator_cluster.py", line 827, in on_pod_create
    cluster_ctl.on_pod_created(pod, logger)
  File "/usr/lib/mysqlsh/python-packages/mysqloperator/controller/innodbcluster/cluster_controller.py", line 755, in on_pod_created
    shellutils.RetryLoop(logger).call(self.create_cluster, pod, logger)
  File "/usr/lib/mysqlsh/python-packages/mysqloperator/controller/shellutils.py", line 93, in call
    return f(*args)
  File "/usr/lib/mysqlsh/python-packages/mysqloperator/controller/innodbcluster/cluster_controller.py", line 285, in create_cluster
    self.dba_cluster = dba.create_cluster(
RuntimeError: Dba.create_cluster: Instance check failed

[2024-09-29 10:02:11,535] kopf.objects         [WARNING ] Patching failed with inconsistencies: (('remove', ('status', 'kopf'), {'progress': {'on_pod_create': {'started': '2024-09-29T09:58:08.491889', 'stopped': None, 'delayed': '2024-09-29T10:03:11.479937', 'purpose': 'create', 'retries': 6, 'success': False, 'failure': False, 'message': 'Dba.create_cluster: Instance check failed\n', 'subrefs': None}}}, None),)
[2024-09-29 10:02:11,666] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
[2024-09-29 10:02:18,213] kopf.objects         [WARNING ] Patching failed with inconsistencies: (('remove', ('status', 'kopf'), {'dummy': '2024-09-29T10:02:18.161294'}, None),)
[2024-09-29 10:02:18,342] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
| enforce_gtid_consistency | OFF           | ON             | Restart the server                               || gtid_mode                | OFF           | ON             | Restart the server                               || server_id                | 1             | <unique ID>    | Update read-only variable and restart the server |on_pod_create: pod=my-mysql-innodbcluster-2 ContainersReady=True Ready=False gate[configured]=True
[2024-09-29 10:02:18,372] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] on_pod_create: cluster create time None
on_pod_created: probing cluster
on_pod_created: pod=my-mysql-innodbcluster-2 primary=None cluster_state=ClusterDiagStatus.INITIALIZING
[2024-09-29 10:02:18,461] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] cluster probe: status=ClusterDiagStatus.INITIALIZING online=[]
[2024-09-29 10:02:18,465] kopf.objects         [ERROR   ] Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Cluster is not yet ready
[2024-09-29 10:02:18,535] kopf.objects         [WARNING ] Patching failed with inconsistencies: (('remove', ('status', 'kopf'), {'progress': {'on_pod_create': {'started': '2024-09-29T09:58:08.600874', 'stopped': None, 'delayed': '2024-09-29T10:02:33.465453', 'purpose': 'create', 'retries': 16, 'success': False, 'failure': False, 'message': 'Cluster is not yet ready', 'subrefs': None}}}, None),)
[2024-09-29 10:02:18,665] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
[2024-09-29 10:02:23,271] kopf.objects         [WARNING ] Patching failed with inconsistencies: (('remove', ('status', 'kopf'), {'dummy': '2024-09-29T10:02:23.206974'}, None),)
[2024-09-29 10:02:23,401] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
on_pod_create: pod=my-mysql-innodbcluster-1 ContainersReady=True Ready=False gate[configured]=True
[2024-09-29 10:02:23,430] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] on_pod_create: cluster create time None
on_pod_created: probing cluster
on_pod_created: pod=my-mysql-innodbcluster-1 primary=None cluster_state=ClusterDiagStatus.INITIALIZING
[2024-09-29 10:02:23,519] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] cluster probe: status=ClusterDiagStatus.INITIALIZING online=[]
[2024-09-29 10:02:23,522] kopf.objects         [ERROR   ] Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Cluster is not yet ready
[2024-09-29 10:02:23,576] kopf.objects         [WARNING ] Patching failed with inconsistencies: (('remove', ('status', 'kopf'), {'progress': {'on_pod_create': {'started': '2024-09-29T09:58:08.555028', 'stopped': None, 'delayed': '2024-09-29T10:02:38.523211', 'purpose': 'create', 'retries': 16, 'success': False, 'failure': False, 'message': 'Cluster is not yet ready', 'subrefs': None}}}, None),)
[2024-09-29 10:02:23,705] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Handler 'on_pod_event' succeeded.
[29 Sep 10:45] Piotr G
This is a very strange issue, because this issue occurs only in kind cluster (k8s in docker). I install helm in cluster emulator not working I try different version of kind cluster.
[29 Sep 11:10] Piotr G
Issue resolved.

There was a issue with mysql-router. I have installed mysql-router in host. When I uninstall mysql-router from host everything works fine.

If you have similar issue please check apparmor more info: https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/7512#issuecomment-61787845