Bug #14644 Customizable feeds on bugs.mysql.com don't work
Submitted: 4 Nov 2005 14:36 Modified: 4 Nov 2005 14:54
Reporter: Beat Vontobel (Silver Quality Contributor) (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:2005-11-04 14:30:00 UTC OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Nov 2005 14:36] Beat Vontobel
Remark: This bug report concerns the bug reporting system itself and not the MySQL server, but it's not possible to select the appropriate category (at least not for external users). So please change this internally.


I tried to build a customized feed for bugs.mysql.com using the tool at http://bugs.mysql.com/rssinfo.php, but the generated URL (see below) only returns an empty document.


Tested with most recent versions of Safari, Firefox and Opera on Mac OS X 10.4 and different selections. The script even returns invalid URLs with space characters for some selections:

http://bugs.mysql.com/rss.php?category=mysql&status=not a bug

Additionally I was not able to file a bug for the bug system using the bug report page (even if the category exists according to the possible selections on rssinfo.php), that's why I had to choose a wrong category.

How to repeat:
Go to http://bugs.mysql.com/rssinfo.php, select some categories and try out the generated URL.

Suggested fix:
Fix rssinfo.php and rss.php for bugs system to correctly parse/generate URLs.
[4 Nov 2005 14:54] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. But it is not a bug in MySQL server. Please, inform webmaster@mysql.com about the problem.
[4 Nov 2005 15:02] Jim Winstead
Better answer: do a search to get the results you want, and use the RSS badge on the results page to subscribe to the results of that search. The mechanism from the rssinfo.php page was old, and is no longer supported.