Bug #14675 | problems calling MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(), cannot socket connect | ||
Submitted: | 5 Nov 2005 23:21 | Modified: | 15 Nov 2005 18:34 |
Reporter: | juan cesar | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Not a Bug | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / NET | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 1.0.6 | OS: | Windows (WinXP) |
Assigned to: | Vasily Kishkin | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[5 Nov 2005 23:21]
juan cesar
[6 Nov 2005 11:06]
Vasily Kishkin
Sorry...I was not able to reproduce the bug. Could you please say me what version of mysql you use ?
[6 Nov 2005 15:11]
juan cesar
the version is 5.0.15.
[6 Nov 2005 19:58]
juan cesar
Bug #14675 = Bug #14631, the same exception message
[8 Nov 2005 11:33]
Vasily Kishkin
Could you please say me you use .NET 1.0 or .NET 1.1 ?
[8 Nov 2005 19:58]
juan cesar
NET 1.1
[9 Nov 2005 2:15]
juan cesar
It was me
[15 Nov 2005 11:43]
Oscar Acosta
So, what is the solution to avoid this????
[15 Nov 2005 18:34]
juan cesar
Oscar Acosta, do you speak spanish?? It was de IDE, I think... I have repeated de bug with a Borland C# IDE and there is not problem. Also, I have tried run the .exe direct from the windows explorer (not from the IDE with F5), and there is not problem either. So, I decided not bother again :). Creo que es el entorno de programación del .NET, he reproducido el error en otro entorno (en el de Borland C#) y no hay problema alguno. Tambien, si corres el ejecutable que te genera tampoco hay problema y no te sale ese mensaje de error. Asi que, por ahora (aunque es algo incomodo), compilo desde el entorno, pero ejecuto directamente desde el ejecutable :). Nos vemos Oscar.