Bug #99484 MySQL Installer cannot create a scheduled task to check for updates
Submitted: 8 May 2020 8:39 Modified: 26 Oct 2022 22:28
Reporter: Dietmar Weickert Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL for Windows: Installer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Windows (Windows 10 Enterprise, German)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 May 2020 8:39] Dietmar Weickert
MySQL Installer has been installed on a German Windows 10 (!) system. When it tries to create a scheduled task to regularly check for updates, the following error message appears:

"Unable to create schduled task.
Error was: FEHLER: Zuordnungen von Kontennamen und Sicherheitskennungen wurden nicht durchgefhrt."
(The German part of the message translates to something like "ERROR: the assignment of account names and security IDs has not been made".

The most probable reason is that MySQL Installer tries to setup the task using the "Local Service" account. On German Windows systems, however, this account has the name "Lokaler Dienst". The same issue might exist with other language versions of Windows as well.

NB.: When processing the error message, there seems to be an additional problem with the presentation of diacritic characters, as the last word of the German error message should be "durchgeführt" instead of "durchgefhrt".

How to repeat:
1) Launch the MySQL Installer on a German Windows system
2) Try setting up a scheduled task to look for updates

Suggested fix:
Don't rely on English names for general accounts. Instead, try e.g. to use SIDs.
[28 May 2020 12:26] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Dietmar Weickert,

Thank you for the bug report.

Ashwini Patil
[26 Oct 2022 22:28] Jose Ramirez Ruiz
Posted by developer:
Installer no longer creates a scheduled task when being installed, instead a check for catalog updates is made automatically upon the start of Installer if the number of days configured in the Installer options have passed.