Bug #24142 Schema Tables Catalalogs - "Rows" column completely random value
Submitted: 9 Nov 2006 13:10 Modified: 9 Nov 2006 14:23
Reporter: Dave Fennell Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.2.5rc OS:Windows (WinXP Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: catalogs rows schema table

[9 Nov 2006 13:10] Dave Fennell
In the mysql administrator when you select a "schemata" from the "catalogs" section it highlights the "schema tables" tab and show you a list of tables with summary of their details. 

I have a number of tables that are InnoDB of varying sizes.  If I click the "refresh" button in the bottom right the number of rows reported for these tables is completely random.  For example I have a table with 233 rows (as shown by running a select count(*) on the table) however on this view it showed 450 so I thought it had grown suddenly for some reason, when I looked it had not so I went back to this page and refreshed and it reported "106" rows then I refreshed again and it reported "46" !! ... This is really serious as I cannot understand how a program could get this so wrong!!

I have the same problem on all the databases I have in my system.

How to repeat:
Start Mysql admin and login.
select "catalogs"
select schema in the bottom left.
take note of the number of rows on each table, then refresh the page. Some (but not all) of the numbers change.

Suggested fix:
I really cannot understand how the program could be getting this wrong it is really scarey.  I know for DEFINATE that there are not rows being inserted deleted etc, i.e. by looking at the serial columns which have reached 275 when it claims there are 450 rows in the table!

On my database it also seems to only effect the InnoDB tables, there are some MyISAM tables and those seem to always show the correct result, but that might just be a coincidence.

For a bit of background the tables did USED to be MyISAM and were converted to InnoDB using MySQL Admin, that might have something to do with it.
[9 Nov 2006 14:13] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Duplicate of bug:
[9 Nov 2006 14:23] Dave Fennell
Yes it is, sorry.  I did search but obviously not for the right thing.