Bug #13932 developer web page possible incorrect wording
Submitted: 11 Oct 2005 15:13 Modified: 11 Oct 2005 15:23
Reporter: Edward Lipchus Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Oct 2005 15:13] Edward Lipchus
Sorry for sending this to you people, but I couldn't find where to send a problem with your website.

On the web page http://dev.mysql.com/, under the heading Developer Articles, article listing An Atlas for Ireland's Artists (using MySQL GIS), there is a the phrase "Some of the primary requirements were a cartographically rich, atheistically pleasing vector based system..." While I am pleased that software is finally being developed with us atheists in mind, and that our concerns are being addressed with vector-based systems, it struck me that there was an off-chance that the writer meant "aesthetically". Unlikely, but possible <grin>

- Ed Lipchus
617 859-5112

How to repeat:
just go to the web page http://dev.mysql.com/
[11 Oct 2005 15:23] Jim Winstead
Problems about the website should be sent to webmaster@mysql.com.