Bug #24522 Graph Thumbnails Not Changing with Server Change
Submitted: 22 Nov 2006 20:54 Modified: 21 Feb 2007 17:05
Reporter: Joshua Ganderson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.0 OS:Any (all)
Assigned to: Joshua Ganderson CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: mer101

[22 Nov 2006 20:54] Joshua Ganderson
It seems that the thumbnail graphs do not always update when switching between servers in the tree nav. I suspect this is an issue with caching, either caching in the file system or in the browser. This was noted in firefox.

How to repeat:
Make sure you are running merlin with agents monitoring different machines (so that the graphs are likely to be perceptibly different).
Select one server and note the thumbnail graphs.
Select a different server and note the thumbnail graphs appear to be the same.

Suggested fix:
Append an md5 of the group or server name to the thumbnail URL to make the files appear different to the browser (assuming it is a browser cache issue).
[29 Nov 2006 17:54] Joshua Ganderson
Updated to use unique urls by appending md5 of exploded list of servers in selection as appended get param. Patch queued.
[29 Nov 2006 22:24] Joshua Ganderson
[21 Feb 2007 16:55] Mark Leith
Verified fixed in