Showing 1-1000 of 7084 (Edit, Save, CSV, Feed) | Show Next 1000 Entries » |
ID# | Date | Updated | Type | Status | Sev | Version | OS | CPU | Summary |
117424 | 2025-02-10 11:06 | 2025-02-10 12:35 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Analyzing (4 days) | S2 | 8.0.35,8.4.2,8.0.40 | Red Hat (8) | x86 | InnoDB Cluster with group_replication_paxos_single_leader=ON unable to process write traffic |
115742 | 2024-08-01 11:54 | 2024-10-07 13:44 | MySQL Workbench | Analyzing (130 days) | S3 | 8.0.38 build 4270059 CE (64 bits) | Ubuntu | x86 | Workbench 8.0.38 build 4270059 CE for Ubuntu 24.04 give error for unsupported OS |
115734 | 2024-08-01 4:54 | 2024-08-01 8:23 | Connector / C++ | Analyzing (197 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 | Any | Any | Build is so "fast" and uses so many jobs that it crashes the system |
115570 | 2024-07-12 5:14 | 2024-07-17 8:20 | Connector / ODBC | Analyzing (212 days) | S3 | from mysql odbc | Windows | Any | Disable to write multibyte char to field of varchar type by MySQL Odbc Drive |
115616 | 2024-07-17 0:07 | 2024-07-17 6:45 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Analyzing (212 days) | S2 | 8.0.38-1ubuntu24.04_amd64 | Ubuntu (24.04 LTS) | x86 | Workbench does not work when use 200% of zoom on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS |
112994 | 2023-11-07 17:42 | 2024-07-15 5:02 | Shell VSCode Extension | Analyzing (214 days) | S1 | 1.15.1 | Linux (Linux Mint 20.3) | x86 | Cannot create connection with mysql shell extension |
115135 | 2024-05-27 8:54 | 2024-05-27 10:02 | Connector / NET | Analyzing (263 days) | S3 | mysql 8.0.35 & MySql.EFCore 8.0.2 | Ubuntu (22.04) | x86 (x86_64 ) | EntityFrameworkCore+MySQL hangs when `Min Pool Size=10` only on ubuntu/linux |
112175 | 2023-08-24 13:32 | 2023-08-24 13:40 | MySQL Server: General | Analyzing (540 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Contribution: [performance optimization] | |
102313 | 2021-01-20 12:24 | 2021-01-21 13:16 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Analyzing (1485 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | Tablespace may still larger than limit after truncation |
95934 | 2019-06-23 17:13 | 2019-07-05 8:17 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Analyzing (2051 days) | S5 | 8.0.* | Any | Any | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0 get performance regression on 8 core machine |
91844 | 2018-07-31 11:52 | 2019-05-30 22:36 | Connector / ODBC | Analyzing (2389 days) | S3 | 8.0(w) | Windows (Windows 10 Professional x64) | x86 | windows ODBC driver 8.0 fails with SSL connection |
90813 | 2018-05-09 20:11 | 2021-07-04 9:18 | MySQL Server | Analyzing (2471 days) | S3 | 5.6.40 | CentOS (7.3) | Any | Timezone not correctly read from host |
70480 | 2013-10-01 19:59 | 2020-05-03 20:45 | Connector / NET | Analyzing (2572 days) | S3 | 6.8.3 | Any | Any | Exception when debugging an ASP.NET application |
87473 | 2017-08-18 10:46 | 2018-10-21 20:45 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Analyzing (2607 days) | S1 | 5.6.37 | Debian (8) | Any | "bin/mysqladmin" does not have a "--shutdown-timeout" anymore |
76688 | 2015-04-14 13:47 | 2015-07-06 11:54 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Analyzing (3511 days) | S1 | 5.6.24, 5.7.7-rc | Linux (CentOS 7) | Any | -DMYSQL_DATADIR impact on compiling MySQL with cmake |
71727 | 2014-02-14 23:30 | 2022-04-10 20:45 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Analyzing (4004 days) | S5 | 5.6.16 | Any | Any | Follow up work on Bug#16249481- INNODB DOES NOT SCALE WELL ON 12 CORE ... |
69755 | 2013-07-16 12:58 | 2015-05-04 8:59 | MySQL Server: Performance Schema | Analyzing (4230 days) | S3 | 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 | Linux (Linux xxx 3.5.0-34-generic #55~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 7 16:25:50 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 ) | Any | file_instances leaks with innodb_file_per_table |
61472 | 2011-06-10 7:26 | 2011-07-18 6:56 | Connector / ODBC | Analyzing (4960 days) | S1 | 5.1.8 | Windows (XP SP3) | Any | "Specified cast is not valid" error even when datatypes are perfectly aligned |
117418 | 2025-02-09 22:22 | 2025-02-10 13:35 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (4 days) | S3 | 8.0.40 | Any | Any | MYSQL stopped running |
117366 | 2025-02-02 17:36 | 2025-02-03 5:53 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (11 days) | S3 | 8.0.40 | Any | Any | parameter name: index |
116800 | 2024-11-27 10:17 | 2024-11-27 11:37 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (79 days) | S3 | 8.0.40 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | External component has thrown an exception |
116691 | 2024-11-18 8:51 | 2024-11-18 10:27 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (88 days) | S3 | 9.0.0-preview | Any | Any | Method 'get_LockReleaseBehavior' does not have an implementation |
116271 | 2024-09-30 20:34 | 2024-11-14 22:18 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (92 days) | S5 | 596f0d23 (9.0.0) | Any | Any | Performance of TPC-H Query 4 |
116552 | 2024-11-05 10:33 | 2024-11-05 11:46 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (101 days) | S3 | 8.0.37 | CentOS | Any | InnoDB Deadlock and Assertion Failure Leading to MySQL Crash |
116427 | 2024-10-19 18:49 | 2024-10-30 10:43 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (107 days) | S3 | 8.0.40-cluster MySQL Cluster Community S | Any | Any | A strange node crashes at the same time in NDB cluster |
116301 | 2024-10-04 14:10 | 2024-10-04 15:03 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (133 days) | S3 | 8.0.39 | Ubuntu (22.04.5) | x86 (VMware 6.7 u3) | mysqld crash |
116195 | 2024-09-22 9:37 | 2024-09-24 16:02 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (143 days) | S5 | 8.0,9.0,5.7 | Any | Any | Undo log scan at startup can cause high downtime if large transaction was open |
115727 | 2024-07-30 11:37 | 2024-08-09 13:18 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Can't repeat (189 days) | S3 | 8.0.36 | Red Hat | x86 | MySQL InnoDB Cluster - Systemd - Kill the process |
115651 | 2024-07-19 14:25 | 2024-07-19 14:40 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (210 days) | S3 | 8.0.30 | CentOS | x86 | mysql8 cannot drop database or table |
115512 | 2024-07-04 12:14 | 2024-07-04 12:20 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (225 days) | S3 | 8.0.36 | Red Hat (8.8) | x86 | MySQL 8.0.36 crashed due to Assertion failure error |
115212 | 2024-06-04 13:19 | 2024-06-05 9:30 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (254 days) | S3 | 8.0.36 | Debian | Any | duplicates_removal weedout semijoin crashes mysql8 |
115197 | 2024-06-03 10:43 | 2024-06-03 12:15 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (256 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 | Windows | x86 | Post upgrade 8.0.33 - 8.0.35 .net nullable exception writes |
114254 | 2024-03-07 6:42 | 2024-05-13 13:40 | MySQL Operator | Can't repeat (277 days) | S2 | Linux | x86 | /fail-counter: Read-only file system | |
114725 | 2024-04-22 9:05 | 2024-05-07 7:33 | MySQL Operator | Can't repeat (283 days) | S2 | 8.3.0-2.1.2 | Any | Any | sometimes sidecar container will complain kopf._cogs.clients.errors.APIForbidden |
114580 | 2024-04-08 10:41 | 2024-04-09 11:35 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (311 days) | S5 | 8.0.35 | Ubuntu (Ubunutu 20.04 LTS) | x86 | Mysql 8.0.35 - The query to get foreign keys are slower than MySQL 8.0.20 |
114570 | 2024-04-08 2:00 | 2024-04-08 10:00 | MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client | Can't repeat (312 days) | S2 | 8.0.35 | Debian | x86 | Error running mysqldump with tables with big blobs on docker |
113841 | 2024-02-01 1:40 | 2024-04-02 17:22 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (318 days) | S1 | 8.3.0 | Any | Any | .NET Connector hangs in multi-threaded environment when pooling is enabled |
114386 | 2024-03-18 5:01 | 2024-03-26 11:09 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (332 days) | S3 | 8.0.31 | CentOS | Any | MySQL server sometimes suddenly hangs, queries to tables global_status also hang |
92765 | 2018-10-12 13:16 | 2024-03-13 17:01 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (338 days) | S1 | 6.10.8 | Any | Any | MySQL Connector 6.10.8/EntityFrameWork 6/oData |
113742 | 2024-01-24 13:37 | 2024-01-24 19:50 | MySQL Operator | Can't repeat (387 days) | S1 | 8.2.0-2.1.1 | Any | Any | the container' file system changed to read-only |
113706 | 2024-01-22 11:46 | 2024-01-22 13:20 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (389 days) | S3 | mysql Ver 8.0.35 for Linux on 86_64 | Linux (Centos 7 Linux ) | x86 (x86_64) | InnoDB : Corruption of an index tree which stopped mysqld service |
113115 | 2023-11-17 2:20 | 2023-12-27 8:04 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (415 days) | S3 | 5.7.21 | SUSE | Any | semi-sync slave exit checksum error and master exit with net_flush error |
113360 | 2023-12-07 11:17 | 2023-12-21 13:38 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (434 days) | S2 | 8.2 | Windows | Any | ODBC driver 8.2 causes crash when setting prefetch option |
113276 | 2023-11-29 5:55 | 2023-11-29 13:00 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (443 days) | S3 | 8.0.24 | CentOS (7.9) | x86 | MYSQL does not respond after applications are inserted in batches |
113229 | 2023-11-27 7:57 | 2023-11-27 11:11 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (445 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 | Any (CentOS Linux 7) | Any | mysqld: Duplicate entry 'mysql/slave_worker_info' for key '' |
112934 | 2023-11-02 2:27 | 2023-11-02 13:39 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (470 days) | S5 | MySQL 8.0 | Any | Any | mysqld assertion failure in os_file_fsync_posix |
112760 | 2023-10-18 8:12 | 2023-10-25 13:20 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (478 days) | S1 | all version | MacOS (Macbook air M1) | ARM (M1) | couldn't install MySQL workbench on Parallel Wins11 based on MacBook Air M1 |
112714 | 2023-10-13 12:45 | 2023-10-16 14:02 | MySQL Server: Clone Plugin | Can't repeat (490 days) | S3 | 8.0.34 | Any | Any | Assertion failure: in cloning when undo_x_trunc.log |
112446 | 2023-09-24 23:24 | 2023-10-03 10:07 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (501 days) | S2 | 8.0.34 | Debian (Debian 11) | x86 (x86-64) | Fractured read at SERIALIZABLE |
90534 | 2018-04-20 13:58 | 2023-09-12 10:45 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Can't repeat (521 days) | S1 | 8.0.11, 8.0.12 | MacOS (10.12.6) | x86 | InnoDB Cluster members stop by failed start of Group Replication |
112277 | 2023-09-06 15:10 | 2023-09-10 12:34 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Can't repeat (525 days) | S1 | 5.7.43 | Any | Any | MySQL block forever |
112186 | 2023-08-25 17:36 | 2023-08-28 17:16 | MySQL Server: Install Configuration Tool | Can't repeat (536 days) | S2 | 8.1 | Windows (Windows 10) | Any | Cannot complete configuration of version 8.1 |
112178 | 2023-08-25 3:38 | 2023-08-25 14:12 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (539 days) | S3 | 8.0.34 | Any | Any | Transaction inconsistency when the undo space truncate is incomplete |
112148 | 2023-08-23 3:34 | 2023-08-23 12:53 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (541 days) | S3 | 8.0.34 | Red Hat (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.7(Maipo)) | x86 (Hygon C86 7375) | Description Failed to upgrade mysql from 8.0.20 to 8.0.34 |
111812 | 2023-07-19 10:13 | 2023-07-19 12:51 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (576 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 | Linux | ARM | Unable to open '#innodb_redo/#ib_redo31_tmp', no permission |
111442 | 2023-06-15 19:02 | 2023-07-17 12:48 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (578 days) | S3 | 8.0.32 | Any | Any | misleading startup error message related to GTID configuration |
111463 | 2023-06-16 16:28 | 2023-06-19 11:36 | MySQL Server: Windows | Can't repeat (606 days) | S3 | 8.0.31 | Windows (2019 Datacenter) | x86 (Intel) | File .\undo_002: 'aio write' returned OS error 1560. Cannot continue operation |
111044 | 2023-05-16 13:12 | 2023-05-16 15:20 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (640 days) | S2 | 8.0.33 | Fedora (36) | x86 | Assertion failure in<T>::read_page() |
110991 | 2023-05-11 10:23 | 2023-05-11 12:41 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (645 days) | S2 | 8.0.33 | Ubuntu (20.04.1) | x86 | After server upgrade it does not start |
110754 | 2023-04-20 23:42 | 2023-04-22 20:19 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (664 days) | S2 | 8.0.33 | Windows | Any | connector/net fails with visual studio 2019 |
109141 | 2022-11-18 18:41 | 2024-10-11 7:57 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (669 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Insert of data into a table results in System.ArgumentException | |
110640 | 2023-04-09 3:26 | 2023-04-14 11:59 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (672 days) | S3 | Windows | x86 | 无法使用 mysqlMySQL 5.7 命令行客户端 | |
110676 | 2023-04-13 8:46 | 2023-04-13 11:52 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (673 days) | S2 | 8.0.32 | Ubuntu (20.04) | x86 | mysqld got signal 11 after update from 8.0.31 to 8.0.32 |
110633 | 2023-04-07 5:20 | 2023-04-07 11:55 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (679 days) | S3 | 8.0.32 | CentOS | Any | Orphaned full-text indexes |
110340 | 2023-03-10 15:33 | 2023-03-29 13:07 | MySQL Server: Security: Privileges | Can't repeat (688 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | mysql.session user is being deleted post upgrading to 8.0.28 , normal ? |
102199 | 2021-01-08 14:04 | 2023-03-17 7:36 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (700 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | CentOS (7.9) | x86 | Data dictionary upgrading fails with encrypted tablespace |
110269 | 2023-03-03 13:28 | 2023-03-03 15:05 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (714 days) | S3 | 8.0.30 | Ubuntu (Rel 20.04.2) | Any (Intel Xeon E5620) | Server crashed on ALTER TABLE. Now crashes on SELECT. |
110206 | 2023-02-24 11:54 | 2023-02-24 14:08 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (721 days) | S3 | 8.0.32 | Windows (Server 2019) | Any | Upgrading MySQL Server from 8.0.27 to 8.0.32 using Installer |
109636 | 2023-01-15 12:28 | 2024-03-12 15:26 | MySQL Server: Windows | Can't repeat (754 days) | S1 | Windows (10) | Any | MySQL Installer seeks and is denied access to D:\System Volume Information | |
109562 | 2023-01-10 3:31 | 2023-01-11 2:01 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (765 days) | S3 | Multiple; 8.0.31 | Windows (Windows Server 2019 Standard Version 1809 OS build 17763.3650) | x86 (64 bit) | Strucking at Applying Configuration (may take a long time) |
109432 | 2022-12-20 0:42 | 2022-12-29 14:46 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (778 days) | S3 | 8.0.31 | MacOS (Ventura 13) | Any | Result Grid Horizontal Scroll Bar Not Visible |
109336 | 2022-12-12 1:31 | 2022-12-27 13:24 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (780 days) | S2 | 8.0.31 | Windows (Windows 10 Version 21H2) | Any (AMD Ryzen 7 2700) | Workbench crashes when editing a table with a JSON column |
64282 | 2012-02-09 17:52 | 2022-12-20 5:38 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (787 days) | S1 | mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.10-win32.msi | Windows (Windows-7 (64-bit)) | Any | Installation location and proper usage is seriously impeded. |
109301 | 2022-12-06 23:05 | 2022-12-08 4:36 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (799 days) | S2 | 8.0.31 | Fedora | Any | MySQL 5.7 -> 8.0.31 Page old data size XXX new data size YYY error |
109320 | 2022-12-08 13:19 | 2023-01-05 13:20 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (799 days) | S3 | 8.0.31 | CentOS (CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)) | x86 (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz) | mysql freeze on SHOW GLOBAL STATUS |
109186 | 2022-11-23 16:55 | 2022-11-24 11:56 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (813 days) | S3 | 8.0.31 | Windows | Any | not able to upgrade mysql connector |
109138 | 2022-11-18 16:24 | 2022-11-18 16:33 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (819 days) | S3 | 8.0.30 | Ubuntu (22.04.4) | Any | Assertion failure: |
108892 | 2022-10-27 1:47 | 2022-10-31 3:32 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (837 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | CentOS (CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810) | Any | MGR Sencondary node don`t appling relay logs |
108876 | 2022-10-25 23:00 | 2022-10-27 17:22 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (841 days) | S2 | 8.0.28 | CentOS ( 7.9.2009) | x86 | CLONE operation results in mysqld server hang on startup |
108752 | 2022-10-12 11:01 | 2022-10-14 9:01 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (854 days) | S2 | 8.0.31 | Windows | Any | installer: Illegal mix of collations |
108664 | 2022-09-30 20:07 | 2022-10-04 17:41 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (864 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | Export Forward Enginner SQL Create Script -> Sql Export Options -> Next -> abort |
108411 | 2022-09-07 12:26 | 2022-09-08 13:15 | Shell AdminAPI InnoDB Cluster / ReplicaSet | Can't repeat (890 days) | S3 | Any | Any | cluster instance status reports clone information during distributed recovery | |
108141 | 2022-08-15 15:47 | 2022-08-16 12:47 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (913 days) | S3 | 8.0.29 and 8.0.30 | Ubuntu (20.04.4 LTS) | x86 | Memory leak after upgrade from 8.0.28 to 8.0.29+ |
88519 | 2017-11-16 10:43 | 2022-08-10 18:15 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (919 days) | S2 | V6.9.10 | Windows | Any | MySQL .Net/Connector may return wrong resultset after using Thread.Abort |
89595 | 2018-02-09 0:43 | 2023-10-19 13:14 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (919 days) | S1 | 8.0.10-rc | Ubuntu (16.04LTS) | Any | Unhandled Exception, only on Linux os |
91030 | 2018-05-25 17:05 | 2022-08-10 18:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (919 days) | S1 | 8.0.11 | Windows | x86 | Entity Framework Code-First Migration to database does not work |
85978 | 2017-04-18 2:55 | 2022-08-10 17:32 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (919 days) | S2 | 6.9.9 | Windows | Any | UPDATE Timeout then ExecuteReader returns null |
101095 | 2020-10-08 18:51 | 2022-08-10 21:16 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (919 days) | S1 | 8.0.20,8.0.21 | Windows | Any | ASP.NET build issues starting with MySQL .NET Connector 8.0.20 and 8.0.21 |
102303 | 2021-01-20 2:31 | 2022-08-10 21:17 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (919 days) | S2 | 8.0.23 | Windows (10) | Other (x64) | Preparing command with incorrect parameter type puts connection in bad state |
107272 | 2022-05-12 12:13 | 2022-07-22 10:48 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (938 days) | S1 | 8.0.29 | MacOS (macOS 12.x Monterey x86_64) | Any | can't connect remote server after upgrade to v8.0.29 |
107889 | 2022-07-15 2:14 | 2022-07-15 12:35 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (945 days) | S1 | 8.0.29 | Linux (Amzon RDS for mysql) | Any | sometimes. when executing UNION querying occurs Signal 11 occures |
106808 | 2022-03-23 8:31 | 2022-05-11 8:08 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (1010 days) | S2 | 7.6.21 | CentOS (7.6.1810) | x86 (Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3) | Failed to recreate object <number> during restart, error 21029. |
107004 | 2022-04-13 10:03 | 2022-04-22 10:20 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (1029 days) | S2 | mysql-5.7.30 ndb-7.6.14 | Red Hat (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.8 ) | x86 | ndbd service cannot startup |
107033 | 2022-04-15 8:28 | 2022-04-18 13:11 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (1033 days) | S1 | 8.0.28 | Windows (10) | Other | mysql connector is not installing |
106280 | 2022-01-25 14:14 | 2023-05-10 12:01 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (1082 days) | S3 | 5.7 | Any | Any | innodb print tons of partial read in error log |
106530 | 2022-02-21 16:57 | 2022-02-23 16:39 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1087 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Windows | x86 | The MySQL80 service on Local Computer started and then stopped and cant create l |
106427 | 2022-02-09 19:19 | 2022-10-01 3:39 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1096 days) | S3 | 8.0.28 | Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64) | Any | Gtk-CRITICAL ** gtk_container_foreach: assertion GTK_IS_CONTAINER (container) |
106382 | 2022-02-04 18:07 | 2022-02-08 13:32 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1103 days) | S3 | 5.7.37 | Ubuntu (18.04.6 LTS) | Any | 5.7.37 drops support for symbolic links in the data directory |
106245 | 2022-01-22 14:34 | 2022-02-22 11:32 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1119 days) | S3 | 8.0.28 | Windows (Server 2016) | Any (x64) | MySQL 8.0.28 crashing in a loop |
102129 | 2021-01-01 23:00 | 2022-01-17 19:21 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (1124 days) | S2 | 8.0.22 | Windows (10) | Other (x64) | Hang in MySqlConnection.Close after TransactionScope times out |
105959 | 2021-12-22 8:08 | 2022-08-31 5:12 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1129 days) | S3 | 8.0.27 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise) | Any | Error on connecting to server over SSH |
105988 | 2021-12-28 7:22 | 2022-01-11 14:09 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (1130 days) | S3 | 5.7.27/8.0.27 | Red Hat (Red Hat 4.8.5-39) | x86 (3.10.0-1127.10.1.el7.x86_64) | The problem about predicate lock in Serializable isolation level |
103986 | 2021-06-11 19:15 | 2022-11-17 19:23 | MySQL Workbench: Migration | Can't repeat (1173 days) | S1 | 8.0.25 | MacOS | Any | Fatal error during database migration |
105387 | 2021-10-29 14:52 | 2021-11-11 18:58 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (1191 days) | S2 | 8.0.27 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home) | Any | work bench crashes when trying to create a new model |
105277 | 2021-10-20 10:18 | 2021-10-21 13:37 | MySQL Server: User-defined functions ( UDF ) | Can't repeat (1212 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | CentOS (Centos7) | x86 (x86_64) | The user-defined function failed as the second parameter query of the FIND_IN_SE |
104565 | 2021-08-08 1:27 | 2021-09-17 13:48 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (1246 days) | S1 | 8.0.26 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | MANAGEMENT-Server Status break |
103430 | 2021-04-22 13:01 | 2021-09-16 11:43 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (1247 days) | S2 | 8.0.24 | Windows (10 Pro 64-bits and Server 2012 tested) | x86 (64-bit) | Shared memory connection crashes on open |
104586 | 2021-08-10 23:16 | 2021-08-16 1:50 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1278 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | Windows | Any | Crash when attempting to alter table |
104449 | 2021-07-28 20:36 | 2021-07-29 11:10 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1296 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 8 Pro) | Any | MySQL would not start in Win 10 |
104400 | 2021-07-23 17:40 | 2021-07-23 18:23 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (1302 days) | S3 | 1.2.17 | Windows (server 2016 standard) | Other | Mensaje: this section is only available when connected to localhost |
104320 | 2021-07-14 19:06 | 2021-07-20 15:54 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1305 days) | S2 | 8.0.26 | Windows (Windows 10) | x86 | Random crash when click "Apply" modifying a Store Procedure |
104273 | 2021-07-11 16:33 | 2021-07-16 22:45 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1309 days) | S2 | 5.7.30 | Red Hat (7.5) | x86 | Replication sql_thread hung while executing XA START in System lock state |
104249 | 2021-07-08 6:31 | 2021-07-09 18:02 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (1316 days) | S2 | 8.0.16 | CentOS (8) | x86 | A field with type integer(12) unsigned is replicated as a bigint |
103894 | 2021-06-02 15:05 | 2022-09-06 10:07 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Can't repeat (1323 days) | S3 | 1.2.9 | Windows (10.0.19042 Build 19042) | x86 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2112 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)) | MySQL for Visual Studio fails to load on Microsoft Visual Studio |
103795 | 2021-05-24 19:54 | 2021-06-28 13:08 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1327 days) | S3 | 8.0.25-commercial MySQL Enterprise Serve | CentOS (7) | x86 | keyring_okv plugin setup fails |
104104 | 2021-06-24 14:10 | 2021-06-25 11:53 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (1330 days) | S2 | 8.0.25 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home) | Any | workbench keeps freezing |
104105 | 2021-06-24 14:33 | 2021-06-25 7:04 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (1330 days) | S2 | 8.0 | Any | Any | after upgration from MySQL5.7 to MySQL8.0, there are many errors in errlog |
104107 | 2021-06-24 16:46 | 2021-06-25 11:57 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (1330 days) | S1 | 8.0.25 | Windows (Windows 10) | x86 | Unhandled Exception |
103596 | 2021-05-06 2:44 | 2021-05-12 13:19 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (1374 days) | S3 | 8.0.24 | Any | Any | lock_trx_release_read_locks may get invoked even there's no gap lock |
103260 | 2021-04-09 4:21 | 2021-04-20 23:32 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1396 days) | S3 | 8.0.21 | Red Hat (7.9) | Any | Unable to restart mysql server |
85979 | 2017-04-18 8:52 | 2021-05-18 15:55 | MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client | Can't repeat (1408 days) | S3 | 5.7.12 | Ubuntu (14.04) | Any | System memory not released after mysqldump completes |
103103 | 2021-03-25 5:25 | 2021-03-31 12:04 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (1416 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Windows | x86 | when reconfiguring server and then checking root password |
103114 | 2021-03-25 17:40 | 2021-03-26 12:12 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (1421 days) | S3 | 8.0.21 | MacOS (11.2.2) | Any | Clicking on Snippets tab crashes WB after system restart |
103082 | 2021-03-23 22:19 | 2021-03-24 12:45 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (1423 days) | S2 | 8.0.23 | Windows (10) | x86 | installing odbc connector 8.0.22 or 8.0.23 on windows 10 will not show up |
102715 | 2021-02-24 3:20 | 2021-03-09 13:30 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (1438 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | InnoDB Discard tablespace is not crash safe |
101068 | 2020-10-06 12:57 | 2021-01-11 13:09 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1495 days) | S3 | 8.0.21 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro) | Any (x64) | The Arrows that reduce the management table window not work! |
101408 | 2020-10-31 14:41 | 2022-01-03 11:37 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1515 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | External component has thrown an exception. (Connect with SSH) |
101940 | 2020-12-09 17:07 | 2020-12-09 18:19 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (1528 days) | S3 | 5.7 | CentOS | Any | OS error caused database crash |
101230 | 2020-10-19 16:41 | 2020-11-19 10:26 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (1548 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | Linux (Slackware) | x86 | Please, specify required Protobuf version in docs and release notes |
101661 | 2020-11-18 11:05 | 2020-11-18 11:08 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (1549 days) | S3 | 5.7.25 | Windows | Any | Mysql Installer 5.7.25 error parsing products.xml |
101352 | 2020-10-28 8:06 | 2020-11-16 7:31 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (1551 days) | S3 | 8.0.21 | Other (Amazon Linux 2) | x86 (aws ec2 r5.xlarge) | NDB Data node start fail |
100959 | 2020-09-25 16:17 | 2020-11-04 19:31 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (1563 days) | S5 | 8.0.21 | Windows | Any | dll generates unneeded system files dependencies for MS Build |
100675 | 2020-08-28 11:03 | 2020-10-22 19:06 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (1576 days) | S3 | mysql-5.6.28 ndb-7.4.10 | CentOS | Any | NDB data node disconnted |
100737 | 2020-09-04 4:44 | 2020-10-21 12:52 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (1577 days) | S1 | 80021 | Windows (10 version 2004) | Any | Upgrade from 8.16 to 8.21 the installer/upgrade broke server |
100933 | 2020-09-24 4:26 | 2020-09-25 12:15 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1603 days) | S3 | 8.0.21 | Windows | Any | Failure to launch after changing font size |
100428 | 2020-08-04 17:14 | 2020-09-21 16:24 | MySQL Server: Data Dictionary | Can't repeat (1607 days) | S2 | 8.0.21 | Any (Fedora 32) | Any | assertion at database shutdown |
100639 | 2020-08-26 5:11 | 2020-09-15 5:46 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (1613 days) | S2 | 8.0.20 | Red Hat | Any | Forced node shutdown Caused by error 2334: 'Job buffer congestion' |
100768 | 2020-09-08 11:40 | 2020-09-08 18:57 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (1620 days) | S2 | CentOS (version 8) | Any | MySQL Server 8 is crashed and rebooted automatically with a long semaphore wait | |
100699 | 2020-08-31 18:15 | 2020-08-31 21:20 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (1628 days) | S1 | 8.0.21 | MacOS (Catalina 10.15.6) | Any | Not Starting up |
100518 | 2020-08-13 15:08 | 2020-08-30 21:18 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (1629 days) | S2 | 5.7.29 | CentOS | Any | Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated values |
100641 | 2020-08-26 7:38 | 2020-08-26 16:13 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1633 days) | S1 | 8.0.21 | Windows (Windows 10 Pro) | x86 (i7) | MySQL Workbench crashes immediately after starting- on windows 10 Pro |
100215 | 2020-07-14 13:19 | 2020-08-17 12:06 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1642 days) | S5 | | Any | Any | insert into sql timeout spent 10s mysql 5.7 |
100242 | 2020-07-17 5:48 | 2020-08-12 16:52 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1647 days) | S3 | 8.0.18 | Linux | Any | Upgrade from MySQL 8.0.16 to MySQL 8.0.18 failed |
100416 | 2020-08-04 1:53 | 2021-06-15 14:18 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1649 days) | S3 | 8.0.19 | Red Hat (7.6) | x86 | UTC - mysqld got signal 11 |
100408 | 2020-08-01 16:05 | 2020-08-01 21:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1658 days) | S1 | 8.0.21 | Windows (Windows 10 OS) | x86 | After the installation process,MySQL Workbench doesn't working,i can't access it |
99930 | 2020-06-18 16:03 | 2020-09-04 17:56 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (1674 days) | S3 | 8.0.20 | Ubuntu (20.04) | x86 | Error opening directory '/mnt': Permission denied |
100188 | 2020-07-12 2:22 | 2020-07-12 16:20 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (1678 days) | S2 | Any (ubuntu server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)) | x86 | Cannot install mysql on ubuntu server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) | |
99494 | 2020-05-08 21:53 | 2020-07-06 14:16 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (1684 days) | S2 | 8.0 | Windows (10) | x86 | Unable to remove connector 8.0 .NET |
99679 | 2020-05-25 2:32 | 2020-05-26 9:14 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1725 days) | S3 | 8.0.18 | Any | Any | stop group_replication will assert |
72131 | 2014-03-26 5:52 | 2020-04-24 19:41 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (1757 days) | S3 | 5.6.16-log | Linux (CentOS 5.9) | Any | Slave running state: System lock |
99234 | 2020-04-12 2:57 | 2021-02-18 13:18 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1767 days) | S1 | 8.0.19 | Ubuntu (18.04) | Any (amd64) | Crash on a specific query after upgrading to 8.0.19 |
82981 | 2016-09-14 7:41 | 2020-03-20 21:07 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (1792 days) | S2 | 7.0.5-ir21 | Any | Any | Missing implementation for running EntityFramework Core code first migration |
77403 | 2015-06-18 12:27 | 2020-03-05 12:52 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Can't repeat (1807 days) | S2 | 5.6.25 | Linux | Any | MySQL server 5.6 consumes all memory on server when running query |
98284 | 2020-01-19 8:58 | 2020-02-27 13:17 | MySQL Server: Connection Handling | Can't repeat (1814 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Linux (3.10.0-327.x86_64) | x86 | Low sysbench score in the case of a large number of connections |
98493 | 2020-02-05 18:00 | 2020-02-20 19:01 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1821 days) | S2 | 5.7.26 | Linux | Any | Server stalls and block connections with binlog_gtid_simple_recovery=1 |
98519 | 2020-02-08 3:18 | 2020-02-12 17:38 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (1829 days) | S2 | 5.7.12 | Other (AWS RDS) | Any | mysqld signal 6 when reading binlog from invalid offset |
98244 | 2020-01-16 7:24 | 2020-02-03 12:05 | MySQL Server: Logging | Can't repeat (1838 days) | S2 | MySQL Server 8.0.19 | Windows | Any | unable to login |
79228 | 2015-11-11 13:53 | 2020-01-24 14:29 | MySQL Cluster: NDB API | Can't repeat (1848 days) | S1 | ndb-7.4.8 | Debian | Any | Forced node shutdown, LCP fragment scan watchdog detected a problem, error 7200 |
98298 | 2020-01-20 12:44 | 2020-01-20 13:49 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Can't repeat (1852 days) | S1 | Windows (10) | Any | Input string was not correct format | |
97740 | 2019-11-22 7:23 | 2019-11-22 8:30 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (1911 days) | S3 | 5 | Windows (window 10) | Other (64) | MySQL shutdown unexpectedly |
97668 | 2019-11-17 6:13 | 2019-11-19 13:42 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (1914 days) | S1 | mysql-5.7.23 ndb-7.6.12 | CentOS | Any | (urgent) Cluster crashed after alter table |
97470 | 2019-11-04 13:25 | 2022-05-12 11:31 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (1929 days) | S3 | 8.0.16 | Windows (Hp da-016282) | x86 (64 bit 4GB Ram 1TB Storage) | MySQL Connector Net 8.0.16 Setup Wizard ended prematurely. |
97336 | 2019-10-23 3:05 | 2019-10-25 13:47 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (1939 days) | S2 | 7.6.7 | CentOS (7) | x86 | Node failure |
97264 | 2019-10-16 20:29 | 2019-10-17 7:56 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (1947 days) | S3 | 1.4.30 | Windows (Server 2008 R2) | x86 | MySQL for Windows: Installer fails when selecting No to upgrading Installer |
96585 | 2019-08-19 14:21 | 2019-08-19 23:03 | MySQL Server: Data Types | Can't repeat (2006 days) | S3 | 8.0.17 | Debian (10) | x86 | Error Code: 1292. Incorrect datetimevalue for correct dates? |
96359 | 2019-07-28 11:38 | 2019-07-28 19:16 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (2028 days) | S1 | 8.0 | Windows | ARM | MySQL 8.0 windows service fails to start |
95673 | 2019-06-06 13:50 | 2019-07-04 12:52 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (2053 days) | S3 | 5.7.26 | Any | Any | Crash on import tablespace |
95679 | 2019-06-07 6:50 | 2019-06-07 14:35 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2079 days) | S3 | MacOS | Any | Error in Starting MySQL on Mac | |
76263 | 2015-03-11 15:08 | 2019-05-15 15:49 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (2102 days) | S1 | 5.6.18 | Linux | Any | GTID replication fails with master has purged binary logs, but log does exist |
95048 | 2019-04-18 6:05 | 2019-05-14 21:02 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2103 days) | S2 | Windows | Any | MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem | |
89632 | 2018-02-12 20:07 | 2019-05-02 12:20 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (2115 days) | S2 | 6.9.11 | Any | Any | MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.set_Reader(MySqlDataReader value) 6.9.11 |
93715 | 2018-12-21 10:26 | 2019-04-23 13:29 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2124 days) | S2 | 5.7.24 | Windows | x86 | MySQL Server Crash (Access Violation) whilst reading from Information_schema |
94945 | 2019-04-08 19:59 | 2019-04-08 20:34 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2139 days) | S2 | Windows (10) | Any | Workbench does not open | |
94598 | 2019-03-07 21:32 | 2019-03-08 19:27 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2170 days) | S3 | 8.0.15 | Windows (build 15063) | Other (x64) | Workbench crash when switching focus while query is running |
94339 | 2019-02-15 6:08 | 2019-03-07 4:28 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2171 days) | S2 | 5.7.17-log Source distribution | CentOS (7.1.1503) | x86 (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz) | replication hang |
94145 | 2019-01-30 16:42 | 2020-02-03 10:00 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (2207 days) | S3 | | Windows | Any | Create new connection wirth MYSQL Workbench |
93768 | 2018-12-31 3:56 | 2023-05-17 20:41 | MySQL Server: DML | Can't repeat (2237 days) | S1 | 8.0.12 | MacOS (version:10.13) | Any | When update a table, the mysql server crashed, and the server cann't start now |
93628 | 2018-12-16 3:01 | 2018-12-16 6:14 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2252 days) | S3 | 6.3.10 | Linux (Ubuntu 18.10 x86_64) | x86 (Running in a VirtualBox VM on Intel i7 (8700)) | MySQL, installed via Synaptic on Ubuntu 18.10 is saying the OS is unsupported |
93291 | 2018-11-22 12:56 | 2022-02-02 13:02 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (2268 days) | S3 | 8.0.13 | Windows (Windows 10 Pro ) | x86 | Cannot uninstall MySQL server 8.0.13 using MySQL Installer or control panel |
63915 | 2012-01-04 3:15 | 2018-11-27 1:35 | MySQL Cluster: Disk Data | Can't repeat (2271 days) | S3 | mysql-5.1.56 ndb-7.1.15 | Solaris (10) | Any | Got System error 'node killed' when alter tablespace to add datafile |
93163 | 2018-11-12 13:07 | 2018-11-14 7:22 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2284 days) | S1 | MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for Linux/Unix version 6.3.10 CE build 12092614 (64 bit) | Ubuntu | Any | Mysql workbench exits when connecting |
85560 | 2017-03-21 9:08 | 2018-11-19 9:20 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (2284 days) | S3 | 5.6.40 | Any | Any | SQL thread has hung and the state is "Waiting for dependent transaction to commi |
93042 | 2018-11-01 11:06 | 2018-11-08 11:14 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (2290 days) | S3 | mysql 8.0.13 | Windows (windows7) | Any | Unknown system variable 'query_cache_size' |
93089 | 2018-11-06 3:37 | 2018-11-07 7:45 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (2291 days) | S2 | 5.7 | Any | Any | parallel workers+slave_preserve_commit_order+flushtables with read lock deadlock |
92554 | 2018-09-25 7:59 | 2018-11-05 15:33 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2293 days) | S1 | 6.3.6 | Ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS) | Any | Hangs when connecting, can do nothing, just stop |
92889 | 2018-10-23 3:42 | 2019-01-15 8:34 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2297 days) | S1 | 8.0.13 | Windows (Windows 10 1803) | Any | The type initializer for 'HtmlRenderer.Utils.FontsUtils' threw an exception |
74003 | 2014-09-22 3:08 | 2018-09-25 12:27 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2334 days) | S3 | 5.6.16 | Any | Any | The server was crashed because of long semaphore wait |
92476 | 2018-09-18 11:02 | 2018-09-24 7:06 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (2335 days) | S1 | 8.0.12-1 | Fedora (28) | Any (x64) | Mysql Sql Service doesn't start because consume much CPU time |
92326 | 2018-09-06 19:53 | 2018-09-07 21:30 | MySQL Server: DML | Can't repeat (2352 days) | S3 | 5.7.17 | Windows (10) | Other (64) | MySql keeps crusing and I have to manualy restart it (Windows 10 service) |
92343 | 2018-09-07 21:09 | 2018-09-07 21:21 | MySQL Server: DML | Can't repeat (2352 days) | S2 | 8.0.11 | Linux | x86 | SIGABRT while executing query |
90866 | 2018-05-15 5:50 | 2018-09-02 0:45 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (2357 days) | S3 | 5.6.40 ndb-7.4.20 | CentOS (6.4 and 7.4) | x86 | mysqld segfault at 7f153814da98 ip 0000000000c2206a sp 00007f0d742dd040 error 4 |
91995 | 2018-08-13 16:06 | 2018-08-30 15:22 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2360 days) | S2 | mysql-5.6.28 ndb-7.4.10, | Any | Any | Too long waiting for metadata lock |
92062 | 2018-08-17 15:51 | 2018-08-23 15:09 | Connector / C++ | Can't repeat (2367 days) | S3 | 1.1.8-8.1 | SUSE (Leap 42.3) | Any | sql::ResultSet::getDouble truncates decimal places on system with de_DE locale |
91707 | 2018-07-19 0:17 | 2018-07-19 8:45 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2402 days) | S5 | 6.3.10 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1) | Any | Lost connection to Pantheon DB server |
91036 | 2018-05-27 4:45 | 2018-07-10 14:53 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (2412 days) | S3 | 8.0.11 | Any (3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64) | x86 | mysql 8.0.11 innodb corrupt after sysbench failed |
91492 | 2018-06-29 10:38 | 2018-07-02 12:37 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2419 days) | S5 | 8.0.11 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | MySQL Workbench stops responding in Windows |
77161 | 2015-05-26 17:57 | 2018-06-25 20:03 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2426 days) | S2 | 5.6 | Linux (CentOS 7) | Any | Extremely slow response |
91299 | 2018-06-18 12:09 | 2018-06-18 16:56 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (2433 days) | S3 | Windows | x86 | createStatement() method gaves me a NullPointerException | |
91161 | 2018-06-06 14:31 | 2018-06-14 5:29 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (2438 days) | S3 | 7.6.6 | Any | Any | NDB crash on Check createTableVersion == lqhCreateTableVersion || lqhCreateTable |
91062 | 2018-05-29 13:52 | 2018-06-11 16:27 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (2440 days) | S1 | 7.4.13 | Any | Any | MySQL Cluster NDB node crashes with SIGFPE, floating point exception |
90854 | 2018-05-14 8:30 | 2018-05-31 19:15 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (2463 days) | S3 | 7.6.4 | Any | Any | SQL thread hangs in "Syncing ndb table schema operation and binlog" |
78067 | 2015-08-14 11:25 | 2018-05-12 9:07 | MySQL Server: DDL | Can't repeat (2470 days) | S1 | 5.6.19,5.6.19-debug | Linux (CentOS 6, Ubuntu 14.04) | Any | InnoDB: Failing assertion: zip_size <= (1 << 14) with import tablespace |
90771 | 2018-05-06 10:45 | 2018-05-06 13:40 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2476 days) | S1 | 8.0.11 | Windows | Any | Mysqld not start report always keyring problem configuration |
90361 | 2018-04-10 3:48 | 2021-08-06 13:44 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (2478 days) | S2 | 5.7.17/5.7.21 | CentOS (7.0.1406(3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64)/7.4.1708(3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64)) | Any | MTS hang on Waiting for dependent transaction to commit |
90723 | 2018-05-02 21:48 | 2018-05-02 22:17 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2480 days) | S3 | Any | Any (6.3) | I was refreshing the MySQL DB created for me as part of my School Class | |
77384 | 2015-06-17 9:11 | 2018-05-02 22:13 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (2480 days) | S2 | 5.6.17 | Windows (Win 8 Pro 64) | Any | MyISAM unable to drop corrupted partition - "marked as crashed" |
90376 | 2018-04-11 2:51 | 2018-04-11 11:05 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (2501 days) | S2 | 5.1.34 | Linux | x86 | registerOutParameter() throwing SQLException: Parameter number 2 is not OUT Para |
90365 | 2018-04-10 10:07 | 2018-04-10 11:53 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2502 days) | S1 | 5.6.27 | CentOS (7.4) | Any (3.10.0-693.17.1.el7.x86_64) | mysqld hangs / slave io thread hang in system lock |
90328 | 2018-04-06 20:16 | 2018-04-09 10:23 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (2503 days) | S1 | 6.3.10 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home) | Any | Workbench Freezes when entering a lot of code in editor |
90353 | 2018-04-09 17:10 | 2018-04-09 20:37 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (2503 days) | S3 | 5.7.21 | Windows (window 10) | Any | mysql server install failed |
89982 | 2018-03-09 11:44 | 2018-03-30 10:24 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (2513 days) | S3 | MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore (6.10.5) | Ubuntu (16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-1049)) | Any | Insert statements are truncating JSON columns to 65k when using EF Core 2.0 |
90215 | 2018-03-26 13:47 | 2018-10-03 17:46 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (2516 days) | S1 | 6.3.10 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise) | Other (x64 - Build SO: 10586.1007) | Workbench - Result Grid invisible - Windows 10 Enterprise |
89731 | 2018-02-20 12:51 | 2018-02-20 13:19 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2551 days) | S5 | 6.3.8 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | Lost all saved connections |
85698 | 2017-03-30 6:24 | 2018-02-08 9:50 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2563 days) | S2 | 5.7.17 | Windows (Server 2012) | Any | MySQL57 Service will not start - error number 3 in a file operation |
89374 | 2018-01-24 9:17 | 2018-01-24 9:38 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2578 days) | S1 | Mysql57 | Windows (Windows Server 2012) | Any | Mysql Stoped Frequently |
89198 | 2018-01-12 0:20 | 2018-01-22 12:07 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2580 days) | S3 | Mysql Workbench 6.3.10 | Windows (windows7 64bits) | Any | run query |
89298 | 2018-01-18 9:58 | 2021-09-21 13:41 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2584 days) | S2 | 6.3.10 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | MySQL workbench: EER diagram not showing |
89102 | 2018-01-04 5:10 | 2018-01-04 7:59 | MySQL Server: Windows | Can't repeat (2598 days) | S2 | 5.6 | Windows | Any | Mysql server 5.6 keeps shutting down |
83328 | 2016-10-11 3:29 | 2017-12-29 20:54 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (2604 days) | S1 | MySQL 5.6 | CentOS (6.4) | Any | mysqld was restarted because of failing assertion |
88809 | 2017-12-07 10:07 | 2017-12-07 23:16 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2626 days) | S1 | 6.3.10 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro) | Any | Standard TCP/IP over SSH error |
88728 | 2017-12-01 6:49 | 2017-12-01 8:04 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2632 days) | S2 | 5.11 | CentOS (5.11) | Any | Unable to start mysql server. |
88661 | 2017-11-27 0:21 | 2018-02-14 20:04 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (2636 days) | S3 | 5.7.20 | Windows (Windows 10 Pro) | Any | Cannot install mysql server but i can install everything else from installer |
82764 | 2016-08-28 14:02 | 2017-11-24 14:48 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2639 days) | S2 | 5.17 | FreeBSD | Any | [Regression] MySQL server corrupts install if mysql user exists in FreeBSD |
88313 | 2017-11-01 9:33 | 2017-11-16 9:29 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2647 days) | S1 | 5.6.37 | CentOS (CentOS release 6.6 (Final)) | Any | MySQL Often crash and restart immediately |
88357 | 2017-11-04 1:13 | 2017-11-14 14:43 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (2649 days) | S1 | 6.10.4 | Any | Any | Exception after update connector .NET |
88205 | 2017-10-24 13:22 | 2017-11-21 1:47 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (2650 days) | S2 | 5.1.38 | Fedora (FC23) | Any | select query via msyql connector doesn't return when max_execution_time is set |
87993 | 2017-10-05 14:06 | 2017-10-28 22:39 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (2666 days) | S1 | Windows (10) | Any | Command '[u'net', 'start', 'N49']' returned non-zero exit status 2 | |
87747 | 2017-09-13 9:27 | 2017-09-28 4:24 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2696 days) | S2 | mysql5.7.19 | Any | Any | Open parallel copy, press a lot of transactions, the slave's SQL thread stuck |
87489 | 2017-08-21 8:15 | 2021-09-06 12:47 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (2710 days) | S2 | 5.7.16 | Any | Any | MTS ordered commit may cause deadlock with "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK"of slave |
85660 | 2017-03-27 20:26 | 2017-09-05 0:16 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2719 days) | S2 | 6.3.9 | MacOS (10.12.3) | Any | MySQL Workbench stops responding, uses all system application memory |
85399 | 2017-03-10 8:57 | 2017-09-01 21:22 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2723 days) | S2 | mysql5.7.17 | Linux | Any | Mysql5.7 Group replication node recovering OOM kill mysql server |
87431 | 2017-08-16 4:02 | 2017-08-26 9:02 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2729 days) | S5 | 6.3.9 | Fedora (Fedora release 26 Twenty Six x86_64) | Any | I can't see the next button after click apply button when modified the row data |
87463 | 2017-08-18 2:02 | 2021-10-18 18:21 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (2737 days) | S2 | 5.7.15 | Windows (Server 2012R2) | Any | MySQL Crashes with operating system error number 995 in a file operation |
86919 | 2017-07-04 8:00 | 2017-07-11 7:59 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2775 days) | S2 | 5.7.17 | MacOS (10.12) | Any | MySQL server goes off, although existent connections continue to run. |
86602 | 2017-06-06 9:25 | 2017-06-06 10:25 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2810 days) | S1 | | Ubuntu (LTS 14.04) | Any | loss of data |
86512 | 2017-05-30 19:10 | 2017-05-31 0:25 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2816 days) | S2 | 6.3.9 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home) | Any | Workbench can't work fine |
86480 | 2017-05-26 19:31 | 2017-05-26 19:48 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2821 days) | S1 | 5.7.13 | Windows | Any | Mysql Sever 5.7.13 crashes : InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 4692 in file fi |
86402 | 2017-05-22 10:52 | 2017-05-24 13:27 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (2823 days) | S1 | 7.0.7-m61 | Windows (Build 1703) | Any | Insert returns incorrect result, unknown corruption |
86404 | 2017-05-22 12:41 | 2017-06-30 18:06 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2825 days) | S1 | 6.3.9 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home) | Any | Workbench schema privilege tab causes system level crash |
83764 | 2016-11-10 2:46 | 2017-05-11 12:00 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2836 days) | S3 | 5.6.23-log - MySQL Community Server | Windows (WinServer2012R2 Standard) | Any | System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an obj |
86150 | 2017-05-01 20:01 | 2017-05-09 12:30 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (2838 days) | S3 | 5.6.34 | Linux | Any | Binlog-related input/output error on FusionIO |
84792 | 2017-02-02 12:49 | 2017-05-03 13:18 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Can't repeat (2844 days) | S3 | 5.7.17 | Any | Any | Idle GR Cluster: Member CPU hog |
85644 | 2017-03-27 9:33 | 2017-04-04 9:58 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (2873 days) | S1 | mysql-installer-community- | Windows (Windows 10 Pro 64 bit) | Any | Windows installation from .msi package is inconsistant |
85506 | 2017-03-17 10:28 | 2017-03-17 11:37 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2891 days) | S5 | 6.2.5 | MacOS (Sierra, latest) | Any | MySQL Workbench gets stuck spinning-wheel on first query |
84368 | 2016-12-29 11:06 | 2017-01-02 8:32 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Can't repeat (2965 days) | S1 | 5.7.17 | Ubuntu (16.04) | Any | Failed to install MySQL 5.7.17 on Ubuntu 16.04 using APT repo |
84292 | 2016-12-21 5:39 | 2016-12-21 6:04 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (2977 days) | S2 | 6.0.7 | Windows | Any | MySQL says an external component has thrown an exception |
64683 | 2012-03-18 10:22 | 2016-12-09 8:56 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (2989 days) | S1 | 5.6.5 | MacOS (10.7.3) | Any | installing with mysql_install_db fails with huge key-buffer |
42922 | 2009-02-17 9:46 | 2016-11-30 9:47 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (2998 days) | S2 | 5.1.6 | Windows (vista home basic) | Any | insertion of picture on blob or longblob |
82218 | 2016-07-13 18:57 | 2016-11-22 8:19 | MySQL Utilities | Can't repeat (3006 days) | S2 | 1.5.6 | CentOS | Any | mysqlreplicate hangs while executing SHOW GRANTS for 'snuffles'@'host' |
60271 | 2011-02-27 19:50 | 2016-10-19 23:12 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3040 days) | S2 | mysql-5.1.47 ndb-7.1.5 | FreeBSD (8.0-RELEASE) | Any | ndbmtd failure |
55868 | 2010-08-10 0:31 | 2016-10-19 23:07 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3040 days) | S1 | mysql-5.1-telco-7.1 | Linux (Debian 5.0) | Any | cluster restart through various node failures triggered by some missed hearbeats |
47657 | 2009-09-26 6:22 | 2016-10-13 13:20 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (3046 days) | S1 | 5.1.39 | Linux (Linux web2 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5.028stab060.8 #1 SMP Mon Feb 9 21:44:50 MSK 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 G) | Any | MySQL 5.1.39: Crashed on installing system databases |
65165 | 2012-05-01 17:14 | 2016-10-05 22:33 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3054 days) | S1 | 7.2.5 x64 | Windows (msi x64 installer) | Any | current ver == cluster gpl 7.2.5 win x64 msi fails to start MySQL service causin |
65256 | 2012-05-09 13:59 | 2016-10-05 22:55 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3054 days) | S3 | 7.2.5 | Solaris (10, SPARC 64bit) | Any | NDBD error 2341 in NDBCNTR during startup phase 5 causes cluster shutdown |
56750 | 2010-09-13 14:02 | 2016-10-03 12:50 | MySQL Server: DDL | Can't repeat (3056 days) | S3 | 5.1, 5.5 | MacOS (10.6.4, 64 bit) | Any | CREATE TRIGGER creates files with filenames having inconsistent case |
83123 | 2016-09-23 8:22 | 2016-09-23 10:38 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (3066 days) | S2 | 5.6.21 | CentOS | Any | Replicating from mariadb 10.0.20 master crashed the mysql 5.6.21 slave |
83088 | 2016-09-21 22:16 | 2016-09-21 22:49 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (3068 days) | S3 | 5.7.15 | CentOS (7.2.1511) | Any | cannot start mysqld with --skip-grant-tables option |
64336 | 2012-02-15 5:30 | 2016-09-16 14:16 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3073 days) | S1 | 5.1.56-7.1.19 | Linux (2.6.32-100.34.1.el6uek.x86_64) | Any | Caused by error 2341: Internal program error |
3014 | 2004-02-29 10:36 | 2016-09-15 14:37 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (3074 days) | S2 | 4.0.16-max-debug | Windows (WINDOWS 2000 Pro) | Any | Error 2003 - can't connect to MYSQL server on localhost <10061> |
82686 | 2016-08-22 23:56 | 2016-08-23 16:24 | MySQL Server: DML | Can't repeat (3097 days) | S3 | 5.6.30 | FreeBSD | Any | convert_tz returns null - timezones are loaded |
51485 | 2010-02-25 7:24 | 2016-07-28 17:52 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3123 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Can't start node at DBDICT | |
75154 | 2014-12-09 15:31 | 2016-07-16 17:24 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3135 days) | S1 | 6.2 | Windows (8.1) | Any | MySQL Workbench looses connection when increasing select limit from 100 to 1000 |
68686 | 2013-03-15 20:07 | 2016-07-14 13:13 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3137 days) | S2 | 5.5.29-ndb-7.2.10 | Linux (Debian Squeeze) | Any | MySQL-cluster node crash - job buffer full |
65510 | 2012-06-04 12:56 | 2016-07-01 12:58 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (3150 days) | S2 | 6.5.4 | Linux | Any | TransactionScope doesn't work when running with mono runtime |
67560 | 2012-11-12 12:10 | 2016-07-01 12:58 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (3150 days) | S2 | 6.6.4 | Any | Any | Rollback not working for TransactionScope |
65703 | 2012-06-21 23:04 | 2016-06-30 14:52 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3151 days) | S2 | 7.1.10 | Linux (CentOS 5.7 2.6.18-274.18.1.el5) | Any | Node crash after c_gcp_list.seize() failed |
65480 | 2012-05-31 22:10 | 2016-06-28 16:12 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3153 days) | S2 | 7.1.17 | Linux (Fedora 12) | Any | ndbmtd REDO log corruption |
78049 | 2015-08-13 7:04 | 2016-06-23 13:56 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (3158 days) | S3 | Build 592 | Windows | Any | "Replace All" throws an exception in MySQL Workbench every second time |
75556 | 2015-01-19 16:57 | 2016-06-13 11:17 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (3168 days) | S1 | 6.9.5 | Linux (CentOS 7) | Any | MySql.Data.Entity.EF6.dll cannot be loaded by Mono |
80868 | 2016-03-28 16:06 | 2016-05-04 11:22 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (3208 days) | S2 | 6.9.8 | Windows | Any | Cannot Select Date Type |
80521 | 2016-02-26 3:44 | 2016-04-04 9:54 | MySQL Server: DDL | Can't repeat (3238 days) | S2 | mysql 5.7.11 | Any (Centos 6.6) | Any | I can't create a big talbe in new mysql5.7.11 |
77308 | 2015-06-11 8:07 | 2016-03-12 5:15 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (3261 days) | S3 | 5.5.43 | Any | Any | Assertion failure in file fil0fil.c line 859 - Unable to lock ibd, error: 37 |
80596 | 2016-03-03 6:19 | 2016-03-03 8:30 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3270 days) | S5 | 6.3.5 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise) | Any | Not able to access mysql server through workbench |
79124 | 2015-11-04 17:32 | 2016-02-11 12:17 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (3291 days) | S2 | 5.3.4 | Windows | Any | myodbc5w.dll causes crash in Web Application using Crystal Reports |
76646 | 2015-04-10 5:19 | 2016-02-04 7:28 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (3298 days) | S2 | 6.9.6 | Windows (Windows Server 2008 (SP2)) | Any | Connection error when using Windows integrated security on Windows Server 2008 |
80243 | 2016-02-02 22:38 | 2016-02-03 11:45 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3299 days) | S1 | 6.3.6 | Windows (Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Service Pack 1) | Any | When I select a function, no results are displayed |
79646 | 2015-12-15 11:10 | 2015-12-30 13:53 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3334 days) | S1 | 7.4.6 | Debian (Wheezy) | Any | Mysql Cluster Data Node Shutdowns Immediately After Being Started |
78857 | 2015-10-16 9:07 | 2018-03-13 1:27 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL Notifier | Can't repeat (3342 days) | S3 | Community 64x 5.6.27-log | Windows (windows10 10240 x64 CHT-HK) | Any | every 5s (Accurate) Notifier cpu usage |
79427 | 2015-11-26 16:02 | 2015-12-01 9:42 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3363 days) | S2 | 6.3.5 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home) | Any | connection keep-alive not working |
79422 | 2015-11-26 11:05 | 2015-11-26 13:39 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3368 days) | S5 | 6.3.5 | Linux (Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS) | Any | Error getting DDL for object - MySQL server has gone away |
72494 | 2014-04-30 19:41 | 2016-10-11 5:41 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (3378 days) | S2 | 6.7.5 | Windows | Any | EndOfStreamException when inserting large blob values using Compression=True |
79197 | 2015-11-10 0:56 | 2016-05-19 17:32 | MySQL Utilities | Can't repeat (3384 days) | S2 | 1.3.5-2 | Ubuntu | Any | mysqldbcopy fails with HY000 |
37364 | 2008-06-12 12:52 | 2015-11-07 7:30 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (3387 days) | S2 | 5.0.51a, 5.5.21 | Linux (Linux ES release 4) | Any | InnoDB: error in sec index entry update |
37633 | 2008-06-25 14:58 | 2015-11-07 7:37 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (3387 days) | S5 | 5.0.45 | Any | Any | certain queries become very slow - locking related? |
74627 | 2014-10-30 3:56 | 2015-11-03 17:51 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3391 days) | S1 | NDB 7.3.5 | Linux (CentOS release 6.5 (Final)) | Any | Data Node crash and can not startup, can start use ndbd --initial |
73446 | 2014-07-31 13:23 | 2015-10-28 19:46 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (3397 days) | S2 | build 1788 | MacOS (10.9.4) | Any | MySQL Workbench Server Management Failure |
78904 | 2015-10-21 18:22 | 2015-10-26 16:34 | MySQL Server: Tests | Can't repeat (3399 days) | S3 | 5.7.9 | Ubuntu (14.04) | Any | mysql test binlog.binlog_stm_mix_innodb_myisam fails |
75488 | 2015-01-13 10:47 | 2015-10-16 7:02 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Can't repeat (3409 days) | S2 | Connector 6.9.5 | Windows (8.1) | Any | VS2013 template: MySQL Windows Forms Project |
78434 | 2015-09-15 5:23 | 2015-10-02 4:04 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (3423 days) | S2 | | Windows (7 x86 Service Pack 1) | Any | Connection to server fails for a particular table |
77472 | 2015-06-24 11:24 | 2015-09-30 22:27 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel | Can't repeat (3425 days) | S3 | 1.3.4 | Windows (10) | Any | Failing to Commit Changes |
78369 | 2015-09-08 14:48 | 2015-09-14 9:16 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (3441 days) | S2 | 6.9.3 | Windows | Any | Connector/NET 6.9.7 (Upgrading Connector/NET 6.9.3) Failed |
78083 | 2015-08-15 17:00 | 2015-08-15 17:46 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3471 days) | S5 | 6.3.4 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Home) | Any | The program stopped recognizing my database tables |
76397 | 2015-03-19 20:08 | 2015-08-14 11:22 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (3472 days) | S2 | | Linux (Ubuntu 14.04.2) | Any | Huge Memory Leak when the SQL editor tries to auto-complete code. |
41118 | 2008-11-29 2:39 | 2015-08-11 7:57 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3475 days) | S2 | mysql-5.1-telco-6.3 | Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 Server) | Any | NDBD first start issue on server reboot |
77514 | 2015-06-27 15:10 | 2015-07-17 12:03 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (3500 days) | S1 | 5.6.25 | Linux (Compiled from source) | Any | mysql Segmentation Fault (CORE) during login |
71329 | 2014-01-09 14:50 | 2017-12-01 6:42 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (3518 days) | S3 | | Windows (Win 7 Home Premium SP 1) | Any | Unable to uninstall mySQL Visual Studio for Windows 2013 |
75823 | 2015-02-09 9:14 | 2015-06-10 11:17 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3537 days) | S2 | 7.3.6 | Linux (2.6.39-200.24.1.el6uek.x86_64) | Any | Invalid LCP (Ndbd file system inconsistency error, please report a bug) |
77254 | 2015-06-05 7:46 | 2015-06-06 1:10 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (3541 days) | S2 | build 397 (32 bit) | MacOS (OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite) | Any | MySQL Workbench freezes |
46645 | 2009-08-11 9:30 | 2015-04-13 8:07 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3595 days) | S2 | 5.1.7, 5.1.8 | Windows (XP with SP3) | Any | Insert outside of an java application won't be synchronized with drivers cache |
76269 | 2015-03-11 21:43 | 2015-03-11 22:02 | MySQL Server: Windows | Can't repeat (3628 days) | S3 | 5.1.43 WinX64 | Windows | Any | Memory allocation error |
75292 | 2014-12-22 16:54 | 2015-02-10 15:43 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (3657 days) | S1 | Any | Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) | Any | Error reinstall in Ubuntu 14.04 Server |
75376 | 2015-01-01 11:17 | 2015-01-02 9:46 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (3696 days) | S2 | 6.1.7 r11891 b1788 | Linux (openSUSE 20141230 (Tumbleweed) (x86_64)) | Any | error in phyton script with opening "Export data" window.... |
73498 | 2014-08-07 11:12 | 2014-11-13 8:28 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (3746 days) | S2 | 5.6.18-enterprise-commercial-advanced-lo | Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago)) | Any | Mysql Slave memory Usage is High and increasing |
74467 | 2014-10-21 0:53 | 2014-10-21 20:04 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (3769 days) | S2 | 5.6 | Windows (7) | Any | Default time-zone is not saved |
74389 | 2014-10-15 3:57 | 2014-10-20 2:06 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Can't repeat (3770 days) | S2 | 6.2.2 | Windows (windows 8) | Any | unable to connect to database using VS2013 |
74442 | 2014-10-19 15:20 | 2014-10-20 19:31 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3770 days) | S1 | 6.2.3 | MacOS (Yosmite) | Any | starting mySQL server local instance makes the workbench hang |
40312 | 2008-10-24 15:00 | 2018-08-30 14:44 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3804 days) | S1 | mysql-5.1-telco-6.3 | Linux | Any | Node restart ends with error 2303 as copyfrag failed |
73882 | 2014-09-11 6:06 | 2014-09-14 19:11 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (3806 days) | S3 | 5.6 | Any | Any | MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Timeout expired. |
73912 | 2014-09-14 5:50 | 2014-09-14 19:10 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (3806 days) | S2 | Windows (Windows Server 2008 R2) | Any | Fatal error encountered during data read | |
69889 | 2013-08-01 4:30 | 2014-07-21 17:43 | MySQL Server: Security: Privileges | Can't repeat (3861 days) | S3 | 5.6.12 | Linux (Wheezy) | Any | old_passwords changes depending on login authentication type |
63032 | 2011-10-31 10:35 | 2014-07-16 3:31 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (3866 days) | S2 | | Any | Any | Data export and Restore, very unstable |
73285 | 2014-07-13 21:42 | 2014-09-19 16:23 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (3868 days) | S3 | 6.1 | MacOS | Any | Missing detail in "management" |
71928 | 2014-03-04 17:51 | 2014-06-19 20:42 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (3893 days) | S3 | 6.0.9 | MacOS (OSX 10.9.2) | Any | Error Checking mysqldump version with exporting table |
72913 | 2014-06-08 16:29 | 2014-06-08 16:54 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (3904 days) | S2 | Any | Any | Mysql stored procedure exception | |
55732 | 2010-08-04 8:39 | 2014-04-04 16:32 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (3969 days) | S3 | 5.2.26 | Linux (Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS) | Any | Crash on importing 300 tables |
72191 | 2014-04-01 17:54 | 2014-04-01 22:09 | MySQL Fabric | Can't repeat (3972 days) | S3 | 1.4.1-1 | Linux | Any | mysqlfabric help does not work as documented |
30976 | 2007-09-12 14:33 | 2014-03-31 14:58 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3973 days) | S2 | 5.0.7 | Windows | Any | system variable returning a string from a stored procedure returns a null |
16104 | 2005-12-30 17:02 | 2014-03-31 10:43 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3973 days) | S2 | any | Any (any) | Any | Need config and clear intructions on uniform dates (TZ) from getString/getTimes |
17617 | 2006-02-21 15:27 | 2014-03-31 11:00 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3973 days) | S2 | 3.1.8 | Windows (WINDOWS) | Any | Change of time cause connection error |
5473 | 2004-09-08 14:14 | 2014-03-31 7:46 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3973 days) | S2 | 3.0.15 | Windows (windows XP) | Any | Possible bug in MySQL driver Out of memory |
3334 | 2004-03-30 5:04 | 2014-03-28 13:52 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (3976 days) | S2 | 3.1.1-alpha | Windows (WinXP) | Any | Different behavior of complex query when execute by different method |
34422 | 2008-02-08 16:09 | 2014-03-27 15:40 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (3977 days) | S1 | 5.1.44-ndb-7.1.4b | Linux (debian etch) | Any | File system write failed during LogFileOperationRecord state 17. OS errno: 5 |
36761 | 2008-05-16 16:19 | 2014-02-27 17:25 | MySQL Server: CSV | Can't repeat (4005 days) | S1 | 5.1.24 | Windows (XP) | Any | Error "Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired" on new CSV table |
68437 | 2013-02-20 2:18 | 2014-02-27 7:05 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4005 days) | S2 | 3.1.14 | Linux (2.6.18-128.el5) | Any | Result set return previous result after one time out exception |
69871 | 2013-07-30 9:23 | 2014-01-28 5:56 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (4035 days) | S3 | Mysql Enterprsie 5.5.27 | Linux | Any | swap memory usage increase after kernel patch from old kernel |
14070 | 2005-10-17 11:03 | 2014-01-24 13:20 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Can't repeat (4039 days) | S2 | 5.0.16, 5.0.15, 4.1.14, 5.1 | Linux (Linux) | Any | MySQL hangs on "Copying to tmp table" |
63130 | 2011-11-07 17:00 | 2015-09-15 9:35 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (4047 days) | S3 | 5.5 | Linux (CentOS 5.5) | Any | CMake-based check for the presence of a system readline library is not reliable. |
48964 | 2009-11-21 23:48 | 2013-12-19 18:51 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4075 days) | S2 | 5.2.8 Beta | Linux (Ubuntu 9.10 amd64) | Any | Crash with failed assertion when connecting to database |
35958 | 2008-04-10 11:40 | 2013-12-19 18:45 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4075 days) | S5 | 5.0.19 OSS RC | Windows (XP Pro 32 bits) | Any | OpenGL not detected with an ATI Radeon OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphic card |
71135 | 2013-12-12 19:17 | 2013-12-12 19:43 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4082 days) | S3 | build 833 64-bit | Linux (Linux Mint, 64-bit, running as a VMWare Guest Inside a Win 8.1 Pro Host) | Any | Unable to expand/collapse any group in Schemas tab using left/right arrow keys |
71030 | 2013-11-28 11:24 | 2013-11-28 13:38 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (4096 days) | S2 | Linux (Centos 6 64 bit) | Any | Server halt. | |
69930 | 2013-08-05 23:53 | 2013-10-03 17:57 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (4152 days) | S2 | 5.6.12 | Linux (Trying to Disable the replication and enable the replication again on the same master and Slave. ) | Any | Not able to Disable Replication |
70099 | 2013-08-20 22:18 | 2013-08-25 14:19 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4191 days) | S3 | 6.0.6 | Windows (Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit) | Any | "External component has thrown an exception" when clicked X (Close) |
57503 | 2010-10-17 12:53 | 2013-08-19 19:16 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster/J | Can't repeat (4197 days) | S3 | mysql-5.1-telco-7.1 | Linux | Any | JpaCluster on Glassfish using persistence.xml: Can not connect to |
69775 | 2013-07-18 8:30 | 2013-08-11 14:17 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (4205 days) | S1 | 5.1.68 | Windows (2012 Std) | Any | Windows Sevice Crash - InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 2956 in file .\srv\sr |
67259 | 2012-10-16 10:21 | 2013-07-08 12:08 | MySQL Server: DML | Can't repeat (4239 days) | S2 | 5.5.27, 5.5.28 | Linux ( | Any | MySQL 5.5.x uses more memory than 5.1.x when temporary tables are used |
69301 | 2013-05-22 9:19 | 2013-06-25 8:07 | MySQL Server: Memory storage engine | Can't repeat (4252 days) | S5 | mysql-enterprise-5.0.66a-win32 | Windows | Any | MySQL does not free memory when Application stops executing queries. |
36821 | 2008-05-20 16:25 | 2013-06-18 9:40 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (4259 days) | S3 | 5.0.51a/5.1/6.0 | Linux (Redhat Linux Enterprise 4ES X86_64) | Any | HAVING clause returning different result |
68480 | 2013-02-24 14:24 | 2013-06-13 22:57 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Can't repeat (4264 days) | S2 | mysql-installer-community- | Windows (Server 2008 R2 Datacenter) | Any | Install error as service is MySQL is reinstall |
56960 | 2010-09-23 4:00 | 2013-06-10 14:03 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4267 days) | S1 | 5.2.28, 5.2.29 | Windows (XP) | Any | MySQL Workbench 5.2.28 CE Win32 Crash on launch |
69371 | 2013-06-01 0:07 | 2013-06-07 19:57 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4270 days) | S3 | 5.2.47 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" editing new column name |
69128 | 2013-05-02 23:50 | 2013-05-29 16:30 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4279 days) | S3 | 5.2.47 | Linux (Ubuntu 12.10 32-bit) | Any | MySQL Workbench crashes upon exit (segmentation fault) |
27904 | 2007-04-17 22:59 | 2013-04-30 9:29 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4308 days) | S1 | 5.1 | Windows | Any | Cannot connect to MySQL 5.1 on Sun Java system Application Server 9.1 |
33512 | 2007-12-26 9:20 | 2013-04-26 7:57 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4312 days) | S5 | MySql 5.0 | Windows (xp service pack 2) | Any | Information |
36075 | 2008-04-15 5:00 | 2013-04-26 8:11 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4312 days) | S1 | 5.0.26 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Problem in calling stored procedure |
69010 | 2013-04-19 14:20 | 2013-04-25 10:33 | MySQL Server: FULLTEXT search | Can't repeat (4313 days) | S1 | 5.6.10 | Linux | Any | Innodb transfer to another system fails due to innodb full text - assertion fail |
68985 | 2013-04-17 16:07 | 2013-04-20 5:50 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (4318 days) | S2 | 5.0.45 | Linux (Debian 6.0.6) | Any | MySQL database drop insanely slow |
42931 | 2009-02-17 13:06 | 2013-04-16 7:19 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4322 days) | S2 | 1.1.12 | Windows (5.1 2600) | Any | cannot migrate from MS Access database |
67041 | 2012-10-01 22:00 | 2013-04-02 7:36 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (4336 days) | S1 | 5.5.28 | Any | Any | 'mysql' folder in datadir becomes empty after upgrade. |
68739 | 2013-03-21 12:17 | 2013-03-22 10:23 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4347 days) | S3 | 5.2.47 | Windows (XP) | Any | Crash when creating EER model from database. |
68611 | 2013-03-08 8:18 | 2013-03-09 3:21 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4360 days) | S1 | 5.2.47 | MacOS (10.8.2) | Any | MySQL Workbench crashes all the time on MacOSX 10.8.2 |
67124 | 2012-10-07 17:55 | 2013-02-28 11:45 | MySQL Server: InnoDB Plugin storage engine | Can't repeat (4369 days) | S5 | 5.1.38 | Any | Any | CREATE INDEX is slow |
31771 | 2007-10-23 2:21 | 2013-02-21 20:58 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4376 days) | S1 | 5.1.3 | Windows (SP2) | Any | Cannot conect MySQL in ASP.Net |
61886 | 2011-07-16 14:38 | 2013-02-15 13:44 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (4382 days) | S2 | 5.1.57, 5.5.24 | Windows (win 7 64 bit Professional) | Any | Lost Connection to server when reading large datapacket by client |
68108 | 2013-01-17 17:49 | 2013-02-01 6:08 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4396 days) | S2 | 5.2.44 | MacOS (10.8.2) | Any | Executing dump file ignores /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; |
67912 | 2012-12-16 0:22 | 2013-01-16 22:10 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4412 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Clicked the insert new row on the model for a table with no entries |
67959 | 2012-12-21 14:55 | 2013-01-15 6:40 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (4413 days) | S1 | 5.5.29 | Windows (7/64) | Any | Upgrading removes content of system tables (and folders) |
67577 | 2012-11-13 2:07 | 2013-01-15 18:30 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4413 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)) | Any | SELECT * FROM employee; |
44786 | 2009-05-11 12:40 | 2013-01-15 7:05 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (4413 days) | S3 | 5.1.34 | Windows (32 bit) | Any | _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS shouldn't be redefined (error C2466: cannot allocate an arr) |
48515 | 2009-11-03 20:20 | 2015-08-10 14:34 | MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client | Can't repeat (4414 days) | S3 | 5.0.67, 5.1.40 | Linux (openSUSE 11.1 x86_64) | Any | Mysqldump hangs with ** DEAD ** processes in the processlist with kernel Oops |
40862 | 2008-11-19 18:24 | 2013-01-10 11:25 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (4418 days) | S2 | 5.1.29-rc | Any | Any | main.subselect_notembedded test case fails |
58662 | 2010-12-02 15:18 | 2012-12-30 10:12 | MySQL Server: C API (client library) | Can't repeat (4429 days) | S3 | mysql-5.1 | Any | Any | File descriptor leak in mysql_real_connect? (replication related?) |
67931 | 2012-12-18 0:59 | 2012-12-27 16:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4432 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Execption when trying to zoom out from Bird's Eye view |
67932 | 2012-12-18 2:33 | 2012-12-26 20:22 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4433 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft (build 9200), 64-bit) | Any | :-O lalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalla no idea what happened but i have to fill |
67549 | 2012-11-10 13:50 | 2012-12-26 0:07 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4433 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Zooming |
67590 | 2012-11-14 18:01 | 2012-12-17 20:12 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4442 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | I was only rearange the system |
67679 | 2012-11-22 14:49 | 2012-12-17 20:31 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4442 days) | S2 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit) | Any | Attempting to open the Sakira sample database |
67891 | 2012-12-13 0:46 | 2012-12-17 23:54 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4442 days) | S2 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)) | Any | se pone lento y cierra el sistema |
67847 | 2012-12-08 13:08 | 2012-12-10 12:37 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4449 days) | S2 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)) | Any | i don't know, something happenned |
67862 | 2012-12-10 14:24 | 2012-12-10 15:30 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4449 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)) | Any | Closed a query without saving it, minimized the application the bug report poppe |
67405 | 2012-10-28 22:48 | 2012-12-10 20:08 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4449 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (build 7600), 64-bit) | Any | exception while editing column name |
67455 | 2012-11-02 12:09 | 2012-12-10 21:32 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4449 days) | S1 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Crash |
67746 | 2012-11-28 19:30 | 2012-12-10 21:17 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4449 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | mysql workbench has encountered a problem |
67660 | 2012-11-21 13:51 | 2012-11-29 19:49 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4460 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Create Statement from Object Browser |
67720 | 2012-11-27 4:34 | 2012-11-27 16:50 | MySQL Server: Config Wizard | Can't repeat (4462 days) | S2 | | Windows (Windows 7 64bit) | Any | Configuration |
67684 | 2012-11-23 11:44 | 2012-11-23 13:16 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4466 days) | S2 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)) | Any | vvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv |
67628 | 2012-11-18 22:31 | 2012-11-21 18:38 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4468 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Auto error detection? |
67403 | 2012-10-28 22:13 | 2012-11-12 13:59 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4477 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | workbencgh lost connection |
67445 | 2012-11-01 9:02 | 2012-11-12 13:51 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4477 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | No clue |
67555 | 2012-11-11 23:40 | 2012-11-12 11:59 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4477 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | dasklfj |
67531 | 2012-11-09 2:00 | 2012-11-09 11:58 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4480 days) | S3 | 5.2.42 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit) | Any | nao sei |
67519 | 2012-11-08 13:21 | 2012-11-08 13:24 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4481 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | aaaaaaaaaaa |
57082 | 2010-09-28 23:47 | 2012-11-07 16:32 | MySQL Enterprise Backup | Can't repeat (4482 days) | S3 | Any | Any | make all system() calls perfect in mysqlbackup(innobackupC) | |
67182 | 2012-10-10 20:52 | 2012-11-01 10:12 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4488 days) | S1 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Application crashed |
67430 | 2012-10-30 23:43 | 2012-10-31 13:36 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4489 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | creating a database |
67435 | 2012-10-31 7:53 | 2012-10-31 13:24 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4489 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (build 2600)) | Any | changing pk field name from "name" to "id" |
67414 | 2012-10-29 22:21 | 2012-10-30 18:42 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4490 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | brief |
67416 | 2012-10-30 0:26 | 2012-10-30 16:43 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4490 days) | S3 | 5.2.42 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | It happened when I clicked a NotNull checkbox while creating a EER Diagram. And |
67238 | 2012-10-15 17:17 | 2012-10-29 15:40 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4491 days) | S2 | 5.2.41 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Crash when pasting text in Edit Data window and applying the change |
67391 | 2012-10-26 21:48 | 2012-10-29 15:38 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4491 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Creating a unique index that included an int/date combination. |
67395 | 2012-10-27 14:19 | 2012-10-29 15:36 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4491 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | problema ao executar arquivo |
67406 | 2012-10-28 23:15 | 2012-10-29 16:19 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4491 days) | S3 | 5.2.42 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | cannot run SQL queries |
67204 | 2012-10-12 11:58 | 2012-10-25 17:56 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4495 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Error when doing - zoom in model |
67292 | 2012-10-19 0:41 | 2012-10-25 13:09 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4495 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit) | Any | Exception on Model Zoom |
67332 | 2012-10-23 1:29 | 2012-10-25 14:27 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4495 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit) | Any | Aparecio la pantalla de reportar el bug cuando intente cerrar una de las solapas |
67372 | 2012-10-25 4:08 | 2012-10-25 14:19 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4495 days) | S1 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | i dont working with this program |
67094 | 2012-10-05 3:53 | 2012-10-24 14:58 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4496 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit) | Any | crashes |
67103 | 2012-10-05 21:53 | 2012-10-24 15:57 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4496 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | not closing |
67293 | 2012-10-19 0:52 | 2012-10-24 20:33 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4496 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit) | Any | Zoom out in Edit Table / Diagram Exception |
67344 | 2012-10-23 21:53 | 2012-10-24 16:04 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4496 days) | S3 | 5.2.44 | Windows (Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)) | Any | Crash |
67361 | 2012-10-24 15:46 | 2012-10-24 17:01 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (4496 days) | S2 | 5.5.24 | Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) | Any | MySQL (5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) crashes when connecting with TCP |
66956 | 2012-09-25 10:39 | 2012-09-25 13:23 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4525 days) | S3 | 5.2.43 | Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 64bits) | Any | MySQL Workbench frequent freeze on Ubuntu 12.04 64bits |
66924 | 2012-09-21 21:22 | 2012-09-21 21:38 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4529 days) | S3 | 5.2.42 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit) | Any | no se |
66474 | 2012-08-21 2:52 | 2012-09-17 6:51 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (4533 days) | S2 | 5.1.18, 5.1.21 | Other (CentOS) | Any | I can not give an alias using the AS clause to column |
23428 | 2006-10-18 15:21 | 2012-09-13 8:06 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (4537 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Problem in adding and configuring a File DSN |
66762 | 2012-09-11 4:45 | 2012-09-11 11:40 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (4539 days) | S3 | 5.2.42 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | no se nada |
66724 | 2012-09-06 11:56 | 2012-09-07 3:37 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4543 days) | S3 | 5.2.42 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | Unable to copy the scripts from sql editor |
66491 | 2012-08-22 7:20 | 2012-08-28 15:47 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4553 days) | S3 | 5.2.42 | Windows (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit) | Any | External component has thrown an exception |
66356 | 2012-08-13 16:15 | 2012-08-19 13:05 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4562 days) | S3 | 5.2.40 Revision 8790 | MacOS (10.7.4) | Any | Synchronize not finding differences |
65864 | 2012-07-10 15:08 | 2012-08-05 13:23 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4576 days) | S1 | 5.2.36 > | Windows (XP SP3 pro) | Any | MySQL Workbench crash on startup since 5.2.36, winXP |
51539 | 2010-02-26 8:09 | 2012-07-20 15:20 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (4592 days) | S2 | 7.0.7, 7.1.15a | Linux | Any | File not found (Ndbd file system inconsistency error, please report a bug) |
65769 | 2012-06-29 17:38 | 2012-06-29 18:00 | MySQL Server: Config Wizard | Can't repeat (4613 days) | S3 | 5.2.34 | Windows | Any | the srveces windows t oMsql is ot allowed |
34469 | 2008-02-11 19:31 | 2012-06-27 6:21 | MySQL Server: Federated storage engine | Can't repeat (4615 days) | S1 | 5.0.54 | Windows (Windows 2003 x86) | Any | FEDERATED engine fails to update table containing BIT(1) column |
64707 | 2012-03-20 17:49 | 2012-06-08 10:23 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4634 days) | S3 | 6.5.4 | Windows | Any | My Visual Studio still trying to use the old version of MySQL Connector |
64593 | 2012-03-08 15:31 | 2012-06-01 13:39 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4641 days) | S3 | 6.4.5 | Windows | Any | Connector fails when parsing mysql DATETIME values that include microseconds |
59341 | 2011-01-07 2:27 | 2012-05-28 8:36 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (4645 days) | S1 | 5.1 (Plugin), 5.5.8 | Windows | Any | System error 1067 has occurred [innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT] |
21509 | 2006-08-08 15:32 | 2012-05-03 7:02 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (4670 days) | S3 | 5.0.22 | Linux (Gentoo Linux, Kernel 2.6.16) | Any | Cluster node shuts down caused by error 2311 |
64594 | 2012-03-08 16:21 | 2012-04-15 14:02 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (4688 days) | S5 | 5.5.21 | Linux (Any) | Any | Performance regression in InnoDB table truncation |
64839 | 2012-04-02 8:32 | 2012-04-02 10:55 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4701 days) | S1 | Windows (7) | Any | MY SQL Workbench 5.2.36 CE | |
60660 | 2011-03-26 18:01 | 2012-03-26 17:46 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (4708 days) | S1 | 5.5.10GA | MacOS (10.6.7) | Any | OS X Installer does not produce a working installation |
62553 | 2011-09-27 16:42 | 2012-03-09 21:01 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4725 days) | S2 | 6.4.4 and others | Windows (windows7 64 bit) | Any | Can not install 6.4.4. on a system formerly running an earlier version |
64303 | 2012-02-12 10:21 | 2012-03-06 19:27 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (4728 days) | S3 | 5.2.37 | Windows (Server 2003) | Any | Workbench crashed when double click other table |
45365 | 2009-06-08 8:40 | 2011-11-24 13:20 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (4831 days) | S3 | mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 | Any | Any | Subquery keeps the mysqld server in preparing phase |
60552 | 2011-03-20 18:21 | 2011-11-14 10:26 | MySQL Server: Config Wizard | Can't repeat (4841 days) | S1 | 5.5.10, 5.5.14 | Windows (XP 32 bit) | Any | Cannot apply security settings, cannot connect to server on localhost |
63179 | 2011-11-10 8:50 | 2011-11-11 23:05 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4844 days) | S2 | 5.2.35 | Linux (Ubuntu 11.10) | Any | CPU 100% |
62952 | 2011-10-26 21:16 | 2011-10-26 21:19 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (4860 days) | S2 | 5.2 CE | Windows | Any | no entering do not work mysqlworkbench |
43209 | 2009-02-25 22:20 | 2011-10-26 17:55 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4860 days) | S1 | 5.2.50 | Linux | Any | NullReferenceException in MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.ExecuteCommand |
40547 | 2008-11-06 11:52 | 2011-10-26 17:47 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4860 days) | S3 | 5.2.3 | Any | Any | System.FormatException in IMySqlValue.ReadValue |
61085 | 2011-05-06 20:36 | 2011-10-06 8:41 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (4880 days) | S1 | 5.2.33b, 5.2.34 | Windows (Vista Home Premium 64-Bit) | Any | MySQL Workbench 5.2.33b Crash on Start-up [SOLVED] |
62446 | 2011-09-16 0:52 | 2011-09-29 7:24 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (4887 days) | S2 | 5.2.34 | Windows (Win7 Ent x64, SP1) | Any | WB fails to save edits made to database elements |
62508 | 2011-09-23 6:51 | 2011-09-27 10:10 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (4889 days) | S2 | 5.5 | Windows (window 7 pro) | Any | Service starts but canot be recognized |
56564 | 2010-09-05 7:40 | 2011-09-27 12:23 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (4889 days) | S1 | 3.51.26 | Linux (CentOS & Ubuntu) | Any | MySQL ODBC Connector for Linux - Memory Leaks on SQLExecDirect |
62179 | 2011-08-16 14:13 | 2011-09-15 21:18 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4901 days) | S1 | 6.4.3 | MacOS (10.7) | Any | Missing method .ctor in assembly |
38318 | 2008-07-23 17:09 | 2011-08-17 13:15 | MySQL Server: Logging | Can't repeat (4930 days) | S5 | 5.0.66a | Any | Any | is call thd->end_time() in log_slow_statement needed if slow logs are disabled ? |
61789 | 2011-07-07 18:50 | 2011-07-29 14:46 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4949 days) | S1 | 6.4.3 | Windows | Any | Invalid cast from String to Guid |
61337 | 2011-05-28 11:50 | 2011-07-01 17:59 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (4977 days) | S2 | 6.2.3 | Windows | Any | MySQL Connector Net Version 6.2.3 un and install error. |
59575 | 2011-01-18 8:51 | 2011-06-30 14:57 | MySQL Server: Tests | Can't repeat (4978 days) | S3 | daily-trunk | Windows | Any | Test partition_exch_qa_10 fails in PB on Windows. |
60179 | 2011-02-19 13:50 | 2011-05-18 15:35 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5021 days) | S2 | 5.2.31 | Linux (Arch linux x86_64) | Any | Memory leaks and slow app |
60844 | 2011-04-12 18:06 | 2011-05-13 14:03 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (5026 days) | S1 | 5.5.11-1 | Linux | Any | [mysql] 5.5.11-1 segmentation fault in mysql_install_db script |
44654 | 2009-05-04 22:47 | 2011-05-11 16:10 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5028 days) | S2 | 6.0.3 | Windows | Any | Unable to initialize provider. Missing or incorrect schema. |
61091 | 2011-05-08 1:57 | 2011-05-08 18:38 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (5031 days) | S2 | 5.1 bzr | Windows | Any | rpl_stop_slave hangs on Windows |
51271 | 2010-02-18 7:01 | 2011-05-05 9:47 | Tests: Server | Can't repeat (5034 days) | S3 | 5.1.43, 5.1.45-bzr | Any | Any | Compiling MySQL 5.1.43 make test "information_schema_chmod" failed as root |
60805 | 2011-04-08 11:31 | 2011-04-08 12:37 | Tests: Server | Can't repeat (5061 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Practice purpose | |
59866 | 2011-02-01 9:55 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (5120 days) | S1 | mysql-trunk | Any | Any | Server start fails in daily-trunk |
59963 | 2011-02-05 15:00 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (5123 days) | S3 | Community Server 5.5 | Windows (Windows 7 x64) | Any | Error Message Locks up Windows 7 |
29045 | 2007-06-12 7:38 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: DML | Can't repeat (5135 days) | S3 | 5.1 | Any | Any | Some inconsistency in using system variables |
59564 | 2011-01-17 18:34 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (5139 days) | S2 | 5.5.8 | Any (CentOS 5.5) | Any | mysql 5.5.8 connecting via mysql client segfault |
56435 | 2010-09-01 6:31 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (5156 days) | S1 | 5.1 | MacOS (Version 10.6) | Any | Error on OSX 10.6 using driver |
59233 | 2010-12-30 16:15 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5160 days) | S2 | 5.2.31 | Linux (Gentoo) | Any | Segmentation Fault on Edit Table |
59171 | 2010-12-26 7:49 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5164 days) | S2 | 5.2.29 CE | Windows (Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit) | Any | Unable to launch SQL Editor |
26142 | 2007-02-07 10:43 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (5166 days) | S2 | mysql-5.0 | Linux (Linux methone 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp) | Any | Random empty SELECT results on Cluster (between 10 in 10,000 and 2 in 200,000) |
51281 | 2010-02-18 13:59 | 2012-09-13 9:20 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (5174 days) | S3 | 5.1.13 | Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) | Any | ClassCastException with proxied DataSource when invoking getMetaData().getTables |
56002 | 2010-08-16 9:00 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5176 days) | S2 | Windows (7) | Any | Connector/.Net GetUserId throws InvalidCast Exception | |
56724 | 2010-09-10 18:33 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5189 days) | S1 | 6.3.4 | Windows (SEVEN PRO) | Any | can't use Mysql.Data.dll in visual studio 2008 Standard Edition |
40229 | 2008-10-22 4:39 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (5189 days) | S3 | 5.0.67 | Linux (CentOs 5.2) | Any | Cluster Node Start Fail - err 2311 - Internal Error |
57053 | 2010-09-28 7:57 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5195 days) | S2 | 5.2.28 Revision 6722 | Windows | Any | MySQL Workbench Unexpected Error on closing SQL Editor |
21545 | 2006-08-09 16:30 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (5224 days) | S3 | mysql-5.0 | Linux (linux) | Any | no arbitration after node loss |
57671 | 2010-10-22 19:05 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5229 days) | S3 | 6.3.5 | Windows (Windows 7 64bit) | Any | Null Ref Exception when MySql returns error and using CloseConnection behavior |
57193 | 2010-10-02 5:24 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Websites: MySQLForge | Can't repeat (5248 days) | S1 | Any | Any | Can't login to mySQL Forge | |
48946 | 2009-11-20 15:49 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: InnoDB Plugin storage engine | Can't repeat (5254 days) | S3 | 5.1.41 | Windows (XP64) | Any | seemingly bogus error: Operating system error number 1450 in a file operation. |
35149 | 2008-03-07 16:19 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent | Can't repeat (5268 days) | S3 |, | Windows (Server 2008 Enterprise) | Any | agent reports "Windows Server 2008 Enterprise" as "MS Windows Vista (Win32 6.0) |
55690 | 2010-08-02 15:43 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5274 days) | S3 | 5.2.15 OSS Beta Rev 5053 | Any | Any | ArgumentOutOfRangeException Presing Home Button from EER View |
49748 | 2009-12-16 21:11 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (5281 days) | S2 | 5.0.18, 5.0.51b, 5.1.47 | Windows | Any | WIndows InnoDB: Operating system error number 1784 in a file operation |
56023 | 2010-08-16 17:36 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (5296 days) | S1 | 5.1.37 | Linux (Ubuntu 8.04) | Any | Table got corrupted and server kept crashing |
52543 | 2010-04-02 0:50 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5306 days) | S2 | 5.2.16 | Windows | Any | Error when many tables imported and Print Preview |
39913 | 2008-10-07 16:12 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Tests: Replication | Can't repeat (5320 days) | S3 | 6.0-TRUNK | Windows (win2003-x86) | Any | rpl.rpl_row_blob_myisam crashes the server sporadically on windows in row mode |
55086 | 2010-07-08 15:06 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5324 days) | S1 | 5.2.25 | Windows (Win 7 64-bit) | Any | Double-click Workbench File locks up PC indefinitely |
54329 | 2010-06-08 8:25 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5334 days) | S1 | 6.2.3 | Windows (Windows Web Server 2008 R2 x64) | Any | "System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format." while trying |
54735 | 2010-06-23 12:25 | 2010-06-26 10:46 | MySQL Server: DB2SE for IBM i | Can't repeat (5347 days) | S3 | 5.1.48 | IBM i | Any | CPI433A - Unable to retrieve query options file RC1 |
53295 | 2010-04-29 19:01 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5366 days) | S2 | 5.2.20 | Windows (XP) | Any | Setting FK from another db throws "Attempted to read or write protected memory" |
51942 | 2010-03-11 7:38 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (5371 days) | S3 | 5.0.77, 5.1.44 | Linux (RHEL 5.4) | Any | Deadlock in replicated statement always fails on retry |
36256 | 2008-04-22 13:18 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (5394 days) | S2 | 5.0.67-community | Linux (SLES 10, 64-bit, 8 CPU) | Any | error 1032 Can't find record in [tablename] |
53221 | 2010-04-27 20:02 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5400 days) | S5 | 5.2.19 | Windows (XP) | Any | Field "Default" doesn't show the value when selected from context menu |
53338 | 2010-05-01 6:10 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5403 days) | S3 | 5.2.18 | Windows (7) | Any | Scrolling with the mousewheel |
53225 | 2010-04-27 22:03 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (5405 days) | S2 | 5.2 5249 | Windows (xp sp3) | Any | clicked server administration and it crashed after typing password |
51555 | 2010-02-26 14:31 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5411 days) | S1 | 5.2.16 OSS beta (rev 5249) | Any | Any | Critical error with workbench after getting focus |
52810 | 2010-04-14 7:57 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5420 days) | S3 | 5.2.16 | Windows | Any | I was asked to submit this |
52128 | 2010-03-17 9:10 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5433 days) | S3 | 5.2.16 | Windows (Vista) | Any | Crash on opening connection to start querying |
52024 | 2010-03-13 1:26 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5436 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Exception = System.ObjectDisposedException | |
51225 | 2010-02-16 22:47 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5437 days) | S1 | 5.12.15 OSS Beta Revision 5053 | Windows (XP) | Any | Exception while trying to define foreign key for a table |
49888 | 2009-12-23 9:12 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Charsets | Can't repeat (5448 days) | S3 | 5.6 | Any | Any | mysql db tables converted from utf8mb3 to utf8, put lot errors in server log |
51934 | 2010-03-10 20:52 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5452 days) | S3 | 5.2.16 | Windows (winxpsp3) | Any | System.AccessViolationException |
51937 | 2010-03-11 0:10 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5454 days) | S3 | Any | Any | idon know | |
51952 | 2010-03-11 13:29 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (5454 days) | S3 | 5.2.16 | Other (Windows XP Pro SP3) | Any | Cannot open "Manage Security" |
51913 | 2010-03-10 13:46 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (5455 days) | S2 | mysql-trunk | Any | Any | cmake build fails on mac os x 10.6 |
51729 | 2010-03-04 16:17 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5456 days) | S3 | 5.2.16 | Windows (7) | Any | Crash on use of Wheel Mouse |
51814 | 2010-03-07 23:23 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Can't repeat (5457 days) | S3 | Any | Any | exception thrown while creatiing the foriegn key constraints | |
45600 | 2009-06-18 23:15 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (5460 days) | S1 | mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 | Linux (Debian 5.0) | Any | Cluster various node restarts |
51724 | 2010-03-04 14:52 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5461 days) | S3 | 5.2.15 | Windows (Windows 7) | Any | MySQL asked me to report this |
51623 | 2010-03-01 23:27 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Parser | Can't repeat (5463 days) | S3 | Windows (7) | Any | error | |
50027 | 2010-01-02 19:04 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (5464 days) | S1 | 5.1 | MacOS (10.6) | Any | ODBC conector not working on OS X 10.6 |
51433 | 2010-02-23 21:42 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5468 days) | S3 | 5.2.16 OSS BETA | Windows | Any | Error closing the program in Windows Seven. Version: 5.2.16 OSS BETA |
50823 | 2010-02-02 10:29 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5470 days) | S3 | 5.2.15 | Windows | Any | export alerts |
51394 | 2010-02-22 16:37 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (5470 days) | S3 | newest | Windows (xp sp3) | Any | just opening Server Administration for the first time! |
51402 | 2010-02-22 20:42 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: Administration | Can't repeat (5471 days) | S2 | 5.2.16 | Any | Any | trying to connect to server to perform user administration |
51363 | 2010-02-21 1:21 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (5472 days) | S3 | 5 | Windows | Any | seila |
51303 | 2010-02-19 1:34 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Windows | Can't repeat (5474 days) | S3 | Windows | Any | Crash when clicking on server administration | |
51200 | 2010-02-15 20:26 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5475 days) | S3 | 5.2.15 | Windows (XP 64) | Any | Exception when closing Query DB window |
50992 | 2010-02-08 13:21 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5477 days) | S2 | 5.2.15b | Linux (Ubuntu 9.10 X64) | Any | Crashs on Ubuntu 9.10 X64 |
51201 | 2010-02-15 21:59 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5477 days) | S3 | 5.2.15 | Windows (Win 7) | Any | Fiz um chamado a minha procedure (OK), retornei ao SQL Editor e apareceu a msg. |
51075 | 2010-02-10 23:24 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5483 days) | S3 | 5.1 | Windows | Any | Root does not have a password. Cannot Connect to DataBase |
38324 | 2008-07-23 22:01 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (5485 days) | S2 | 5.1.30, 5.1.32, 5.1.36, 5.1.42 | Other (Debian/GNU Linux 4.0r3) | Any | Cannot build with OpenSSL |
49583 | 2009-12-10 12:14 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5490 days) | S3 | 5.2.10 | Any | Any | Can't stop server started outside workbench |
50878 | 2010-02-03 12:34 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Can't repeat (5490 days) | S3 | 5.2.15 | Windows (XP SP3) | Any | Unexpected error when navigating to the Home tab |
46347 | 2009-07-23 10:22 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: GIS | Can't repeat (5534 days) | S3 | 5.1.35-snapshot20090630 | Linux (openSUSE 11.0) | Any | Segmentation fault in main.subselect_gis |
49206 | 2009-11-30 12:00 | 2009-12-09 10:37 | MySQL Server: Backup | Can't repeat (5546 days) | S2 | 6.0-codebase-bugfixing | Any | Any | Deadlock between BACKUP, the locking thread and DDL DML |
49441 | 2009-12-04 1:30 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5550 days) | S3 | 5.1.18 | Windows (Vista 64) | Any | Creating foreign key, receive "external component has thrown an exception." |
48003 | 2009-10-12 16:34 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5569 days) | S1 | 5.0.26 | Windows | Any | DataReader Read Error |
48674 | 2009-11-10 19:17 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (5575 days) | S2 | 5.1.40 | Windows (Windows 7 x86 and Windows Server 2008 R2 x64) | Any | Receiving error 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'username'@'clientname' |
48403 | 2009-10-29 11:42 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5587 days) | S1 | 5.1 & 5.2 Alpah | Windows (SP2) | Any | MySQL Workbench crashes on startup if Trebuchet Bold font is not installed |
47606 | 2009-09-24 11:45 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5617 days) | S1 | 5.2.3 OSS Alpha & 5.1.18a | Windows (VISTA) | Any | Menu File Open and File Save Crashes or hangs |
46473 | 2009-07-30 10:57 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Locking | Can't repeat (5617 days) | S2 | 5.4 | Any | Any | Assertion in reference_table_share on concurrent SELECT on system tables |
44606 | 2009-05-01 14:52 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (5622 days) | S1 | 5.0.67 | Linux (openSUSE 11.0 (i586)) | Any | Crash on deletion of an InnoDB-Table |
47422 | 2009-09-17 21:37 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5625 days) | S1 | 5.0 | Any | Any | MySQLDataAdapter can't work for delete operation |
47201 | 2009-09-08 23:42 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (5637 days) | S3 | 5.1.37 | MacOS (10.6) | Any | mySQL command tool: line editing breaks in presence of multi-byte characters |
47026 | 2009-08-31 17:47 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (5643 days) | S1 | 6.0.11-alpha | Linux (Centos 4.8) | Any | MySQL can't make with gcc version 3.4.6-11 (new) |
46721 | 2009-08-14 13:59 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5663 days) | S2 | 5.1.16 | Windows | Any | Uncatched exception at 'export create script' |
46426 | 2009-07-28 12:46 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5673 days) | S2 | | Windows (XPP) | Any | Unhandled Exceptions using ERD |
28312 | 2007-05-08 18:19 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (5673 days) | S1 | 5.0.37, 5.0.41, 5.0.67, 6.0.6 | Any (Win2K3 R2 SP2) | Any | won't install on Intel EM64T Quad core |
41995 | 2009-01-09 11:38 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (5674 days) | S1 | 5.1 | Windows (XP) | Any | Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status |
38946 | 2008-08-21 18:25 | 2009-07-09 21:19 | MySQL Server: Backup | Can't repeat (5699 days) | S3 | 6.0.8 | Windows | Any | Inconsistent performance and potential bottlenecks in backup |
45565 | 2009-06-17 16:57 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5708 days) | S1 | | Any (Vista (non-SP1), Linux) | Any | File / Page Setup - Unhandled exception |
45691 | 2009-06-23 20:40 | 2011-02-16 23:44 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (5714 days) | S1 | 5.1.36 | HP/UX (11.31 on IA64) | Any | InnoDB hangs getting foreign key info |
37751 | 2008-06-30 21:19 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Can't repeat (5729 days) | S3 | 5.1.24-rc-community-log, 5.1.25 | Linux | Any | mysqladmin ignores count option |
44354 | 2009-04-18 16:11 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (5762 days) | S3 | 5.1.6+dfsg-1 | Linux (Debian 5.0 x86_64) | Any | DriverManager.getConnection() needs several minutes to connect |
36972 | 2008-05-26 14:45 | 2009-04-23 21:07 | MySQL Server: Falcon storage engine | Can't repeat (5776 days) | S3 | 6.0 | Any | Any | falcon_bug_34890.test fails in pushbuild |
43972 | 2009-03-31 6:44 | 2012-09-13 13:49 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5782 days) | S1 | 5.2.5, 6.0.0 | Any (Error in Schema Information) | Any | Schema Information Bug (System.Byte[] and Invalid Cast) |
41517 | 2008-12-16 19:55 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5789 days) | S2 | 5.2.5 | Windows (Vista Business) | Any | An Unexpected Error has Occured - Visual Studio 2008 / Vista Business |
43396 | 2009-03-04 23:12 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5793 days) | S1 | 5,2 | Windows (XP ver 2002, SP2) | Any | MysqlConnection() undefined, Import not work |
25129 | 2006-12-18 4:12 | 2009-03-24 12:25 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (5806 days) | S2 | 5.1.14 | Any | Any | 5.1.14 mysql_fix_privilege_tables does not update privilege tables from 5.0.22 |
37616 | 2008-06-24 20:54 | 2009-02-25 20:06 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (5833 days) | S2 | guitools r12 server 5.1.25 | Windows (VISTA64 / XP32) | Any | Restore Big BackUp file regulairly fails |
38292 | 2008-07-22 18:16 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (5845 days) | S3 | 6.0.6 | Windows | Any | MyISAM project code does not compile on Windows using Visual Studio 9.0 |
40175 | 2008-10-20 13:38 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (5845 days) | S2 | 5.2.3 | Windows | Any | Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts |
42363 | 2009-01-27 7:07 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (5862 days) | S2 | 5.1.30 | Windows (Vista 64-bit) | Any | Setup.exe for Windows MySQL Server errors out with syntax message |
27023 | 2007-03-10 14:38 | 2015-04-08 2:31 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (5873 days) | S2 | 5.0.32-Debian_3-log, 5.0.67 | Linux (Linux) | Any | out of memory error with COUNT(DISTINCT IF(...)) |
33496 | 2007-12-24 8:22 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Can't repeat (5894 days) | S1 | 6.0.4 | Any | Any | Crash when reading from Falcon table into variable |
38316 | 2008-07-23 16:54 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (5901 days) | S1 | 5.1-bugteam | Linux (ubuntu 8.04) | Any | Assertion `m_curr_row_end <= m_rows_end' failed in unpack_current_row |
31569 | 2007-10-12 16:03 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Can't repeat (5912 days) | S1 | 5.0.50 | Linux | Any | Server crash with signal 11 after 23 hours of running system test |
40152 | 2008-10-19 18:32 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (5915 days) | S2 | 6.0-rpl | Windows (win2003-x86/embedded) | Any | Crash in LIBMYSQLD.dll!innobase_release_temporary_latches in windows embedded |
40489 | 2008-11-04 6:54 | 2008-11-05 11:02 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (5945 days) | S3 | 5.1.5 | Windows (XP SP2) | Any | MySQL Connector/J fails to return parameter type |
36920 | 2008-05-23 15:27 | 2008-10-31 13:03 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (5950 days) | S1 | 5.1.x | Windows (XP32, VISTA64) | Any | Server (5.1.x) stops error Can't write; duplicate key in table 'C\Windows\temp' |
37909 | 2008-07-06 22:52 | 2008-10-29 14:32 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (5952 days) | S2 | 5.023SE | Windows (vista sp1) | Any | Workbench crashes vista on help search |
28948 | 2007-06-07 14:50 | 2008-10-20 19:18 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (5961 days) | S2 | 5.1.19 | FreeBSD (Version 6.2) | Any | ndb nodes cannot be restarted. |
36526 | 2008-05-06 10:57 | 2008-10-16 21:12 | MySQL Server: Falcon storage engine | Can't repeat (5965 days) | S1 | 6.0.5 | Any | Any | Falcon deadlock when running sysbench |
10516 | 2005-05-10 15:25 | 2008-10-08 19:18 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (5973 days) | S3 | 5.0.5-beta pre-release | Windows (Windows Server 2003) | Any | No error or warning message in getopt_ull_limit_value() |
7822 | 2005-01-12 0:59 | 2008-10-07 11:37 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (5974 days) | S3 | 5.0-bk | Any | Any | storage_engine is not replicated |
34641 | 2008-02-18 16:09 | 2011-02-16 23:43 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (5974 days) | S2 | 5.0.50sp1a | Linux (Ubuntu 6.06 LTS x86_64) | Any | "Query partially completed on master" problem with InnoDB INSERT + SUBSELECT |
36336 | 2008-04-25 9:06 | 2008-09-16 11:44 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (5995 days) | S3 | 5.0.51a (community binary 32bit for AIX) | IBM AIX (5.3 ML2) | Any | InnoDB on AIX reports operating system error number 0 -- harmless? |
39009 | 2008-08-25 13:57 | 2008-08-25 16:46 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6017 days) | S2 | 5.1.28-debug | Linux ( #1 SMP) | Any | System hangs if "concurrent_insert=1" and a hole in the data. |
38403 | 2008-07-28 12:42 | 2021-04-20 16:18 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (6024 days) | S3 | 5.1.24-rc-1 | Linux (Ubuntu 8) | Any | LOAD_FILE() function works as expected only on Windows |
38405 | 2008-07-28 14:33 | 2008-07-29 15:30 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (6044 days) | S3 | 5.0.23 | Windows | Any | Random crashes |
37561 | 2008-06-20 22:59 | 2008-06-30 12:33 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (6073 days) | S3 | | Windows (XP) | Any | MySQL WorkBench 5.0 |
37117 | 2008-05-31 10:31 | 2008-06-07 9:50 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (6096 days) | S3 | 5.0.51a (OpenBSD 4.3) | Other (OpenBSD 4.3) | Any | MASTER_HOST does not do DNS resolution |
34589 | 2008-02-15 11:25 | 2008-06-03 20:41 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6100 days) | S3 | 5.1.22 x64 | Linux (Centos5 on vmware 2cpu) | Any | Data node crashed while idle |
35778 | 2008-04-02 22:25 | 2008-05-16 18:11 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (6118 days) | S2 | 5.0.51a | Solaris (mysql-5.0.51a-solaris10-x86_64.pkg) | Any | Syntax error in mysql_install_db script |
36727 | 2008-05-14 22:49 | 2008-05-15 7:46 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6119 days) | S1 | 5.0.51b | Windows (XP sp3) | Any | Critcal program errors during install/uninstall |
36380 | 2008-04-28 15:27 | 2008-05-14 16:53 | MySQL Server: Backup | Can't repeat (6120 days) | S3 | 6.0.5 | Any | Any | Backup does not correctly backup merge tables |
34403 | 2008-02-08 6:51 | 2008-03-21 12:46 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (6174 days) | S3 | 5.0.13 | Windows | Any | Creating a new model leads to an unhandled exception |
34588 | 2008-02-15 11:24 | 2008-03-19 14:52 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (6176 days) | S3 | 5.0.56 | Solaris (SPARC, SPARC 64-bit) | Any | PKG postinstall fails due to SQL error |
35153 | 2008-03-07 20:56 | 2008-03-19 9:38 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (6176 days) | S3 | 5.0.14 2649 | Windows (Vista Ultimate 64 bit) | Any | Painfully slow display |
35081 | 2008-03-05 13:34 | 2008-03-13 21:33 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6182 days) | S2 | 5.1.22-rc | Linux (RHEL5) | Any | mysqld hangs for mysqlslap test with concurrency >1 |
19677 | 2006-05-10 12:42 | 2008-02-29 11:20 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (6195 days) | S1 | 5.0.21 | IBM AIX (AIX 5.3 ML 4) | Any | Core Dump Running mysql_install_db on AIX 5.3 |
14724 | 2005-11-07 22:54 | 2008-02-22 19:33 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6202 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows Server 2003) | Any | Unable to create connection in Visual Studio C# Data Adapter Wizard |
32695 | 2007-11-25 10:50 | 2008-02-15 17:20 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (6209 days) | S1 | 5.0.9 | Windows (Vista (32 bit)) | Any | System.AccessVilationException when trying to do something with WB on Vista |
34257 | 2008-02-03 0:40 | 2008-02-14 5:04 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6210 days) | S3 | 5.1.22 | Any | Any | Creating tables on different mysql nodes causes inconsistencies |
31139 | 2007-09-21 20:34 | 2008-02-01 8:29 | MySQL Server: Falcon storage engine | Can't repeat (6223 days) | S1 | 6.0.2 | Linux (Linux 2.2.6 and Debian 4.0) | Any | MySQL 6.0.2-alpha and Falcon and bug when trying to create thousands of tables |
33997 | 2008-01-22 22:07 | 2008-01-24 19:18 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (6231 days) | S2 | 5.0+ | Other (Non Linux. OpenServer 6/UnixWare 7.1.4) | Any | No linux New make test failure after new patch. |
33624 | 2008-01-02 13:40 | 2012-09-13 11:04 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (6245 days) | S3 | 5.1.4 | Windows (XP) | Any | MySql.Data.msi |
17016 | 2006-02-01 16:51 | 2008-01-09 23:08 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6246 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows) | Any | I find some problem in MySQL (bugs) - 'update' command in C++ |
26266 | 2007-02-11 10:14 | 2008-01-03 7:18 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6252 days) | S3 | 5.2,5.1 | Linux (Linux, windows) | Any | autocommit not visible in SHOW VARIABLES output |
21133 | 2006-07-19 5:20 | 2012-09-13 7:54 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6253 days) | S3 | 3.51.22 | Windows (WinXP) | Any | ERROR ON BATCH UPDATES |
27681 | 2007-04-06 7:21 | 2007-12-21 11:40 | MySQL Server: Logging | Can't repeat (6265 days) | S3 | 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 | Linux | Any | log-queries-not-using-indexes runtime changes don't affect logging |
33229 | 2007-12-13 21:58 | 2007-12-16 20:27 | MySQL Workbench | Can't repeat (6270 days) | S3 | 5.0.10 SE | Windows (Vista Ultimate) | Any | Import DBDesigner, strangelines between tables, click causes exception |
32099 | 2007-11-05 10:16 | 2007-12-14 13:38 | MySQL Server: Information schema | Can't repeat (6272 days) | S1 | 5.1.22-RC | Linux | Any | Crash when selecting from INFORMATION_SCHEMA |
32243 | 2007-11-09 19:10 | 2007-11-14 16:45 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6302 days) | S3 | 5.01 | Windows (Vista 32bit) | Any | ODBC - call failed |
31596 | 2007-10-15 8:17 | 2007-10-24 12:39 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (6323 days) | S2 | 5.1.22 | Windows (XP Pro SP2) | Any | error running mysql_fix_privileges on 5.1.22 Win |
17324 | 2006-02-11 14:48 | 2007-10-01 14:38 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6346 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 | Windows (windows XP SP2) | Any | myodbc testing connection while setting DSN |
26919 | 2007-03-07 12:49 | 2007-09-24 11:49 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6353 days) | S3 | 1.2.10 | Windows (XP) | Any | Access violations calling Query Browser on a table from within Ma |
26427 | 2007-02-15 21:20 | 2007-09-18 14:01 | MySQL Server: Falcon storage engine | Can't repeat (6359 days) | S3 | 5.2.4-falcon-alpha-debug | Linux (suse 9.3 x86) | Any | Serial Log possible gap: 142463 - 115862 - Duplicate INDEXES.SYSTEM |
27887 | 2007-04-17 15:33 | 2014-07-21 10:23 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Can't repeat (6400 days) | S1 | 1.1.11 | Windows (VISA 64) | Any | Migration Toolkit Does not recognise Java |
30104 | 2007-07-27 17:45 | 2007-08-08 8:53 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6400 days) | S1 | 5.0.41 | Linux | Any | Root can't connect (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost') |
13314 | 2005-09-19 6:31 | 2007-07-27 14:25 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6412 days) | S3 | 3.51 | Windows (Win XP) | Any | when creating a new system DSN fails to show list of databases |
29927 | 2007-07-20 10:36 | 2007-07-26 7:06 | MySQL Server: Errors | Can't repeat (6413 days) | S1 | 5.2.1 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | no database selected - sometimes |
7987 | 2005-01-18 13:20 | 2007-07-26 0:37 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6413 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows) | Any | ODBC System DSN does not work - see the lengthy thread on the Forum |
10334 | 2005-05-03 13:54 | 2007-07-26 0:26 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6413 days) | S1 | 3.51.11 and 3.51.10 | Windows (win32) | Any | sqldriverconnect fails with a system (global) dsn |
29970 | 2007-07-23 7:50 | 2007-07-24 8:57 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (6415 days) | S1 | 5.1.21 | Linux | Any | read_only_innodb.test crashes |
29344 | 2007-06-25 19:53 | 2007-06-25 22:40 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (6444 days) | S3 | MySql 5 | Windows (Vista) | Any | MySQL Vista |
15713 | 2005-12-13 15:10 | 2007-06-12 1:05 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6457 days) | S3 | 3.51.12 | Any | Any | null pointer when use the table qualifier in SQLColumns() |
28868 | 2007-06-04 8:37 | 2007-06-05 12:24 | MySQL Server: Stored Routines | Can't repeat (6464 days) | S1 | 5.0.41 | Linux (CentOS 4.4 i386 kernel 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp) | Any | "DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR" sentence doesn't work in trigger |
26508 | 2007-02-20 18:05 | 2007-05-23 10:15 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (6477 days) | S1 | 5.0.22-pro-nt-log | Windows (windows server 2000) | Any | Client connection is closed when executing query |
28215 | 2007-05-03 8:24 | 2007-05-03 12:57 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6497 days) | S1 | 5.0.37 | Linux | Any | MySQL Cluster version 5.0.37 is unable to start due to file system incosistency |
27587 | 2007-04-02 12:45 | 2007-04-04 9:49 | MySQL Server: C API (client library) | Can't repeat (6526 days) | S5 | all | Solaris (Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris) | Any | Unnecessarily many read()s in vio subsystem |
24474 | 2006-11-21 14:28 | 2007-03-29 19:54 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6532 days) | S2 | 4.1.21-community-nt | Windows (Windows 2000 SP4) | Any | mysqld-nt.exe seems to leak on query-cache-size=0 and query-cache-type=1 |
27432 | 2007-03-26 6:47 | 2012-09-13 8:18 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6534 days) | S3 | 3.51.14 | Windows (Windows XP ) | Any | Is this ODBC error |
21863 | 2006-08-28 9:36 | 2007-03-13 14:13 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6548 days) | S3 | Any | Occational "File not found" during REDO execution | ||
26928 | 2007-03-07 18:17 | 2007-03-11 18:49 | MySQL Server: General | Can't repeat (6550 days) | S2 | Linux (Debian sarge) | Any | New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace! | |
25255 | 2006-12-23 13:18 | 2007-03-03 19:35 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (6558 days) | S1 | 5.0.22 and 5.0.27 | Linux (Linux Suse ES9; kernel 2.6.5) | Any | MyISAM table corruption when using thread_cache_size |
26656 | 2007-02-27 0:01 | 2007-02-27 1:44 | MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web | Can't repeat (6562 days) | S2 | Any | testing with live multiple network contract's account is broken | ||
26674 | 2007-02-27 10:11 | 2007-02-27 11:34 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Can't repeat (6562 days) | S3 | 5.1 | Any | Any | ndb_connectstring is missing in mysqld settings |
25506 | 2007-01-09 22:43 | 2007-02-20 14:15 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (6569 days) | S5 | 5.0.27 | Windows (Win XP Prof) | Any | MySQL + LARGE innodb = thrashing HDD |
25675 | 2007-01-17 10:12 | 2007-01-19 8:31 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6601 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Windows (windows 2003 server) | Any | An unhandled exception has occurred. |
25634 | 2007-01-15 18:29 | 2007-01-17 9:49 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6603 days) | S1 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Problem to print reports with Crystal Reports XI |
25229 | 2006-12-21 8:31 | 2007-01-16 19:34 | MySQL Server: Charsets | Can't repeat (6604 days) | S2 | 5.1.15 | Any | ctype_ujis.test fails on sapsrv1 | |
22545 | 2006-09-21 12:58 | 2007-01-05 14:35 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6615 days) | S3 | 1.2.6 rc | Windows (Windows XP Professional x64 Edition) | Any | Window messed up when maximizing |
25322 | 2006-12-29 2:49 | 2006-12-29 7:36 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6622 days) | S1 | 5.1.14 | MacOS (Mac OS X) | Any | mysql_upgrade fails with Bus Error on Intel 5.1.14 |
24153 | 2006-11-09 19:29 | 2006-12-08 13:52 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6643 days) | S3 | 5.1.12-beta | MacOS (Mac OS X) | Any | mysqld 5.1.12 build breaks with system zlib |
15428 | 2005-12-02 10:00 | 2006-11-23 15:27 | MySQL Server: Embedded Library ( libmysqld ) | Can't repeat (6658 days) | S3 | 4.1.16 | MacOS (OS X (+ Windows expected)) | Any | "embedded" tests not ready for case-insignificant file system |
24171 | 2006-11-10 8:30 | 2006-11-10 10:59 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6671 days) | S3 | 1.2.5 RC | Windows (XP) | Any | Primary key indicator,yellow key, no longer displayed ? |
19081 | 2006-04-13 18:34 | 2006-11-08 15:54 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (6673 days) | S1 | 5.1 beta 8 | Linux (Linux 2.4.20 ppc) | Any | MySQL Server Assertion failure in file srv0srv.c line 2080 |
23888 | 2006-11-02 15:09 | 2006-11-05 21:20 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (6676 days) | S3 | MySQL Query Browser 1.2 beta | Windows (WindowsXP SP2) | Any | conflict with the Microsoft ClearType technology |
23650 | 2006-10-25 21:54 | 2012-09-13 8:08 | MySQL Visual Studio Plugin | Can't repeat (6680 days) | S1 | Windows (Windwos XP SP2) | Any | Visual Studio Plug-in Tables do not open, missing table. | |
22987 | 2006-10-04 16:42 | 2006-10-09 8:23 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (6703 days) | S1 | 1.2.3 beta | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | typing - at start of line causes infinite loop |
16763 | 2006-01-25 1:22 | 2017-12-23 10:38 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (6703 days) | S2 | 1.0.7 and 5.0.1 | Windows (Windows XP Home) | Any | Hangs or Connection unexpectedly terminated on read operation (not thread-safe) |
22569 | 2006-09-21 21:46 | 2006-09-22 16:10 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6720 days) | S1 | 1.1.10-2.fc5 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Seg. fault w/ 'User Adm..', 'Server Conn..', 'Cata...' on |
22522 | 2006-09-20 15:20 | 2006-09-20 17:11 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Can't repeat (6722 days) | S1 | 1.1 | Any | Workbench loading error | |
22157 | 2006-09-09 6:46 | 2006-09-16 12:53 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6726 days) | S3 | 1.2.3 rc | Windows (Windows 2003) | Any | ft_min_word_len = 1 in my.ini, but MyISAM Paramaters tab shows = 4 |
22069 | 2006-09-07 7:29 | 2006-09-15 21:14 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6727 days) | S2 | 5.1.12 | Linux (Linux) | Any | skip_name_resolve, sp-threads, and sp_notembedded fail on pending events |
14021 | 2005-10-14 3:22 | 2006-08-21 8:27 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6752 days) | S2 | 5.0.13-rc-standard-log | MacOS (Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2) | Any | error -1 from storage engine on CREATE INDEX or OPTIMIZE TABLE |
21683 | 2006-08-16 23:35 | 2006-08-17 6:42 | MySQL Workbench Preview | Can't repeat (6756 days) | S1 | 1.1 | Windows (Win XP) | Any | MySQL Workbench causes system crash on Win XP |
13458 | 2005-09-24 12:49 | 2006-08-16 7:34 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6757 days) | S3 | 4.1.14-max | Linux (Linux 2.6.10-bk7) | Any | NDBCLUSTER starting ndbd replica with lower id disconnects all mysqld API nodes |
19883 | 2006-05-17 13:58 | 2006-08-16 8:49 | MySQL Cluster: Disk Data | Can't repeat (6757 days) | S1 | 5.1 | Linux (Linux) | Any | ndbd seg fault with gcc 4.0.2 |
7859 | 2005-01-13 3:35 | 2006-07-24 10:30 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6780 days) | S1 | 3.51.10 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Logon Failed. HY000:Could not lookup setup library. |
11897 | 2005-07-13 3:15 | 2006-06-30 12:37 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6804 days) | S2 | 4.1 (possibly eariler) | Linux (debian gnu/linux) | Any | connections remaining in "sleep" state longer than wait_timeout |
20238 | 2006-06-02 21:42 | 2011-04-04 18:43 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6807 days) | S2 | 5.0.21 | Windows (Win2003) | Any | Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)" |
17822 | 2006-03-01 10:30 | 2006-06-21 12:21 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6813 days) | S2 | 5.1.8 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Open files -- file already opened |
20308 | 2006-06-07 5:36 | 2006-06-14 12:04 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6820 days) | S1 | 3.51 | Windows (XP / Windows 2000) | Any | ExecuteReader returns unknown sql type when sum() is used in select |
19521 | 2006-05-03 18:29 | 2006-05-21 22:20 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6844 days) | S2 | 4.0.24, 4.0.26 | FreeBSD (FreeBSD 4.8, 4.10, 4.11) | Any | File handles get mixed up on FreeBSD |
19420 | 2006-04-28 10:04 | 2006-05-15 15:25 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (6850 days) | S2 | mysql Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.11, for redh | Linux (Fedora 4 Core) | Any | mysql crashed with "Assertion failure in thread" |
19590 | 2006-05-07 2:24 | 2006-05-07 10:54 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6858 days) | S1 | 5.0.19-r1 | Linux (Linux 2.6.16-gentoo-r3) | Any | mysqld only starts once and fails on consequent starts |
13970 | 2005-10-12 17:32 | 2006-04-24 22:22 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6871 days) | S2 | 4.1-> | Linux (Linux) | Any | Restart cluster w/ NoOfFragmentLogFiles set to low causes file system inconsist |
18870 | 2006-04-06 23:00 | 2012-09-13 7:44 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (6883 days) | S3 | Windows (windows NT) | Any | Unable to connect if the database is named XXX9test | |
13175 | 2005-09-14 11:24 | 2006-03-29 21:05 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (6897 days) | S2 | 5.0.x | Linux (Linux) | Any | 5.0 builds done w/ comp-pent & comp-pent-max seem to fail test w/ --ps-protocol |
17570 | 2006-02-20 10:15 | 2006-03-28 9:22 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6898 days) | S3 | Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.15, for apple-darwi | MacOS (OS X 10.4.4 and 10.4.5) | Any | Using encrypted swap/disk on Mac OS X 10.4 may cause innodb table corruption |
18110 | 2006-03-09 15:22 | 2006-03-28 21:18 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6898 days) | S2 | | Windows (XP) | Any | utf8 VARCHAR fields mis-linked as MEMO fields |
18448 | 2006-03-23 7:59 | 2006-03-23 15:29 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6903 days) | S1 | 5.0.18 | Linux (Linux Slackware 10.2) | Any | MySQL make freezes computer |
18166 | 2006-03-12 12:39 | 2006-03-13 11:58 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (6913 days) | S3 | 5.0.18-0 standard | Linux (FC4) | Any | Backup not allowing selected files to be restored |
17354 | 2006-02-13 23:03 | 2006-02-21 16:33 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6933 days) | S2 | 5.1.7 | Linux (Linux) | Any | events in near future are reported with incorrect time |
16725 | 2006-01-23 14:21 | 2006-02-08 15:37 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6946 days) | S3 | mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.16, for pc- | Linux (Linux) | Any | CAST AS BINARY with utf-8 strings gives wrong results |
16933 | 2006-01-31 13:18 | 2006-01-31 21:31 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (6954 days) | S1 | 1.1.18 | Linux (Fedora Core Rawhide) | Any | segmentation fault with latest glib |
16685 | 2006-01-20 20:22 | 2006-01-23 12:14 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6962 days) | S2 | | Windows (Win XP Pro) | Any | ERROR [HYT00] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server |
16301 | 2006-01-09 14:44 | 2006-01-18 14:22 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (6967 days) | S1 | mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32 | Windows (WindowsXP SP2) | Any | Problem in mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32 |
16351 | 2006-01-10 19:34 | 2006-01-11 7:19 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (6974 days) | S2 | 5.1.5-alpha | Linux (Linux) | Any | DD: Invaild Table Space locked in memory |
15994 | 2005-12-26 20:11 | 2006-01-04 0:45 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (6981 days) | S1 | 5.1.5 | Linux (Debian GNU/Linux, slackware) | Any | Archive patch makes source tree uncompilable |
15717 | 2005-12-13 19:05 | 2005-12-17 2:50 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (6999 days) | S2 | 4.1.12-3.RHEL4.1 | Linux (Linux Redhat AS4.0) | Any | Crash on doing update - 4.1.12 |
15104 | 2005-11-21 17:20 | 2005-11-22 16:55 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7024 days) | S3 | 5.0.15 | Linux (Linux Fedora Core 4) | Any | mysql 5.0 will not start on fedora core 4 |
13885 | 2005-10-10 0:40 | 2005-11-21 18:06 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Can't repeat (7025 days) | S2 | 1.0.18 RC | Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2) | Any | The schema could not be reverse engineered (error: 0). |
13653 | 2005-09-30 12:59 | 2005-11-18 20:40 | MySQL Server: Stored Routines | Can't repeat (7028 days) | S2 | 5.0.13 RC/BK source | Windows (Windows 2000/Linux) | Any | Crash on stored procedure with large dataset |
14976 | 2005-11-16 11:12 | 2005-11-16 16:56 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7030 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (XP Pro SP 2) | Any | ODBC DSN hangs when disconnecting |
13170 | 2005-09-14 9:06 | 2005-11-14 15:35 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Can't repeat (7032 days) | S3 | 5.0.12-beta | Linux (fedora core 2) | Any | select error... (mysql cluster) |
14838 | 2005-11-10 16:15 | 2005-11-11 12:46 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7035 days) | S2 | 3.51.12 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Mysql |
14413 | 2005-10-27 23:12 | 2005-11-04 16:03 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7042 days) | S2 | 5.0.15-source | Linux (Fedora Core 2) | Any | Linker fails with "undefined reference to `_create_index_by_sort'" |
14375 | 2005-10-27 6:17 | 2005-11-02 12:19 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7044 days) | S1 | 5.0.15 | Windows (Windows XP Professional SP2) | Any | Can not configure MySQL Server 5.0 in Windows XP Professional |
13793 | 2005-10-06 7:20 | 2005-10-26 22:14 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7051 days) | S3 | 1.1.2 | Linux (Linux) | Any | Wrong version number (PACKAGE_VERSION clash with libsigc++) |
14078 | 2005-10-17 17:03 | 2005-10-26 22:19 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7051 days) | S1 | 1.1 | MacOS (mac osx 10.4.2) | Any | Crash when trying to log in |
7880 | 2005-01-13 16:35 | 2005-10-23 9:28 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7054 days) | S3 | mysql-4.1.8-essential-win.msi | Windows (windows 2003) | Any | Catastrophic failure |
14063 | 2005-10-17 6:21 | 2005-10-17 10:36 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7060 days) | S2 | 5.0.13 | Linux (redhat linux 9.3) | Any | rpl_rotate_logs test case fails in 5.0.13 |
2060 | 2003-12-09 10:58 | 2005-10-11 8:36 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7066 days) | S3 | ? | HP/UX (HP-UX) | Any | Fixes for HP-UX 10.20 compile |
6543 | 2004-11-10 10:35 | 2005-10-09 11:15 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7068 days) | S2 | 3.5.10 | Windows (Windows 2000 sp4) | Any | Problems detected using this release |
9224 | 2005-03-16 16:08 | 2005-09-22 6:42 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7085 days) | S3 | Any | 5.0.3 crashes after 39710 open cursors are reached | ||
13199 | 2005-09-14 19:45 | 2005-09-21 23:08 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7086 days) | S3 | 3.51.11 + 3.51.12-beta | Client: WinXP w/SP2 | Any | Linked mysql tables in access with file DSN |
13303 | 2005-09-18 6:41 | 2005-09-19 11:22 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7088 days) | S3 | 5.0.11 | Linux (redhat linux 9) | Any | mysql_ping report "Lost connect while query" when mysql server still alive |
13096 | 2005-09-09 21:01 | 2005-09-14 17:59 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7093 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Error connecting to ODBC 3.51 from Excel 97 |
9352 | 2005-03-23 10:13 | 2005-09-08 16:17 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Can't repeat (7099 days) | S3 | 4.1.10 | Windows (windows) | Any | comp_err doesn't work correctly on windows due to EOL |
12578 | 2005-08-15 8:50 | 2005-08-31 16:45 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7107 days) | S1 | 3.51.11-2 | Windows (Windows) | Any | linked 5.0.11-views fail with Access 97 SR2 |
12688 | 2005-08-19 19:31 | 2005-08-30 21:17 | MySQL Migration Toolkit | Can't repeat (7108 days) | S3 | 1.013 | Windows (Windows XP Professional) | Any | Error with Access escape sequence |
11900 | 2005-07-13 7:28 | 2005-08-27 23:49 | MySQL Server: User-defined functions ( UDF ) | Can't repeat (7111 days) | S3 | 5.0.7-beta-max | Linux (Suse linux 9.2) | Any | Table becomes write locked while trigger calls user defined function |
12623 | 2005-08-17 13:50 | 2005-08-19 1:09 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7119 days) | S1 | >4.1.10 | Linux (LINUX 9.0) | Any | MYSQL CRASH AND HANG THE MACHINE WHILE RUNNING THIS QUERY |
11679 | 2005-07-01 1:19 | 2005-07-28 15:05 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7141 days) | S2 | 4.1.12, 4.1.12-max, 5.0.6beta | Solaris (solaris 10) | Any | core dumped solaris 10 on /scripts/mysql_install_db Command |
10087 | 2005-04-22 9:39 | 2005-07-27 2:59 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7142 days) | S3 | 4.0.24 | Linux (Linux 2.4.18) | Any | myisamchk changes MySQL-Servers behaviour |
11953 | 2005-07-15 1:26 | 2005-07-15 1:42 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7154 days) | S3 | 5.0.7 | Windows (windows 2003) | Any | MySQL server shutdown without a reason |
11906 | 2005-07-13 9:52 | 2005-07-13 17:39 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Can't repeat (7156 days) | S2 | 4.1.11-standard-log | 4.1.11-dec-osf5.1b-alphaev67 | Any | Using a variable instead of a constant gives incorrect results in a query join |
11724 | 2005-07-04 14:32 | 2005-07-04 18:43 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (7165 days) | S3 | 4.1.7 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | mysql_dump don't run from PHP |
10829 | 2005-05-24 14:20 | 2005-06-30 11:14 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7169 days) | S2 | 4.1.10a | Linux (Linux) | Any | mysql daemon uses continuously more and more memory |
11061 | 2005-06-03 8:03 | 2005-06-24 21:02 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7175 days) | S1 | beta 5.0.6 | Windows (Windows 2003 Server) | Any | view to call function |
11418 | 2005-06-17 17:33 | 2005-06-21 9:06 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (7178 days) | S2 | 4.0.23-standard-log | Feddora C2 | Any | InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt |
7832 | 2005-01-12 10:49 | 2005-06-08 15:45 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (7191 days) | S3 | 1.1.4, 1.1.5 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Query Browser 1.1.4, 1.1.5 won't start. Eat memory. |
10699 | 2005-05-18 6:56 | 2005-06-04 14:21 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (7195 days) | S3 | 4.0.22 | FreeBSD (freebsd) | Any | AUTO_INCREMENT locking during replication execution of unrelated db+tables |
10689 | 2005-05-17 15:21 | 2005-06-02 16:54 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7197 days) | S1 | 4.0.24 on itanium2 | Linux (RHEL 3 AS) | Any | mysql 4.0.24 runs fine for a few minutes, but then starts to use 4 GB of RAM |
11012 | 2005-06-01 8:40 | 2005-06-01 15:20 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7198 days) | S1 | 4.1.12 | Windows (Windows XP PRO SP2) | Any | Mysql error number 2003 can't connect to mysql server on XXX(10061) |
9086 | 2005-03-10 3:42 | 2005-05-31 15:30 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7199 days) | S3 | 4.0.23a | Linux (RedHat AS 3) | Any | crond mysqld_safe <defunct> process |
10983 | 2005-05-31 13:21 | 2005-05-31 23:45 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7199 days) | S3 | 4.1.12 | Linux (Linux) | Any | gis-rtree failure |
10863 | 2005-05-25 17:45 | 2005-05-25 18:01 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (7205 days) | S2 | 4.1.11 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | Unrecoverable failure on system reboot |
7099 | 2004-12-08 10:49 | 2005-05-23 10:55 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7207 days) | S3 | 5.02-alpha-standard-log | Linux (Suse Linux Enterprise 8 SLES8) | Any | mysqld crashes when accessing a large view that crosses multiple schemas |
10782 | 2005-05-20 23:03 | 2005-05-22 9:30 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7208 days) | S1 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows XP SP2) | Any | MySqlDataAdapter crashes with a date field set to 0000-00-00 |
9739 | 2005-04-08 0:32 | 2005-05-17 7:52 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7213 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (Windows) | Any | Need to explicitly handle MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL from mysql |
9792 | 2005-04-10 15:15 | 2005-05-16 0:21 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7214 days) | S2 | 5.0.3/5.0.5 BK source | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | View with left / right outer join hangs client |
10169 | 2005-04-26 10:22 | 2005-04-26 14:42 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7234 days) | S1 | 4.1.11 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Crash on inserting a float value into a varchar column with 4.1.11 |
10046 | 2005-04-20 22:29 | 2005-04-20 22:40 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7240 days) | S3 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Error using version | |
10017 | 2005-04-19 22:13 | 2005-04-19 22:42 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7241 days) | S2 | 3.51.11 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Can't connect in Excel 2000 via MSQuery |
9810 | 2005-04-11 11:14 | 2005-04-12 18:16 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (7248 days) | S2 | 4.0.17 | Linux (Linux, Kernel 2.4.26) | Any | Show Slave Status Hangs |
9396 | 2005-03-25 1:40 | 2005-03-25 6:12 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7266 days) | S2 | Any | Currency symbol for GBP - £ - does not work | ||
9365 | 2005-03-23 18:12 | 2005-03-23 19:26 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7268 days) | S3 | 1.0.4 | Windows (windows XP sp 2) | Any | typical install gives errors |
9185 | 2005-03-15 5:12 | 2005-03-15 10:14 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7276 days) | S2 | Windows (windows) | Any | security settings | |
8881 | 2005-03-02 11:18 | 2005-03-02 14:45 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (7289 days) | S2 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | Can not instal Query Browser | |
8900 | 2005-03-02 19:38 | 2005-03-02 21:37 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7289 days) | S1 | 1.0.5 alpha | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.3.8) | Any | Application quits after conneciton to database |
8714 | 2005-02-22 22:48 | 2005-02-23 17:39 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7296 days) | S1 | 1.0.3-alpha | MacOS (Mac OS X) | Any | Crash after logging in to server |
8530 | 2005-02-16 3:34 | 2005-02-18 21:29 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7301 days) | S1 | 4.1.9-0 | Any | Errors Duplicate entry 'localhost-root' for key 1 on rpm install | |
8502 | 2005-02-14 15:37 | 2005-02-15 12:14 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7304 days) | S3 | 4.1.9 | Linux (Linux) | Any | load data infile character set problems |
8359 | 2005-02-07 22:04 | 2005-02-14 17:11 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7305 days) | S2 | | Windows (Win 2000 Server) | Any | External Exception C000001D when opening Catalogs |
8504 | 2005-02-14 18:40 | 2005-02-14 19:33 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (7305 days) | S1 | 3.1.6 | Windows (windows 2000 professional) | Any | Transaction in mysql-connector-java-3.1.6 |
8469 | 2005-02-12 6:15 | 2005-02-12 8:39 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (7307 days) | S3 | mysql-4.1.9-max (Official MySQL-max bin | Linux (Debian 3.0) | Any | Cannot get past ./configure of mysql source |
5106 | 2004-08-19 13:15 | 2005-02-07 10:27 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7312 days) | S2 | 4.1.3 | Linux (Debian Linux PowerPC) | Any | noticeable lower speed of 4.1.3 compared to 4.0 (PowerPC) |
8345 | 2005-02-06 20:51 | 2005-02-06 21:57 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7313 days) | S1 | 3.x to 4.1.8 | Windows (Windows) | Any | bad startup - not responding |
8258 | 2005-02-02 9:26 | 2005-02-02 10:33 | MySQL Query Browser | Can't repeat (7317 days) | S1 | 1.0.5 | Windows (Win2K SP4) | Any | Query Browser crashed and doesn't startup |
8219 | 2005-01-31 20:22 | 2005-01-31 20:50 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (7319 days) | S1 | 5.0.2 | Windows (Windoww XP SP2) | Any | system hangs on/crashes on getColumns(null, null, "Table", null); |
8075 | 2005-01-21 18:45 | 2005-01-22 7:10 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7328 days) | S2 | 4.1 | Windows (Windws XP, Server 2003) | Any | Passwords Not Saved Correctly In Administrator |
6467 | 2004-11-05 16:22 | 2005-01-11 12:08 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7339 days) | S3 | 4.0.21 | Linux (RedHat) | Any | random authentican failure |
7246 | 2004-12-13 22:43 | 2005-01-05 20:06 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7345 days) | S2 | 1.0.3 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Connection Pooling Problem |
7528 | 2004-12-24 14:17 | 2005-01-05 18:42 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7345 days) | S2 | 4.1.8 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Mysql Connection |
6830 | 2004-11-25 19:57 | 2005-01-04 18:03 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (7346 days) | S1 | 4.0.18 | Linux (Linux) | Any | slave error 'too many connections' corrupts slave relay log |
6473 | 2004-11-06 3:54 | 2004-12-13 19:57 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7368 days) | S2 | 5.0.1-alpha-stan | Linux (Linux cher 2.4.20-8smp #1 SMP Th) | Any | mysqld restarts when using stored procedure |
7225 | 2004-12-13 3:47 | 2004-12-13 14:50 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Can't repeat (7368 days) | S1 | 2003 | Windows (Windows) | Any | Net Tracking System |
7160 | 2004-12-10 9:58 | 2004-12-12 22:41 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7369 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (XP Pro) | Any | ODBC link via ACCESS XP. |
7182 | 2004-12-10 20:46 | 2004-12-11 11:33 | MySQL Administrator | Can't repeat (7370 days) | S3 | 1.0.16 | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | MySQL System Tray Monitor notifacation bubble wont go away |
6632 | 2004-11-15 11:38 | 2004-11-19 0:17 | MySQL Server: Embedded Library ( libmysqld ) | Can't repeat (7392 days) | S1 | v4.1.7-embedded | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Command "CREATE TABLE xyz" crashs if database exists ? |
6323 | 2004-10-29 15:14 | 2004-11-09 22:26 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7402 days) | S1 | | Windows (Windows 2000) | Any | MySqlDataReader.GetBytes + .getChars throws Exception |
4459 | 2004-07-08 11:44 | 2004-10-28 2:59 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7414 days) | S1 | mysql-4.0.20-standard (ICC) | Vanilla 2.4.26/gentoo x86 2004.1 | Any | mysqld 4.0.20 (ICC compiled by quits with signal 11 |
4244 | 2004-06-22 7:59 | 2004-10-22 20:51 | Connector / NET | Can't repeat (7420 days) | S2 | Windows (windows xp) | Any | + mysql + | |
3981 | 2004-06-03 9:02 | 2004-10-19 22:28 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7423 days) | S1 | 4.0.20 | Linux (Linux 8) | Any | Unable to proceed further mysql_install_db |
5649 | 2004-09-19 4:29 | 2004-10-04 11:20 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7438 days) | S2 | 4.0.21-nt | Windows (Win2003 Server) | Any | Unauthenticated User Causes server freeze |
3589 | 2004-04-28 14:56 | 2004-09-03 16:51 | MaxDB | Can't repeat (7469 days) | S1 | | Windows (Windows 2000 , Linux) | Any | Problem with Data Type 'LONG VARCHAR' |
5112 | 2004-08-19 18:36 | 2004-08-27 20:40 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (7476 days) | S3 | 4.0.20 | Solaris (Solaris 2.8 and 2.7) | Any | ssl includes missing from some Makefiles |
4078 | 2004-06-09 13:46 | 2004-08-16 22:02 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7487 days) | S3 | 4.0 | Windows (window 2003 server) | Any | doesn't play automatically |
4781 | 2004-07-28 6:45 | 2004-08-04 17:02 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7499 days) | S1 | mysql-server-4.0.20 | Linux (Red Hat Linux ES 3) | Any | ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query |
4691 | 2004-07-22 9:04 | 2004-08-03 4:12 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (7500 days) | S3 | 3.1.3-beta | Solaris (Solaris 8 (SPARC)) | Any | SQLException: on Solaris |
4836 | 2004-07-31 5:20 | 2004-08-03 1:28 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (7500 days) | S3 | 4.0.14 | FreeBSD (FreeBSD) | Any | Timestamp problem? |
4812 | 2004-07-29 19:37 | 2004-07-30 0:27 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (7504 days) | S2 | 4.1.3-beta, 4.1.2-alpha | Linux (Linux 2.4.9) | Any | Index creation on UTF8 columns corrupts table. |
4763 | 2004-07-26 21:58 | 2004-07-26 23:56 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7508 days) | S2 | 4.0.18-standard | Linux (Linux Fedora Core 1) | Any | SELECT + DISTINCT + ORDER BY locks up mysql server |
4746 | 2004-07-25 18:08 | 2004-07-25 21:10 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7509 days) | S1 | 5.0 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | this error should be given attention |
1602 | 2003-10-19 20:15 | 2015-08-04 19:12 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7512 days) | S1 | 3.51.06 | Windows (Windows NT4) | Any | Could not load the setup or translator library |
4269 | 2004-06-24 10:19 | 2004-06-25 1:38 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7539 days) | S2 | mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.20, for pc- | Linux (RedHat Linux 9) | Any | mysqld crashes randomly |
3988 | 2004-06-03 20:10 | 2004-06-20 10:31 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7544 days) | S2 | 5.0.0-alpha-standard | Linux (RH9 (Linux 2.4.20-30.9smp)) | Any | FETCH cur1 INTO vars... crashes server |
3732 | 2004-05-12 22:51 | 2004-05-27 7:57 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7568 days) | S3 | 2.50.39/3.51.07 | Windows (Windows XP Pro) | Any | ODBC Administrator in XP Professional |
3601 | 2004-04-29 17:44 | 2004-04-30 4:38 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Can't repeat (7595 days) | S3 | 4.0.18 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | mysql client hangs in ssh session in cygwin |
3140 | 2004-03-11 1:47 | 2004-03-12 15:00 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7644 days) | S2 | mysql-4.0.18 (Source distribution) | Linux (Linux e2p 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl #1) | Any | Mysql can't auto close the timeout connections after a long time |
644 | 2003-06-12 14:56 | 2024-11-28 16:13 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7645 days) | S1 | 4.1 | Linux (linux 2.4) | Any | crash in add_key_field when using prepared statements |
3090 | 2004-03-07 5:01 | 2004-03-08 9:49 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7648 days) | S2 | 4.1.0-alpha | FreeBSD (FreeBSD 5.2R) | Any | server crash |
3069 | 2004-03-04 18:59 | 2004-03-05 9:49 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (7651 days) | S2 | 4.0.18 | Linux (Redhat 8.0) | Any | SELECT segfaults server on linux |
2685 | 2004-02-09 7:52 | 2004-02-09 8:05 | Connector / J | Can't repeat (7676 days) | S1 | mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | Turkish Character problem with Mysql JDBC driver |
1186 | 2003-09-03 1:02 | 2004-01-29 12:58 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Can't repeat (7687 days) | S2 | 3.51 | Windows (win95b) | Any | mysqld-opt 4.0.14 Assertion failure when using myodbc 3.51 |
2511 | 2004-01-26 5:27 | 2004-01-27 14:37 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7689 days) | S2 | 4.1.1 | Linux (linux) | Any | installation fails to create all system tables |
2444 | 2004-01-19 8:11 | 2004-01-22 10:49 | MySQL Server: ISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (7694 days) | S2 | 3.23.53a | Linux (Red Hat 7.2) | Any | .MYD and .MYI tables deleted (not truncated) on disk-full condition |
2433 | 2004-01-16 23:23 | 2004-01-17 11:36 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7699 days) | S1 | 3.23.53 | Any | MYSQL database crash after every 3 month | |
1684 | 2003-10-27 22:56 | 2003-11-13 9:02 | MySQL Server: Replication | Can't repeat (7764 days) | S1 | Ver 4.0.16-standard | Linux (Red Hat linux 7.3) | Any | "CORRUPT LOG RECORD FOUND" in error log after create tables with replicationl |
1744 | 2003-11-03 19:55 | 2003-11-05 4:15 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7772 days) | S2 | 4.0.16 | x86 Linux, 2.6 kernel | Any | mysql wont install using 2.6 kernel and glibc with native posix threading libra |
1292 | 2003-09-15 21:03 | 2003-10-30 10:09 | Connector / ODBC | Can't repeat (7778 days) | S2 | 3.51.06 | Windows (Windows 2000 Server) | Any | Problems writing VARCHAR or reading TEXT |
1508 | 2003-10-09 6:05 | 2003-10-22 10:09 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7786 days) | S3 | 4.1.1-bitkeeper | Linux (GNU/Linux) | Any | mysqld crash while trying to report "Table '' doesn't exist" |
1227 | 2003-09-08 13:16 | 2003-09-16 6:54 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7822 days) | S1 | mysql-3.23.57 (Source distribution) | Linux (Linux i686 kernel 2.4.20) | Any | mysql_install_db fails with Sig 11 |
1234 | 2003-09-09 6:00 | 2003-09-09 10:34 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7829 days) | S2 | 4.0.13 | Linux (Debian/Linux) | Any | SHOW DATABASES shows databases even though no privilege given |
962 | 2003-07-30 16:25 | 2003-08-26 2:13 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Can't repeat (7843 days) | S3 | 4.0.14 | Linux (Debian Linux 3.0) | Any | 4.0.14 compile error on m68040 Debian |
99 | 2003-02-26 4:06 | 2003-07-14 6:49 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7886 days) | S3 | 3.23.54 | MacOS (Mac OS X 10.2.4) | Any | % does not match the mysql host in mysql.user table |
579 | 2003-06-03 20:38 | 2003-06-04 5:21 | MySQL Server: Installing | Can't repeat (7926 days) | S2 | 4.0.13 | Windows (Windows XP) | Any | setup.exe problems on Windows XP Professional Version 2002 |
414 | 2003-05-10 18:22 | 2003-06-02 3:28 | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Can't repeat (7928 days) | S3 | 4.0.4-beta | FreeBSD (FreeBSD 4.8-RC) | Any | mysqld eats almost all CPUs and does little work |
308 | 2003-04-18 15:22 | 2003-04-22 10:28 | MySQL Server | Can't repeat (7969 days) | S2 | 3.23.56 | Linux (slackware 8) | Any | mysql 3.23.56 segfaults under slackware source install |
117264 | 2025-01-22 9:48 | 2025-01-29 11:27 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (16 days) | S3 | 9.2 | Windows | x86 | Arabic font rendering issue in Crystal Reports after updating to MySQL Connector/ODBC 9.2.0" |
117244 | 2025-01-20 9:49 | 2025-01-20 16:07 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (25 days) | S3 | 8.0, 9.0,9.1, 8.4 | Any | Any | range_optimizer_max_mem_size |
110722 | 2023-04-19 3:29 | 2024-12-02 21:21 | MySQL Server: Data Dictionary | Closed (74 days) | S2 | 5.7, 8.0.33 | Any | Any | Failed to upgrade from 5.7 to 8.0 because of orphan tmp tables created in 5.6 |
116795 | 2024-11-27 5:02 | 2024-11-27 11:07 | MySQL Server | Closed (79 days) | S3 | 8.0.32 | Any | Any | get_oldest_view cost too much and block other oprator |
116718 | 2024-11-20 4:01 | 2024-11-20 4:04 | Connector / NET | Closed (86 days) | S1 | Any | Any | NullReferenceException in MySQLMigrationsSqlGenerator with RenameColumnOperation | |
111759 | 2023-07-14 14:11 | 2024-09-30 20:25 | Connector / NET | Closed (137 days) | S2 | 8.0.33 | Any | Any | 8.0.33 Removes Important Locks |
116028 | 2024-09-06 12:15 | 2024-09-30 19:40 | Connector / NET | Closed (137 days) | S2 | 8.x, 9.x | Any | Any | EntityFramework SQL generation of TPT pseudo discriminator column incorrect |
116265 | 2024-09-28 21:46 | 2024-09-30 10:17 | Shell AdminAPI InnoDB Cluster / ReplicaSet | Closed (137 days) | S3 | 2.2.1 | Ubuntu | x86 | Cant install helm chart with innodb-cluster |
112035 | 2023-08-10 19:33 | 2024-09-19 9:05 | MySQL Server: Performance Schema | Closed (148 days) | S2 | 8.0.37, 8.4.0 | Any | Any | Materializing performance_schema.data_locks can lead to excessive mem usage/OOM |
113505 | 2023-12-24 18:23 | 2024-09-18 0:14 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (149 days) | S5 | 8.0.35 | Any | Any | Performance schema counter increments make parallel index create slow |
113335 | 2023-12-05 8:33 | 2024-09-17 14:23 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (150 days) | S3 | MySQL8.0 | Any | Any | A little spell typo |
116066 | 2024-09-11 16:21 | 2024-09-13 13:45 | MySQL Package Repos | Closed (154 days) | S2 | 8.0 | SUSE (SLES 15.6) | x86 | mysql80-community-release For SLES15 Improperly Signed |
115703 | 2024-07-27 11:55 | 2024-09-16 11:20 | MySQL Server: C API (client library) | Closed (155 days) | S2 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Asynchronous interface uses unsafe static local variables to (re-)store state |
116032 | 2024-09-07 1:10 | 2024-09-11 19:05 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (156 days) | S3 | 8.0.36 | Any | Any | Documentation on Downgrading MySQL outdated |
115875 | 2024-08-20 15:07 | 2024-08-21 8:59 | MySQL Package Repos | Closed (177 days) | S2 | 8.0 | SUSE (15) | x86 | Signature verification failed for file 'repomd.xml' |
115710 | 2024-07-29 5:30 | 2024-08-12 19:29 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (186 days) | S3 | | Windows (Windows 10 Enterprise Version:10.0.19045) | Other (AMD64) | Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000320 while opening connection |
88836 | 2017-12-08 14:00 | 2024-08-06 14:16 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (192 days) | S2 | 8.0.3 | Any | Any | trx_sys_print_mysql_binlog_offset() printed same string twice in source code doc |
115397 | 2024-06-20 18:29 | 2024-07-16 13:03 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (213 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 and above | Any | Any | statement_id variable has minimal documentation |
115554 | 2024-07-10 10:20 | 2024-07-10 12:22 | Shell Dump & Load | Closed (219 days) | S3 | 8.4.0/8.4.1 | Red Hat (Rocky linux 9.4) | x86 (2678) | Using util.copy to copy between different hosts encountered an error. |
114836 | 2024-05-01 10:36 | 2024-07-02 16:45 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (231 days) | S2 | MySQL 8.4.0 | MacOS (macOS 14.4.1) | ARM | Couldn't load plugin named 'keyring_file' with soname '' |
114823 | 2024-04-30 9:59 | 2024-06-14 9:36 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (245 days) | S3 | 8.0.37 | Fedora (Fedora 40) | Any | Dependency issue with installing MySQL 80.37/8.4.0/ on Fedora 40 |
105301 | 2021-10-22 17:24 | 2024-06-13 22:00 | MySQL Server: Data Dictionary | Closed (246 days) | S2 | 8.0.27 | Linux | Any | Specific table schema causes table to become corrupted during MySQL 8 upgrade |
114912 | 2024-05-07 16:04 | 2024-05-08 13:29 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (282 days) | S3 | 8.4 | Any | Any | binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking in 8.4: changed default or removed ? |
112946 | 2023-11-03 2:31 | 2024-02-09 22:33 | MySQL Server: DDL | Closed (371 days) | S2 | 8.0.35 | Any | Any | INSTANT algo <= 8028 on table in mysql schema leads to corruption post upgrade |
113810 | 2024-01-30 19:55 | 2024-01-30 20:23 | Connector / NET | Closed (381 days) | S3 | 8.3.0 | Windows | Any | Entity Framework Core does not populate property for longblob column |
112440 | 2023-09-23 4:03 | 2024-04-16 6:32 | MySQL Workbench: Modeling | Closed (407 days) | S3 | 8.0.34, 8.0.26 | MacOS (14 Sonoma) | ARM (Apple M2) | On MacOS 14 Sonoma system,The App crashes every time I open a model |
112775 | 2023-10-19 14:17 | 2024-01-26 8:42 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (431 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Contribution: Rondb 475 contribute | |
113295 | 2023-11-30 15:57 | 2023-12-01 11:55 | MySQL Router Documentation | Closed (441 days) | S2 | 8.2 | Linux | x86 | MySQL Router missing |
107206 | 2022-05-04 7:02 | 2024-01-16 8:44 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (458 days) | S1 | Ubuntu (23.10) | Any | MySQL Workbench removed from Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) repositories | |
110535 | 2023-03-28 22:41 | 2023-10-10 9:17 | MySQL Server: SYS Schema | Closed (494 days) | S3 | 8.0.31, 8.0.32 | CentOS (7.9) | x86 (E5-2678 V3) | Mysql instance cannot be initialized correctly because autocommit is turned off. |
110717 | 2023-04-18 15:17 | 2023-09-13 13:01 | Connector / NET | Closed (528 days) | S2 | 8.0.33 | Windows (10) | Any | Opening two MySqlConnections simultaneously can crash |
111549 | 2023-06-23 22:51 | 2024-07-02 17:48 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (548 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Contribution: Fix system zlib version detection |
111469 | 2023-06-17 8:07 | 2023-08-14 22:15 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (550 days) | S2 | 8.0.33 | Any | Any | Build failure with Protobuf 22+ |
111472 | 2023-06-18 2:46 | 2023-07-26 14:56 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (569 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Description for field update_time of information_schema.tables is incorrect |
110752 | 2023-04-20 19:07 | 2023-06-26 12:23 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (602 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 | Linux | ARM (Apple M1 Pro/AWS Graviton2) | el7 aarch64 might return invalid for value cache line causing crash during boot |
110662 | 2023-04-12 0:42 | 2023-05-03 14:17 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (653 days) | S3 | 8.0.28-8.0.32 | Any | Any | global_connection_memory_limit & connection_memory_limit documented incorrectly |
110745 | 2023-04-20 7:25 | 2023-05-03 21:19 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (653 days) | S3 | 8.0.33 | Linux | x86 | Build failure with -DWITH_ZLIB=system |
108228 | 2022-08-23 1:37 | 2023-04-21 9:55 | MySQL Router | Closed (668 days) | S2 | 8.0.30 | Windows (Server 2022 Core) | x86 | MySQL Router 8.0.30 crashes on Windows |
77368 | 2015-06-16 8:35 | 2023-04-04 17:31 | Connector / J | Closed (695 days) | S2 | 5.1.35 | Any | Any | "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE” doesn't work properly with relative paths |
109670 | 2023-01-18 6:37 | 2023-03-07 1:58 | Connector / NET | Closed (714 days) | S2 | 8.0.32 | Windows (10, 11) | Other (x64) | Many MSB3246 errors when referencing MySql.Data 8.0.32 |
108339 | 2022-08-30 18:16 | 2023-01-25 16:11 | Shell General / Core Client | Closed (751 days) | S2 | 8.0.30 | Any | Any | dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() hanging |
104778 | 2021-08-31 8:13 | 2023-01-04 18:20 | MySQL Server: C API (client library) | Closed (772 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | Any | Any | Connection fail with FUTURE crypto policy |
108196 | 2022-08-19 9:43 | 2022-12-14 22:05 | MySQL Operator | Closed (793 days) | S3 | mysql-operator:2.0.5 | Any | Any | mysql-operator is unable to start pods by PodSecurityPolicy |
108360 | 2022-09-01 13:00 | 2022-12-06 10:33 | MySQL Router | Closed (801 days) | S3 | 8.0.30 | Red Hat (el7-based (Amazon Linux 2)) | Any | mysqlrouter logrotate not sending HUP |
108495 | 2022-09-15 14:35 | 2022-12-05 10:44 | Shell Dump & Load | Closed (802 days) | S3 | 8.0.30 | Any | Any | mysqlsh S3 utilitiy validation does not accept temp creds/roles |
108821 | 2022-10-19 10:01 | 2022-11-16 13:46 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (821 days) | S3 | 8.0.31 | Any | Any | DOC issue with group_replication_communication_debug_options description |
78426 | 2015-09-14 4:34 | 2022-11-07 17:25 | Connector / NET | Closed (830 days) | S3 | 6.8.6, 6.9.7 | Windows (Win 8 upto win 10) | Any | exception.number always 0 |
101507 | 2020-11-08 2:06 | 2022-10-12 22:09 | Connector / NET | Closed (856 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | Windows (10) | Any | MySqlCommand.Cancel throws NullReferenceException for a Closed connection |
108043 | 2022-08-01 10:21 | 2022-10-05 17:01 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (863 days) | S3 | 8.0.30 | Any | Any | Long Message Buffer usage ist constantly increasing |
104753 | 2021-08-27 14:57 | 2022-09-27 22:21 | Connector / J | Closed (871 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | Any | Any | PreparedStatement.setFetchSize(0) causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
67828 | 2012-12-06 17:38 | 2022-09-30 15:04 | Connector / J | Closed (872 days) | S3 | 5.1.22 | Any | Any | Crashing applets due to reading file.encoding system property |
107110 | 2022-04-24 9:18 | 2022-08-29 15:34 | Connector / NET | Closed (900 days) | S3 | 8.0.28 | Any | Any | System.NullReferenceException |
97964 | 2019-12-12 10:48 | 2022-08-24 18:55 | MySQL for Windows: Installer | Closed (905 days) | S2 | 8.0.18, | Windows (7/10/Server 2012/Server 2016) | x86 (various (after 2014)) | innodb_buffer_pool_size is set to 8mb by the installer on Windows occasionally |
107600 | 2022-06-20 6:49 | 2022-08-16 14:36 | Connector / NET | Closed (913 days) | S3 | 8.0.29 | Windows | Any | mysql connection time out expired changed to system.timeoutexception |
97218 | 2019-10-14 18:32 | 2022-08-10 21:04 | Connector / NET | Closed (919 days) | S3 | 8.0.18 | Windows (10) | Any | Connector/NET 8.0.18 depends on preview version of System.Resources.Extensions |
89855 | 2018-02-28 17:06 | 2022-08-10 20:30 | Connector / NET | Closed (919 days) | S2 | Windows (Windows 10) | x86 | MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore 6.10.6 throws exceptions with EF Core 2.1 | |
92465 | 2018-09-17 13:52 | 2022-08-10 20:37 | Connector / NET | Closed (919 days) | S1 | 6.10.8 and 8.0.12 | Windows | x86 | Async, TransactionScope.Dispose: "already an open DataReader associated" |
72737 | 2014-05-24 8:09 | 2022-08-10 17:21 | Connector / NET | Closed (919 days) | S3 | 6.8.3 | Any | Any | utf16le charset leads to "The given key was not present in the dictionary" |
107933 | 2022-07-21 10:50 | 2022-07-29 14:27 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (931 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Wrong Info for Variable "ft_max_word_len" in Documentation |
107974 | 2022-07-26 10:23 | 2022-07-27 12:01 | MySQL Package Repos | Closed (933 days) | S2 | 5.7 | SUSE (12SP5) | x86 | MySQL community 5.7 SLES 12 repo signature verification fails |
107698 | 2022-06-29 9:22 | 2022-07-13 8:56 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (948 days) | S2 | 8.0.29 | Windows | x86 | MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver Fails to Write 4-Byte Emoji to Database |
92260 | 2018-08-31 17:55 | 2022-06-23 20:56 | Connector / Python | Closed (967 days) | S2 | 8.0.13 | Any | Any | With caching_sha2_password SSL should not be required on Unix socket |
106368 | 2022-02-03 12:37 | 2022-06-09 21:24 | Connector / NET | Closed (981 days) | S3 | Latest | Any | Any | Connection pool cleanup is effectively disabled, but so easy to fix TG! |
106398 | 2022-02-07 17:53 | 2022-06-09 18:49 | Connector / NET | Closed (981 days) | S1 | 8.0.28 | Any | Any | throws "already enlisted" exceptions in case of heavy threading |
104910 | 2021-09-10 20:03 | 2022-05-31 16:22 | Connector / NET | Closed (990 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | Windows (10) | Any | MySqlConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue always returns false |
88566 | 2017-11-20 19:33 | 2022-06-02 18:09 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (995 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Contribution by Facebook: Enable Lazy Flushing in Page Cleaner |
107151 | 2022-04-28 15:21 | 2022-05-23 20:06 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (998 days) | S3 | 8.0.29 | MacOS | x86 | Incorrect Homebrew Boost check |
106212 | 2022-01-19 11:40 | 2022-05-24 12:52 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (998 days) | S3 | 8.0 | MacOS (12.1) | x86 | Potentially incompatible system Boost gets picked even with -DWITH_BOOST=/path |
100512 | 2020-08-13 9:17 | 2023-03-03 14:14 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (1004 days) | S5 | 5.7.31,8.0.21 | Linux (3.10.107) | x86 (96 cores) | adaptive hash index(AHI) building causing contention on btr_search_latches |
107166 | 2022-04-29 18:53 | 2022-05-16 23:13 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1005 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | join_buffer_size documentation missing hash join details |
106697 | 2022-03-10 15:08 | 2022-05-13 17:01 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (1008 days) | S3 | 8.0.28 | Linux | Any | Missing sync can lead to running out of memory in machine |
107161 | 2022-04-29 9:20 | 2022-05-13 20:36 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1008 days) | S3 | 5.6,5.7,8.0 | Any | Any | table_open_cache calculation seems wrong in document |
99923 | 2020-06-17 21:29 | 2022-05-11 17:30 | Connector / Python | Closed (1010 days) | S3 | 8.0.20 | Any | Any | Segfault when is not present |
78425 | 2015-09-14 3:09 | 2022-05-06 15:19 | Connector / Python | Closed (1015 days) | S3 | 2.0.4-1debian7.6 | Debian (7) | Any | Fail to install mysql-connector-python if python2.6 is missing |
81814 | 2016-06-11 16:25 | 2022-04-06 20:59 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (1045 days) | S3 | 5.7.11 | Any | Any | InnoDB adaptive hash index uses a bad partitioning algorithm for the real world |
106738 | 2022-03-15 13:02 | 2022-03-16 19:55 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1066 days) | S3 | 8.0.28 | Any | Any | Incorrect documentation of global connection memory cap and counting |
105616 | 2021-11-17 14:38 | 2022-03-11 15:07 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (1071 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | Saved corrupt version of COPY_FRAGREQ |
100314 | 2020-07-24 9:35 | 2022-03-07 21:01 | Connector / NET | Closed (1075 days) | S2 | 8.0.21 and before | Windows | Any | TableInsertStatement string special carac values object are uncorrectly managed |
106439 | 2022-02-11 11:37 | 2022-05-25 12:16 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (1079 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Windows (11) | Any | Error loading MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver |
106443 | 2022-02-11 19:36 | 2022-02-15 20:34 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1095 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Typo in Table 4.2 Option Files Read on Unix |
106232 | 2022-01-21 6:32 | 2022-02-12 10:24 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1098 days) | S3 | 8.0.28 | Red Hat (RHEL7.9) | Any | The minimum value of global_connection_memory_limit is different from the refere |
106244 | 2022-01-22 6:07 | 2022-01-27 16:34 | Connector / NET | Closed (1114 days) | S3 | 8.0.28 | Windows | Any | MySqlDataReader.GetFieldValue<Stream> throws InvalidCastException |
106282 | 2022-01-25 16:40 | 2022-01-27 5:06 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1115 days) | S3 | >= 8 | Windows (10) | x86 (128 GB RAM, 14 Cores / 28 Threads) | MySQL Workbench >= 8.0 crashed at startup |
103436 | 2021-04-23 2:44 | 2022-04-29 10:47 | Connector / NET | Closed (1116 days) | S2 | 5.0.3+MySQL8.0.24 | Windows | Any | SqlNullabilityProcessor error when using EF and filter by Date/Time |
105450 | 2021-11-04 2:49 | 2022-01-22 15:25 | MySQL Server: Information schema | Closed (1119 days) | S2 | 8.0.25, 8.0.27 | Any | Any | There is a problem when calling the system table in stored function |
105768 | 2021-12-01 20:28 | 2022-01-19 21:05 | Connector / NET | Closed (1122 days) | S3 | 8.0.27 | Windows | Any | MySqlCommandBuilder does'nt support tables with a bigint unsigned as primary key |
105910 | 2021-12-15 20:42 | 2021-12-22 19:11 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1150 days) | S3 | 8.0.27 | Any | Any | Change in behavior of max_sort_length between 5.7.36 and 8.0.27. |
103227 | 2021-04-06 16:33 | 2021-12-17 21:03 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (1155 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | MacOS (Catalina) | x86 (64 bit) | Building on Mac OS with SSL incorrectly copies SSL libraries |
105383 | 2021-10-29 12:47 | 2021-12-06 4:13 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1169 days) | S1 | 8.0.27 | Windows (windows 10 pro) | Any | Wrokbench is not opening |
93374 | 2018-11-27 21:34 | 2021-11-29 18:11 | Connector / NET | Closed (1173 days) | S2 | 8.0.13 | Windows (10) | Other (x64) | MySqlDataReader.GetStream throws IndexOutOfRangeException |
105516 | 2021-11-10 13:18 | 2022-11-29 13:55 | Connector / NET | Closed (1180 days) | S2 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Connector/Net doesn't recognize utf8mb3 |
74533 | 2014-10-24 2:32 | 2021-11-22 20:39 | Connector / NET | Closed (1180 days) | S2 | 6.9.3, 6.9.5 | Any | Any | MySqlParameter.Clone missed assign value to property SourceColumnNullMapping |
75301 | 2014-12-24 0:11 | 2021-11-22 21:39 | Connector / NET | Closed (1180 days) | S2 | | Windows | Any | SqlNullValueException thrown when calling MySqlConnection::GetSchema |
105575 | 2021-11-15 13:05 | 2021-12-08 12:50 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Closed (1184 days) | S3 | 8.0.29 | Any | Any | Stackless CreateIteratorFromAccessPath() |
105274 | 2021-10-20 7:22 | 2021-11-05 19:32 | MySQL Package Repos | Closed (1197 days) | S3 | Ubuntu | x86 | No apt repo for Ubuntu 21.10 (code name impish) | |
104988 | 2021-09-20 9:04 | 2021-10-04 11:56 | Connector / NET | Closed (1229 days) | S2 | 8.0.26 | Windows (C# using VS 2019) | x86 | Connection to MySQL fails when updating NuGet package from 8.0.25 to 8.0.26 |
105010 | 2021-09-22 16:31 | 2021-09-23 16:50 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (1240 days) | S3 | 8.0.26 | SUSE | Any | Forced shutdown of data node immediately after completion of restart |
104631 | 2021-08-16 4:22 | 2021-08-17 4:42 | Connector / NET | Closed (1277 days) | S1 | 8.0.23 | Windows (Win10 20H2) | Other (Ryzen7) | MySql.Data unable to load in .NET 5.0 target application |
104613 | 2021-08-13 10:01 | 2021-08-16 20:38 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1278 days) | S3 | 5.7 | Any | Any | LOAD DATA LOCAL documentation is wrong |
59826 | 2011-01-30 20:50 | 2021-08-05 9:03 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1289 days) | S3 | any | Any | Any | interaction of init_connect options are not documented |
104117 | 2021-06-26 2:36 | 2021-06-26 2:39 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Closed (1329 days) | S2 | mysql8.0.23 mysql8.0.24 | Any | Any | MGR all second node abnormal stop |
103792 | 2021-05-24 15:50 | 2021-06-08 21:56 | Connector / ODBC | Closed (1347 days) | S2 | 8.0.24 | CentOS (7) | x86 (x86_64) | Latest connector odbc fails preparing multi-statements without NO_SSPS=1 |
94257 | 2019-02-08 12:53 | 2021-06-04 12:12 | MySQL Server: Data Types | Closed (1352 days) | S2 | 5.7.23 | CentOS | Any | Server timezone stays on CEST after changing summer time is over |
97934 | 2019-12-09 22:55 | 2021-06-02 17:15 | MySQL Visual Studio Integration | Closed (1353 days) | S5 | Windows | Any | UI delay in mysql.visualstudio.dll MySqlQuickInfoController.OnTextViewMouseHover | |
103861 | 2021-05-31 10:23 | 2021-06-02 12:38 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1353 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Wrong default event_scheduler description MYSQL8 event_scheduler doc |
103598 | 2021-05-06 4:41 | 2021-05-06 11:30 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1380 days) | S2 | 8.0.23 | Windows (Windows 10 Pro, Version 20H2, Build 19042.928) | x86 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz RAM 20GB) | Value of '0' is not valid for 'emSize'. 'emSize' should be greater than 0... |
102530 | 2021-02-08 14:17 | 2021-04-24 14:24 | MySQL Server: Japanese Documentation | Closed (1392 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Proposal for the Japanese 8.0 document correction(Spatial types). |
102848 | 2021-03-07 14:46 | 2021-05-17 13:55 | MySQL Server: Japanese Documentation | Closed (1392 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | 1.3 MySQL 8.0 の新機能 |
102886 | 2021-03-09 13:21 | 2021-04-24 15:40 | MySQL Server: Japanese Documentation | Closed (1392 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | 1.3 MySQL 8.0 の新機能(リソース管理~) |
102905 | 2021-03-10 15:18 | 2021-04-24 15:42 | MySQL Server: Japanese Documentation | Closed (1392 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | 1.3 MySQL 8.0 の新機能(テーブルの暗号化管理~) |
102961 | 2021-03-13 14:31 | 2021-04-24 15:49 | MySQL Server: Japanese Documentation | Closed (1392 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | 1.3 MySQL 8.0 の新機能(レプリケーション~) |
102962 | 2021-03-14 13:51 | 2021-04-24 15:50 | MySQL Server: Japanese Documentation | Closed (1392 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | 1.3 MySQL 8.0 の新機能(ロギング~) |
103019 | 2021-03-17 13:33 | 2021-04-24 14:41 | MySQL Server: Japanese Documentation | Closed (1392 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Any | Any | 1.3 MySQL 8.0 の新機能(MySQL 8.0 で削除された機能) |
103380 | 2021-04-20 8:55 | 2021-04-20 13:50 | Connector / NET | Closed (1396 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | Windows | Any | ArgumentOutOfRangeException in column type CHAR(36) that has NULL values |
97278 | 2019-10-18 5:45 | 2021-04-15 13:15 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (1401 days) | S3 | 5.7.28 | Ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS) | Any | MySQL 5.7.28 debuild fails because of embedded -DWITH_SSL= build host path |
101512 | 2020-11-09 4:34 | 2021-04-07 10:01 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1409 days) | S3 | 5.7 | Any | Any | Relationship between two system variables are not fully recorded. |
101670 | 2020-11-18 23:52 | 2021-04-24 16:05 | MySQL Server: DML | Closed (1423 days) | S2 | 8.0.22 | Ubuntu | Any | INSERT wrong timestamps using explicit time zone offset in time_zone with DST |
103048 | 2021-03-19 17:02 | 2021-03-22 16:10 | MySQL Server | Closed (1425 days) | S2 | 8.0.18 | CentOS (7.8) | x86 | Upgrade process fails from 5.7.26 to 8.0.18 with MY-010520 / MY-010767 errors |
102286 | 2021-01-18 23:45 | 2023-02-04 23:33 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1431 days) | S1 | 8.0.23 | Other (macOS 11.1) | Any | MySQLWorkbench quit unexpectedly on launch |
102926 | 2021-03-11 13:57 | 2021-04-24 14:32 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1435 days) | S3 | 8.0.23 | Linux | Any | sysconf called without error checking |
101891 | 2020-12-07 12:33 | 2021-07-23 4:16 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Closed (1452 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | Oracle Linux (6.0.20 64 bit) | x86 | ERROR 1267 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations (ascii_general_ci,IMPLICIT) |
101944 | 2020-12-09 21:50 | 2021-02-19 16:34 | MySQL Server: Data Dictionary | Closed (1456 days) | S2 | 8.0.22 | Any | Any | Upgrade to MySQL Server 8.0 from 5.6 fails with 'point' columns |
101767 | 2020-11-26 5:52 | 2021-02-19 13:16 | MySQL Server: Security: Encryption | Closed (1457 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Any | Any | Allocated by `new[]` but deallocated by `delete` |
102466 | 2021-02-03 9:32 | 2021-02-05 7:22 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1470 days) | S3 | 5.7 | Any | Any | Wrong default for performance_schema_digests_size on Statement Summary Tables |
97560 | 2019-11-08 12:32 | 2021-02-04 15:44 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (1471 days) | S3 | 5.7.29 | Any | Any | idle & caught up slave has old query shown in "Info" section of processlist... |
102347 | 2021-01-22 15:09 | 2021-02-02 17:01 | Connector / J Documentation | Closed (1473 days) | S3 | 5.1, 8 | Any | Any | Wrong parameter names in 5.7 Connecting Securely Using SSL |
99421 | 2020-05-03 3:58 | 2021-01-27 22:10 | MySQL Server: DDL | Closed (1479 days) | S1 | 8.0.20(master branch) | Any | Any | Crash in mysql server, Assertion failure: |
101252 | 2020-10-20 20:09 | 2022-12-08 23:40 | Connector / NET | Closed (1479 days) | S2 | 8.0.22 | Windows (10) | Any | Can't query CHAR(36) column containing NULL |
98220 | 2020-01-14 9:29 | 2021-01-22 19:11 | MySQL Server: Logging | Closed (1484 days) | S3 | 8.0.19 | Any | Any | with log_slow_extra=on Errno: info not getting updated correctly for error |
101513 | 2020-11-09 4:40 | 2021-01-22 18:36 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1484 days) | S3 | 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | Relationship between two system variables are not clearly expressed. |
102051 | 2020-12-22 14:56 | 2021-01-22 19:26 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Closed (1484 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | Windows (10.0.19042) | x86 | mysql.exe silently crashed on WIndows 10 zipped archive |
101520 | 2020-11-09 7:31 | 2020-12-09 12:27 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1528 days) | S3 | 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | The length of system variable value has a limit but not record. |
101302 | 2020-10-23 23:03 | 2020-11-30 19:04 | Connector / NET | Closed (1537 days) | S2 | 8.0.22 | Windows (10) | Any | Stored Procedure BOOL parameter can only be mapped to MySqlDbType.Byte |
100384 | 2020-07-30 15:47 | 2020-11-25 4:39 | MySQL Server: Options | Closed (1543 days) | S3 | 8.0, 8.0.21 | Debian (10) | x86 | Settings secure-file-priv to NULL results in MySQL creating a /NULL directory |
101588 | 2020-11-12 15:23 | 2020-11-20 17:07 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1547 days) | S3 | 8.0.22 | Any | Any | Docs about timezone offset for timestamps are not clear |
101231 | 2020-10-19 16:56 | 2020-11-10 12:19 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1557 days) | S3 | 8.0 | Linux (Slackware) | x86 | Min required Protobuf version not properly detected |
98091 | 2019-12-29 15:01 | 2020-10-20 12:34 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (1578 days) | S3 | 8.0.18, 5.7.29, 8.0.19 | Linux | x86 | InnoDB does not initialize raw disk partitions |
101141 | 2020-10-12 21:48 | 2020-10-19 14:18 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1579 days) | S3 | 8.0.21 | Any | Any | Wrong link for rpl_semi_sync_xxx variables |
86865 | 2017-06-29 8:09 | 2020-10-20 12:18 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (1579 days) | S3 | 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | InnoDB does unnecessary work when extending a tablespace |
100808 | 2020-09-11 7:25 | 2020-10-09 20:18 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1589 days) | S3 | 5.6.x and 5.7.x | Any | Any | skip-log-bin description is not available in 5.7 and 5.6 documentation |
100892 | 2020-09-20 22:19 | 2020-10-09 11:36 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1589 days) | S3 | all, 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | Documentation misleading on use of multiple cores |
101081 | 2020-10-07 12:47 | 2021-05-16 9:43 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1589 days) | S1 | 8.0.21 | Windows (10 Pro) | x86 (64 bit) | MySQL Workbench is not starting anymore (python27.dll system crash in event vwr) |
100677 | 2020-08-28 13:19 | 2020-11-05 12:05 | MySQL Server: Security: Privileges | Closed (1600 days) | S3 | 8.0.16 | Any | Any | show variables like 'partial_revokes' reports incorrect output after the restart |
100925 | 2020-09-23 9:02 | 2020-09-24 17:49 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Closed (1604 days) | S2 | 8.0.20, 8.0.21 | Ubuntu | Any | The Mgr parameter does not match the description in the official MySQL document |
100397 | 2020-07-31 8:01 | 2020-08-04 19:52 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1655 days) | S3 | 5.7.31 | Ubuntu (18.04) | x86 | MySQL 5.7.31 doesn't use bundled libevent when we don't find libevent of system |
100417 | 2020-08-04 1:53 | 2020-08-04 19:57 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1655 days) | S3 | 5.7.31 | Any | Any | Explanation of source configuration option "-DWITH_LIBEVENT=string" is Inaccurat |
100208 | 2020-07-14 6:39 | 2020-07-27 18:40 | Connector / NET | Closed (1663 days) | S3 | 8.0.21 | Windows (10) | Any | GetSchema("Procedures") returns ROUTINE_DEFINITION of "System.Byte[]" |
93399 | 2018-11-29 10:23 | 2020-07-23 18:41 | Connector / NET | Closed (1667 days) | S2 | 8.0.12, 8.0.16 | Ubuntu | x86 | First query after application restart always fails with GUID error |
94358 | 2019-02-15 23:47 | 2020-10-08 11:34 | Connector / NET | Closed (1667 days) | S2 | | Any | Any | MySqlMigrationCodeGenerator thows "Input string was not in a correct format" |
99903 | 2020-06-16 21:54 | 2020-07-08 15:02 | Shell Upgrade Checker | Closed (1682 days) | S3 | 8.0.20, 8.0.18 | CentOS | x86 | MySQL shell upgrade checker not checking for sql_mode NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER flag |
99778 | 2020-06-04 12:27 | 2020-07-02 14:12 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Closed (1688 days) | S2 | 8.0.18 | Any | Any | Error when processing certification information in the incremental recovery proc |
99627 | 2020-05-19 9:14 | 2024-09-21 14:12 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1702 days) | S1 | 8.0.20 | Windows (10) | Other (i7) | HtmlRenderer.Utils.FontsUtils - threw an exception |
86430 | 2017-05-23 13:00 | 2020-06-04 16:01 | MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor | Closed (1716 days) | S1 | 6.3.9, 6.3.10 | Windows (10 64 bit) | Any | Possible Memory Leak in Workbench 6.3.9 CE export Data to file function |
98750 | 2020-02-26 20:11 | 2020-05-21 12:09 | MySQL Server: Information schema | Closed (1731 days) | S5 | 8.0, 8.0.19 | Any | Any | SHOW FIELDS command regression on MySQL 8.0 |
99241 | 2020-04-13 12:59 | 2020-04-24 17:54 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1757 days) | S3 | 8.0.19 | Any | Any | WITH_ZSTD=system fails with zstd 0.8.1 or older |
98974 | 2020-03-17 14:30 | 2021-04-12 12:43 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (1758 days) | S5 | 8.0.19, 5.7.29 | Any | Any | InnoDB temp table could hurt InnoDB perf badly |
99236 | 2020-04-13 5:08 | 2020-04-14 16:15 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1767 days) | S3 | 5.6, 5.7, 5.6-ja | Any | Any | Glossary of .frm file is wrong |
98911 | 2020-03-11 14:44 | 2020-04-09 12:37 | MySQL Server: Connection Handling | Closed (1772 days) | S1 | 5.7.29 | Any | Any | MDL system become insane after 64K connections |
97001 | 2019-09-25 0:35 | 2022-01-25 16:57 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Closed (1778 days) | S2 | 5.7, 5.7.27 | Any | Any | Dangerous optimization reconsidering_access_paths_for_index_ordering |
98322 | 2020-01-22 5:56 | 2020-04-03 20:25 | Connector / NET | Closed (1778 days) | S3 | 8.0.19 | Windows (10) | Any | MySqlConnection(null) now throws NullReferenceException |
98526 | 2020-02-09 21:26 | 2020-03-31 20:14 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (1781 days) | S3 | 7.6.13 | SUSE | x86 | Forced shutdown at end of process when data node tries to join cluster |
86263 | 2017-05-10 8:10 | 2020-03-27 20:54 | Connector / NET | Closed (1785 days) | S2 | 6.9.9 | Any | Any | Wrong Isolation Level for Begin Transaction |
98914 | 2020-03-11 18:28 | 2020-03-20 20:30 | MySQL Router | Closed (1792 days) | S3 | 8.0.17 8.0.19 | Debian | Any | MySQL Router no longer listens on configured ports |
97855 | 2019-12-03 2:05 | 2020-03-04 16:35 | MySQL Server: Document Store: MySQL Shell | Closed (1808 days) | S3 | 8.0.18 | Any | Any | Upgrade checker can't check removed system variable correctly |
97448 | 2019-10-31 19:02 | 2020-06-05 17:08 | Connector / NET | Closed (1809 days) | S2 | 8.0.18 | Windows (Windows 10 Pro v10.0.17134) | Other (x64 - Intel Core i7-4770 @ 3.4GHz, 4 cores, 8 logical processors) | MySQL.Data v8.0.18 fails if more than one IP is found in DNS for a named host |
93028 | 2018-10-31 14:26 | 2020-04-24 11:01 | Connector / NET | Closed (1809 days) | S2 | 8.0, 8.0.16 | Any | Any | MySQL .net connector for EF Core treats incorrectly nullable boolean properties |
95215 | 2019-05-01 20:27 | 2020-02-26 18:31 | MySQL Server: InnoDB Plugin storage engine | Closed (1815 days) | S3 | 5.6 8.0, 8.0.16, 5.7.26, 5.6.44 | Any | Any | Memory lifetime of variables between check and update incorrectly managed |
98732 | 2020-02-25 9:15 | 2020-02-26 11:34 | MySQL Server | Closed (1815 days) | S3 | 8.0.19 | Any | Any | Copying credentials with SHOW CREATE USER / caching_sha2_password not working |
98484 | 2020-02-04 16:01 | 2020-02-20 19:36 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (1821 days) | S3 | 8.0.19 | Debian (Stretch) | Any | /var/run/mysqld not created during .deb installation |
96990 | 2019-09-24 8:46 | 2021-01-05 23:08 | Connector / NET | Closed (1823 days) | S1 |, 8.0.18 | Any | Any | Method 'get_Info' missing from MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore |
89159 | 2018-01-09 12:41 | 2020-02-07 16:07 | Connector / NET | Closed (1834 days) | S2 | 6.10, 8.0.18 | Any | Any | ResetReader: MySqlDataReader cannot outlive parent MySqlCommand since 6.10 |
98295 | 2020-01-20 11:00 | 2023-02-01 7:55 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (1836 days) | S3 | 5.7.23 | Any | Any | Innodb internal deadlock cause a long wait semaphore, and a mysqld crash |
97662 | 2019-11-15 19:56 | 2022-08-08 7:29 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1837 days) | S2 | 8.0.18 | Any (FIPS) | Any | MySQL v8.0.18 FIPS mode is no longer supported |
94634 | 2019-03-12 8:42 | 2020-01-31 21:10 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (1841 days) | S3 | 8.0.15 | Any | Any | Out-of-order redo log file creation status reporting |
95969 | 2019-06-25 7:34 | 2020-01-15 12:11 | MySQL Server: Options | Closed (1857 days) | S3 | 8.0.16, 5.7.26 | Ubuntu | Any | Setting sort_buffer_size to a large value causes query to go out of memory |
82826 | 2016-08-31 16:34 | 2020-01-11 17:04 | Connector / J | Closed (1861 days) | S3 | 5.1.36 | Any | Any | unneeded version requirement for Import-Package on OSGi MANIFES.MF |
96505 | 2019-08-12 7:27 | 2023-04-19 16:58 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1865 days) | S3 | 8.0.17 | MacOS | x86 | MySQL Workbench 8.0.17 fails to install on MacOS 10.13 High Sierra |
97531 | 2019-11-07 11:22 | 2020-02-29 17:35 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (1865 days) | S1 | 5.7.28, 8.0.18 | Any | Any | 5.7 replication breakage with syntax error with GRANT management |
63763 | 2011-12-15 18:49 | 2019-12-25 11:13 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1878 days) | S3 | Any | Any | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | |
92224 | 2018-08-29 10:46 | 2019-12-17 10:00 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (1886 days) | S3 | 8.0.12 | Any (7.4) | x86 | Use "Environment" to set LD_PRELOAD in systemctl is not working |
76239 | 2015-03-10 9:55 | 2019-12-16 13:54 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1887 days) | S3 | 5.6 | Any | Any | server-system-variables.html documentation is incomplete |
79872 | 2016-01-07 12:43 | 2019-12-10 0:18 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (1893 days) | S3 | ALL | Any | Any | Maximum value for system variable timestamp is 2147483647 |
97743 | 2019-11-22 9:05 | 2019-12-03 17:09 | MySQL Server: XA transactions | Closed (1900 days) | S3 | 5.5 | Any | Any | Impreve message texts for XA recovery |
97632 | 2019-11-14 9:44 | 2019-11-25 19:28 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1908 days) | S3 | 5.7.29 | Any | Any | wrong output from mysql_config on mac for -DWITH_SSL=system |
90884 | 2018-05-16 8:23 | 2019-11-18 8:06 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (1915 days) | S3 | 8.0.11 | Windows | Any | Unable to reopen connection after losing ssh connection |
95559 | 2019-05-29 11:41 | 2019-11-14 17:14 | MySQL Server: Data Dictionary | Closed (1919 days) | S3 | Any | Any | Possible to change lower_case_table_names from 5.7 to 8.0 | |
96288 | 2019-07-23 9:58 | 2019-11-07 15:57 | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Closed (1926 days) | S1 | 8.0.17 | Ubuntu (18.04) | Any | MEMBER Reserved Word causes server start failure on upgrade to 8.0.17 |
97225 | 2019-10-15 9:28 | 2019-11-11 14:03 | MySQL Server: Logging | Closed (1929 days) | S3 | 9 | Any | Any | During early server startup loglines can be ignored when buffered on the same us |
97246 | 2019-10-16 6:38 | 2019-10-22 12:45 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1942 days) | S3 | 8.0.18 | MacOS (10.15) | Any | plugins use "vestigial" wire_format_lite_inl.h even with system protobuf > 3.8 |
97168 | 2019-10-09 23:33 | 2019-10-11 20:49 | MySQL Server | Closed (1953 days) | S1 | 8.0 | Ubuntu (18.04) | Any | Upgrade 5.7 to 8.0 fails: "Data Dictionary upgrade from MySQL 5.7 in progress" |
96969 | 2019-09-23 7:07 | 2019-10-09 14:17 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (1955 days) | S3 | 8.0.17-2 | Fedora (library conflicts) | Any | Fedora 30 unable to upgrade from 8.0.17-1 to 8.0.17-2 |
96940 | 2019-09-18 21:39 | 2019-10-08 17:18 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (1956 days) | S2 | 5.7.27 | Windows (Server 2012) | Other (x64) | Unable to unistall MySQL Server 5 .7 on Windows Server 2012 |
96739 | 2019-09-04 8:57 | 2019-09-30 17:21 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (1964 days) | S3 | 8.0.19 | Any | Any | improve support for "system" openssl on windows |
82617 | 2016-08-17 17:18 | 2019-09-27 14:09 | Connector / NET | Closed (1967 days) | S2 | 6.9.9 | Windows (Windows 7) | Any | Can't create a Data Source in VS2012 & VS2015 |
92567 | 2018-09-25 21:30 | 2019-09-24 18:47 | MySQL Server: DDL | Closed (1970 days) | S2 | 5.7.23/5.6 | Any | Any | Cannot add foreign key constraint to tables inside a database named `aux` |
95572 | 2019-05-30 3:01 | 2020-01-20 9:47 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Closed (1990 days) | S3 | 8.0.17 | Any | Any | Rollback of big transaction due to conflict remains in hung state |
90148 | 2018-03-20 19:16 | 2021-03-23 11:48 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (2002 days) | S3 | 8.0.4 | Any | Any | Contribution by Facebook: Bug #68220 innodb_rows_updated is misleading on slave |
96614 | 2019-08-22 10:03 | 2019-09-20 4:53 | Connector / NET | Closed (2003 days) | S3 | 8.0.17 | Windows (10) | Any | Cannot Get Data from database using Excel 2019 |
87079 | 2017-07-14 23:35 | 2019-08-14 16:14 | MySQL for Windows: MySQL Notifier | Closed (2011 days) | S1 | 1.1.7 | Windows (Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393) | Any | High Severity Error on MySQL Notifier - Unhandled ExceptionMethod not found |
66295 | 2012-08-10 2:41 | 2019-08-14 19:23 | MySQL Cluster: NDB API | Closed (2011 days) | S1 | mysql-5.1.56 ndb-7.1.15 | Linux ( - x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) | Any | mysql cluster environment (mysql-5.1.56 ndb-7.1.15) date node often shutdown and |
95803 | 2019-06-14 4:00 | 2019-07-29 9:10 | MySQL Server: DDL | Closed (2027 days) | S2 | 8.0.16 | CentOS | x86 | MySQL 5.7.18 upgrade to MySQL 8.0.16 |
84277 | 2016-12-20 12:40 | 2019-07-27 8:03 | Connector / C | Closed (2029 days) | S3 | 6.1.6 | Any | Any | Include SESSION_TRACK_GTIDS |
58680 | 2010-12-02 23:13 | 2023-02-16 16:40 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Closed (2030 days) | S2 | 5.1 | Windows (XP) | Any | Windows Clear Screen Command |
94384 | 2019-02-18 16:18 | 2019-07-13 13:57 | MySQL Server: Connection Handling | Closed (2043 days) | S3 | 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | Memory leak in TCP_socket::get_listener_socket() |
95970 | 2019-06-25 8:55 | 2019-07-12 16:20 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (2044 days) | S3 | 5.7.28 | Any | Any | Add support for WITH_SSL=system using GCC on Solaris |
95971 | 2019-06-25 9:00 | 2019-07-12 16:15 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (2044 days) | S3 | 5.7.28 | Any | Any | mysql-5-7 needs patch for madvise(void *) |
95169 | 2019-04-27 23:03 | 2019-07-03 15:24 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (2053 days) | S3 | 8.0.16 | Debian | Any | Debian mysql-community-server package contains debug binaries |
95834 | 2019-06-17 8:44 | 2019-06-29 12:19 | MySQL Server: Data Dictionary | Closed (2057 days) | S3 | 8.0.17 | Any | Any | Reject upgrade 8.0.14-16 -> 8.0.17 for lctn=1 and partitioned tables |
75604 | 2015-01-23 15:33 | 2019-06-19 16:24 | Connector / NET | Closed (2067 days) | S2 | | Windows | Any | Unable to access MySQL Server via Connector/NET after 24.9 days of uptime |
92854 | 2018-10-19 6:34 | 2019-05-24 16:02 | MySQL Cluster: Documentation | Closed (2093 days) | S3 | all | Any | Any | Add lists of added, deprecated, removed node parameters |
41172 | 2008-12-02 13:04 | 2019-05-24 18:26 | Connector / J | Closed (2093 days) | S3 | 5.1.7 | Any | Any | ProfilerEvent.pack() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
94880 | 2019-04-03 3:52 | 2019-05-21 17:40 | MySQL Server: Logging | Closed (2096 days) | S3 | 8.0.13, 8.0.15 | Any | Any | Incorrect and dangerous error message from MY-013236 |
91405 | 2018-06-25 10:20 | 2019-05-07 17:58 | MySQL Server: Packaging | Closed (2110 days) | S2 | 8.0.1, 5.7.22 | Any | Any | Can't update/remove mysql on host system if you have running mysql in docker |
94769 | 2019-03-25 13:21 | 2019-05-14 17:40 | MySQL Server: DDL | Closed (2110 days) | S3 | 8.0.1 | Any | Any | Do not check read_only for updates to dictionary charset and collations table |
95242 | 2019-05-03 16:26 | 2019-05-07 15:54 | Connector / NET | Closed (2110 days) | S3 | 8.0.16 | Windows | Any | NULL reference exception on open() method of MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnect |
69809 | 2013-07-21 23:30 | 2019-04-27 22:49 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2120 days) | S3 | 5.6.11,5.6.12, 5.7 | Any | Any | documentation for back_log incomplete in Table 5.3 System Variable Summary |
90601 | 2018-04-24 10:47 | 2021-11-30 13:19 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (2131 days) | S3 | 8.0.11 | Oracle Linux (Offical Docker image) | Any | REPORT_HOST OPTION HAS A LIMIT OF 60 CHARACTERS |
94168 | 2019-02-01 15:12 | 2019-09-12 15:37 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (2143 days) | S3 | 8.0.14/8.0.15 | Windows | x86 | MySQL Server 8.0.14 install errors from missing SSLEAY32.dll |
94543 | 2019-03-04 12:20 | 2019-04-20 17:46 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (2143 days) | S3 | 8.0.15 | Any | Any | MySQL does not compile with protobuf 3.7.0 |
94708 | 2019-03-19 18:59 | 2019-04-02 12:41 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2145 days) | S3 | 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | Manual of keyring_aws_region has typo |
93478 | 2018-12-04 23:02 | 2019-04-01 17:13 | MySQL Server: Tests | Closed (2163 days) | S3 | 8.0.13 | Any | Any | Contribution by Facebook: Store all_persisted_variables.test counters in va ... |
93101 | 2018-11-07 6:21 | 2019-03-11 22:01 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2167 days) | S3 | 8.0.13 | CentOS (6.9) | x86 | Failed to Populate DD tables when table has OLD-Style DATETIME column (need Doc) |
94431 | 2019-02-21 21:32 | 2019-03-11 14:17 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (2167 days) | S2 | 8.0.15 | Any | Any | Can't upgrade from 5.7 to 8.0 if any database have a hyphen in their name |
94212 | 2019-02-06 10:22 | 2019-02-28 20:13 | MySQL Workbench | Closed (2178 days) | S3 | 8.0.15 | Linux (Arch Linux) | Other (x86_64) | infinite loop on closing connection with ssh tunnel |
93410 | 2018-11-29 16:57 | 2019-02-21 2:39 | MySQL Server: DML | Closed (2185 days) | S1 | 8.0.13 | CentOS | Any | Insert is fine but "On Duplicate Update" updating wrong data |
91377 | 2018-06-22 14:11 | 2019-02-01 10:04 | MySQL Server: Options | Closed (2205 days) | S2 | 8.0.11 | CentOS (7.2) | x86 | Can't Initialize MySQl if internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine is set to MYISAM |
94004 | 2019-01-22 15:37 | 2019-02-19 12:17 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Closed (2209 days) | S2 | 8.0.14 | Debian (Stretch) | x86 (amd64) | Cannot setup replication without ipv6 since 8.0.14 |
93941 | 2019-01-15 18:53 | 2019-01-24 18:30 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2213 days) | S3 | 5.6 | Any | Any | "Configuring Thread Concurrency for InnoDB" documentation page missing for 5.6 |
93755 | 2018-12-28 13:53 | 2019-01-15 18:32 | MySQL Server: Compiling | Closed (2222 days) | S3 | 8.0.13 | Ubuntu | Any | Compilation error using -DWITH_LZMA=system |
90809 | 2018-05-09 17:53 | 2023-07-25 10:43 | MySQL Router | Closed (2227 days) | S3 | 8.0.11 | Any | Any | connection error counter not getting reset after successful connection |
93177 | 2018-11-13 21:16 | 2019-01-08 4:40 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2229 days) | S3 | 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | Un-existing replication system variables mentioned in documentation. |
92609 | 2018-10-01 1:37 | 2019-01-03 11:34 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (2234 days) | S2 | 8.0.12 | Fedora (28) | x86 (64BIT) | Upgrade to 8.0.12 fails |
93565 | 2018-12-11 22:10 | 2018-12-21 13:53 | MySQL Workbench: Migration | Closed (2247 days) | S1 | 8.0.13 | Windows (win10) | x86 | Collation crash SQL Server |
93524 | 2018-12-08 1:13 | 2018-12-13 15:31 | MySQL Server: Documentation | Closed (2255 days) | S3 | 5.6, 5.7, 8.0 | Any | Any | can/cannot move table from ibdata1 to ibd. |
92988 | 2018-10-29 13:39 | 2018-12-12 22:39 | MySQL Server: Command-line Clients | Closed (2256 days) | S3 | 8.0.13 | Any | Any | 8.0.13 - mysql_upgrade fails due to primary key error without stating the table |
93362 | 2018-11-27 13:09 | 2018-12-04 12:55 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (2269 days) | S2 | 8.0.13 | CentOS | Other | code bug |
91671 | 2018-07-17 2:08 | 2018-11-27 12:05 | MySQL Server: Group Replication | Closed (2271 days) | S3 | 5.7.22 | Any | Any | stop slave sql_thread for channel 'group_replication_applier' could not return |
90402 | 2018-04-12 7:39 | 2018-11-26 13:43 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (2272 days) | S3 | mysql-5.7.17 | Any | Any | innodb async io error handling in io_event |
90547 | 2018-04-21 3:07 | 2018-11-12 15:00 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (2286 days) | S1 | 8.0.11 GA | Any | Any | [MySQL 8.0 GA Debug Build] Assertion `gtid_next_type == ANONYMOUS_GTID' failed. |
73066 | 2014-06-20 15:45 | 2023-01-12 18:36 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (2289 days) | S2 | 5.6.17 | Any | Any | Replication stall with multi-threaded replication |
92955 | 2018-10-26 7:42 | 2018-11-06 14:12 | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Closed (2292 days) | S2 | 7.6.7 | CentOS (7.5.1804) | x86 (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz) | NDB cluster crashed during DROP DATABASE operation |
76650 | 2015-04-10 8:21 | 2019-04-08 13:59 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (2293 days) | S1 | 5.7.7 | Linux (Ubuntu Vivid ppc64el) | Any | sysbench read/write crashes on POWER |
86608 | 2017-06-07 10:22 | 2018-10-30 13:51 | Tests | Closed (2299 days) | S3 | 8.0.1 | Any | Any | main.mysqlpump_basic fails on Ubuntu 16.04 |
90672 | 2018-04-27 21:06 | 2018-10-29 18:25 | MySQL Server: Installing | Closed (2300 days) | S2 | 8.0.11 | MacOS (High Sierra 10.13.4) | x86 | MySQL Community Database Server unexpectedly auto-starts at O/S boot time. |
91823 | 2018-07-29 18:25 | 2018-10-28 22:02 | MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine | Closed (2301 days) | S3 | 8.0.12 | Ubuntu (14.04) | x86 | innodb.innodb test leads to crash on MySQL 8.0.12 |
85447 | 2017-03-14 13:09 | 2018-10-25 9:37 | MySQL Server: Replication | Closed (2304 days) | S3 | 5.7, 5.7.17 | Any | Any | Slave SQL thread locking issue on a certain XA workload on master |
Showing 1-1000 of 7084 (Edit, Save, CSV, Feed) | Show Next 1000 Entries » |