Bug #37616 | Restore Big BackUp file regulairly fails | ||
Submitted: | 24 Jun 2008 20:54 | Modified: | 25 Feb 2009 20:06 |
Reporter: | Louis Breda van | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Administrator | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | guitools r12 server 5.1.25 | OS: | Windows (VISTA64 / XP32) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any | |
Tags: | restore |
[24 Jun 2008 20:54]
Louis Breda van
[26 Jun 2008 12:15]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Have you noticed if is showed some kind of error message, it happens on specif table?. Thanks in advance.
[26 Jun 2008 13:41]
Louis Breda van
Hello, As known I noticed the problem a couple of times on a couple of different windows machines. I did not always check the errorlog, but when I did I did not notice any related messages. I just sended the errorlog from the machine on which I saw the problem two days ago. What I did was: - update 5.1.23 to 5.1.25 (you can see when that happend in the log) - restored some mysql backups as create on another machine - during that restore I noticed the problem again, in fact that triggered me to create the testreport. - I did not notice any related error message. - but I do notice some other bugs to be fixed :-> Sincerely, Louis
[31 Jul 2008 23:04]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi, I need more details to repeat this issue, a backup of 1.5GB I created myself on Windows Vista 64-bit or XP 32-bit not reproduces the behavior reported, please verify if occurs in a particular table and inform us. Thanks in advance.
[1 Aug 2008 9:45]
Louis Breda van
Miguel, I noticed this problem many times during the past month, but can not instandly reproduce it. Test effort is also high, since the backup and restore take hours. My impression is that it is *not* related to a particular table. If it is related to a particular table or so (I doubt), it is hard to conclude since the chance that the problem will occur in relation with a very big table is by far the highest. Also note that before you can draw any conclusions in this respect I would need a history of many error occurences also hard to do. An easier way to go seems to be to look in the restore code and to check which conditions lead to a break in the resore proces. I also think that an improved error logging in that code part and an (automatic) retry in that code part would help. Louis
[16 Sep 2008 15:24]
Susanne Ebrecht
Louis, MySQL Administrator is made for MySQL 5.0 and not for MySQL 5.1. Did you try it with server version 5.0?
[16 Sep 2008 18:51]
Louis Breda van
Susanne, I have been using 5.1.xx versions for a long time now, already before I issed the bug report (as writen in the version info) Be aware however that: - I use MySQL as a backend datastore - only having large, but not so special tables - *NO* stored procedures, usertypes etc !!! - it simply fails "on a more or less regular base" during a table restore as far as I can see. Louis
[17 Sep 2008 9:29]
Susanne Ebrecht
Louis, I can't repeat this. We need a test case from you. Maybe also it would help, when you paste the corrupted backup file and the error file here.
[17 Sep 2008 17:31]
Louis Breda van
Susanne, There is no corrupt backup file as far as I can see! The problem occurs when trying to restore, not when creating a backup file. Given the fact that a next time restore try based on the same backup file is almost certain sucesessfull. In fact I never met a situation that I could not with one ore more retrails restore the file. So, IMHO the problem is related to the resore proces. Perhaps a read error as more ore less sugested by the error message, but more likely something completely different. I can *for instance* imagine that it is a performance issue time out or something like that, or a restore buffer over run, what ever! Hope this helps, Louis
[6 Jan 2009 20:10]
Louis Breda van
Hello, For information, this bug is still there running 5.1.30 server and guitools r15. This morning I noticed the problem again on my windows XP32 machine during restore. The restore was sucsesfull with the second trial. For information, the backup was created on my vista64 system (running 5.1.30 64 bit server) I can not reproduce the problem, but it happens relatively often Sincerely, Louis Louis
[29 Jan 2009 5:54]
Louis Breda van
Hello, It still regulairly happens that a restore fails, using latest server (5.1.30) and gui tools (5.15). I would really appriciate if MySQL / SUN could fix this on short terms Sincerely, Louis
[29 Jan 2009 8:24]
Mike Lischke
Louis, scanning through your error file it appears that there are many InnoDB dumps and occasionally there are errors like: 080519 13:50:08InnoDB: Error: trying to access a stray pointer 821A3FF8 InnoDB: buf pool start is at 02194000, end at 22194000 InnoDB: Probable reason is database corruption or memory InnoDB: corruption. If this happens in an InnoDB database recovery, see InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/forcing-recovery.html InnoDB: how to force recovery. 080519 13:50:08 InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 3348 in file F:\build\mysql-5.1.23-rc-winbuild\mysql-community-nt-5.1.23-rc-build\storage\innobase\include\buf0buf.ic line 264 InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap. InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to http://bugs.mysql.com. InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/forcing-recovery.html InnoDB: about forcing recovery. 080519 13:50:08 [ERROR] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld: Got signal 11. Aborting! That does not look good at all and could explain why you see the problem only occasionally. Have you tried to set up a completely new server and restore into that? Further, there are errors like this: 080624 18:01:36 [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist 080624 18:01:36 [ERROR] Incorrect definition of table mysql.event: expected column 'sql_mode' at position 14 to have type which result from the fact that MySQL Administrator tries to use structures which existed before server version 5.1 but do no longer exist beginning with 5.1. This is also a problem when using MA with such a server. However I think this has nothing to do with backup/restore.
[29 Jan 2009 20:35]
Louis Breda van
Hello, I agree with you about the errors. But do not understand! Some remarks: - I do have restore problems quite regulairy on three different machines - I did see the problem a lot of times with with different MySQL server versions (5.1.23 and up) - A couple of times I did start with a fresh MySQL install, but I did that for other reasons - A written before, almost ever the second try (same backupfile, same destination server) is sucsessfull - I know that if you perform a fresh install, that install (does or did??) have missing tables (thats a bug), I did fix it ones by restoring a table from an 32 bit system or so, do not precisely remember. Not sure the problem still exists - I think that a restore drops the table and create a new one so which corruption ? I would not be surprised that there is a bug which create a corruption ! - I use separate files for separate tables. I think I did use that settings on all three machines. I will look for a recent errorlog later. But I do not understand, and really assume one ore more bugs, if not related to the restore itself than probably related to INNODB or its (windows) memory handling Sincerely Louis
[25 Feb 2009 20:06]
Louis Breda van
Hello, just to keep attention, I would like to state here, that only today I did run four times into this problem. Perhaps an idea for solving this problem, is to start with better errorloging / messages. The workarround for this problem is simple but annoying just try again (and if not, which is seldom, try again again) Louis PS. Some time there is some kind of error message like unkown object, failed, (aborted connection in the errorlog which is may be related). But it are probably concequences of a deeper error.