Bug #23888 conflict with the Microsoft ClearType technology
Submitted: 2 Nov 2006 15:09 Modified: 5 Nov 2006 21:20
Reporter: Lu Jun Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:MySQL Query Browser 1.2 beta OS:Windows (WindowsXP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ClearType, Mysql Query Browser

[2 Nov 2006 15:09] Lu Jun
MySql Query Browser conflicts with the Windows ClearType. Once the cleartype gets enabled(it seems that you should restart the system to make the bug unveiled), then the Mysql Query browser can't work normally on its presentation.
Most UI fonts disappear. Only the menu font there.

Bug emergence step: Enable cleartype-->restart windows(this step is necessary,though the windows system doesn't request that for enabling cleartype)-->start Mysql query browser, and then we got a mess-up mysql query browser GUI.

My System: Windows XP Professional Simplified Chinese Edition, plus SP2. MySQL 5.04 Server, MySql Query Browser 1.2 beta

How to repeat:
Bug emergence step: Enable cleartype-->restart windows(this step is necessary,though the windows system doesn't request that for enabling cleartype)-->start Mysql query browser, and then we got a mess-up mysql query browser GUI.

Suggested fix:
turn off Windows ClearType
[5 Nov 2006 21:20] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I was unable to repeat on XP running on
laptop ACER and on Dell desktop.