Bug #4836 Timestamp problem?
Submitted: 31 Jul 2004 5:20 Modified: 3 Aug 2004 1:28
Reporter: Akira Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.14 OS:FreeBSD (FreeBSD)
Assigned to: Matthew Lord CPU Architecture:Any

[31 Jul 2004 5:20] Akira
I have a MySQL application that logs certain events.  The table containing the log has a field called TS of type timestamp(14) .  When I do an INSERT, I do not specify the TS field and allow MySQL to populate the field with the current date/time.  No subsequent UPDATEs are ever made in this table.

I noticed yesterday that this failed for some reason.  In one row, I have 20040729201155 (7/29/04 at 20:11:55), while in the next row, I have 20240314191542 (3/14/24 at 19:15:42).  After a few dozen records like this, it goes back to "normal" at 20040729213749 (7/29/04 at 21:37:49).

According to my hosting provider, there were no outages during this period (click on "system notices" in the first paragraph here: http://www.pair.com/support/knowledge_base/our_network_and_servers/server_status.html).

How to repeat:
No clue - this application has worked flawlessly for nearly two years.
[3 Aug 2004 1:28] Matthew Lord
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your bug report!  We need a repeatable test case to progress in this avenue.  If 
you do not have a support contract you can use these community based avenues:

Thank you and good luck!