Bug #92854 Add lists of added, deprecated, removed node parameters
Submitted: 19 Oct 2018 6:34 Modified: 24 May 2019 16:02
Reporter: Jon Stephens Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:all OS:Any
Assigned to: Jon Stephens CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: configuration, documentation, ndb, Parameters

[19 Oct 2018 6:34] Jon Stephens
Add lists of parameters added, deprecated, and removed in a given NDB release series.

Should be similar to the lists published for mysqld server and system variables on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/added-deprecated-removed.html and https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/added-deprecated-removed.html.

How to repeat:
See documentation.

Suggested fix:
See description.
[19 Oct 2018 6:35] Jon Stephens
Thanks very much to MySQL Forums user "GC" for the suggestion!
[19 Nov 2018 22:19] G C
Any further updates on this?

Also I raised another request as below of mysql forum but no response...

For any NBD Cluster with 2 dataservers with 24disk of 600gb..what's the best Disk Layout / Directory Structure and RAID configuration? along with root , var, tmp etc with our undo redo ts lcp logs and backsup and home dir for mysql...these 2 mgmt+mysqld servers are separate with 2 disks of 600gb. and also what's the best filesystem for HP/REHL 7.5+
[20 Nov 2018 9:33] Jon Stephens
It's in progress. I don't have an ETA other than "sometime soon, hopefully".

I don't really know the answer to your questions and this is not really the place to launch a discussion of them. I will try to poke someone more knowledgeable than I am in those areas to take a look.


[20 Nov 2018 22:05] G C
Thanks Jon,

You are really awesome and great.

Please let me know once you have those details added, removed and deprecated details.

Thanks and Best Regards
[21 Nov 2018 2:05] Jon Stephens
I've actually made better/faster progress with this than I expected (so far!) and might be ready to deploy this in the next couple of days.

If you are subscribed to this bug, you'll be notified when I close it.


[21 Nov 2018 10:34] Jon Stephens
Fixed in all versions of the Manual, in mysqldoc-toolset revs 4635, 4650, 4652-4657 and mysqldoc revs 60080 & 60082.

Top level pages for the new sections should appear within a few hours at




[10 Dec 2018 23:43] Gopi Chand
Hi Jon Stephens
Thanks a lot.
[17 May 2019 4:53] Gopi Chand
Hi Jon,

Is below one is up to date?  or is it required any further updates?

[17 May 2019 14:43] Jon Stephens
Hi Gopi,

The lists are now updated periodically as part of normal maintenance.

In fact, it just so happens that they were updated yesterday. :-)

That being said, if you notice any errors, etc., feel free to file a bug report (e.g. BUG#95363) and I'll make any needed adjustments in the script used to generate the lists and/or the data it reads from.


[22 May 2019 8:41] Gopi Chand
You are gr8.

Thanks Jon Stephens.

Gopi Chand.