Bug #113360 | ODBC driver 8.2 causes crash when setting prefetch option | ||
Submitted: | 7 Dec 2023 11:17 | Modified: | 8 Dec 2023 14:47 |
Reporter: | Adina Berg | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / ODBC | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 8.2 | OS: | Windows |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[7 Dec 2023 11:17]
Adina Berg
[7 Dec 2023 12:39]
MySQL Verification Team
Hello Adina Berg, Thank you for the bug report. Could you please provide table structure for table "CUSTOMER"(please make it as private if you prefer)? Regards, Ashwini Patil
[7 Dec 2023 12:56]
Adina Berg
Hi Ashwini Patil, Below is the table description. MySQL localhost:3307 ssl SQL > describe TPCH_SMALL.CUSTOMER; +--------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +--------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | C_CUSTKEY | int | NO | PRI | NULL | | | C_NAME | varchar(25) | NO | | NULL | | | C_ADDRESS | varchar(40) | NO | | NULL | | | C_NATIONKEY | int | NO | MUL | NULL | | | C_PHONE | char(15) | NO | | NULL | | | C_ACCTBAL | decimal(12,2) | NO | | NULL | | | C_MKTSEGMENT | char(10) | NO | | NULL | | | C_COMMENT | varchar(117) | NO | | NULL | | +--------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ However, I noticed the same behavior if I modify the query to select from a table that does not exist in the current database. Something like "SELECT [many column names with aliases...] FROM DUMMY_TABLE_NAME" would also cause a crash.
[8 Dec 2023 12:04]
MySQL Verification Team
Hello Adina Berg, Thank you for the details. I tried to reproduce your issue on windows 11 with Connector/ODBC 8.2 and MySQL Server 5.7 using the test case and table given but I am not seeing any issues at my end. Please see the screenshot below. Regards, Ashwini Patil
[8 Dec 2023 12:05]
MySQL Verification Team
Connector/ODBC 8.2 test results
Attachment: 113360_test_results.png (image/png, text), 37.03 KiB.
[8 Dec 2023 12:09]
Adina Berg
Hi Ashwini Patil, Thank you for looking into the issue. On my side the error appears intermittently, about every other or third time I run the test program. Did you try a few times in a row? / Adina
[8 Dec 2023 12:15]
MySQL Verification Team
I tried executing the same query multiple times, also tried prefetch =10 and prefetch =100 but not seeing any issues at my end. Thanks.
[8 Dec 2023 14:47]
Adina Berg
We reproduced the issue against several different servers and on different clients. I notice that sometimes the test program finishes without any issues many times in a row, and other times the test program fails many times in a row. Although I do not see why it would make a difference, on my side I see the error more frequently when running MySQLTestProgram.exe directly in windows command line, instead of running with F5 in Visual Studio. What is very clear on my side is that whenever I use the 8.0 driver the issue never occurs. I believe that the fix https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=111036 could be related since this was changed between the 8.0.33 and 8.02.00 versions of the driver.
[19 Dec 2023 21:42]
Markus Kollind
Hi Ashwini Patil, after some more investigation, we see this for all .NET applications (.NET 6 as well as .NET Framework 4.8). After some testing, I can reproduce the issue in PowerShell (using some .NET calls) accessing both a MySQL 5.7 or a MySQL 8.2 server (although I have actually used the 8.1 driver; the issues seems to be for all drivers after 8.0.x). After two or three queries my PowerShell window is terminated with the message "[process exited with code 3221226356 (0xc0000374)]" or "[process exited with code 3221226356 (0xc0000374)]". These are my steps to reproduce: 1. I started a docker container with MySQL: docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true mysql 2. I created a PowerShell function: function Get-ODBC-Query{ param( [string]$query=$(throw 'query is required'), [string]$connstring=$(throw 'connection string is required') ) $conn = New-Object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection $conn.ConnectionString = "$connstring" $conn.open() $cmd = New-object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand($query,$conn) $ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet (New-Object system.Data.odbc.odbcDataAdapter($cmd)).fill($ds) | out-null $conn.close() $ds.Tables[0] } 3. I ran the following command, to have some data to test it on (note that the table is empty): Get-ODBC-Query -connstring "driver=MySQL ODBC 8.1 ANSI Driver;host=localhost;port=3306;prefetch=1000;NO_CACHE=1;NO_SCHEMA=1;FORWARD_CURSOR=1;DATABASE=mysql;uid=root" -query "create table mupp (mupp varchar(512))" 4. I executed a long dummy-query a couple of times: Get-ODBC-Query -connstring "driver=MySQL ODBC 8.1 ANSI Driver;host=localhost;port=3306;prefetch=1000;NO_CACHE=1;NO_SCHEMA=1;FORWARD_CURSOR=1;DATABASE=mysql;uid=root" -query "select mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp,mupp from mupp" Usually the second time, PowerShell dies with an error (one of the two above, as far as I have been able to see). In a few occasions I have not been able to make it crash. But starting a new PowerShell instance and redoing the select query usually end up in the crash after 2 or 3 tries.
[21 Dec 2023 13:38]
Markus Kollind
Is there anyway to get this reopened, or do we need to create a new bug report? When just running this example in PowerShell, we see ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005) or a STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION (c0000374) after just a few runs.