Bug #32243 ODBC - call failed
Submitted: 9 Nov 2007 19:10 Modified: 14 Nov 2007 16:45
Reporter: Jerry Schwartz Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.01 OS:Windows (Vista 32bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ODBC Access

[9 Nov 2007 19:10] Jerry Schwartz
I have a working ODBC system data source. Using Access 2007, I open a database that has three tables linked to the ODVC data source (along with many others linked to Access databases). I try to run the following query:

SELECT prod.prod_num, concat("|",group_concat(topic.topic_code SEPARATOR "|"),"|") AS topic_list
FROM prod JOIN prod_topic
  JOIN topic
WHERE prod.prod_id = prod_topic.prod_id
  AND prod_topic.topic_id = topic.topic_id
GROUP BY prod.prod_num;

All of the tables in this query are linked to the ODBC data source. The query fails with the message "ODBC-connection to 'sourcename' failed. The query will fail every time I try to run it.

If I open one of the linked tables, the table opens properly without an error. If I then try the query again, it will work.

How to repeat:
Sorry, I can repeat it myself but I don't know what the secret is.
[9 Nov 2007 19:11] Jerry Schwartz

Attachment: SQL.LOG (text/plain), 272.77 KiB.

[12 Nov 2007 12:50] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Could you please provide the dump file of
the tables involved and the server version you are using (it could be
private if you wish, just use the Files tab to attach and select private).
Thanks in advance.
[13 Nov 2007 16:51] Susanne Ebrecht
The log says:

[MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]Access denied for user 'readonly'@'adsl-76-245-68-102.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net' (using password: YES)

Are you really sure, that there is a user "readonly" with the correct grants for host "adsl-76-245-68-102.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net"?

Do your password has special signs that are not between 0-9, a-z or A-Z?
[13 Nov 2007 17:22] Jerry Schwartz
Yes, I am certain that the user "readonly" exists and has the proper permissions. The password does not have any funky characters in it.

Remember that the work-around is to open one of the tables in browse mode. That works just fine. After opening one of the linked tables, I can then run the query without a whimper.
[13 Nov 2007 19:40] Tonci Grgin
Jerry what I would like to see attached here is general query log from server (start server with --log or just ad "log" to my.ini file). Also, a table structure might prove interesting. Office2007 and Vista a rather new (read: no SP yet) so we might expect all kind of troubles with it (type Excel2007 bug in google for example).
[14 Nov 2007 15:03] Susanne Ebrecht
Hi Jerry,

I can't reproduce your problem.

I used MS Office 2007 and tried it either with a local MySQL server and with a server, that runs under Linux using the network.

I'll attach my test SQL statements. Also I'll add the screenshots, that I made.

I suppose, that your problem occurs because of not enough rights to the database or network.

Or didn't you found the pass through button in Access?

Look to my screenshots. Without pushing this button, the concat() fails because Access wants to use it's own concat function. 

I'll set this bug to "can't repeat" but when you agree with me I want to set it to "not a bug".

Many thanks for trusting Mysql.


There were some weird stuff at your SQL, but nothing, that could be the reason for your problem.

1) select ... from a join b join c where ...; 
better here: 
select ... from a, b, c where ...; 

2) your tables have had: id varchar(15) not null default ''; primary key(id)
This will occur an error, when you insert the default value twice.
Also I found columns, with default NULL and unique indexes, that's not a very nice kind of programming.
[14 Nov 2007 15:04] Susanne Ebrecht
the SQL that I used for testing

Attachment: bug32243.sql (text/x-sql), 1.69 KiB.

[14 Nov 2007 15:09] Susanne Ebrecht
the screenshots without linking tables

Attachment: bug32243_snapshots_without_linking_tables.tar.gz (application/gzip, text), 485.06 KiB.

[14 Nov 2007 15:12] Susanne Ebrecht
screenshots with linking tables

Attachment: bug32243_snapshots_with_linking_tables.tar.gz (application/gzip, text), 329.70 KiB.

[14 Nov 2007 15:13] Susanne Ebrecht
screenshots after linking tables

Attachment: bug32243_snapshots_with_linking_tables_part2.tar.gz (application/gzip, text), 278.11 KiB.

[14 Nov 2007 15:30] Jerry Schwartz
Here is the general query log for the time period surrounding the ODBC calls from MS Access 2007. If I read this right, the first attempted connection failed and the second attempt succeeded. The only difference from the client side was that the first attempt was generated by a query, the second was generated by a table browse (I presume that was the SELECT `topic`.`topic_id` FROM `topic` query).

The query that failed the first time, but succeeded once the connection was open, was 

SELECT prod.prod_num, concat("|",group_concat(topic.topic_code SEPARATOR "|"),"|") AS topic_list
FROM prod JOIN prod_topic
  JOIN topic
WHERE prod.prod_id = prod_topic.prod_id
  AND prod_topic.topic_id = topic.topic_id
GROUP BY prod.prod_num;

       Table: topic
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `topic` (
  `topic_id` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `topic_code` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `topic_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `topic_desc` text,
  `topic_added` datetime default NULL,
  `topic_updated` datetime default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`topic_id`)

       Table: prod_topic
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `prod_topic` (
  `prod_topic_id` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `prod_id` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `topic_id` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `prod_topic_added` datetime default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`prod_topic_id`),
  KEY `prod_id` (`prod_id`),
  KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`)

       Table: prod
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `prod` (
  `prod_id` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `prod_num` mediumint(6) unsigned default NULL,
  `prod_title` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_type` varchar(2) default NULL,
  `prod_discont` tinyint(1) default NULL,
  `prod_ready` tinyint(1) default NULL,
  `pub_id` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `prod_published` date default NULL,
  `prod_pub_prod_id` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_pub_acct_id` varchar(2) default NULL,
  `prod_pub_doi` date default NULL,
  `prod_pub_resp` date default NULL,
  `prod_pub_prod_url` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_rel_freq` smallint(3) default NULL,
  `prod_content_info` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_info_type` varchar(5) default NULL,
  `prod_language` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `prod_broch_doc` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_samp_doc` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_samp_pgs` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_exec_summ` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_toc_doc` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_e_title_tag` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_meta_tags` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_keywords` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `prod_comments` text,
  `prod_if_sample_pdf` varchar(255) default NULL COMMENT 'URL for sample PDF on
  `prod_stop_date` date default NULL,
  `prod_hide_web` tinyint(1) default NULL,
  `prod_changed` tinyint(1) default NULL,
  `prod_export` tinyint(1) default NULL,
  `prod_export_pending` tinyint(1) default NULL,
  `prod_scoop_changed` tinyint(1) default NULL COMMENT 'If true, then product needs to be considered for Scoop export',
  `prod_on_scoop` tinyint(1) default NULL COMMENT 'If true, then this product is on the Scoop site',
  `prod_added` datetime default NULL,
  `prod_updated` datetime default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`prod_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `prod_num` (`prod_num`),
  UNIQUE KEY `prod_num_2` (`prod_num`),
  KEY `prod_pub_prod_id` (`prod_pub_prod_id`),
  KEY `pub_id` (`pub_id`)
1 row in set (0.06 sec)
[14 Nov 2007 15:32] Jerry Schwartz
General Query Log showing connection failure

Attachment: host.log (text/plain), 7.79 KiB.

[14 Nov 2007 15:51] Jerry Schwartz
I understand your observation about all of those UNIQUE columns having NULL as a default. I also understand your concern about the primary key having a default value of " ". I consider the use of a random string as an ID field to be rather bizarre, since an auto-increment field would have been so much easier to deal with. I inherited this whole system, which is rather convoluted, and there are a lot of things I would have done differently. I'm afraid to make too many changes for fear of unexpected consequences, especially since we have no test environment.
[14 Nov 2007 16:03] Susanne Ebrecht

and you are sure, the Pass-Through button was pressed, when you tried it the first time?
[14 Nov 2007 16:45] Jerry Schwartz
Did you try executing the query before opening the table? I wasn't sure from your screen shots exactly what the order was. 

Also, did you close and re-open Access after linking the tables but before running the query? I didn't think to mention it before, but linking or relinking the tables will also make the query work - until you close and re-open Access.
[14 Nov 2007 17:19] Susanne Ebrecht
I started Access and then tried first the query. It works. Then I linked the tables and tried it again. It worked too.

Also, when I used another host for the database, I closed Access and opened it before using it.