Bug #66956 MySQL Workbench frequent freeze on Ubuntu 12.04 64bits
Submitted: 25 Sep 2012 10:39 Modified: 25 Sep 2012 13:23
Reporter: Tomas Chmiel Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.43 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 64bits)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Sep 2012 10:39] Tomas Chmiel
When going from one main activity tab to another (ie. moving between the "Home", "MySQL Model", "Diagramme", "SQL Editor" and others), or when moving objects on the diagram editor, i experience frequent freezes, of variable duration from 10 seconds up to more than a minute.

As you can see below, nothing shows in the logfile. I have no other process- or memory-consuming tasks running at the same time, my load doesn't exceed 0.3 average, my memory doesn't go over 50% and my CPUs usage stays low.

This happends also on other machines, with similar or different hardware configuration, with less or more memory, all running Ubuntu 12.04 64bits. However, it works smoothly on previous versions of Ubuntu.

Here is the content of my logfile:

09:23:10 [INF][      WBContext]: Parsing application arguments.
09:23:10 [INF][      WBContext]:     /usr/libexec/mysql-workbench-bin
09:23:11 [INF][   WBContext UI]: Initializing workbench context UI with these values:
	base dir: /usr/share/mysql-workbench
	plugin path: /usr/lib/mysql-workbench/plugins
	struct path: /usr/share/mysql-workbench/grt
	module path: /usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules
	library path: /usr/share/mysql-workbench/libraries
	user data dir: /home/xxxxx/.mysql/workbench
	open at start: 
	open type: 
	run at startup: 
	run type: 
	Force SW rendering: No
	Force OpenGL: No
	quit when done: No
09:23:11 [INF][      WBContext]: WbContext::init
09:23:13 [INF][      WBContext]: System info:
 	MySQL Workbench CE for Linux/Unix version 5.2.43  revision 9869
	Configuration Directory: /home/xxxxx/.mysql/workbench
	Data Directory: /usr/share/mysql-workbench
	Cairo Version: 1.10.2
	OS: Linux 3.2.0-31-generic
	CPU: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU         750  @ 2.67GHz 1197.000 MHz, 3.9 GB RAM
	Distribution: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS
09:23:13 [INF][               ]: overview.home built-in command is being overwritten
09:46:56 [INF][     SSH tunnel]: Starting tunnel
09:46:56 [INF][     SSH tunnel]: Existing SSH tunnel not found, opening new one
09:46:56 [INF][     SSH tunnel]: Opening SSH tunnel to sub.example.com
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:03:42 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:05:24 [INF][     AutoCCache]: Initializing autocompletion cache for localhost
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:07:05 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:18:39 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Objects to Process') not implemented
12:23:10 [INF][               ]: mforms::ListBoxImpl::set_heading('Excluded Objects') not implemented

How to repeat:
Test with Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS, 64bits.

Run MySQL Workbench, open a new model, create a diagram from the model, and open another panel (SQL Editor for example).

Try to navigate between panels, or moving objects around the diagram editor.
[25 Sep 2012 13:23] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I can't repeat Ubuntu 12.04 64-bits as guess on VirtualBox.