Bug #110745 Build failure with -DWITH_ZLIB=system
Submitted: 20 Apr 2023 7:25 Modified: 3 May 2023 21:19
Reporter: Ronny Perinke Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.33 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86
Tags: cmake, zlib

[20 Apr 2023 7:25] Ronny Perinke
When MySQL is compiled with -DWITH_ZLIB=system, the build fails at an early stage with "Cannot find system zlib libraries." even though zlib was found. ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR, ZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE and other ZLIB variables are set in CMakeCache.txt. The error does not occur with MySQL 8.0.23.

This is caused by changing "FIND_SYSTEM_ZLIB" from MACRO to FUNCTION. FIND_SYSTEM_ZLIB calls FIND_PACKAGE(ZLIB) and all variables like ZLIB_FOUND are therefore limited to the scope of the function (see https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/function.html#command:function). But ZLIB_FOUND is also used outside the function where it is no longer defined.

How to repeat:
Build Mysql 8.0.33 -DWITH_ZLIB=system

Suggested fix:
Change FIND_SYSTEM_ZLIB in cmake/zlib.cmake from FUNCTION back to MACRO.
[20 Apr 2023 7:26] Ronny Perinke
Patch cmake/zlib.cmake

Attachment: mysql-zlib-cmake.patch (text/plain), 651 bytes.

[20 Apr 2023 8:54] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Ronny Perinke,

Thank you for the report and feedback.

[3 May 2023 21:19] Philip Olson
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Server 8.0.34 and 8.1.0 releases, and here's the proposed changelog entry from the documentation team:

MySQL would not build with -DWITH_ZLIB=system; it'd complain about not
finding the system zlib library despite finding it.

Thank you for the bug report.