Bug #75154 MySQL Workbench looses connection when increasing select limit from 100 to 1000
Submitted: 9 Dec 2014 15:31 Modified: 16 Jul 2016 17:24
Reporter: Donatas Kasparavicius Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:6.2 OS:Windows (8.1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: 10060, workbench

[9 Dec 2014 15:31] Donatas Kasparavicius
I have switched computers and installed MySQL Workbench with same DB settings and Workbench settings (I think) on the new computer. However, on the new machine I cannot do big queries.

Simple query like "select * from table limit 1000;" works fine. However, if I increase limit to 10000, I get the following error after 600 seconds:

Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 10060

What can be an issue and how to solve it? Thanks
P.S. This also happens on another new laptop that a colleague has.

How to repeat:
Run a query with high limit (10k+)
[9 Dec 2014 16:50] MySQL Verification Team
Please check for timeout and slow network issues. Thanks.
[9 Dec 2014 17:20] Donatas Kasparavicius
Internet is fine, as queries are running fine on other computers running other versions.
And on these two computers with 6.2, limit 1000 is fine and quick, limit 10000 just gives that error after 600 seconds.

Both of these computers are new, but set up with the same settings as old computers with older Workbench versions.

If nobody will offer a solution, I will try uninstalling 6.2, and installing older version, to see if version is at fault here.
[9 Dec 2014 17:20] Donatas Kasparavicius
Internet is fine, as queries are running fine on other computers running other versions.
And on these two computers with 6.2, limit 1000 is fine and quick, limit 10000 just gives that error after 600 seconds.

Both of these computers are new, but set up with the same settings as old computers with older Workbench versions.

If nobody will offer a solution, I will try uninstalling 6.2, and installing older version, to see if version is at fault here.
[8 Sep 2015 23:36] MySQL Verification Team
Please try version 6.3.4. Thanks.
[9 Oct 2015 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[20 Apr 2016 15:15] Boaz Yahav
This problem is definitely around and i see many with this problem.
I have two servers, one with MySQL 5.5.43 and one with 5.6.29.
I work with different mysql workbench  versions and there is no problem working with MySQL 5.5.43. When working with 5.6.29 and SELECTING with LIMIT over 500 workbench hangs...
[16 Jul 2016 17:24] MySQL Verification Team
I couldn't repeat with 6.3.7 on Windows 10 Pro.