Bug #35153 Painfully slow display
Submitted: 7 Mar 2008 20:56 Modified: 19 Mar 2008 9:38
Reporter: Adrian Barsby Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.14 2649 OS:Windows (Vista Ultimate 64 bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Mar 2008 20:56] Adrian Barsby
Up until version 5.0.14 I had a very quick and smooth display. 
Now that the display system has been made faster, I have a painfully slow display, as in 10-15 seconds wait when I try to edit a new table.

Vista Ultimate 64-bit
Quad core processor
NVIDA 8800 GTX graphics card
8GB of RAM
Around 1200Gb of hard drive space 

How to repeat:
It happens every time I use 5.0.14

Suggested fix:
Something has changed for the worse from 5.0.13 to 5.0.14 so the fix is there somewhere.
[17 Mar 2008 15:46] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, try to repeat with a newer version, 5.0.15-rc, and inform about the results.
[17 Mar 2008 19:49] Adrian Barsby
As of 5.0.15-rc this no lobger seems to be an issue. Thank you.
[19 Mar 2008 9:38] Johannes Taxacher
as its not an issue in 5.0.15rc anymore we close it with cant repeat.