Bug #579 setup.exe problems on Windows XP Professional Version 2002
Submitted: 3 Jun 2003 20:38 Modified: 4 Jun 2003 5:21
Reporter: Hilkka Outinen Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.0.13 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Jun 2003 20:38] Hilkka Outinen
I downloaded MySQL zip-file mysql-4.0.13-win (18M). I unzipped the file, and when I try to run setup it doesn't get started properly. Task Manager reports about processes wowexec.exe and setup.exe but they don't have any information for Mem Usage, VM Size etc. When I try to end these processes, they don't get killed, and for the setup process I get an additional system error "The request to end the selected 16 bit task has timed out. The 16 bit Subsystem may be unstable. ...". I downloaded the zip file from the Zawodny.com / Palo Alto, CA site. Is this the correct location? What might be happening here? Shouldn't I get the installation going by just running setup.exe?



How to repeat:
Well, if you have Windows XP, just download, unzip and click setup.
[4 Jun 2003 5:21] Mark Matthews
4.0.13 was built on Windows XP, and test installs were made to Windows XP Professional, Windows 98, Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows Server 2003. Did you run the installer as a user with Administrator privileges? Do you have antivirus software running? Not having admin rights, or a buggy virus scanner can cause the install to fail.
[4 Jun 2003 22:42] Hilkka Outinen
Did you run the installer as a user with Administrator privileges?

>>Yes, I was logged in as admin. I have been able to install Oracle and MSFT SQL Server without any problems and using the same user. Both dbs are runnign fine on the same platform. Remember, I was not able to run the installer due to problems I reported. It never got invoked and those processes were just sitting doing nothing.

Do you have antivirus software running?

>>No, I don't have an antivirus software running.

Any other ideas why it wouldn't work? I would like to get it working. I upgraded the OS to Service Pack 1 plus bunch of patches for security problems. This is what MSFT advices to do. The exact version is 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1 Build 2600.
[6 Jun 2003 14:02] Hilkka Outinen
re-loading and re-clicking is not an answer. Did some debugging, it is InstallShield that causes these problems.

End of story
[7 Jun 2003 7:59] Mark Matthews
These kinds of things are usually tough to debug because it most often the problem is an interaction between some specific software on your computer and InstallShield. The installers are tested on all current versions of Windows, but we don't have access to every possible combination of software that might be installed on your system.

Could you try looking at the list of possible fixes for InstallShield setup problems at http://support.installshield.com/kb/view.asp?articleid=Q100198 ???

If these don't help, please let us know, and we can give you a straight .zip archive of the 4.0.13 binaries to install.
[7 Jul 2004 5:41] Abby Chen
I face the same problem with Windows 2000 professional..any solution to it?
[8 Jul 2004 7:25] Martin Tremblay
exact same problem over here,

I just installed XP yesterday and updated all the stuff with sp1

I installed tons of other programs and all the other installers would run right

I opted for the zip (no installer) solution for now
[4 Sep 2004 3:05] [ name withheld ]
I have the same problem also.
[4 Sep 2004 3:07] [ name withheld ]
And now I have solved it:
  - I turned off Norton Antivirus.
[30 Mar 2005 2:08] Guy Wyant
I'm having the same exact problem as mentioned before.  Windows doesn't even act like it realized I clicked on the setup file; the only way I know anything happened is by going through task mgr.  I'm running XP Service Pack 1 still, and have turned off all antivirus progs.  I tried the aforementioned InstallShield fix strategies on their website, to no avail.

Just wanted to state that this problem was still active - I'll download the non-setup version now.