Bug #114386 MySQL server sometimes suddenly hangs, queries to tables global_status also hang
Submitted: 18 Mar 5:01 Modified: 19 Mar 11:18
Reporter: thi dang van Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.31 OS:CentOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: global_status hang, MySQL server hangs

[18 Mar 5:01] thi dang van
MySQL server sometimes suddenly hangs details as follows:

+Queries that query system tables such as global_status, global_variable or show processlist also hang

+New connection to the server also hangs, unable to connect.

+But restarting the MySQL service or linux will make the machine work normally again.

+When MySQL server hangs, queries or system resources such as RAM, CPU are not recorded, the number of connections is normal, nothing unusual is seen.

+Our system has many servers, and this crash phenomenon occurs occasionally (about once a week) scattered across different servers.

Thanks to the experts for suggestions on how to avoid this error

How to repeat:
Very difficult to repeat, happens in the product environment, about once a week, each time scattered on 1 to 3 machines
Our system has a HA organization according to the master-master model, and has a monitor to access the system tables global_status, globale_variable, show engine innodb status...
[19 Mar 11:18] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. van,

Thank you very much for your bug report.

First of all, let us inform you that you are using an outdated release of the version 8.0. Hence, please try using 8.0.36, preferably our binary, from dev.mysql.com for CentOS.

Much more important then this is the fact that this is a forum intended only for the reports with fully repeatable test cases. Those test cases should consist of the set of SQL statements and, if necessary, some configuration variables that might cause this behaviour.

Without a test case, we simply can not proceed.
[24 Mar 17:23] MySQL Verification Team
8.0.31 in particular suffers from a temporary hangup bug which is fixed in 8.0.32+ . Please try newer versions.


"Some remote connections to the server were not handled correctly. This issue arose as the result of a previous fix for an issue with require_secure_transport. (Bug #34857411)"
[26 Mar 11:09] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you, Shane .....