Bug #40399 Please make mtr print stack trace after every failure
Submitted: 29 Oct 2008 17:29 Modified: 30 Jan 2009 17:46
Reporter: Sven Sandberg Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Tests Severity:S7 (Test Cases)
Version:5.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: Bjørn Munch CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: mtr

[29 Oct 2008 17:29] Sven Sandberg
There are a number of common test failures that cannot be debugged. The error messages can be, e.g.:

 - Lost connection to server
 - Timeout
 - could not open connection 'default' (on test startup)
 - failed to start mysqld
 - mysqltest returned unexpected code X, it has probably crashed

In all these cases, it's likely that the server is still running, but mtr currently doesn't print anything that can be used to debug the failure (except SHOW PROCESSLIST for timeout, as of recently).

To make these situations debuggable, mtr should after *every* failure iterate through all started servers and:

 (1) check if mysqld is still running. If it is, get stack traces for every thread. Then kill the server so that a core is saved.

 (2) check if a core is saved. If it is, and no stack trace was printed in the previous step, get stack traces for every thread.

There are a lot of failures that can't be debugged currently, which would become debuggable if we implemented this. Moreover, many of the failures that are debuggable would be faster to debug if this was implemented.

How to repeat:
See, e.g., the following bugs: BUG#40142, BUG#38176, BUG#39570, BUG#38076, BUG#38096, BUG#15399, BUG#39861, BUG#37714, BUG#38172, BUG#38288, BUG#38287, BUG#38289, BUG#38228, BUG#38286. Most failures don't get reported though, since there is little point in reporting something that can't be debugged...
[8 Dec 2008 15:26] Sven Sandberg
Actually, I don't think *every* failure should generate a stack trace. Only failures where the current server state may still be relevant should. That excludes result mismatches, but includes all cases of timeout, wrong error code from server, or lost connection.
[21 Jan 2009 9:34] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2714 Bjorn Munch	2009-01-21
      Bug #40399 Please make mtr print stack trace after every failure
      SIGABRT is sent to relevant processes after a timeout
[21 Jan 2009 10:39] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2787 He Zhenxing	2009-01-21 [merge]
      Auto merge
[21 Jan 2009 10:39] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2716 He Zhenxing	2009-01-21 [merge]
      Auto merge
[30 Jan 2009 13:27] Bugs System
Pushed into 6.0.10-alpha (revid:luis.soares@sun.com-20090129165607-wiskabxm948yx463) (version source revid:luis.soares@sun.com-20090129163120-e2ntks4wgpqde6zt) (merge vers: 6.0.10-alpha) (pib:6)
[30 Jan 2009 15:07] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32 (revid:luis.soares@sun.com-20090129165946-d6jnnfqfokuzr09y) (version source revid:msvensson@mysql.com-20090121134150-3trohhf2oc9bwhxr) (merge vers: 5.1.31) (pib:6)
[30 Jan 2009 17:46] Paul DuBois
Test suite changes. No changelog entry needed.
[17 Feb 2009 14:53] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32-ndb-6.3.23 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090217131017-6u8qz1edkjfiobef) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090203133556-9rclp06ol19bmzs4) (merge vers: 5.1.32-ndb-6.3.22) (pib:6)
[17 Feb 2009 16:41] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32-ndb-6.4.3 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090217134419-5ha6xg4dpedrbmau) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090203133556-9rclp06ol19bmzs4) (merge vers: 5.1.32-ndb-6.3.22) (pib:6)
[17 Feb 2009 18:17] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32-ndb-6.2.17 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090217134216-5699eq74ws4oxa0j) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090201210519-vehobc4sy3g9s38e) (merge vers: 5.1.32-ndb-6.2.17) (pib:6)