Bug #91867 Highlighting text in result grid and pressing ctrl+c copyies the whole row.
Submitted: 2 Aug 2018 8:35 Modified: 3 Aug 2018 8:02
Reporter: Donal Goggin Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.11, 8.0.12, 8.0.13 OS:CentOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Aug 2018 8:35] Donal Goggin
Highlighting text and pressing ctrl c should copy that text. Instead workbench copies the whole row. It works everywhere else on the OS, even in the sql editor, but not int the result grid.  

How to repeat:
Always happens

Suggested fix:
Make CTRL C behave like it does everywhere else and default to copying highlighted text.
[2 Aug 2018 10:19] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Donal Goggin,

Thank you for the report.
Verified as describe don CentOS7.

[3 Aug 2018 4:43] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #91877 marked as duplicate of this one
[3 Aug 2018 7:32] Mike Lischke
Posted by developer:
While this is by design it makes sense to support 2 shortcuts, one to copy a cell and one for the entire row. Alternatively, the context menu can help here.
[3 Aug 2018 7:36] Donal Goggin
The context menu works to copy highlighted text. It just takes longer than a simple ctrl c. It really adds up when you do it hundreds of times a day. Maybe ctrl shift c could copy row and ctrl c for the highlighted text?
[3 Aug 2018 8:02] Donal Goggin
Just to clarify, Its not always the entire cell I want to copy. Sometimes it will be one word in a string within a cell. Its just once ctrl c is pressed, the whole row becomes highlighted on its own.
[31 Oct 2018 10:41] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #93021 marked as duplicate of this one
[29 Jan 2019 5:21] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #94105 marked as duplicate of this one