Bug #65213 Connector/J does not retrieve the table comment in a InnoDB table
Submitted: 5 May 2012 17:53 Modified: 28 Jun 2012 11:18
Reporter: Nicola Mascheroni Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:MySQL 5.5.22 - Connector/J 5.1.20 OS:Windows (Vista SP 2 Home Premium)
Assigned to: Alexander Soklakov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Connector/J, java, Remaks, table

[5 May 2012 17:53] Nicola Mascheroni
Trying to retrieving the table comment for a InnoDB table with Connector/J you get only a blank value.

How to repeat:
Create an InnoDB table and giv it a comment.

Connect to MySQL via JDBC (Connector/J 5.1.20).

Try to retrieve the table comment with something like this:

String tableComment = new String(yourResultSet.getBytes("REMARKS"), "UTF-8");
[5 May 2012 20:09] Nicola Mascheroni
I think you can try to correct this:

class: com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaDataUsingInfoSchema

method: getTables (row 1482)

row: 1599

  new Field("", "REMARKS", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 255) });
instead of
  new Field("", "REMARKS", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 0) });
[11 May 2012 17:30] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described.

Test case for testsuite:

import testsuite.BaseTestCase;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;

public class bug65213 extends BaseTestCase {
	public bug65213(String name) {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

	public void testBug65213() throws Exception {
		try {
			this.stmt.execute("DROP  TABLE IF EXISTS table_1");
			this.stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE table_1(f1 int, f2 timestamp, f3 timestamp) comment='foobar'");
			DatabaseMetaData dmd = this.conn.getMetaData();
			ResultSet rs  = dmd.getTables(null, "test", "table_1", null);
			assertTrue("1 column must be found", rs.next());
				assertEquals("Can not retrieve table comment", rs.getString("REMARKS"), "foobar");
		} finally {
//	    	closeMemberJDBCResources();
[26 Jun 2012 11:31] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #65705 was marked as a duplicate of this one.
[27 Jun 2012 11:26] Alexander Soklakov

default value of "useInformationSchema" connection property is "false". That means you get a DatabaseMetaData object instead of DatabaseMetaDataUsingInfoSchema in test case above and results of SHOW FULL TABLES, which doesn't contains REMARKS.


do you use useInformationSchema=true?
[28 Jun 2012 7:35] Alexander Soklakov
That works fine for me:

package testsuite.simple;

import testsuite.BaseTestCase;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.util.Properties;

import com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaDataUsingInfoSchema;

public class TestBug65213 extends BaseTestCase {
	public TestBug65213(String name) {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

	public void testBug65213() throws Exception {
		this.stmt.execute("DROP  TABLE IF EXISTS testBug65213");
		createTable("testBug65213", "(f1 int, f2 timestamp, f3 timestamp) comment='foobar'", "InnoDB");

		Connection is_conn = null;
		try {
			Properties props = new Properties();
			props.setProperty("useInformationSchema", "true");

			is_conn = getConnectionWithProps(props);

			DatabaseMetaData dmd = is_conn.getMetaData();
			assertTrue(dmd instanceof DatabaseMetaDataUsingInfoSchema);
			this.rs  = dmd.getTables(null, "test", "testBug65213", null);
			assertTrue("1 column must be found", rs.next());
			assertEquals("Can not retrieve table comment", rs.getString("REMARKS"), "foobar");

		} finally {
			if (is_conn != null) {

[28 Jun 2012 11:18] Sveta Smirnova

you are correct: this is my mistake and not a bug. User must use useInformationSchema=true
[21 Aug 2012 14:30] Alexander Soklakov
Bug#66442 was marked as a duplicate of this one.