Bug #59279 UUID differs in retries of circular replication tests
Submitted: 4 Jan 2011 12:59 Modified: 24 Jan 2011 16:00
Reporter: Joerg Bruehe Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Tests: Replication Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.6.1-m5 OS:Other (varying, see text)
Assigned to: Libing Song CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Jan 2011 12:59] Joerg Bruehe
Test failure in the release build of 5.6.1-m5:

rpl.rpl_circular_for_4_hosts 'row'       [ retry-fail ]  Found warnings/errors in server log file!
        Test ended at YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
YYMMDD HH:MM:SS [Warning] The master's UUID has changed, although this should not happen unless you have changed it manually.
 The old UUID was 8a4b110a-13ba-11e0-b381-00306e4c231b.
^ Found warnings in /PATH/var/2/log/mysqld.3.err

This happens (with varying UUID strings) with different log modes ('mix', 'row', sometimes 'stmt') on different platforms, I have seen it for Windows (64 bit) and Linux (different CPUs, both gcc and icc builds).

It happens only on the second retry after the first run of the test failed with bug#59147, and then the second run passed.

How to repeat:
Found by running the tests in a release build.

Suggested fix:
Ensure that a repeated test run meets the (absolutely!) identical environment as the first (and second) run did.
[4 Jan 2011 13:33] Bjørn Munch
Bug #58115 added logic to restart slaves between tests if master had been restarted. But it's not water proof, e.g. it only works if the slave has a higher ID than the master.

When this test is repeated after a successful run, it's possible that only some servers are restarted. To ensure *all* are restarted even when the same test is repeated, add a file
mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_circular_for_4_hosts-master.opt with this:


This should hopefullt solve the problem.

Also, an easier way to reproduce the problem manually is to use the --repeat option to mtr.
[19 Jan 2011 3:35] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3471 Libing Song	2011-01-19
      Bug#59279 UUID differs in retries of circular replication tests
      rpl.rpl_circular_for_4_hosts failed with unexpected warning
      "[Warning] The master's UUID has changed, although this should not happen
      unless you have changed it manually"
      The reason was that master was restarted but the slave wasn't.
      In this patch, rpl_circular_for_4_hosts-master.opt is added 
      to restart all servers.
[22 Jan 2011 6:17] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3541 anders.song@greatopensource.com	2011-01-22
      Bug#59279 UUID differs in retries of circular replication tests
      rpl.rpl_circular_for_4_hosts failed with unexpected warning
      "[Warning] The master's UUID has changed, although this should not happen
      unless you have changed it manually"
      The reason was that master was restarted but the slave wasn't.
      In this patch, rpl_circular_for_4_hosts-master.opt is added 
      to restart all servers.
[22 Jan 2011 6:18] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-trunk 5.6.2 (revid:anders.song@greatopensource.com-20110122061651-kyr9hjpqa32omlak) (version source revid:anders.song@greatopensource.com-20110122061651-kyr9hjpqa32omlak) (merge vers: 5.6.2) (pib:24)
[24 Jan 2011 16:00] Jon Stephens
Change in test case only; no user changes to document; closed.