Bug #57431 | subquery returns wrong results (semijoin=on) with predicate AND | ||
Submitted: | 13 Oct 2010 13:57 | Modified: | 3 Mar 2011 2:13 |
Reporter: | SaiKumar V | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 5.6.99 | OS: | Linux (Red Hat) |
Assigned to: | Roy Lyseng | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | materialization, optimizer_switch, semijoin, subquery |
[13 Oct 2010 13:57]
SaiKumar V
[13 Oct 2010 14:27]
Roy Lyseng
Turning off join buffering does not make a difference. The selected strategy is MaterializeScan. Turning off materialization makes the optimizer use DuplicateWeedout strategy, and with this strategy the query returns correct results. Running this query on the branch where I have some outer-join-related fixes does not make a difference. Applying the fix for bug#45174 does not make a difference either. Hence, it seems that this problem is related to the MaterializeScan strategy.
[14 Oct 2010 7:35]
Roy Lyseng
May be a duplicate of bug#46555
[11 Nov 2010 13:47]
SaiKumar V
Found one more testcase for this bug report, check with Roy Lyseng about this query. CREATE TABLE `CC` ( `col_int_nokey` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col_time_key` time DEFAULT NULL, `col_time_nokey` time DEFAULT NULL, `col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, KEY `col_int_key` (`col_int_key`), KEY `col_time_key` (`col_time_key`), KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (7,8,'01:27:35','01:27:35','v'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (1,9,'19:48:31','19:48:31','r'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (5,9,'00:00:00','00:00:00','a'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (3,186,'19:53:05','19:53:05','m'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (6,NULL,'19:18:56','19:18:56','y'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (92,2,'10:55:12','10:55:12','j'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (7,3,'00:25:00','00:25:00','d'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (NULL,0,'12:35:47','12:35:47','z'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (3,133,'19:53:03','19:53:03','e'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (5,1,'17:53:30','17:53:30','h'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (1,8,'11:35:49','11:35:49','b'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (2,5,NULL,NULL,'s'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (NULL,5,'06:01:40','06:01:40','e'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (1,8,'05:45:11','05:45:11','j'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (0,6,'00:00:00','00:00:00','e'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (210,51,'00:00:00','00:00:00','f'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (8,4,'06:11:01','06:11:01','v'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (7,7,'13:02:46','13:02:46','x'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (5,6,'21:44:25','21:44:25','m'); INSERT INTO `CC` VALUES (NULL,4,'22:43:58','22:43:58','c'); CREATE TABLE `BB` ( `col_int_nokey` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col_time_key` time DEFAULT NULL, `col_time_nokey` time DEFAULT NULL, `col_varchar_key` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, KEY `col_int_key` (`col_int_key`), KEY `col_time_key` (`col_time_key`), KEY `col_varchar_key` (`col_varchar_key`,`col_int_key`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `BB` VALUES (8,8,'18:27:58','18:27:58',NULL); select col_int_nokey from CC where col_int_nokey in ( SELECT PARENT1 .`col_int_nokey` FROM BB PARENT1 LEFT JOIN BB PARENT2 ON PARENT2 .`col_int_key` WHERE PARENT1 .`col_int_key` < PARENT1 .`col_int_nokey` );
[24 Nov 2010 7:54]
Roy Lyseng
The second test case is verified to trigger the same kind of error as the first one.
[24 Nov 2010 8:17]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/124810 3287 Roy Lyseng 2010-11-24 Bug#57431: subquery returns wrong result (semijoin=on) with pred AND The test case contains an outer query with a single table and an IN subquery with two outerjoined tables. The MaterializeScan semijoin strategy is selected, meaning that an outerjoin operation is first performed over join_tabs 0 and 1. After the outerjoin, sub_select_sjm() is called to perform a semijoin between the result of the outerjoin in join_tab 1 and the outer table in join_tab 2. However, join_tab 1 still contains some reminiscent data from the outerjoin operation, hence this operation also behaves like an outerjoin. Fixed by temporarily deleting the outerjoin information from the join_tab representing the result of the outerjoin operation. mysql-test/include/subquery_sj_innodb.inc Test case for Bug#57431. The problem can only be reproduced with 1 row in the inner table, hence Innodb is needed to prevent 'const table' optimization. mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all_jcl6.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all_jcl7.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none_jcl6.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none_jcl7.result Updated test results for Bug#57431. sql/sql_select.cc In sub_select_sjm(), clear the last_inner field of the first join_tab to take part in the semijoin operation.
[21 Jan 2011 16:03]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/129354 3327 Roy Lyseng 2011-01-21 Bug#57431: subquery returns wrong result (semijoin=on) with pred AND The test case contains an outer query with a single table and an IN subquery with two outerjoined tables. The MaterializeScan semijoin strategy is selected, meaning that an outerjoin operation is first performed over join_tabs 0 and 1. After the outerjoin, sub_select_sjm() is called to perform a semijoin between the result of the outerjoin in join_tab 1 and the outer table in join_tab 2. However, join_tab 1 still contains some reminiscent data from the outerjoin operation, hence this operation also behaves like an outerjoin. Fixed by temporarily deleting the outerjoin information from the join_tab representing the result of the outerjoin operation. mysql-test/include/subquery_sj_innodb.inc Test case for Bug#57431. The problem can only be reproduced with 1 row in the inner table, hence Innodb is needed to prevent 'const table' optimization. mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all_jcl6.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all_jcl7.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none_jcl6.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none_jcl7.result Updated test results for Bug#57431. sql/sql_select.cc In sub_select_sjm(), clear the last_inner field of the first join_tab to take part in the semijoin operation.
[24 Jan 2011 11:57]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/129434 3327 Roy Lyseng 2011-01-24 Bug#57431: subquery returns wrong result (semijoin=on) with pred AND The test case contains an outer query with a single table and an IN subquery with two outerjoined tables. The MaterializeScan semijoin strategy is selected, meaning that an outerjoin operation is first performed over join_tabs 0 and 1. After the outerjoin, sub_select_sjm() is called to perform a semijoin between the result of the outerjoin in join_tab 1 and the outer table in join_tab 2. However, join_tab 1 still contains some reminiscent data from the outerjoin operation, hence this operation also behaves like an outerjoin. Fixed by clearing the outerjoin information from the join_tab that represents the result of the outerjoin operation. mysql-test/include/subquery_sj_innodb.inc Test case for Bug#57431. The problem can only be reproduced with 1 row in the inner table, hence Innodb is needed to prevent 'const table' optimization. mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all_jcl6.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_all_jcl7.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none_jcl6.result mysql-test/r/subquery_sj_innodb_none_jcl7.result Updated test results for Bug#57431. sql/sql_select.cc In sub_select_sjm(), clear the last_inner field of the first join_tab to take part in the semijoin operation.
[2 Feb 2011 13:24]
Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-trunk 5.6.2 (revid:jorgen.loland@oracle.com-20110202132358-khrjqzdcs3jrda3i) (version source revid:jorgen.loland@oracle.com-20110202132358-khrjqzdcs3jrda3i) (merge vers: 5.6.2) (pib:24)
[3 Mar 2011 2:13]
Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.6.2 changelog. With semi-join optimization enabled, a subquery combined with an AND predicate could produce incorrect results. CHANGESET - http://lists.mysql.com/commits/129434
[8 Apr 2011 14:56]
Paul DuBois
Correction. Bug does not affect 5.6.x users. No changelog entry needed.