Bug #52917 Autocomplete for Table Rows in SQL Editor
Submitted: 17 Apr 2010 15:16 Modified: 30 Aug 2012 17:14
Reporter: Adrian Richter Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.19 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: autocomplete, development, editor, row names, workbench

[17 Apr 2010 15:16] Adrian Richter
Autocomplete function for column names of a table while editing/inserting sql queries in SQL-Editor.

How to repeat:
By starting MySQL Workbench you can choose one of the 3 Applications: 
SQL Development, Data Modeling, Server Administration.
In the Application SQL Development would be nice to habe an autocomplete function for the column names of a selected table, while writing a query.

Suggested fix:
While typing for example 'a.' in a query, the possible column names of the selected table should appear in a drop-down menue, which then you can select by navigating with the arrow-keys.

For example: 
'select a.xxxxx
      , a.xxxxx
   from myschema.mytable a';
where 'xxxxx' is the string you can select from the drop down menu.
[19 Jul 2011 8:53] Jon Stephens
BUG#56849 is a duplicate of this bug.
[25 Aug 2011 3:44] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #62248 was marked as a duplicate of this one.
[3 Dec 2011 19:55] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #63454 was marked as a duplicate of this one.
[4 Dec 2011 11:37] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #63332 was marked as a duplicate of this one.
[2 Mar 2012 18:45] Alfredo Kojima
bug #64525 is a duplicate of this
[20 Jul 2012 6:13] Philip Olson
This (auto-completion) has been implemented as of the upcoming Workbench 5.2.41. The changelog entry has been added, and the docs are still to come.
[3 Aug 2012 7:52] tim l
Definately a nice addition to workbench. I know it's an early version of it, but I have some things I would very much appreciate in a future version. 

Would it be possible to define which elements of auto completion you would like displayed, e.g. only tables/views, procedures and column names, not functions, keywords and databases.

Also, it dosn't seem to autocomplete columns names on table aliases.
[30 Aug 2012 17:14] Philip Olson
Basic documentation has been added, and more to come when/if this feature expands in the future. Thank you for the bug report and suggestions. Future changes should be tracked elsewhere.
[30 Sep 2012 17:16] Alberto Bandin
any hint about firin this feature. Latest version (sept 2012) pressing ctrl+space does nothing

[19 Dec 2012 17:34] Josh Unger
It needs to be enabled using Preferences > SQL Editor.  Check Automatically Start Code Completion.

However, the functionality doesn't work as described in the original description.  A table alias doesn't auto complete for me in the select.
[5 May 2016 11:53] Sriahrsha Kolluru
It still doesn't work. Autocomplete never worked when I work with aliases.  I enabled all options in the preferences, but still doesn't work.