Bug #62248 Code Completion in SQL Editor
Submitted: 24 Aug 2011 12:09 Modified: 25 Aug 2011 3:43
Reporter: David Dews Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:Latest OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Edit SQL Code Completion General

[24 Aug 2011 12:09] David Dews
As shown in the Severity drop down, this is a feature request. 

I would like Code Completion to be available when writing SQL. 

ie. You are using a database e.g. db1. You type a name after the "from" and then hit Cntrl + Spacebar. A list pops up with list of tables available e.g. table1, table2, table3 etc. because you have "use db1" in the "path" of the editor or it is selected from the list at the side of the editor window. 

If you has started typing "select * from db2." then all the tables in db2 would appear in the dropdown after the '.' 

You could also have a situation where you go back to the * and replace it with the start of a column name, in which case the Code Completion function would know which table you want and would provide a list of columns to choose from.

You could even have code completion that cached a full list of all the columns in all the tables in all your databases available in the current connection and thus could even code complete without knowing which table of which database you wanted first.

Such functionality would save a lot of difficuly typing - especially with complex column names like "attributecharactersetid" etc. 


How to repeat:
Re-read the above statement to repeat the reading of the description on this feature request. :-)

Suggested fix:
Feature Requests require new code I think?
[24 Aug 2011 12:22] Valeriy Kravchuk
Looks like a duplicate of Bug #52917. Please, check.
[24 Aug 2011 14:50] David Dews
This is indeed a duplicate of bug 52917 - though there's more description here. It would be useful to more than me then!