Bug #56849 complete lack of tab-completion, as expected and seen other products
Submitted: 18 Sep 2010 9:45 Modified: 19 Jul 2011 8:54
Reporter: Gavrilo Princep Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.27 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: functionality editor compatibility mysql-query-browser

[18 Sep 2010 9:45] Gavrilo Princep
There is no tab completion.

Except for the visual information it supplies, this omission makes workbench inferior to the mysql command shell. 

How to repeat:
open a query in mysql-workbench

select a default database

start typing a field or table name

realise that there is, in fact, no tab completion. 

Suggested fix:
tab completion. 

The best thing to do would be to throw out the SQL editor code and just wrap, link to, or present a terminal window. Tab completion done.
[18 Sep 2010 15:00] Alfredo Kojima
A shortcut to the mysql command line shell will be provided from the Home tab.
[19 Sep 2010 7:07] Valeriy Kravchuk
Tab completion in SQL Editor would be a really nice feature to have.
[19 Sep 2010 7:58] Gavrilo Princep
Sorry, I was hasty, I shouldn't have said "other than the visual information it supplies, this omission makes workbench inferior to the mysql command shell." Tab completion isn't that important.
[12 Jul 2011 12:17] Alfredo Kojima
bug #61828 is a duplicate
[19 Jul 2011 8:54] Jon Stephens
Duplicate of BUG#52917.