Bug #45406 MSI Installer Wizard Fails on Windows 2003 Server (WHS)
Submitted: 9 Jun 2009 15:56 Modified: 16 Jul 2009 5:14
Reporter: J B Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.35 OS:Windows (Home Server (2003))
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: 2003, fails, fails, home, install, msi, server, windows, wizard

[9 Jun 2009 15:56] J B
Trying to install mysql-essential-5.1.35-win32.msi on Windows Home Server (2003 SBS is the core engine) but the installation aborts with the following message:

The wizard was interrupted before MySQL Server 5.1 could be completely installed.

Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again.

How to repeat:
Uninstalled prior version of 5.1.32 first, and then chose "Install" the 5.1.35 essentials package on the right mouse click menu.  This also occurs with the 5.1.35 full installation package.

Suggested fix:
I reverted to version 5.1.34, and the installer worked just fine.  This appears to be a bug in the 5.1.35 installer.  There is also a similar reported issue on the latest version 6.0 alpha installer.
[10 Jun 2009 9:12] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

I can not repeat described behavior. Please indicate step-by-step your actions during installation. Including options of Installer and Config Wizard you choose.
[10 Jun 2009 9:15] Sveta Smirnova
See also bug #45418 and bug #44410
[10 Jun 2009 16:23] J B
Steps to reproduce:
1. Right mouse on mysql-essential-5.1.35-win32.msi and select "Install."
2. Click "Next >" on the Wizard Welcome page.
3. Select "Custom" install and click "Next >".
4. Change the MySQL Server and Datafiles paths to "D:\Program Files\MySQL", and click "Next >".
5. Click Install.

Wizard copies the files and then rolls back the changes with the error message.
[12 Jun 2009 11:08] Steve Bond
I have experienced this issue (or something very similar) with both the essentials and the mysql-5.1.35-win32.msi installer packages. I've tried this on both a physical server and a vmware machine, both running Windows Server 2003 Standard.

Run the installer, click next, next, install.

I then get the message that the 'Setup Wizard ended Prematurely'
I've created an install log with the command:
msiexec.exe /l* mysql-install.log /i mysql-5.1.35-win32.msi

Log will be attached to this issue
[12 Jun 2009 20:44] Peter Laursen
There must be at least 20 reports here now with similar Windows installer issues. They will be fixed in some future 6.0 release that will (now officially) never be released.

Enjoy the world while you can!

(but rebooting system and installing at once after reboot may solve the issue)
[25 Jun 2009 20:50] Harold Blackorby
One of the bus in the MSI has to do with that the default install directory is \MySQL 5.1\, and you can't have periods like that in a folder in Windows. The default install directory has to be changed, or every install attempt will fail without a reason given (Windows won't let MySQL create the install folder).

Unfortunately, even if you change the install path, it fails repeatedly with that same error message for no reason I can find. I switched back to the 5.0 Windows installer, and it worked fine. 5.1 looks to be the first time they used an MSI (5.0 uses setup.exe). I'm guessing the installer MSI wasn't configured properly during its first-time creation.
[25 Jun 2009 21:02] Harold Blackorby
Ignore the previous comment about the period in the folder name. That seems to be specific to this particular server's settings for some odd reason.
[26 Jun 2009 10:47] Glenn Smith
I have just tried to install mysql-5.1.35-win32.msi on windows 2003 server web edition and had the same error message.
[26 Jun 2009 10:51] Luca Zavarella
Me too!! I had to install the 1.5.34 ver.
[1 Jul 2009 16:10] Jiayou Kan
I have also such problems. and I solve it as follows:

1. Preparation:
  . login windows server 2003 as admin
  . 7z preinstalled
  . download 2 install packages of mysql:
    a) Windows MSI Installer(x86) -- about 97.9M
    b) Without installer (unzip in C:\) --- about 119.7M
2. Installation:
  (1) unzip without installer (unzip in C:\) to "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1"
  (2) rename "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld.exe" as "mysqld-nt.ext"
  (3) open Window MSI Installer(x86) with 7z -> open "product.cab" -> extract "dfile1" to "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1" -> extract "MySQLInstanceConfig.exe" to "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin"
  (4) rename "dfile1" as "my-template.cnf"
      open it with notepad and delete all the things from "#*** INNODB Specific options ***" to the end (here i got the problems with running innodb on my server in version 5.1, in version 5.0 there are not such problem, if someone have idea, please send me a email, thx)
  (5) Start -> Run... -> regedit
      under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE" create a new key named "MYSQL AB" if there isn't such key
      under "MYSQL AB" create a new key named "MySQL Server 5.1" if it doesn't exist
      under "MySQL Server 5.1" create 2 new string value:
        * "Location" with value "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1"
        * "Version" with value "5.1.35"
  (6) run "MySQLInstanceConfig.exe" create a new server instance just like before. (and don't forget firewall settings ect.)
[13 Jul 2009 15:02] Jiayou Kan

rename "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld.exe" as "mysqld-nt.exe"
[16 Jul 2009 5:14] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

One of our engineers was finally able to verify related report. So I close this as duplicate of verified bug #45418