Bug #99735 auto rejoin group_replication when server restart
Submitted: 29 May 2020 1:46 Modified: 30 Jun 2020 12:06
Reporter: phoenix Zhang (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Group Replication Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:8.0.20 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: group_replication

[29 May 2020 1:46] phoenix Zhang
In the group_replication cluster, it will have 2 options about auto join cluster:
1. group_replication_start_on_boot
2. group_replication_autorejoin_tries

For group_replication_start_on_boot, if server shutdown and restart, it will auto join to the cluster once.

For group_replication_autorejoin_tries, if server expel from cluster while still alive, it will retry every 5 minute, to join the cluster.

While group_replication_autorejoin_tries is no affect when server restart. If the server instance shutdown and restart, even set group_replication_start_on_boot, if the start failed, it will not do retry again.

Maybe, it should provide an option, if server restart, it will try retry until join success.

How to repeat:
A feature request for best maintenance for group_replication cluster. 

When set 

shutdown one server in the 3 nodes cluster, restart one while network breaking. It only try join cluster once, and will not retry again when failed.
[30 Jun 2020 12:06] MySQL Verification Team
Hello phoenix Zhang!

Thank you for the feature request!!
