Bug #90708 No 32bit MySQL Connector/C (libmysqlclient)
Submitted: 30 Apr 2018 23:10 Modified: 13 Jul 2020 13:56
Reporter: ABit Software Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: C API (client library) Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:8 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86
Tags: 32bit, connector/c, libmySQL.dll, x86

[30 Apr 2018 23:10] ABit Software
Legacy mode for security in MySQL 8 must be used to allow 32bit applications access. 

32bit applications are still present and needed

The latest Connector/C (libmysqlclient) version available is 6.1.1 however the MySQL 8 64bit version reports file version 8.

How to repeat:
Do not enable legacy mode and try to connect a 32bit application. Also see Bug #90668 as this is a similar issue but for ODBC highlighting the need for 32bit applications.

Suggested fix:
Make a 32bit version of Connector/C (libmysqlclient) available
[4 Mar 2020 13:57] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. Software,

32-bit version for Windows is available on this page:

[5 Mar 2020 1:06] ABit Software
32-bit version for Windows is available on this page:


Does not include a new connector/c, libmySQL.dll version still 6.1
[13 Jul 2020 13:56] ABit Software
a libmySQL.dll for 32bit still does not exist.