Bug #77701 | NDB ArrayPool<T>::getPtr Error 2301 Assertion | ||
Submitted: | 13 Jul 2015 12:38 | Modified: | 3 Dec 2015 18:40 |
Reporter: | Carl Krumins | Email Updates: | |
Status: | No Feedback | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Severity: | S1 (Critical) |
Version: | 7.3.9 | OS: | Linux |
Assigned to: | MySQL Verification Team | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | NDB 2301 Assertion ArrayPool getPtr |
[13 Jul 2015 12:38]
Carl Krumins
[13 Jul 2015 12:50]
Carl Krumins
ndb_error_reporter generated file and is named: mysql-bug-data-77701.tar.bz2 and has been uploaded to the requested sftp.oracle.com as per instructions.
[13 Jul 2015 13:54]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi, Thanks for the report and the logs. kind regards Bogdan Kecman
[30 Jul 2015 3:45]
Carl Krumins
Have replicated same bug in latest 7.4.7 with separate bug and trace files in bug report #77864
[30 Jul 2015 10:07]
MySQL Verification Team
Bug #77864 marked as duplicate of this
[1 Sep 2015 19:30]
Carl Krumins
Do you have an approx estimated time for the next 7.4.8 release schedule?
[1 Sep 2015 19:48]
MySQL Verification Team
oracle policy does not allow any "future predictions" about when release will happen.
[26 Oct 2015 15:29]
Carl Krumins
Changelog for MySQL 5.6.27 says: "An assertion could be raised due to incorrect error handling if a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE subquery resulted in deadlock and caused a rollback. (Bug #21096444)" Is this fix in 5.6.27 changelog related to this bug #77701 (and duplicate bug #77864) described above and can this be closed? Or is this unfixed yet?
[3 Nov 2015 18:40]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi, yes, that bug is fixed in 5.6.27 and 5.7.9, but if it is related to this problem I can't say for sure. Since you have ability to reproduce this problem upgrading to 5.6.27+ based system would easily confirm if that patch solves this bug too or not. kind regards Bogdan Kecman
[4 Dec 2015 1:00]
Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the information that was originally requested, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".