Bug #77374 main.mysqld_safe test fails if only mysqld-debug was built
Submitted: 16 Jun 2015 13:27 Modified: 19 Jun 2015 10:33
Reporter: Laurynas Biveinis (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Tests Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.7.7 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: debug, mtr, mysqld_safe

[16 Jun 2015 13:27] Laurynas Biveinis
main.mysqld_safe test fails if the server binary is named mysqld-debug and there is no binary named mysqld.

How to repeat:
Do an out-of-source build on a clean directory with CMake options that build mysqld-debug:

cmake ../mysql-server/ -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DWITH_DEBUG=ON -DWITH_BOOST=...
$ ./mtr --debug-server mysqld_safe
main.mysqld_safe                         [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2015-06-16 16:23:24

CURRENT_TEST: main.mysqld_safe
mysqltest: In included file ./include/wait_until_connected_again.inc at line 29:
included from /Users/laurynas/percona/mysql-server/mysql-test/t/mysqld_safe.test at line 48:
At line 29: Server failed to restart

The result from queries just before the failure was:
use test;

Suggested fix:
mysqld_safe invocation in the test needs a correct --mysqld option passed.
[16 Jun 2015 13:28] Laurynas Biveinis
Bug 77374 fix

(*) I confirm the code being submitted is offered under the terms of the OCA, and that I am authorized to contribute it.

Contribution: bug77374.patch (application/octet-stream, text), 1.74 KiB.

[16 Jun 2015 15:12] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Changed OS to Linux (on Windows that test isn't supported i.e).

Scanning dependencies of target my_safe_process                                                                       
[100%] Building CXX object mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/CMakeFiles/my_safe_process.dir/safe_process.cc.o             
Linking CXX executable my_safe_process                                                                                
[100%] Built target my_safe_process                                                                                   
[miguel@vbcentos65 mysql-5.7.7-rc]$ cd mysql-test/                                                                    
[miguel@vbcentos65 mysql-test]$ ./mtr --debug-server mysqld_safe                                                      
Logging: ./mtr  --debug-server mysqld_safe                                                                            
MySQL Version 5.7.7                                                                                                   
Checking supported features...                                                                                        
 - SSL connections supported                                                                                          
 - binaries are debug compiled                                                                                        
Collecting tests...                                                                                                   
Removing old var directory...                                                                                         
Creating var directory '/home/miguel/mysql-5.7.7-rc/mysql-test/var'...                                                
Installing system database...                                                                                         


TEST                                      RESULT   TIME (ms) or COMMENT

worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 300, with reserved ports 13000..13009
main.mysqld_safe                         [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2015-06-16 12:06:56
[19 Jun 2015 4:02] Laurynas Biveinis
This is a duplicate of my own previous bug 71117, which I completely forgot about. This one has a patch though
[19 Jun 2015 10:33] Erlend Dahl
Duplicate of

Bug#71117 mysqld_safe testcase broken with debug build