Bug #71675 HiDPI Support Needed
Submitted: 12 Feb 2014 3:01 Modified: 22 Aug 2014 15:53
Reporter: Michael Rowe Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.1.1 OS:Windows (Windows 8.1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: HiDPI, Resolution

[12 Feb 2014 3:01] Michael Rowe
Many components appear too small and are pretty much unusable on a HiDPI screen. I am using a new 15" laptop with 3200x1800 resolution. I have the Windows Font Size set at 200%, but not all parts of Workbench use that setting.

Here's a screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3155261/Screen%20Shots/Workbench-HiDPI.jpg

Besides the font-size of several areas, some the other things that need to be adjusted include the home screen connection links, toolbar buttons, icons, etc.

Workbench can be started using Windows' scaling feature, which basically magnifies the window, but then everything appears pixelated.

How to repeat:
Open Workbench on a HiDPI screen.
[21 Feb 2014 15:04] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[22 Aug 2014 15:53] Alfredo Kojima
Thanks for the screenshot, I'll mark this as a duplicate of bug #48867 so we have it all centralized.