Bug #48867 MySQL Workbench is not dpi-aware
Submitted: 18 Nov 2009 15:37 Modified: 22 Jul 2010 7:26
Reporter: Farid Zidan (Candidate Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2 OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: qc

[18 Nov 2009 15:37] Farid Zidan
MySQL Administrator application is not dpi-aware. On high resolution monitor (0.25 mm dot pitch) the application is not usable

How to repeat:
Start MySQL Administrator on Windows XP at 200% dpi setting (Display, Settings, Advanced, Custom DPI, 200%). Menu is automatically scaled by Windows, MySQL Administrar UI does not scale. 

Suggested fix:
Add dpi-awareness to MySQL Administrator
[18 Nov 2009 15:43] Farid Zidan
Zoom out attached jpg to 50% or less until menu text appears normal on your display to see what MySQL Administrator UI looks like on high-dpi monitor (2560x1600)
[18 Nov 2009 16:12] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the problem report.
[24 Nov 2009 8:51] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report. We are on the way to implement full functionality of MySQL Administrator into MySQL Workbench. We won't fix this anymore.

More informations about MySQL Workbench you will find here:

[24 Nov 2009 14:31] Farid Zidan
Workbend 5.2 is not dpi-aware. Zoom out attached jpeg to 50% or less until menu text appears normal on your machine. Other places in Workbench at 200% dpi on Windows XP some button text and UI elements are cut off
[24 Nov 2009 14:32] Farid Zidan
Workbend UI at 2560x1600 at 200% dpi on Windows XP

Attachment: workbench_dpi.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 176.63 KiB.

[24 Nov 2009 14:36] Farid Zidan
Changed Synosis from MySQL Administrator to MySQL Workbench
[22 Jul 2010 7:25] Roel Van de Paar
Changed incorrect status; "won't fix" was set based on Administrator, not workbench. Verified for workbench based on attached image, though needs to be checked against latest release.
[22 Aug 2014 15:51] Alfredo Kojima
bug #71675 and bug #73614 are duplicates
[26 Jan 2016 7:26] Z C
In Windows 7, everything is blurry on 101% (97 DPI) and the high DPI checkbox on the compatibility tab n the Windows program properties dialog is disabled.
[4 Feb 2016 13:48] Simone Marchioni

Attachment: Schermata da 2016-02-04 14-30-51.png (image/png, text), 171.86 KiB.

[4 Feb 2016 13:48] Simone Marchioni
Same problem here on an ASUS Zenbook UX501 with Fedora 23.
[10 Mar 2016 1:31] Hugh Jass
Ubuntu 16.04 - Get the magnifying glass!

Attachment: Screenshot from 2016-03-10 09-30-49.png (image/png, text), 107.28 KiB.

[24 Jun 2016 5:13] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #81971 marked as duplicate of this
[19 Sep 2016 8:16] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #83036 marked as duplicate of this
[29 Sep 2016 16:50] Joseph Bergevin
Ubuntu 16.04.1 - this is still an issue on a 4k monitor. Bug report shows the last time this was modified was in 2010. Is this bug going to get fixed?
[8 Nov 2016 18:21] Allan Laal
MySQL Workbench is completely unusable on Ubuntu 16.04 with HiDPI. Fonts are unreadable and text blocks are cut off mid sentence

I've switched to DBeaver whilst this 7 year old bug is left unfixed
[1 Feb 2018 11:24] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #83555 marked as duplicate of this one
[1 Feb 2018 11:26] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #79980 marked as duplicate of this one
[18 Mar 2018 18:52] Richard Ayotte
S2 (Serious) Since 2009! Is this open source or do I need to look elsewhere?
[16 Jun 2018 2:05] Sidney Lins
Linux 18.04 GC has deleted this obsolete software from my pc. Bye.
[14 Nov 2019 9:31] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #97629 marked as duplicate of this one
[1 Jan 2020 6:39] Ivan McA
This still isn't working properly ten years later in Workbench 8. It should be easy to reproduce if you set your monitor to scaled other than 100%.
[13 Jan 2022 1:30] Dustin Schultz
I'm having this issue on a Thinkpad T570 running Linux Mint 11+ years after this ticket was opened. Please fix this, 4k laptop monitors are becoming more common.
[28 Apr 2022 9:31] Stephen Zhang
12 years later, the DPI issue STILL hasn't been fixed. C'mon dev team! You need to fix this so the software looks "professional"! Right now, it looks like a piracy software written by one man from the black market, not at all like a software written by such a big tech company!
[3 Sep 2022 13:43] Dustin Schultz
On the same machine from my previous comment I'm able to use the Fractional Scaling feature set to 200% to achieve HiDPI without breaking Workbench. This is a hack and fractional scaling comes with its own set of quirks, but for anyone looking for a workaround this might help.
[17 Oct 2022 13:30] Dustin Schultz
Regarding the workaround from my previous comment, after upgrading to Ubuntu 22 this is no longer a viable option. The lack of progress on this issue has caused my team to lose faith in this product, which had been the main reason we were still choosing mysql over postgresql. We've sourced an alternative open source visual schema editing tool for postgres and are in the process of converting our application boilerplates to use postgres. I dont know why Oracle has abandoned modern Linux support for this application but for us, that's a deal breaker. Thanks for the good years.