Bug #6544 | DATA LOSS - connection expired and not reported & joins loose TEXT fields | ||
Submitted: | 10 Nov 2004 11:02 | Modified: | 14 Nov 2004 18:10 |
Reporter: | Paul Mihai | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Not a Bug | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 4.0.21 | OS: | Windows (windows and linux) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[10 Nov 2004 11:02]
Paul Mihai
[10 Nov 2004 15:00]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for writting this report. This bug report forum is only for repeatable bug reports. For bug reports like this one you should use the MySQL mailing list or buy commercial support from MySQL AB. What we need is fully repeatable test case. This test case should consist of the series of SQL commands or actaions that will always lead to the problem, in your case to the crash.
[10 Nov 2004 15:12]
Paul Mihai
Err... I doubt you have read the bug report.. as there is nothing mentioned about a crash...
[10 Nov 2004 15:16]
Paul Mihai
And another thing.. the way you have answered the questions shows me you're totally incompetent (as you can't blank test the issue) I can't post here a 1300 lines script (80% SQL). And I won't buy mysql support if this is the kind of support you're giving... thanks but no thanks... might chose another db instead :)
[10 Nov 2004 16:03]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for writting this report. This bug report forum is only for repeatable bug reports. For bug reports like this one you should use the MySQL mailing list or buy commercial support from MySQL AB. What we need is fully repeatable test case. This test case should consist of the series of SQL commands or actaions that will always lead to the problem, in your case to the wrongly updated tables. If your test case is too large, you can upload it to this issue, under "Files" section.
[10 Nov 2004 16:32]
Paul Mihai
You sound like a robot... so I'm not going to send anything else .. you're just useless.. thank you :)
[11 Nov 2004 15:28]
Tom Basil
Dear Paul - I am sorry for the miscommunications regarding your MySQL bug report #6544. We value all bug reports very highly. The volume of reports necessitates the use of standard replies, which may not have entirely fit your circumstances. But #6544 really contains two bug reports. On the first, the two staff with whom I have discussed your report believe it is probably a problem related to PHP, not MySQL. Without a repeatable test case or a paid support contract, we cannot pursue it further. On the second, our staff did perform a test of what we thought your problem meant in using joins with text fields. We did not see any problems in our results, but did not explicitly report this to you. If we are to pursue this second bug further, we need a specific test case, which is a series of SQL statements that produces the bug, like this: 1. create table a ....... 2. create table b ... 3. insert into a (..........) 4. insert into b (............) 5. select ......... If you can provide such a test case, we can investigate further. For more personal help on issues which are not strictly bugs, paid support assistance can be purchased for as little as $295 at https:// order.mysql.com/index.php?infopage=2. Sincerely, - Tom Basil MySQL, Inc. Director of Support
[12 Nov 2004 11:44]
Paul Mihai
I traced the second bug and discovered that somewhere in my huge script things got tangled - sorry for that one. The first is certainly NOT a php issue (or it's a php & mysql issue) here is detailed description: I run the script which takes about 100 seconds to execute If I leave it do so it will fill some of the tables with default values (NULL's & 0's) If I close the connection and re-open it every 20 seconds or so everything goes ok. If I execute the script manually loading the sql's with a command line connection everything is ok. Why I think it's not a php issue : A: Mysql should report a loss of connection / expiration of connection to the client B: Mysql should not execute any querryes after this conenction loss / expiration C: Mysql should print out an error message The php client then would be anounced that something went wrong and (in my case) halt the script and print out an error - I do error checkings after each mysql query (to see all occured errors) I can't post here the sql (db and sql are not my propertyes and I have to preserve confidentiality.. I think you can understand this). I will try to make a dummy db. But I tought you can do that too as you're supposed to have tousands if not millions of test cases. Anyway I solved the problem for my scripts but I sincerely hope you take this bug serious as it can affect the data integrity (hopefully mysql 5 will not have this bug - it will be the first thing I will test on it) Anyway I consider mysql a fast and usually reliable db engine (tested myisam and innodb) and as such I hope you will take this bug and solve it somehow. I don't need support as I can overcome any issues as I did in this case, and the quality of a product is measured in the support needed to solve an issue (idealy none). As I don't need a reply to this I'll leave it with you with the best hopes of a better connection handling :)
[14 Nov 2004 18:10]
Sergei Golubchik
Ok, this is what can be the reason: MySQL C API library (libmysql) has an auto-reconnect feature, it automatically reconnects if the connection is broken. Until recently is was ON by default. php/mysql does not turns it off. New php/mysqli does. That is you probably has auto-reconnect turned on, and when connection times out the library auto-reconnects for you, but all the session context - temporary tables, user variables, etc - is lost, so the rest of your scripts works incorrectly. Workarounds are - use php/mysqli, recompile libmysql making auto-reconnect off by default, recompile php/mysql to disable auto-reconnect.