Bug #63057 [Fixed] Program crash on launch.
Submitted: 1 Nov 2011 15:33 Modified: 10 Nov 2011 16:35
Reporter: Kevin Davies Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.2.35CE r7915 OS:Windows (7 Ultimate)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ScintillaNet.PageInfomation threw exception

[1 Nov 2011 15:33] Kevin Davies
I Download the latest version of Workbench and run it then it gives me an error.
"The type initializer for "ScintillaNet.PageInfomation" threew an exception."

This happens with both zip and MSI version.

Please advise.

How to repeat:
Simply open the program
[1 Nov 2011 15:35] Kevin Davies
The error message I get

Attachment: sql.png (image/png, text), 230.00 KiB.

[1 Nov 2011 16:07] MySQL Verification Team
This can be a duplicate of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=62703. Please check.
[1 Nov 2011 17:45] Kevin Davies
I do not believe that it's the same problem as I've 
-checked my registry for old config
-Run as admin
-Granted "everyone" and "my username" full NTFS permissions.

The program is still giving me the same error.
Does this program have a debug wind that I can run/monitor?
[1 Nov 2011 17:47] Kevin Davies
Typo I meant "where" not "wind"
[3 Nov 2011 14:44] Alfredo Kojima
Duplicate of bug #62529
[3 Nov 2011 14:44] Alfredo Kojima
Please try version
[10 Nov 2011 16:35] Kevin Davies
So turns out that you were right after all.
It was an Font issue.
I got an font issue with one of my games asking for "Arial Regular" witch I did not have.

I fixed it with the "European Union Expansion Font Update"

Hope the link helps someone.