Bug #61296 Crashes on startup
Submitted: 26 May 2011 5:52 Modified: 26 Aug 2011 6:15
Reporter: James Bromberger Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.2.34 (7780) OS:Windows (7 Home Premium, 64 bit, XP SP3 32-bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[26 May 2011 5:52] James Bromberger
Just updated fro 5.2.33 to 5.2.34, and now when I launch it, I see the splash screen, then nothing. No error message, no debug, no home window; application just exits after splash screen.

Tried from cmd line and no other output. wb.log does not appear to be updated.

How to repeat:
Try launching Workbench from icon or command line.
[26 May 2011 7:00] Valeriy Kravchuk
Verified on 32-bit Windows XP.
[26 May 2011 7:25] John Nahlen
I second this bug... I have the same problem on Windows Home Server 2008 R2, 64 bit.
[26 May 2011 8:08] Alex Whitman
Also seeing this on Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit.  Used the MSI installer and installed over 5.2.33.

The only contents of wb.log after the process ends is:
09:03:15 [   Info][      wbprivate]: WbContext::init
[26 May 2011 8:49] James Bromberger
Work around: uninstall, then maually remove the files that are left behind after uninstall in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE" (this will be full of .pyc files, and folders containing .pyc files). You can either delete the folder, or rename it to something else. Then re-install 5.2.34. Preferences (connections) should be preserved (they were for me).
[26 May 2011 8:51] James Bromberger
Much thanks to eagles0513875, mlischk, whitman on #workbench IRC channel for your help.
[26 May 2011 9:09] James Bromberger
List of files that were left behind after uninstall:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL>dir "MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE.old" /s /b




[26 May 2011 13:28] Scott Weigand
Verified crash on startup on Windows 7 Professional w/SP1 32-bit, upgraded form 5.2.33b to 5.2.34, using msi package.
[26 May 2011 15:59] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #61311 was marked as a duplicate of this one.
[27 May 2011 17:46] Scott Weigand
Thanks James for the fix! Manually uninstalling and deleting the contents of the Previous Workbench from the Program Files folder worked!
[2 Aug 2011 1:32] jon lee
Here are the things I've tried to do in Win7 64-bit Ult.

 - Run as Administrator
 - Tried downloading and running/installing from the MSI, and ZIP formats. Each time the splash screen comes up.  Here's the debug information I was able to glean.

System.AccessViolationException was unhandled
  Message=Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
       at wb.WBContextUI.init(WBContextUI* , WBFrontendCallbacks* , WBOptions* )
       at MySQL.Workbench.WbContext.init(AppImpl application, WbOptions options, VoidStrUIFormDelegate create_main_form_view)
       at MySQL.GUI.Workbench.Program.Main(String[] Args)

I'm now looking for a program to check my RAM...
[26 Aug 2011 6:15] Philip Olson
This is fixed as of 5.2.35:

+        On Microsoft Windows, installation of 5.3.34 over 5.3.33 would
+        sometimes fail due to file collisions, and would then crash at
+        startup.
[6 Oct 2011 17:13] Scott Jalbert
[quote][26 Aug 8:15] Philip Olson 
This is fixed as of 5.2.35:

+        On Microsoft Windows, installation of 5.3.34 over 5.3.33 would
+        sometimes fail due to file collisions, and would then crash at
+        startup.[/quote]

Doesn't seem to be fixed, I am still experiencing this on a new insall of 5.2.35. It works under the administrator account but another test account with administrator privilages will crash on startup like the above.
[14 Oct 2011 14:31] Mena Habib
I got the same problem on Windows 7
You can overcome the problem by just running the workbench as administrator