Bug #58482 mtr doesn't use suite names from individually specified test cases
Submitted: 25 Nov 2010 8:49 Modified: 20 Dec 2010 3:08
Reporter: Daniel Fischer Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Tools: MTR / mysql-test-run Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:any OS:Any
Assigned to: Bjørn Munch CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Nov 2010 8:49] Daniel Fischer
When running a number of individually specified test cases, mtr doesn't run test cases that aren't in the default suites or test suites specified with --suites even when the suite name is given, and understood by mtr.

How to repeat:
in mysql-5.5/mysql-test:
$ perl mysql-test-run.pl large_tests.alter_table main.alter_table-big

add --suites=large_tests,main

Suggested fix:
Add suites from test cases to suites list in collect_test_cases.
[25 Nov 2010 12:48] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2954 Bjorn Munch	2010-11-25
      Bug #58482 mtr doesn't use suite names from individually specified test cases
      It does work in general, the problem here was that the test name
      'alter_table' matches 'main.alter_table-big' which has already been found.
      Fixed by matching more explicitly (with/without suite name)
[26 Nov 2010 6:35] Anitha Gopi
Some tests in the weekly batch are not running due to this bug

perl mysql-test-run.pl --timer --force --comment=big-tests --experimental=collections/default.experimental --vardir=var-big-tests --big-test --testcase-timeout=60 --suite-timeout=600 parts.part_supported_sql_func_innodb parts.partition_alter1_1_2_innodb parts.partition_alter1_1_2_ndb parts.partition_alter1_1_ndb parts.partition_alter1_2_innodb parts.partition_alter1_2_ndb parts.partition_alter2_1_1_innodb parts.partition_alter2_1_2_innodb parts.partition_alter2_2_2_innodb parts.partition_alter4_innodb main.variables-big rpl_ndb.rpl_truncate_7ndb_2
[26 Nov 2010 10:34] Bjørn Munch
Pushed to -mtr branches
[5 Dec 2010 12:39] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-trunk 5.6.1 (revid:alexander.nozdrin@oracle.com-20101205122447-6x94l4fmslpbttxj) (version source revid:alexander.nozdrin@oracle.com-20101205122447-6x94l4fmslpbttxj) (merge vers: 5.6.1) (pib:23)
[7 Dec 2010 12:51] Paul DuBois
Changes to test suite. No changelog entry needed.
[17 Dec 2010 12:48] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-5.1 5.1.55 (revid:georgi.kodinov@oracle.com-20101217124435-9imm43geck5u55qw) (version source revid:mats.kindahl@oracle.com-20101201193331-1c07sjno2g7m46ix) (merge vers: 5.1.55) (pib:24)
[17 Dec 2010 12:52] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-5.5 5.5.9 (revid:georgi.kodinov@oracle.com-20101217124733-p1ivu6higouawv8l) (version source revid:bjorn.munch@oracle.com-20101127105217-ngg48wiwnfra2ik3) (merge vers: 5.5.8) (pib:24)