Bug #56502 Streamline Find and Replace functionality
Submitted: 2 Sep 2010 15:34 Modified: 19 Jul 2012 6:47
Reporter: Orlando Colamatteo Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.27 CE Rev 6485 OS:Windows (Windows 7 64-bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: find, search, sql editor

[2 Sep 2010 15:34] Orlando Colamatteo
I am opening this feature request in lieu of continuing to comment on bug#56163. This feature request is to consolidate the 3 find functions I know of...

1) Find box at the top right of the sql editor window reached by pressing Ctrl+F or Edit>Find>Find

2) Find dialog reached by pressing Ctrl+H and then clicking the Find tab 

3) Search and Replace dialog reached by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F or Edit>Find>Find and Replace.

...and any others I do not know of into one dialog that does everything we need having to do with Find and Replace. 

How to repeat:
Open SQL Editor window. Notice there are three different ways to attempt to find text in your window: 1) press Ctrl+F, 2) press Ctrl+Shift+F, 3) Click Edit>Find>Find and Replace.

Suggested fix:
Choose the dialog referenced in item 2 above as the winner and assign Ctrl+F to open the dialog to the Find tab and Ctrl+H to open the dialog starting on the Replace tab. The dialog is the most intuitive to begin with and gives the most functionality. Anything not offered in it that is offered in one of the others should be added and other open bugs like bug#55917 should be addressed in this as well.
[2 Sep 2010 16:37] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the feature request.
[3 Sep 2010 20:43] Orlando Colamatteo
Also relateed to:

bug#55915 - Add "Find Next" button to "Find and Replace" dialog "Replace" tab
bug#55917 - "Whole Word" match option in "Find and Replace" dialog finds partial words
[11 May 2011 6:30] marek chovanec
cant agree more
it would be nice to have standard behaviour there
[19 Jul 2012 6:47] Philip Olson
This was fixed in a previous (5.2.36) release.