Bug #52661 Forum post not accepted
Submitted: 7 Apr 2010 15:14 Modified: 8 Apr 2010 6:14
Reporter: Sandu Teodor Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: forums.mysql.com Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Apr 2010 15:14] Sandu Teodor

sorry, but you guys lack the area of a contact for your forum. For example, I couldn't find a way to report my problem, which has to do with a forum post that tells me that a word in my post was banned. At least tell me which word it is so i can rephrase it, since i'm not writing anything pornographic or comercial... i just wanted to ask a question and i can't and i don't know why. 

It may be a bug of bugs.mysql.com as well since there is no section for forum bugs.

How to repeat:
try submitting the following forum post:

Hi everyone!

I just joined, in hope to find an answer for a problem, so here goes:

I have a table, with 3 fields:

id - primary key, unique, auto-increment
producer_id - foreign key, i have a separate producers table, so this column is not unique
amount - any numeric value

I need to retrieve the greatest id (i.e. latest entry) for a specific producer_id, where all subsequent entries for that producers have sum(amount) greater than threshold, where threshold is a numeric value that i know.

Being a programmer and not a database specialist, first thought is to retrieve the latest (let's say) 100 records ordered by id descending, and sum them one by one until i reach the threshold or the end of the returned set (where of course i would re-run the query for the next 100 and loop again). This method seems rather barbaric, so i'm wondering if mysql can do this on its own. 

Oh, and stored procedures don't help, I can only use queries, as in SELECT.

I've been looking at the "group by" and "having" clauses and i was near my result with these, but i can't get them to order the rows descending by id...

Anyone has any ideas?

Also, please excuse me if i misplaced this post, it's my first one and couldn't see any more appropriate places.


Suggested fix:
Include the banned word in the error message. Don't worry about profanities. If the user wrote the profanity, he won't be disgusted or offended by it when he sees it, right?
[7 Apr 2010 16:44] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the problem report. Verified just as described. 

After some experimenting I had found out that offending word was "specialist"! I've replaced it with "guru" and was able to post. See http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?10,362174,362174#msg-362174.

I am really surprised and even offended. This is a bug to fix (and surely we have to accept the word).
[8 Apr 2010 6:14] Sandu Teodor
Ok, sorry for being so rough, I was at the end of my work day, pretty tired and I got offended by this error. I'd like to apologise for my poor language.

The quickest solution i guess is to include the offending word in the error message, even if it may not be as trivial as it sounds. I know, checking if any word in a paragraph resembles one in a banned words list is not nearly the same as actually identifying it, but I think that you could look for it once you've established that there is a banned word in the message. This way, the user will know what he/she needs to rephrase or replace in order to post their message.

Hope this is helpful.
Have a nice day :)
[31 Mar 2011 17:59] Jeff Justice
I am going to have to chime in on this as well.  I haven't been to the forums for some time, and had a relatively simple question to ask in the "Newbies" forum.

It kept telling me that the forum software had detected spam content, didn't tell me what the problem was, and that my post would have to be reviewed by a moderator and that I could now repost.  Reposted, same message.  Endless loop.
[1 Apr 2011 16:36] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #60710 was marked as a duplicate of this one.
[16 Jul 2015 0:36] Bob Novell
This should be the type of thing that is addressed promptly. It is obvoous the word specialist shold to be banned. Either the banned list or the method to determin if a word is banned must be changed.

Bob Novell
[16 Jul 2015 0:48] Bob Novell
There is an error in my last comment:

I said

 "It is obvoous the word specialist shold to be banned."

When I obviously meant "should not be banned" - both typos and a spelling errors.

[17 Jun 2016 10:33] Dileep Thomas
As i am new to this development field, when  i was using mysql local host but when i disabled my javascript on  firefox ( about:config). I found out that there is no server side validation for the login page. So i think it works only with the javascript validation. Whether we need that server side validation or its a wrong question.